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ET’d and denied early exit ahead of MWT


Start working malicious compliance.

Adhere to every rule in the workplace to the absolute letter.

If you can't get that exact test set because it's been updated. Stop work. etc. etc.

They'll soon want you out of there,

Billy Whizz

Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Bit extreme taking drugs or failing fitness test, but needs must I suppose!

Is apr 23 your exit date or start of your terminal etc? AS MWD mentioned above you can start work during resettlement/terminal leave - depends if you have enough leave etc. When you factor all that time in the sqn may be quibbling over 1 month as oppose to 4.
You can't get paid until TL starts and have to complete an Extra Employment form with CO sign off, even in TL.


I believe this has changed, as i originally thought this too.

I've just had a lad leave to start with BAE and according to the pen pushers he can start work during his resettlement.


Take a step back and see why they have refused. You could be in a certain role or have certain quals.

Try to swap roles sideways, get the role covered then ask again. Don't take problems to them, they'll just say "no". Take them solutions, they'll say "yes".

If your time says 12 months, you bring me a pile of dog sh*t, I'll just tell you to walk. I won't care about your future, I'll have output to deliver, now .


Take a step back and see why they have refused. You could be in a certain role or have certain quals.

Try to swap roles sideways, get the role covered then ask again. Don't take problems to them, they'll just say "no". Take them solutions, they'll say "yes".

If your time says 12 months, you bring me a pile of dog sh*t, I'll just tell you to walk. I won't care about your future, I'll have output to deliver, now .

Grown up reply, but that grinds my gears!

If this was civvy st, "boss, here's my notice. I'm outta here!" and you're gone.

Why the feck should he have to solutionise a replacement or options? Not his problem, that's down to the Sqn to manage. And tbh, if they are saying no to releasing, then surely they have looked at options - so this will be wasted breath and more importantly, wasted time.

The Sqn have already provided their stance - this now needs challenging, it's his future job and families welfare on the line here, i wouldn't give a shit about the Sqns "output to deliver".


Grown up reply, but that grinds my gears!

If this was civvy st, "boss, here's my notice. I'm outta here!" and you're gone.

Why the feck should he have to solutionise a replacement or options? Not his problem, that's down to the Sqn to manage. And tbh, if they are saying no to releasing, then surely they have looked at options - so this will be wasted breath and more importantly, wasted time.

The Sqn have already provided their stance - this now needs challenging, it's his future job and families welfare on the line here, i wouldn't give a shit about the Sqns "output to deliver".
Unskilled role with no associated courses to complete. Think management are just digging their heels in. Their reason is that its too long to leave gapped! I may contact SSAFA tomorrow and see how I get on with that.


It varies from one employer to another, but where I work, if you're right for the job, your start date is negotiable. As far as we're concerned, if you're the right person and we want you, we can wait for you. Is your start date set in stone? Can you have a conversation with your new employers about it?


Super Moderator
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Best of luck with whatever result you get, no harm trying for an alternative solution, however at the end of the day it can be very hard to change someones decision once it’s been made.

If it doesn’t work out the way you want, I wouldn’t worry too much, the role or one similar will come back up and you can apply for it at a more suitable time, one that works better for your time frame.

If you really do want to leave, submit your notice, work out your last day, take off all the absence you’re going to get and use this as your earliest start date, take three months off for a reasonable notice period and a couple of months for the application process and this becomes the date when you can start looking for a job, safe that you”ll not have to worry about a cranky boss refusing anything.

There’s always been a debate about when you can start being paid, I think if you’re having a placement it could be an issue, however, once you walk out of those gates for the last time I don’t think anyone is going to really care, as long as it’s not a job on your old unit or with a entitlement to a Government backed pension.

Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
once you walk out of those gates for the last time I don’t think anyone is going to really care,
They won't give a flying fig whether you turn left or right when exiting, there comes a time to plough your own furrow in life and stuff the system. Be assured the big machine will continue to grind relentlessly on.


Don't forget you are allowed 9 sick days a year :ROFLMAO: .

When you leave, nobody will care. Nobody will get in touch... the new guy gets all the attention. You wont care, when you are picking up the pension payments.
In my situation I had PVR'd in the June and was offered a job in the Oct with a start date at the start of Dec. I worked out how much leave/resettlement etc I had left and worked out that if I could bring my exit date forward 3 months then I could meet the start date.

Work were not impressed and said I shouldn't of agreed a start date without running it past them, I saw it that it wasn't anything to do with them and gave them 3 options :

1. Lawyer up and see you in court, be damned with the expense
2. I'll be off to see the SMO and will be off with all sorts of illnesses and aliments
3. It was allowed to happen.

I had the whole "its such a long time to run with someone not in your position" etc, to which I replied that we had a pretty much full time professional sports person in the section, constantly away doing this training camp/this tour then why not put him to work.

In the end they realised that they were onto a loosing battle keeping me and they let me change my dates.

You'd like to think that your CoC will be understanding if the shoe was on their foot.


Staff member
1000+ Posts
Unskilled role with no associated courses to complete. Think management are just digging their heels in. Their reason is that its too long to leave gapped! I may contact SSAFA tomorrow and see how I get on with that.

You need to force their hand first and make them formally reject your application to alter your termination date.

Billy Whizz

Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Not true. You can get paid at the same time as you are getting paid in the RAF, did it myself. You just have to watch out for tax.
I filled in the form yesterday, says you can when on Annual and Terminal Leave, just not whilst on Resettlement

Billy Whizz

Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
What is the difference between Terminal & Resettlement ?
Terminal is last 28 paid days in the RAF, Resettlement can be taken anytime in your last 2 years and should be used for training etc not for actual work. I guess it is how you add it on JPA to when you can get another paid job

Billy Whizz

Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
That is complete tosh btw - why state something that is soooooo wrong. Some say this to sound important, I heard same thing during my visits to the Ed' Centre (whatever they call it now)
Is it? Then why have I had to complete the form as part of exit? Info given out by HR states you have to fill in the form and the QR states you need too despite it being accepted as part of TL.

I guess you can do what you want, I'm just quoting Resettlement and Admin policy.
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