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Success with 6S

Ex-Splitter and Proud

Flight Sergeant
TB - you disappoint me, there was me thinking what a progressive, dynamic, go-getting kind of guy you were... fully Cert Ed'd up and keen to drive the squadron forward.

Now I see you're one of the 6S (Sh1t, Shower, Shave, Stroll, Stalk & Shag) brigade 'knockers'...


Have a look at this site (http://www.vitalentusa.com/learn/6s_article.php)for a brief propoganda fix... Take a look at the pictures and tell me your orifice was never this messy!! Before you do... stfu you liar - I've seen your desk, mate!!

The 'darkside' here are all signed up to this mumbo-jumbo too... To hear some of their managers rave about 6S, Blu-sky thinking and all that cr@p makes me feel decidedly queasy - and a right shower of sh1te it proves to be. On the surface everything's fine, but take a look in the locked drawers and cupboards, and in all the hidden areas.

seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu, and ****suke -- up yer hoop!

"Likely to become fit"? My 4rse! Should be "Recommended for re-training/remustering/administrative discharge"

Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts


Apologies for the necro posting but it's been a few weeks now and my intial anger has subsided a little and the process has had time to bed in.

So what has 6S achieved in my place?

Plus points.

The new fire lane looks nice
There is more space
It's less cluttered
We have lots of new signs
No one works at height any more.
Work targets are no more difficult to attain
No one has to fit twice oversize fasteners any more even if they make an error

Minus points.

There is more space because some useful kit has been whisked away
It's less cluttered because some useful kit has been whisked away
The new signs point the staff to places they already knew about
No one works at height anymore and therefore some work stations positions we used to use are now no longer accessable. This results in more waste as only 60% of a work station is now useable so once it's 60% full we have to change it.
Work targets are not easier to attain
No one has to fit twice oversize fasteners any more even if they make an error. As the exact usage of such fasteners could not be accuratley quantified the oversize fasteners were ditched.

Have we benefitted from the process no not really. Things are different but not better. Time has probably been saved a little by the new layout but not by a massive amount. Waste of useable material has been increased and we have less kit to do the same job.

6S well they haven't sold it me yet by a long long way.


Master of my destiny
Apologies for the necro posting but it's been a few weeks now and my intial anger has subsided a little and the process has had time to bed in.

So what has 6S achieved in my place?

Plus points.

The new fire lane looks nice
There is more space
It's less cluttered
We have lots of new signs
No one works at height any more.
Work targets are no more difficult to attain
No one has to fit twice oversize fasteners any more even if they make an error

Minus points.

There is more space because some useful kit has been whisked away
It's less cluttered because some useful kit has been whisked away
The new signs point the staff to places they already knew about
No one works at height anymore and therefore some work stations positions we used to use are now no longer accessable. This results in more waste as only 60% of a work station is now useable so once it's 60% full we have to change it.
Work targets are not easier to attain
No one has to fit twice oversize fasteners any more even if they make an error. As the exact usage of such fasteners could not be accuratley quantified the oversize fasteners were ditched.

Have we benefitted from the process no not really. Things are different but not better. Time has probably been saved a little by the new layout but not by a massive amount. Waste of useable material has been increased and we have less kit to do the same job.

6S well they haven't sold it me yet by a long long way.

Yep, me as well, the sandpit has gone fecking barmy on it at the moment and the only thing it has done has created a weekly meeting that lasts a hour and removes lots of people away from their WORKPLACE!::/:


SNAFU master
Who on earth writes this total cr@p ?

  1. Get the customer's expectations.
  2. Build a scope document.
  3. Define a strawperson mission, goals, and "do's and don'ts" for the event.

"Customer's expectations"? Is this some new-fangled shop talk ? What's the office doing, selling ice creams? Loada cr@p.

"Buld a scope document" ? Does that mean:
(a) that someone has to abandon what they normally do and take hours to do some weird document ?, or,
(b) that documents are no longer written but "built" like a meccano set?

"stawperson" ??, "mission" ?? What gobbledegook is this ?

A person (it was 'man') of straw was not reckoned to be a decent person and could not generally be relied upon (I think it comes from the old days of the Courts where a man of straw could, for a fee, be prepared to lie to the Court as a witness for the purposes of getting or evading a conviction). Quite what this has to do with keeping your office tidy is beyond me.

A mission is generally a religious thing, something undertaken by some organisation in order to get a result, such as bringing more folk to God or some similar worthy endeavour. It's got damn-all to do with a military service (they have an ethos of neatness and readiness already).

Is 6S different to ISO9000 and it's rules & regulations ? If it ain't, then that's two layers of un-necessary junk.

John Lloyd

Warrant Officer
Spent 12 fine years as an armourer ending in 1991, fed up with superior beings

Then having spent 12 years successfully implementing a work ethic that worked for every one within the company and customers, we received a new managing director spouting 'Lean and change' Jelly back directors embraced the new regime with vigour.

Clear the decks and change the systems, **** the customers and staff!

It's the latest management reason for being, and all management follow the leader without question, if they want the next months pay cheque that is.

Things change yet nothing improves.

If it's good for Toyota it's good for you (even if you don't build cars within a controlled environment).

For those that are still 'in' look at lean as an example of the politics involved within larger companies. You either conform or leave.

Personally I left and started my own business my way, it works and I am happy. Sink or swim it's up to me.


SNAFU master
Spent 12 fine years as an armourer ending in 1991, fed up with superior beings

Then having spent 12 years successfully implementing a work ethic that worked for every one within the company and customers, we received a new managing director spouting 'Lean and change' Jelly back directors embraced the new regime with vigour.

Clear the decks and change the systems, **** the customers and staff!

It's the latest management reason for being, and all management follow the leader without question, if they want the next months pay cheque that is.

Things change yet nothing improves.

If it's good for Toyota it's good for you (even if you don't build cars within a controlled environment).

For those that are still 'in' look at lean as an example of the politics involved within larger companies. You either conform or leave.

Personally I left and started my own business my way, it works and I am happy. Sink or swim it's up to me.

Good for you. I wish you joy with the Tax man (he drove me mad).


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Has this 6S thingy decided what shape a wheel should be?

Boy, do I feel sorry for you guys.

Ex-Splitter and Proud

Flight Sergeant
Has this 6S thingy decided what shape a wheel should be?

Aftermuch deliberation, countless working groups and five committees, it was decided to employ a team of consultants to produce a strategy paper. This concluded, after a number of cabinet briefings, that the Wheel, henceforth to be known as "Nu-Wheel", should, in fact, be .....


However, all old wheels will need to be replaced by Nu-wheels, therefore the Government published an Invitation to Tender last year, resulting in two consortia being selected as Preferred bidders. One consortium is headed by Bombardier, whilst the other is led by BAE Systems (Nu-wheel Division).

In a press briefing, Chairman of BAE Systems (Nu-wheel division) - St John Nerdly-Fartwit (Gp Capt ret'd) stated that the Nu-wheel contract was an opportunity for Industry and the British Forces to move in to the future in a more 'joined up' Partnering arrangement and that the whole of his team at(BAE Systems (Nu-wheel division) were looking forward to jumping on the gravy train for the next 30 years.

12 months later, the programme is 18 months behind schedule and £18.5 M over budget....

Long live LEAN and Public Partnerships!!


SNAFU master
Ex-Splitter and Proud;280639 In a press briefing said:
In a presentation to the Nu-Wheel consortium, St John Nerdly-Fartwit (Gp Capt., ret'd), revealed that the original choice of supplier had been Nu-Wheels (independent suppliers), Inc., of New Jersey, but they had had trouble with Congress about letting the technology out of the USA, even to 'Nations of a Friendly Status'. An alternative supplier was being investigated, but the Chinese government were 'being uncooperative in the matter. The British Representatives of HuFlung Dung plc., declined to comment.



Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Let me get this right. The recommendation is that the wheel should be 'round'... Yeh??

But that means it will be able to move and perhaps roll over things like hedgehogs, children and man-hole covers. So wouldn't it be better if the wheel was square or triangular? That way hedgehogs and children would be safe when crossing the road. In addition, the weight of the vehicle would be more evenly spread over a greater area, and as the vehicle would be immobile there would be a resulting decrease on the wear and tear of the roads, vastly reduced consumption of fossil fuels, a consequential reduction in greenhouse gasses and a slowing down in climate change. All these changes would create a better environment to work in and with massively reduced costs on infrastructure maintenance, the savings could be diverted to more meaningful and beneficial projects (like new carpets for the occifers mess).

Typical! The 'experts' have got it wrong again!!

Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Apologies for dragging this back from the dead but an update. The free 6S mouse mat I was given at the start of the hideous process has now turned up at the corners and slides around the desk rendering it unuseable. So with no little pleasure I have leaned the little "naughty word" straight into the wheelie bin. Bl00dy marvellous:pDT_Xtremez_14:
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Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Apologies for dragging this back from the dead but an update. The free 6S mouse mat I was given at the start of the hideous process has now turned up at the corners and slides around the desk rendering it unuseable. So with no little pleasure I have leaned the little fecker straight into the wheelie bin. Bl00dy marvellous:pDT_Xtremez_14:

Dont you mean the red tag container?

Fu Fu Valve

Apologies for dragging this back from the dead but an update. The free 6S mouse mat I was given at the start of the hideous process has now turned up at the corners and slides around the desk rendering it unuseable. So with no little pleasure I have leaned the little fecker straight into the wheelie bin. Bl00dy marvellous:pDT_Xtremez_14:
If you require another maybe the 8 wastes for a change i know a man who can get you one!


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
. The 6's are safe, sustain, stabilise, streamline (maybe) and the 2 others which could well be shaft and scupper.

The 5S's are Sort (Seiri), Set (Seiton), Shine (Seiso), Standardize (Seiketsu) and Sustain (****suke)

It can work but only as long as everyone buys in and there is a perceived benefit for you at the end of it...For instance if your section is meeting all your targets, achieving leave when you approximately want it and finding the time for AT why bother? You are doing a good job and the way you do it seems to work...

If your management buy in and promote it positively to you as getting you the workforce some benefit then you should scope what needs doing...Most of the answers to better procesess are in the heads of the staff on the shop floor...The team who are doing your event should never purport to knowing a better way of doing your task...you are the experts and should be the driving force for change...only if there is benefit in it for you...

Lean is out now as a term...it's continuous improvement now until someone biffs it and everyone loses trust trust in it...


My Boss is so into Lean/6s/CI he colours his last five staples red so he doesn't have to waste time looking for staples when he runs out.

His office, bearing in mind that he's the only one who ever works in it, has labels on his desk tidy telling him where the scissors/highlighter should be.

In my office I can remember where I put things and often I find they are exactly where I left them. Even the guys that sometimes 'borrow' my office manage to put things away where they found them.

I've never had a 6S event to sort my office, I just keep it tidy.

I went through the lean machine at a deep south ex helicopter camp and we set up a pulse line knowing that six months later the camp would be closing and everything would be sent civvy.

Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
The team who are doing your event should never purport to knowing a better way of doing your task...

If only I can survive the required urgent surgery to re-sew my sides back together then I can fully enjoy the irony in that statement. That comment is so far from my experienced actuality as to be bordering on lunacy. The team that completed the event in my workplace were there to impose their view of how it should be whilst rigidly refusing to ask questions or seek the view of anyone who undertakes the process on a daily basis. Only one person on the team had any knowledge of what we did and he was chosen simply because he was available that week. Once again sorry for digging this back up but my anger at the stupid process they began at the start of this thread remains undimmed.:pDT_Xtremez_32:


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
If you experienced CI ran badly it will pee you off...

There is a chap called John Seddon who has saved various org's millions who would agree with you on the Toyota front ESAP...We don't make cars and thats almost his catch phrase...and he's a physcologist not particuarly a businessman so wouldn't know what you do but still finds the wastes by listening to you and spending time watching your processes...Thats half the battle I reckon...Our attitude in the UK is 'Look at him...he's watching me work...I'm for the chop for sure so I'll try my best to mess him around' whereas elsewhere peole just accept that the CI guy has to observe to data gather...

The Toyota guy (Taiichi Ohno) used to go to 'Gemba' by drawing a circle of chalk on the floor in the workshops and stand in the middle of it. The workers knew and accepted what he was up to and knew to ignore him standing in his circle of 'invisibility'...Now I'm not suggesting I would ever do that (I have an invisibility cape instead) but the message must be that without being able to watch you all honestly doing your stuff data can't be collected that is useful...

TB...I would have to use some transactional Analysis on you to bring you onside...right now you are exhibiting traits of 'rebellious child' towards the matter so I'd need to steer you back to 'adult'.....:raf:
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Master of my destiny
The 5S's are Sort (Seiri), Set (Seiton), Shine (Seiso), Standardize (Seiketsu) and Sustain (****suke)

It can work but only as long as everyone buys in and there is a perceived benefit for you at the end of it...For instance if your section is meeting all your targets, achieving leave when you approximately want it and finding the time for AT why bother? You are doing a good job and the way you do it seems to work...

If your management buy in and promote it positively to you as getting you the workforce some benefit then you should scope what needs doing...Most of the answers to better procesess are in the heads of the staff on the shop floor...The team who are doing your event should never purport to knowing a better way of doing your task...you are the experts and should be the driving force for change...only if there is benefit in it for you...

Lean is out now as a term...it's continuous improvement now until someone biffs it and everyone loses trust trust in it...

If you experienced CI ran badly it will pee you off...

There is a chap called John Seddon who has saved various org's millions who would agree with you on the Toyota front ESAP...We don't make cars and thats almost his catch phrase...and he's a physcologist not particuarly a businessman so wouldn't know what you do but still finds the wastes by listening to you and spending time watching your processes...Thats half the battle I reckon...Our attitude in the UK is 'Look at him...he's watching me work...I'm for the chop for sure so I'll try my best to mess him around' whereas elsewhere peole just accept that the CI guy has to observe to data gather...

The Toyota guy (Taiichi Ohno) used to go to 'Gemba' by drawing a circle of chalk on the floor in the workshops and stand in the middle of it. The workers knew and accepted what he was up to and knew to ignore him standing in his circle of 'invisibility'...Now I'm not suggesting I would ever do that (I have an invisibility cape instead) but the message must be that without being able to watch you all honestly doing your stuff data can't be collected that is useful...

TB...I would have to use some transactional Analysis on you to bring you onside...right now you are exhibiting traits of 'rebellious child' towards the matter so I'd need to steer you back to 'adult'.....:raf:

Ooh, get her! Actually TB, it sounds like the team that did your 'event' were a bunch of @rseholes. There should be no pre-supposed outcomes, that's how the best ideas are drawn out of those on the shopfloor.