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Your opinions are wanted.

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Flight Sergeant
.....One thing I'd like is an explanation of the difference between mods, supermods and admins since, from the perspective of an ordinary user, there is no obvious difference.

The wikipedia entry HERE should answer your question.

Basically a normal Mod is usually assigned an area of a forum to look after, a global or super Mod can look after the entire forum and an Admin is the Administrator who deals with the nuts and bolts of running the forum, and doesn't usually act as a Moderator, but can do if they wish.

I moderate on a different forum, and that is the setup we use, except that as a mod I have full access to the entire forum, but limited access to what I can do to a members account. A global mod has full access to everything, but holds a "arbiters" role in the event of a dispute between members and Mods and the Admins are purely the back room techies.


Flight Sergeant
I think on the goat the Admins also have the same powers as super mods/global mods, as most of them are founder members of the goat


Geek Scuffer
Chip I always considered your contributions to be balanced and well presented but I find this post to be crass and bordering on arrogant.
You accepted the invitation to moderate, with that comes resposibility
and that responsibility is to the forum and its users. You delete a post
you ought to have the courtesy to explain to the poster and the forum
why you did so. Please tell me you were taking the p*ss.


I wasnt taking the pi$$ mate as I didnt actually delete anyones posts, I posted asking people to stop bickering and take it to fight club as Wobbly intends this post to get the opinions of the membership. The point I was making was in response to a member who thinks my warning shot should have been PM'd to all and sundry who were involved, whereas I believe as adults they should very well be able to read my post and comply. Unfortunately it was all deleted not long after by another mod as unfortunately those adults couldnt understand and continued their handbags.


Warrant Officer
Anyway, can we please try to keep this thread civil? Wobbly is investigating ways to improve e-goat for all of us, but it seems to have deteriorated into yet another slagging match.

Or perhaps people have a problem with the Mods as this issue keeps cropping up time after time. How about a clear out of the mods and a reselection? Keep things fresh etc. I've had one or 2 run in's with a couple of mods and there appears that there is a clique, back each other up by all means, but don't gang up on people etc.
Wobbly has asked for people's views, they should be listened to, however unpalatable.



I wasnt taking the pi$$ mate as I didnt actually delete anyones posts, I posted asking people to stop bickering and take it to fight club as Wobbly intends this post to get the opinions of the membership. The point I was making was in response to a member who thinks my warning shot should have been PM'd to all and sundry who were involved, whereas I believe as adults they should very well be able to read my post and comply. Unfortunately it was all deleted not long after by another mod as unfortunately those adults couldnt understand and continued their handbags.


When a moderator deletes a post, they generally give a reason for deletion when they delete it. It's a box that we fill in on the deletion screen.

However the reason for deletion can only be seen by donators and subscribers (and possibly a couple of other user groups). For anybody that is not in these usergroups, the post that has been deleted will just dissappear.

So, when chip did delete the post, he did have the courtesy to inform the forum, it's just that your access level to the forum meant that it wasn't displayed on your screen. For a lot of other forum members however the reason for deletion was clear.

Anyway, can we please try to keep this thread civil? Wobbly is investigating ways to improve e-goat for all of us, but it seems to have deteriorated into yet another slagging match.

Chip, Mong, I now understand. Thank you. Whilst I am sure the original intent to allow only certain subscirbers to view deletion reasons was valid , I would now propose that rationale is visible to all.
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Staff member
1000+ Posts


Why don’t we have a deleted posts thread in the pigs bar? That way, mortal goaters can formulate their own opinions over the deleted posts, or would that be like inviting us into the Mod clique?!

I quite like this idea, if it was an emotive post but off topic then it could be re-ignited in it own thread. I only feel though that it would become over used just like post deletion is.


Master of my destiny
Totally Off Topic but my gag reflex is going now. Not due to playing someone's pink oboe but the sight of Tubby's avatar!:pDT_Xtremez_30:
Why don’t we have a deleted posts thread in the pigs bar? That way, mortal goaters can formulate their own opinions over the deleted posts, or would that be like inviting us into the Mod clique?!

Would they not be massively out of context though and make no sense?
However the reason for deletion can only be seen by donators and subscribers (and possibly a couple of other user groups). For anybody that is not in these usergroups, the post that has been deleted will just dissappear.

I am not a subscriber or donator and I can see the reason.


The Other Mods Made Me Do It
Or perhaps people have a problem with the Mods as this issue keeps cropping up time after time. How about a clear out of the mods and a reselection? Keep things fresh etc. I've had one or 2 run in's with a couple of mods and there appears that there is a clique, back each other up by all means, but don't gang up on people etc.
Wobbly has asked for people's views, they should be listened to, however unpalatable.

Off TopicNot that it is anything to do with this thread, but we did just that a couple of months ago_Off Topic


So what is this thread trying to achieve? Wobbs asked what can be done to improve things, and its turned into a another slag fest of the mod team by a bunch of wannabe moderators who have had the odd post deleted. *sniff, sob*

I've had posts deleted, I dont expect war and peace in an explanation for a 30 second bit of typing, whats the big deal? I used to moderate on a forum, and if this one is set up the same, there is a 'back room' where things are discussed. If someone has made a decision, its normally in conjunction with others.

Just keep things going wobbs, but try not to be PC, the goat is supposed to be a place to chill out, I dont give a feck if little Billy's mum doesnt like it, little Billy will have a shock when he gets to my place.:pDT_Xtremez_42:


E-goat Head *****
Off TopicUnfortunately being "Un PC" is becoming a hard job as peoples opinions and thoughts are posted in full view of the public.

As you've said there is an Admins and Moderators forum for us to discuss certain posts and if you really knew how much work actually goes on in the background you would be amazed.

We've been contacted on numerous occasions by legal representatives with regards to members comments. Most of the time the mods are slagged off for pulling threads but behind the scenes they have pulled it to prevent legal action being taken out against myself (Which I've also had on a few occasions) or against the person who has crossed the PC line, which by the way, isn't our line. On other occasions we haven't caught a dodgy post quick enough and have been served requests by legal departments to provide username, IP addresses, e-mail addresses and other information that only the admins can access. There has only been on one occasion that we haven't been able to sort out a situation that started getting ugly and that was when a member copy and pasted a link from the MOD Intranet.

So when people get on the backs of the mods slagging them all off for being heavy handed etc just think about the fact that the majority of their actions are to save you and I the trouble of having to face a law suit.

Another eason why we may look and sound a bit clique is the fact that we have a couple of mod meets per year to have a chat and a meal about problems we have. We also discuss donations, costs and charity stuff and generally have a nice evening of banter and such like.

The e-goat doos we have are open to the membership and we would love some of our critics to attend to discuss our shortcomings face to face over a beer. This way we get the whole picture. Its happened in the past and a few working methods have been changed as a result.

I just thought I would let some of you know that the majority of our actions.


Master of my destiny
As I've said before Wobbly (and the other mods), carry on the good work. It is difficult for some people to work out why some posts are deleted etc without knowing the 'behind the scenes' stuff outlined in your post above. I'm sure the legal side is a frustration for yourself but if that's the way it has to be then so be it, better off with a site that is operational than having to shut it down because of external objections and potential legal suits.:pDT_Xtremez_19:

John Lloyd

Warrant Officer
So, perhaps if the legal actions are such a worry, and taking into account the issue of copying and pasting MOD intranet details as obvious infractions, what else has caused legal intervention?

No names, no packdrill, but at what point within this merry little electronic universe does a stated comment become a legal issue, Libelous statements against the person I can understand, but where does the snitch come from.

Gis a clue and we all know where the line exists.


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
So, perhaps if the legal actions are such a worry, and taking into account the issue of copying and pasting MOD intranet details as obvious infractions, what else has caused legal intervention?

No names, no packdrill, but at what point within this merry little electronic universe does a stated comment become a legal issue, Libelous statements against the person I can understand, but where does the snitch come from.

Gis a clue and we all know where the line exists.

Example one:

That Gordon Brown is bloody rubbish...he single handedly has brought the country to its knees...

Its not true as he had a lot of help bringing the country to its knees but he's unlikely to sue the site as he would have to take on the worlds media at the same time...

Example Two:

Flt Lt Nobodyinparticular (It would just be my bad luck if there was someone in the RAF with this name!) was my old boss back in RAFG...He only got promoted because he was gay.

This would be a bad thing to post...Naming someone directly who we work with (any service) then to apply conjecture about his activities hangs us out to dry...His/her sexuality is irrelevent and how would any of us honestly know what got them promoted unless you sat on the board? So thats the sort of thing that gets the site into the crap and should definately be avoided because they will get upset and contact us...

Example Three:

I worked with a C/T Wotshisname at Colt and he was a bloody brilliant bloke...The lads loved him...real father figure who stuck up for his men...always p1ssed what a bloke!!

Personally if this was me I would be chuffed and wouldn't mind the name drop but the last comment might upset people...He may not want to be remembered as a p1ss head as he might not have drank all that much at all or may have had a problem with the booze...Generally if we see laudatory comments about an old timer we let it stay...he'll probably be either dead (sad but true) or proud as punch through seeing someone remember him for the good he did but we are still on the prowl for bits that might spoil it for them...

Hope this helps...Unlike in a real crewroom where you can say something and its forgotten instantly on here its recorded forever so the petulant remark about somebody doesn't go away as easily!


Shame about having to worry about the odd slag-off. I can understand it, but we ALL know of someone in our careers who was an aerosole. I can think of at least half a dozen.

By the Lord Harry, I can magine one or two people coming here and slagging me off, - if they knew who I am - deluded buggers. Probably malicious too. And I am the nicest chap you could know. First rate fellow.

Mind you, I did 1021 one chap and 1020 another. But that was because I am a jolly good chap.:pDT_Xtremez_19:

I see that I have just been promoted from Swine to Tramp.

Well deserved !! I earned it.:pDT_Xtremez_30:
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The Masked Geek

Just to add one to Vim's list, I've had one deleted where an obviously made up name rhymed with the guys name I was refering too.

He was a first class penis though. :pDT_Xtremez_14:
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