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Brexit Voter - are you happy?


Super Moderator
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1000+ Posts
Mutty you seem to be focussed on the pounds and pence of Brexit (not pounds and ounces) if that’s your measure then fine, not here to convince you otherwise. It’s a shame you can’t see that for some others it isn’t.

Has Brexit got downsides, of course it has, I’m trying to send some new workers to Austria for a 3 month training period and you won’t believe how complicated (and expensive) that is now. But that’s today, the EU are still angry and are making things hard, hopefully they will relax and things will become easier, hey that’s their choice.


Staff member
1000+ Posts
The reason I ask is I am only EXPERIENCING downsides, I've seen no upsides yet?

Although my kids passports are black now so I guess some people are happy with that?


Super Moderator
Staff member
1000+ Posts
The reason I ask is I am only EXPERIENCING downsides, I've seen no upsides yet?

Although my kids passports are black now so I guess some people are happy with that?
Youll also have the joy of looking at all the stamps in your passport in the future, some might see this as a benefit.


Staff member
1000+ Posts
Youll also have the joy of looking at all the stamps in your passport in the future, some might see this as a benefit.

Thats not new - I did that previously, all one had to do is ask.

Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
There will be a transition period, there will be wobbles, it will settle down, get over it.
It's been six years since the referendum result decided we leave the EU it's not going to change.

A snapshot of other June 2016 happenings

  • 1 June – archaeologists announce identification of one of the Roman Bloomberg tablets found during 2010–13 excavations in advance of construction of new Bloomberg London offices in the City of London as the oldest known hand-written document in the United Kingdom, dating back to AD 57.
  • 12 June UEFA threatens to disqualify England from Euro 2016 after "totally unacceptable" violent hooliganism
  • 26 June several Labour party shadow cabinet ministers quit, with many more expected, in protest at Jeremy Corbyn's leadership
Where are the Blomberg tablets now? I don't know and care even less
Which labour ministers quit? I don't know names and numbers and again care even less
Who won Euro 2016? Portugal but me banging on about the Euro 2016 final result won't actually change the result (Portugal 1-0 France) it's past history all done and dusted.
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Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
What benefits are you guys seeing? I'm not seeing any yet?
Hard to quantify benefits, beer tastes the same, shops have things to buy, other than a sense of freedom to govern ourselves once again it's not a tangible, countable thing just a sense that things have improved. Perhaps there's even a calmer atmosphere around people and I feel better off, maybe not financially, somehow the world seems a better place. I can see no downsides at all so far in my day to day exsistence. Am I happy with my choice from all those years ago? Yes indeed

Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
How does the world seem a better place?
There just seems to a lot less official hassle about life post Covid and I welcome the removal of interference from unelected folk hundreds of miles away. Maybe it's a personal thing post Covid and maybe my lifestyle lends itself to the situation. Lots of the supposed changes don't impact me at all. For example I last went abroad pre Covid so the ferry/airport staff shortage malarky is a news item that has zero impact. 28 nations squabbling about when to stop using Russian supplied energy, a decision we have already made.


Grim Reaper 2016
1000+ Posts
UK has a pivotal role liberating continental Europe from self-inflicted tyranny, ending decades of fascism, even offering a safe haven to the exiled free French leader Charles de Gaulle.

UK has a pivotal role in resupplying starving German residents during the Berlin airlift - the largest humanitarian operation of all time. France et al. do not offer any meaningful support to the desperate trapped Berliners.

Britain’s RAF Bomber Command Main Force provided round-the-clock nuclear deterrent to prevent the Soviet Block from attacking continental Europe.

European Coal and Steel Community administrative agency was established by the self-styled "inner six": France, Italy, the Benelux countries (Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg) together with West Germany.

France, West Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg sign a treaty in Rome establishing the European Economic Community (EEC), also known as the Common Market.

UK shares its nuclear weapons secrets with France greatly accelerating their quest to become the word’s fourth nuclear power and greatly increasing French prestige.

Charles de Gaulle (remember him), vetoed Britain's application to join the EEC. This was despite the UK offering him a safe haven during WWII, helping to liberate continental Europe from self-inflicted tyranny, ending decades of fascism, saving millions of Germans during the Berlin Airlift, deterring the Soviet Block invading Eastern Europe and gifting the French nuclear weapons secrets.


UK finally allowed entry into the EEC on terms so one-sided that UK instantly becomes the ‘sick man of Europe’ falls into the longest recession in peacetime. For much of the intervening years the UK’s industry was hollowed-out, trade with the Commonwealth fell off a cliff.

UK needed an IMF bailout 3 years after joining the EEC. UK balance of payments with the EEC/EU started deteriorating, while its budget contributions began increasing markedly.

The rest is merely a manifestation of selfish, ungrateful, Franco-Germanic behaviour culminating in the UK’s departure from the EU in 2020. At its peak the UK was the second biggest net budget contributor and the member with the largest absolute trade deficit with the EU while still not being deigned proportional influence.

Finally, the UK electorate were offered a chance to Leave the dystopian continental European political experiment - the UK historically voted to Leave the EU with the largest democratic mandate in our country’s history.

Unshackled from the dead weight of Brussels the UK’s economy overtakes France, outgrows the EU, the historic budget deficit decreases, UK leads the G7 for growth, two of the largest EU companies move their HQ to the UK and the UK leads the world on Covid vaccinations.


The story goes full circle. Once again, Britain (now a newly-sovereign nation), in an echo of 1940s, is selflessly doing more to liberate Europe from the horrors of war and fascist aggression than all of the EEC’s original “inner six” combined.

et voila!

Talk Wrench

E-Goat addict
1000+ Posts
Yes but have the EU ever done for us.
EU membership was a double edged sword with the Sword of Damocles hanging over it.

Free trade was welcomed by most, freedom of movement was welcomed by most. What people didn't want revolves around the opposites of the positives such as freedom of criminal activity, fraud and so on.

Personally I've had to take on a series of language tests, citizenship tests etc to meet the requirements of permanent residency/citizenship of an EU member country that I currently reside in .

I now have three nationalities. I was quite happy with one, but Brexit has somehow expanded the costs of passports to the max but that brings massive benefits in my favour...so Brexit had a positive outcome for me.