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Corona virus

Would you also believe that I'm a handsome, muscular and sensitive individual? Humberside, West Midlands, Greater Manchester and Somerset police forces have also set up contact lines.

You'll be pleased to note that I made it back without being coughed on and found my local Tesco's stocked to the gunnels with food. Still no toilet paper though. Weird.

Of course, the police never had a chance....

View attachment 1011497

Had to pop into work this morning to do some end of month invoicing that I couldn't do at home.

I would say try Aldi at 0800 when they open. 20 people in the queue waiting to enter and straight in, stock of everything this morning in Scunthorpe including pasta and toilet roll.

People next door at Tesco, still queuing around the car park when I left 10 minutes later, still no queue to enter at Aldi.


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
Just to change the tone slightly, on the news last night a senior policeman was saying that keeping people of the streets was reducing the amount of drug offences - no dealers out & about. Which made me wonder, prostitution must be really suffering as an industry!


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Sod all that stuff. They are not collecting all rubbish now!

I wonder if they'll do the same as Sky with the Sports package payment - i.e cancel it if you ask - until normal service resumed. Although I'm not holding my breath or banking on it.

WTF do I do with all those empty bottles FFS ? Around here (Colchester) they've even shut the public skips...


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
Just to change the tone slightly, on the news last night a senior policeman was saying that keeping people of the streets was reducing the amount of drug offences - no dealers out & about. Which made me wonder, prostitution must be really suffering as an industry!
Sex workers have nothing to worry about. As they are self employed they can claim the govt bailout in June, that's as long as they have filed their tax returns last year and they don't earn more than £50k.


Super Moderator
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Quite a few people on the media yesterday complaining that dividend income isnt included in any rescue package, as this is quite an effective method of reducing your tax and national insurance payments, I don’t think there’ll be a lot of sympathy for people who didn’t contribute during times of plenty.

One minister on the radio all but accused them of playing the system in the past, obviously some sympathy for pensioners living off past investments but how on earth would you be able to design a scheme that copes with both groups.


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Just to change the tone slightly, on the news last night a senior policeman was saying that keeping people of the streets was reducing the amount of drug offences - no dealers out & about. Which made me wonder, prostitution must be really suffering as an industry!

This is what glory-hole'ing was invented for!


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
If you saw the Gov briefing yesterday you'll have noticed their worry about an upturn in vehicle use?

I have a simple theory...If you have tried to claim any of the promised help you'll have found out its having teething problems (I'm being polite here). This upturn in vehicle use I think coincides with an army of self-employed people like builders hearing the news last Thursday, staying off the roads and in their homes thinking 'phew...at last a package for us...now let me get my head around it' and finally, after a few days realising that it's not going to help them at all so they're back in the vans, on the roads and working. Over the past 24-48 hours I have seen a huge increase in requests on these local Facebook selling sites for info on builders merchants that are still open or 'anyone got any materials?'. Also with nearly a week down from when they were able to consider staying at home people's stuff is breaking...seen requests for people able to fix leaks, broken ovens and even to cut grass.


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
News item on the radio about medics having to make difficult decision about taking ventilators off those who are going to die. Are we as a nation ready for this.

It's bad enough that you could die in hospital without saying goodbye to your nearest and dearest. Some very sad and traumatic times ahead.

Talk Wrench

E-Goat addict
1000+ Posts
News item on the radio about medics having to make difficult decision about taking ventilators off those who are going to die. Are we as a nation ready for this.


How do we even begin to answer that question?


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
Since I retired from the NHS I got agency work with the Royal Mail. Usually got 2 shifts a week, with as much work as I wanted from black Friday to the new year. Work dried up in Feb and first 2 weeks in march. Since this lockdown started work as been frantic. People are shopping online.
there's no tomorrow.

I registered with total jobs and just got an email saying co-op are looking for funeral staff as a matter of urgency.

This is a sign of the times we live in.

Talk Wrench

E-Goat addict
1000+ Posts
If we can't answer that question how can we expect medics to make those decisions.

I'm guessing that the front line NHS staff are for the most, mentally prepared for what is to come and many will be traumatised by the decisions they will ultimately have to make.

Sadly, there will be a large section of society who, having led relatively sugar coated lives will have no concept of how to deal with the unfolding story. This will be the same section of society who will bay for the blood of any NHS worker who had to make a live or die decision.

My Mrs is currently transferred to ICU from her normal job of theatre nurse and what she has seen is not pretty and she's already carrying this with her whilst behaving as the professional that she is. She has also, upon the advice of her management, made an up to date will so should the worst happen, things are sorted the best that they can be. Both her and myself are mentally prepared so to speak. I was tested last week for Covid on the say so of my company and it returned negative, so I'm also acutely aware that my wife's job presents a danger to myself. Strangely, we are both ready for whatever comes, although its weird to think that should the worst happen, in three weeks time, one of us, or both of us could have succumbed to the virus.

So be it, but the Doctor or nurse who may have the final say over our lives should the worst happen, will have to deal with that for the rest of their lives.
I'm sure this won't be the case for us but who knows?

Stay safe everyone.


An admission here, I’m usually a careful driver however I got caught a few weeks back on a speed trap just over the limit. The speed I was doing would normally get me on a speed awareness course however there aren’t any now because of the virus. I’m now told instead I will get fined more than what the course would cost and get three points on my licence for three years which will put my insurance up, this is usually a penalty for a much faster speed. The get out is that the course is discretionary. So anyone pre virus and post virus gets a course whilst in between you are condemned for three years. Hands up I’m guilty however it’s hardly fair play! Just be careful guys.

Talk Wrench

E-Goat addict
1000+ Posts
I've just poured the Mrs a rather large G and T.

She went to work and there were eleven people in critical care with Covid-19.

When she left, there were nine.

I did all the domestic stuff whilst she was at the hospital and went for the weekly shopping run to the supermarket to keep us going until just before Easter, fresh produce and whatnot and still, there were people there who just don't get what's going on. People coughing and spluttering their way around the aisles without a single thought for anyone else around them. No coughing into the crease of their elbow, no attempt to arrest their sneezes into a tissue. Heads in the clouds as if they are somehow immune to everything.

I really want to grab these f***tards by the throat and drag them into the ward where people died today but no doubt they've gone home to a living room stacked high with bog roll. CNUTS.


Super Moderator
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Don’t think the footballers are doing themselves any favours, to me it feels like they’ve tried to come up with any kind of argument to protect their salaries. Other countries seem to have done better on this.

Are they that distant and unaware of the situation that empathy doesn’t kick in. Put the lot on furlough and see how that goes.

Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Staggering to hear Premier league footballers saying that if they give 30% of their salary to the NHS they would be denying the taxman his due. Only in the crazy world of football could that even be a consideration, I sense the honeyed words of despicable slimy agents speaking through the empty heads of some players.



Cut the overpaid prima donnas pay big time ! Trouble is after this is over the adoring fans will flock back like sheep to watch them kicking balls about:mad:


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
Staggering to hear Premier league footballers saying that if they give 30% of their salary to the NHS they would be denying the taxman his due. Only in the crazy world of football could that even be a consideration, I sense the honeyed words of despicable slimy agents speaking through the empty heads of some players.

Even the government agree with what the footballers are saying.

"They argue that the clubs' proposed 30% cut in wages would be counter-productive and detrimental to the NHS because of the loss in tax revenue it would result in. Privately, some Government officials accept the validity of this argument"