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do they have an issue with Women in positions of power

Killer Queen

Flight Sergeant
Here is one for the goat and would appreciate some feedback on the following situations

1) Getting to know a guy up comes the subject of my job (some of you will know what I do) for those that do not I am in Law enforcement (not RMP) as such I have to be authoritative. This seems to be a turn off or at least go against me. Do men not like women who can stand up for themselves in the work place? or is it they feel threatened

2) Why do some women attract the bad lads or those already married when the woman knows it is not going anywhere?

Please discuss

John Lloyd

Warrant Officer
Here is one for the goat and would appreciate some feedback on the following situations

1) Getting to know a guy up comes the subject of my job (some of you will know what I do) for those that do not I am in Law enforcement (not RMP) as such I have to be authoritative. This seems to be a turn off or at least go against me. Do men not like women who can stand up for themselves in the work place? or is it they feel threatened

2) Why do some women attract the bad lads or those already married when the woman knows it is not going anywhere?

Please discuss

1. I've always found a woman who can look after herself and has a mind more attractive than the helpless fluff.

2. They don't really want to commit so take the easy option of always having an excuse to bail


(1) I also find women who can 'look after themselves' and be authoratative in a situation to be more attractive, where are these women? The few I've had relationships with have ended up being with girls who turn out to be a bit wimpy and indecisive.
Maybe the men that are scared by the power are typical alpha males, who need to feel in power themselves, and get emasculated when the woman starts standing up for herself?

(2) Why do girls go for the bad lads? I wish I knew. There's a very pretty woman I work with who's had a string of bad lads, one of which left her with significant debts. She moans about not being able to find a proper man, yet doesn't really seem that interested in meeting nice guys, as they are boring. (Like me, for example! :pDT_Xtremez_30:)


So, a chap who throws his weight around and bosses folk around is an aerosole, but a woman is 'authoritative'?

An aerosole bloke annoys people and enrages them, but an 'authoritative' woman 'scares' them?

Just why would a man 'feel threatened' by a woman who can stand up for herself?

Come on. Get real.

Bolster your ego without casting aspertions on others.

Just wipe your own aerosole and play nice.
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Staff member
1000+ Posts
Here is one for the goat and would appreciate some feedback on the following situations

1) Getting to know a guy up comes the subject of my job (some of you will know what I do) for those that do not I am in Law enforcement (not RMP) as such I have to be authoritative. This seems to be a turn off or at least go against me. Do men not like women who can stand up for themselves in the work place? or is it they feel threatened

2) Why do some women attract the bad lads or those already married when the woman knows it is not going anywhere?

Please discuss

Are you ugly? Be honest, because its far more likely that your a hound looking for excuses....

Hope this helps:pDT_Xtremez_30:

Killer Queen

Flight Sergeant
Downsizer it is more that everything goes swimmingly until they find out what my job is and they suddenly run for the hills. I guess they are not worth using brain power over.

I was curious as to what other goaters think.


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
1. Any man who goes for a needy, weak woman is probably too stupid to sustain anything with a smart one, or who fears being second best in any relationship.

A shag is a shag, but no man should want to wake up next to the same boring person for the rest of his life.

2. I have no idea why women go for the bad lads, but I have heard that it's because its int heir DNA to want to change a bad egg into a good one and they are willing to put up with a lot of **** to get there. As for going for the married ones, the answer is 2 fold - firstly, there is the challenge of taking somehting from someone else and not just from the shelf, secondly there is the fact that the married guys will have the extra value added over a single guy, because had they not, the probably wouldn't be married in the first place.


Warrant Officer
1). I have no problem with chicks in authority, I prefer well educated women though. What really p1sses me off though is when women in positions of power refuse to point blank to listen to anyone else's opinion and basically abuse their position.

I think that a bloke would only care about your postion of power if it actually affected him directly, if you were the head of Astra Zeneca how would that affect him in any way?

I did go out with a woman who was an Enviromental health inspector once, and she seemed to think that she could moan at me and point out everything I was doing wrong 24 hours a day... Guess what? Bye bye! I don't need that sh1t off anyone and I won't put up with it, I'd rather be on my own than have my life and soul beaten in to submission.

2). As for Women only picking the low lifes and married blokes... Well more fool you, if you go out with a bloke who's married and cheating on his wife do you really think he'll have any more repsect for you? If yes, you're very dumb.

I mentioned this before but I had a girlfriend whose very, very fit mate used to phone up crying because "She had no one" but took great delight in blowing out anyone who tried to chat her up, except of course the wide boys who'd shag her for a few weeks then dump her. So she didn't mind shooting down the ordinary blokes but felt it unfair when she was treated like sh1t. She found comfort in food in the end so being chatted up by anyone was no longer an issue.


Warrant Officer
Hmmmmm, confident authoritative ambitious women! Hmmmmmmmm

<best Homer voice>

People who worry about the power of their partners/wives/girlfriends jobs are usually emasculated and lacking in self confidence.


SNAFU master
There's a distinct hint here of a Man who "looks after a helpless woman", thus she gets a "protector" type and he gets what he [classically] wanted all the time.

Personally, I blame the feminist movement.

My late wife had a sticker: "Women who seek equality lack ambition"


Decorated war hero
1000+ Posts
If you like bad lads I'm an absolute cnut. Fancy a shag?

I can vouch for him here. He is a total fcuking cnut, with no mates, and he fcuking stinks. So a prize catch all round.

That said, if you can manage to pull Beeney you'll be much better off. He's ace.

Jet Morgan

To your No 1 question , you salute the rank , not the person . If that gives anyone a problem , they should grow up .
To your No 2 question , I have not got the faintest idea . Being such a pillar of virtue myself , the problem has never arisen .
As an aside , my late wife was an NCO in the WRAF . She did not get any problems that she could not deal with .
This may have been because she was very pleasant and never TOLD anyone to do a job , she asked . I think that the fact of asking for people to do a task is a far more effective way of getting along . Apart from anything else , it gives the person being asked a chance to explain why they cannot comply without showing wilful disobedience . I know of one case of an aircraft being written off due to the "Don't argue , thassa norda " type .


Flight Sergeant
:pDT_Xtremez_39: As Jet has just pointed out, the answer to question 1 as posed is (his) immaturity and, I suggest, to question 2 is likewise (her) immaturity. Added to this, people will keep repeating patterns of behaviour they learned very early on.

But let's think outside the box a moment. Why do we assume that there are either men or women (with alpha and beta versions thereof)? Leaving the assumptions of ancient Greek philosophy (which still govern the thoughts of our glorious leaders) on one side many find it painful to understand that your off-the-peg human being has, in varying amounts, traits that are stereotyped both as 'male' and as 'female' (or by some psychologists as 'operative' and 'reflective') which they deny and project onto the other person. Add to this a stew of hormones washing around, seasoned by peer pressure and the need for the species to procreate, and it's possible to see, maybe, why immature male in qn 1, immature female in qn 2, and abusive male in qn 2 behave as they do.

Anybody wishing to take this further might wish to Google 'Bern Sex Role Inventory', still useful but a tad out of date.


Downsizer it is more that everything goes swimmingly until they find out what my job is and they suddenly run for the hills. I guess they are not worth using brain power over.

I was curious as to what other goaters think.
I know how you feel chick, tell a guy your a tech in the military and they run for the hills (or ask you to change the engine in their car)......

And why do wives-of treat us like we're b!tch3s on heat? Honestly love i would touch your man witha 10' barge pole!


Reading through the thread it occurs to me that there might be a link in Killer Queen. From what the contributers say the nice guys like a woman in/with authority so if the bad boys dislike women with authority is Killer Queen one of the bad boy chasers? Just a thought.


What's not to like. You have handcuffs and (probably) like using them. I'm a naughty boy. But.....no truncheons.


If you find a good man hold on to him because most of us are bad !!and as for why she goes for married men, she just wants what she cant have.Tthe answer to both questions is human nature the male of the species wants to procriate with anything that moves and a woman just wants to be loved and feel secure nature/nurture (LIFE)

Drill Bit

I know how you feel chick, tell a guy your a tech in the military and they run for the hills (or ask you to change the engine in their car)......And why do wives-of treat us like we're b!tch3s on heat? Honestly love i would touch your man witha 10' barge pole!
Too right they run. I don't want a woman stinking of OM15, Avtur with hands like shovels, grazes on her knuckles and who swears like an Irish Navvy. But I'm sure you're a catch ;)