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Im Pooped peeps!!!

Im Pooped peeps!!!

  • I am happy with my job in every respect

    Votes: 5 4.2%
  • I am happy with my job but it's getting harder to do it all the time.

    Votes: 13 11.0%
  • I am neither happy nor sad and I'm wondering if what I am doing is still for me.

    Votes: 24 20.3%
  • I am unhappy with my job but will hack it due to the economy and state of the nation

    Votes: 25 21.2%
  • I am unhappy due to decreasing allowances and conditions

    Votes: 21 17.8%
  • I am unhappy due to increased hoops to jump through

    Votes: 23 19.5%
  • I will leave as soon as I can

    Votes: 24 20.3%
  • I am in it for the long run and not thinking of leaving

    Votes: 11 9.3%

  • Total voters


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Can you write me a business case stating why you have to use X and not Y

shudder...I see that all of the time.

I had to write a BC for an overspend on a course that I'd been put on. A poxy £150. I wrote one, but it was 5 lines long. What a waste of my time.


Licensed Aircraft Engineer
1000+ Posts
Licensed A/C Eng
"...we must now have as many people producing management stats, compiling masses of unneeded data, preparing valueless H+S reports, and forcasting trends as we actually have doing stuff of worth at the work face."

In Civvy Street becomes...
"...we must now have as many people producing management stats, compiling masses of unneeded data, preparing valueless H+S reports, and forcasting trends than we actually have doing stuff of worth at the work face."

Job Creation at its best.

fat lazy techie

Flight Sergeant
Well I've just filled in yet another staff perception survey here at Tossford, needless to say I made my feelings known in the comments box. I know it'll just be ignored but it did feel good venting.

I've experienced the "let's see how short we can make a course but still try and keep it as good as it is at the moment" scenario. AMMs used to have 22 days on LTF, and that was a struggle. Great now do the same but in 20 days. Ok, managed that. Well done but seeing as we're having a training tsunami and we like the idea of pulse lines you now have 15 days to deliver the same package with a 3 day pulse. Sorry, can't do it in 15 days as we just don't have the resources. Ok you can have 20 days but only 15 of them in which to deliver training, for the other 5 the students can sit in the block trapping themseves into a frenzy. Oh and while you're not looking we'll remove the IS so you can't see what you're supposed to be delivering as you may notice that we've just removed some content at a whim but the trade sponsor still thinks it's being delivered.

Time for a nap now I think.
This is one of the most poignant threads I've read for ages. Just how many people feel the same way? I hope there's a Continuous Attitude Survey in the post soon, time to get the message over.

John Lloyd

Warrant Officer
This is one of the most poignant threads I've read for ages. Just how many people feel the same way? I hope there's a Continuous Attitude Survey in the post soon, time to get the message over.

The cynic in me considers that the bad attitude surveys may be read and names added to a list.

Soon To Leave

Proud To Serve
Am I the only person left in the RAF that still enjoys being in?

Just remember that the guys that got to the top didn't do so by looking after those below them. Threat them with the contempt they so rightly deserve!

RAF Vale

Well this thread sums how I feel right now. Having reached the dizzy heights of Sgt and won the raffle with a job in London. You would have thought RAF life would be great.

I thought now would be a good time to buy my own flat and I will hopefully move in to it buy the end of the month. Thats the good news, the bad side is the powers that be have decided that my Oyster Card will be withdrawn as I will be in my own property, which saves them money as they don’t have to rent one for me, so I get to pay to come to work. I could cycle but there are a limited amount of places to park your bike and you have to have a pass from the civilian contractors who run security. That’s done on a 6 monthly draw!!! Oh and they are also reducing the FIA & London allowance, so financial I am about £2500 a year worse off.

Throw in that my SAC applied to sign form 9-12 a year ago, various mistakes by medics and admin meant that by the time his application went in after SDRS was announced, so he won’t be getting signed on.

This week I have got 3 H&S meetings, write a business case to get a skip in to get rid of a load of crap (that made me laugh). Explain to some contractor & civil servants that arranging for the delivery of 32 Argon cylinders and the delivery of 20,000 litres of diesel fuel really does not require their interference, 6 meeting to say that I can go ahead to do it and a small rain forest worth of paper to say I have taken all the necessary precautions. It’s my job, I have been doing it for 22 years now and I am actually quite good at it.

Oh I also get to spend Christmas in MPA.

Have I applied for redundancy, oh yes. And if I don’t get it will I PVR, oh yes. Me and my SAC can do our resettlement at the same time. And the civil servants and contractors can do our job while we are away.

Did I want to come to work this morning, er no. Roll on the day when I become a Mr.


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Emotive subject so I've added a poll...Vote for your mood and your intentions.


Techie & Proud
Amazing every single post reflects how I feel about it all as well, I thought I was the only whinging muppet left but thankfully it appears not only to be me.

I have had 20 great years in the RAF, not one regret but the last few years have changed my way of thinking, the constant eroding of everything has just made me feel why bother. I have given 150% always but in return I have seen 50% of the manpower go, wages cut, allowences cut, jobs cut in fact everything cut but with about 50% more workload placed upon us all.
No morale, everyone talks about civvy street and jobs rather than work now. Nobody cares what the management say as its always complete **** and nothing that will make the situation improve.

Nobody cares and as far as I can see about 6 more months before the RAF caves in, you may all laugh but I can genuinely see them finally realising , oh **** what have we done. It will be too late by then.

I hope things improve for everyones sake but I think we are past V2 now tbh


What I do wonder is how far up the chain the disillusion goes? Had a briefing by a Wg Cdr last week and his reply to numerous points that were brought up ref cuts, extra duties, current commitments and the future was: 'I'm in the same boat as you. I'm just as worried about loosing my job so how do you expect me to offer any encouragement!' An interesting concept to his subordinates I thought!!


Flight Sergeant
I have a small amount of sympathy for the officer classes (not like me I know). When they join they agree to short tours, having their jobs chosen for them etc. They often end up not seeing thier families as they have to live in, or kids at boarding school due to mum and/or dad moving so often. They chose this path as they were "promised" a career that could take them to a position where they might be involved in policy making. Now (quite rightly) they are in the same boat as SAC Bloggs who is about to go, albeit with a lot less redundancy as them, still food for thought.

As to the poll? Wel I have been lucky over the years, done what I want to do, got promoted at the right time, never really claimed much, other than leave travel in the days when we could and rates when on Det. I get HTD at the moment, so I am happy that my fuel is covered, albeit a bit less than it was. I chose to live in when I did so, not the RAF forcing me, and my first stint in the mess cost me food and accomodation for around 2 years, so PAYD (as much as I disagree with it) makes no difference to me. When I joined up rates were few and far between, if you moved into your own house the Military gave you Feck all (as was the case with me) Only officers sent their kids to boarding school, most of us married civvies (or pregnant Waafs were binned, but thats another thread) and so we didn't need Creches, paternity leave etc. If you lived in MQs you lived at your Unit (or a satellite a reasonable distance, with MT buses laid on to take you to work, so no Public HTD in those days) With the advent of DE (or DIO as its now known) if you are posted to Coningsby, you can end up at Digby, not your choice! Under Apollo and Zeus, we move every 4 years or so (unless you have a damn good reason not to, or can pull a medical reason (in which case you don't fulifil your service needs so IMHO should be made redundant)) When I joined up you moved every 4 years or so, even if you were Q'd on a specific frame, we had Lightning guys come over to Vulcans, and Vulcan guys go to Phantom and Jag. You joined the military for a career and as old fashioned as it sounds, for Queen and Country, you also asked for a posting miles away from home! With less Units this is difficult but not impossible. Our recruits are very good, I have recently had a chance to talk with some Phase 2 trainees, they want to be in, they want a career, they want to deploy. My fear is that some people will allow their dislike of the RAF to spill over and rub off on the new generation. Remember, these new guys and girls don't remember making money on Dets to the States from the amount of rates they used to give us. All they will know is PAYD, modern solutions and DIO to look after their FMQ's, super blocks etc. This is their RAF, not our's and I beg you don't try and change their outlook, keep your opinions exactly that, yours and give them a chance. If they get jaded, cynical etc, let them do it in their own time.

A long post, but sometimes you just have to say what you think.


Master of my destiny
I have a small amount of sympathy for the officer classes (not like me I know). When they join they agree to short tours, having their jobs chosen for them etc. They often end up not seeing thier families as they have to live in, or kids at boarding school due to mum and/or dad moving so often. They chose this path as they were "promised" a career that could take them to a position where they might be involved in policy making. Now (quite rightly) they are in the same boat as SAC Bloggs who is about to go, albeit with a lot less redundancy as them, still food for thought.

As to the poll? Wel I have been lucky over the years, done what I want to do, got promoted at the right time, never really claimed much, other than leave travel in the days when we could and rates when on Det. I get HTD at the moment, so I am happy that my fuel is covered, albeit a bit less than it was. I chose to live in when I did so, not the RAF forcing me, and my first stint in the mess cost me food and accomodation for around 2 years, so PAYD (as much as I disagree with it) makes no difference to me. When I joined up rates were few and far between, if you moved into your own house the Military gave you Feck all (as was the case with me) Only officers sent their kids to boarding school, most of us married civvies (or pregnant Waafs were binned, but thats another thread) and so we didn't need Creches, paternity leave etc. If you lived in MQs you lived at your Unit (or a satellite a reasonable distance, with MT buses laid on to take you to work, so no Public HTD in those days) With the advent of DE (or DIO as its now known) if you are posted to Coningsby, you can end up at Digby, not your choice! Under Apollo and Zeus, we move every 4 years or so (unless you have a damn good reason not to, or can pull a medical reason (in which case you don't fulifil your service needs so IMHO should be made redundant)) When I joined up you moved every 4 years or so, even if you were Q'd on a specific frame, we had Lightning guys come over to Vulcans, and Vulcan guys go to Phantom and Jag. You joined the military for a career and as old fashioned as it sounds, for Queen and Country, you also asked for a posting miles away from home! With less Units this is difficult but not impossible. Our recruits are very good, I have recently had a chance to talk with some Phase 2 trainees, they want to be in, they want a career, they want to deploy. My fear is that some people will allow their dislike of the RAF to spill over and rub off on the new generation. Remember, these new guys and girls don't remember making money on Dets to the States from the amount of rates they used to give us. All they will know is PAYD, modern solutions and DIO to look after their FMQ's, super blocks etc. This is their RAF, not our's and I beg you don't try and change their outlook, keep your opinions exactly that, yours and give them a chance. If they get jaded, cynical etc, let them do it in their own time.

A long post, but sometimes you just have to say what you think.

Agree with 99% of your post except the bit in bold, rate saving git!!!
Remember, these new guys and girls don't remember making money on Dets to the States from the amount of rates they used to give us.

No, but should they or anyone else be expected to pay to go on det or a course? Food and accomodation if on a course, no money to take your car so you have to take a hire car and live for weeks or months with no transport, pay to eat up front and then claim later, pay for laundry as incidentals has been stopped, the list goes on. Plus the latest pi55er, pay to come to work as your SFA is too far to walk.

Mate of mine has just been posted to Coningsby, guess what? He's in SFA at Digby with no transport, he'll have to suck up the first 3 miles this year, then 6 the year after, then 9!!


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Agree with the above...I don't think anybody should be accepting what they are getting at the moment...If we are sent somewhere we should be paid appropriately...New in the RAF or not people should know they are being taken advantage of. It's like saying 'they don't know any better so leave them in ignorance'.
Im Pooped peeps

Im Pooped peeps

Rest assured, Ladies and Gentlemen - there are many in Dark Blue thinking similar thoughts.

Good post Stax, also agree 99% with your post - there are some really good youngsters where I work (I'm still in a Service environment), they just have a different level of expectation than we do, and little knowledge of the "perks" we used to get.

I left the Forces 2 years early due to the increasing amount of garbage being pushed across my desk, and not looking forward to going into work anymore - trust me, each individual will know when their time has come, and will leave accordingly - how many? Time will tell.


Master of my destiny
Rest assured, Ladies and Gentlemen - there are many in Dark Blue thinking similar thoughts.

Good post Stax, also agree 99% with your post - there are some really good youngsters where I work (I'm still in a Service environment), they just have a different level of expectation than we do, and little knowledge of the "perks" we used to get.

I left the Forces 2 years early due to the increasing amount of garbage being pushed across my desk, and not looking forward to going into work anymore - trust me, each individual will know when their time has come, and will leave accordingly - how many? Time will tell.

That's the key, I think I speak for most when I say that you dither with these thoughts of whether it's time to go or not, hoping things will get better etc. This procrastination can take a while then all of a sudden you have a Billy Graham moment and say enoughs enough, time for me to go and leave it in the hands of the younger guys/gals who I wish every luck with their careers in this still proud Service.
I'm sorry for throwing my penny in but I don't think a lot has changed. I remember my first posting and hearing that everyone was going to PVR because every thing had changed so much.

The recruit of today has so much more than I had, and rightly so, because we do move forward. We can all get so many courses and qualifications from the mob regardless of trade nowadays.

Am I working harder today? Are others working harder than they were? How can you actually measure this. Some love hard work and will say they are not challenged, others will do nothing and be overly challenged.

32 years and I've yet to do a day that I think I've had enough and want to leave. For me it's just fun and the people you mix with make it that way.

Sad feck? Maybe but do I still enjoy the banter? Too right. Have I seen the changes? Maybe I've just rolled with it!


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
For the first time in my service I'm seeing multiple people push the button...and if you think of the time and effort it takes to do my kind of thing it's a big event to give up what some on here may see as an 'easy life' that is well renumerated...

I know one thing...the training system can't replace these people as fast as they are leaving...