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Success with 6S



I love 6S its brill; apparently they are spending the predicted underspend resulting from the space savings generated on the Dark Side on us here over at Sleepy Hollow, we've bid for a new Donkey Sanctuary to replace the one banned in 1986 outside 510 Hangar (3 Shed) and a Dolphin Rehab Centre to replace the Goldfish Pond outside 503 (4 Shed), with global warming and the local flooding problem we reckon they'll thrive, and the Japs love 'em. So if the breeding programme succeeds as well as our former Stick Insect and Koi Carp ventures we'll have shed loads of cash in our T Bar fund . If there's any money left after that then we'll probably ask if we can have our Pitch n Putt course back:pDT_Xtremez_28:

Oh happy days, reminds of MSF at Wattisham :pDT_Xtremez_30:


No it's cos they've got an Ex RAF Orrifis in charge

By the way any chance you can bring us a couple of turtles back for our new Water Park:pDT_Xtremez_30:

Off Topic If I can get them past security, I will bring a couple of Camen, and one or two pink dolphins. They are very (VERY) rare, so all the more reason for another trip to the Amazon to liberate a few for you guys! But if I bring back the giant tortoises I will also have some thing to carry my bags...Off Topic

Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
I await with interest the 6S event that will eventually be carried out on Area 51 with the giant airfix model. This is a custom built facility designed and laid out for the task it does, but I wonder what changes the 6S event will feel obliged to invoke to justify itself to itself.

As you say should be interesting in area 51 as it's purpose built for one job and one job only. But the structures bay is/was a single purpose enclave and look at the havoc and mayhem they caused in there. I find inconcievable given the remit they operate that they will say "one purpose building lets just leave it alone". Stand by for wholesale trips to the skip and the trashing of established working practices and procedures. Oh and if you have stores held in area 51 be ready to get rid of them. Seems on the mad crazy world that is planet 6S stores can supply what ever you need on time, everytime, so there is no need to hold anything at the workface.

Some stunning revelatons from my place. Airlines on the floor may be a trip hazard and if you stand on a 6" high wooden platform you may fall off. So stand by for other stunning facts to be revealed such as aero engines may be noisy and night does indeed follow day.


A 6S event in area 51? I can't see The Grand Wizard of Plastic Jets wearing that one. Good god boys, can you imagine the amount of teeth gnashing that would be generated? He is still beating his gums about the lean event and that must of been three years ago. Mind you he does have a point. The lean team turned up at lunchtime when the building was empty, except for one scotish gent eating his butties, then proceeded to chop a week out of the course. When will the 6S lads turn up, Saturday morning perhaps? Maybe 6S should be put on the back burner for a while until the management work out how we are going to deal with the increase in training that is coming our way. I've heard on the grapevine that a ''pulse training system'' is being considered, with the students moving between activities every few days. What funking clown came up with that gem? To be fair though my contact had been drinking heavily at the time.


Starburst to be Opal Fruits again? What next, Spangles making a comeback??


Warrant Officer
I've heard on the grapevine that a ''pulse training system'' is being considered, with the students moving between activities every few days. What funking clown came up with that gem? To be fair though my contact had been drinking heavily at the time.

Your contact may have been drinking heavily but he has the gist of the plan correct.
A whole training course broken down into clumps of 9 days. Each clump (or pulse) starts on the same day, everyone moves onto the next pulse at the same time 9 days later.
The bonus is that with a whole training program (including guard stints, CCS, and periods of leave) broken down into pre-determined blocks, Adesoft could be chucked out of the window :pDT_Xtremez_30:

Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
To echo PSBM's comments I too have heard of the proposed pulsed training system operating on a 9 day cycle such as he describes and the possible end of Adesoft.

Talk Wrench

E-Goat addict
1000+ Posts
TB et al,

I have really enjoyed this thread so far, TB's ranting is nothing short of inspired.

I am so glad that I am living in a world far removed from the one you are describing. In fact, I am actually laughing at what you poor sods are having to endure.

Please tell me that this 6S thing is all made up and does not really exist.



Warrant Officer
Please tell me that this 6S thing is all made up and does not really exist.

Unlike the monsters that live under your bed, 6S exists all right.

This 9 day pulse thing is needed because, with all the re-badging, merging, re-brigading, leaning, re-remerging and renaming, and 6Sing, the family jewels have been disposed of piecemeal and so our training capacity has been hit.

Lean today, repent at leisure :pDT_Xtremez_25:

Talk Wrench

E-Goat addict
1000+ Posts
Unlike the monsters that live under your bed, 6S exists all right.

This 9 day pulse thing is needed because, with all the re-badging, merging, re-brigading, leaning, re-remerging and renaming, and 6Sing, the family jewels have been disposed of piecemeal and so our training capacity has been hit.

Lean today, repent at leisure :pDT_Xtremez_25:

Re-inventing the wheel and full circle always spring to mind when all of this management bolloques crops up.


Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Well the 6S event is over, in my section at least, there have been many many CHANGES but time will tell if any of these lead to IMPROVEMENTS. For me that's the crux of it all if the process has improved things then fine, however if it has only changed things then it is worse than useless, as it will have only have succeeded in causing ill feeling, divsion and a general "anti" view of the process. Have things improved or merely changed time will tell, my intial feeling is things have just changed and nothing more. The story of the emperors new clothes springs to mind (Go Google). None dare speak against it for fear of stopping their careers by not backing the latest management "way forward". In a nutshell it's bollox unless it delivers improvement any idiot in the right position can change something. Change does not = better, improvement = better. You management lackies who are obliged to toe the party line wake up and smell the coffee it's doesn't fit into a military environment we don't run factories.

Still quite cross TB


Come TB old boy, get with the program mate. Look at the benifits that 6S has delivered to the Sqn. The genflys look much better now they have been turned through 90 degrees and I am sure the new Deep strip desk will look fab when its finished. Not quite sure what was wrong with the custom built desk they already had though. Yes my friend you are totally correct, 6S is a load of total bolox! I wonder what they will dream up next?

Not only will your 6s event, allow you to remove anything remotely useful to your working day. If they go the full hog, you can fill out a lovely form at the end of everyday, on which you can high light areas which you think can benefit from improvement.

In our case it was "please can we have our big tool kits back please please", 2 years later and we have got back to where we were before 6s. Oh and can we stop moving round the hanger every 12 days, as it gives a certain rigger CPL more chance to steal your spares for his jet. :pDT_Xtremez_42: whilst you distracted with random aircraft movements. :pDT_Xtremez_21:


Warrant Officer
To resurrect this thread, I must heartily congratulate the lads who did the 6S event on the squadron c-stores. Great idea to move the most commonly used consumables from the cages at the side of the hangar into carousels dotted around the work area. And the green label = stuff in the container, red = its nearly depleted, upside down= its empty is also a good idea.
BUT, who the heck did the survey as to what should be in those carousels? What appears to have been asked is..
"What consumables do you need to do training task X so we can ensure we have enough stock"
To which the answer would be...
"A few seals and split pins"
What should have been asked was...
"Even though you haven't run some of these exercises for over four years can you get out your crystal balls and tell us what consumables you need to maintain the ageing Adour training engines in a useable condition bearing in mind the cack-handed trainees will shear bolts, strip thread inserts and, because they can, remove the wrong parts and need other seals, split pins and bolts not included on the original list."
To which the answer would have been
"Well, all that stuff in those neatly catalogued and sorted bins in the c-stores cage tucked away at the side of the hangar causing nobody any harm and costing no-one nothing."
So, rather than having everything we need readliy to hand, we now have a small handful of items and have to hope to god the trainees don't break anything or remove the wrong thing either accidentaly or for access.
And, the piece-de-la-resistance is the fact that all the bits we failed to identify because we didin't think we needed to will either be:
Binned if they weren't in their original packaging, even though they may have been sitting innocently in their own dedicated and clearly marked bin with no doubt as to their identity because, in the case of bolts, they have their freakin part numbers stamped on them. What a bloody waste of money.
Or, returned in their packages to a bonded area in Supply Sqn where we can demand them on a 'collect'. Cosford isn't actually geared up to do collects like a normal unit so we'll still need to fill in a demand voucher and get one of two designated individuals in the hangar (anyone see a flaw here) to sign it before sending the trainee across to supply (for which he'll probably have to get changed because Cosford can't have trainees going around in demins outside the hangar) to find out if they've even got the poxy item in the first place. How fecking streamlined and efficient is that?
Sorry guys, great idea with the carousels, bit of a SNAFU over what actually goes in them.

Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Carousels your lucky mate we ended up with two tool tidies in a locker. Same problems though using a very foggy crystal ball it was decided what fasteners would be needed for each task. Strangely this didn't take into account any errors the troops might make such as oversize or egg shaped holes requiring the bigger fasteners, which following 6S we no longer hold, to be fitted. However we are in the same cloud cuckoo land as regards accessing kit from stores but all our packets of stuff that was opened has been binned. So all incomings are a new demand with the associated paper work niff naff that goes with it.

6S your having a laugh


Rebel without a clue
Carousels your lucky mate we ended up with two tool tidies in a locker. Same problems though using a very foggy crystal ball it was decided what fasteners would be needed for each task. Strangely this didn't take into account any errors the troops might make such as oversize or egg shaped holes requiring the bigger fasteners, which following 6S we no longer hold, to be fitted. However we are in the same cloud cuckoo land as regards accessing kit from stores but all our packets of stuff that was opened has been binned. So all incomings are a new demand with the associated paper work niff naff that goes with it.

6S your having a laugh

Not to forget that Cosford's priority for demands is the lowest of the low, so we have a recipe for failure, just add trainees and time will tell.

Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Not to forget that Cosford's priority for demands is the lowest of the low, so we have a recipe for failure, just add trainees and time will tell.

That could end up being oh so very very true quite sad really. But at least the bean counters will be happy at the "savings" produced by not spending money on kit you no longer have.

Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
6S it's effect on my working day

6S it's effect on my working day

The troops get about 7 or 8 weeks in my bit of the empire and I am currently on about week 6. So at the end of the module I shall post my views on how 6S has helped or hindered the process of delivering knowledge to the next generation of Royal Air Force engineers. My inital incandesant anger has subsided and I shall attempt to be as objective as possible in a couple of weeks time. But for now if 6S was one of my troops the recommendation would be "likely to become fit".