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Best / Worst dets, and why?


best for me... a toss between red flag and my swansong (very,very little work done whatsoever!) to sig..spent most of my time in taormina diving!!

worst .. some crappy nuclear accident scenario somewhere in the woods near stafford. (was on crash and smash !) and all i did for my 12hr night shifts was drive a mini bus around and around and... well you know how it is!!

BUT.... this thread in general should be used for recruitment! ie when members are asking about what goes on etc etc.. some of the last pages inc dets within the last few years and might just convince one or two that life in a blue suit has its advantages..........


Best......Corsica 99, sh1te accom, great beaches & good lads.
Alaska 96, first time in the USA,first time white water rafting, student accom in Fairbanks...there for July 4th....brilliant.
Nellis 2004...first time to Vegas, USAF transit blocks,cheap beer,not in Vegas itself so every trip in was a good laugh...riding the torture devices at the top of the Stratosphere.
Incirlik 93...great sqn to be on (IV), great bar...won the RAF sports lottery & dropped my coffee on the new T-bar carpet!!

Worst......Tabuk (GW1)...learnt never to volunteer again...4rse of a Sqn leader..."SAC H.......... I don't like people with union jacks on their sleeves!"
"S/L W...... I don't like sqn leaders".....cue SAC H.... being rapidly taken outside by the Wobbly to read me the riot act, guess who got the sh1te jobs???
Valley....Det from Bruggen to the hole in the 4rse end of the world (Spent the Sat in Dublin though!!)
Gulf region full stop!!

Warwick Hunt

Persona Non-Grata
1000+ Posts
Best: Sarajevo 1995. My first ever OOA inthe RAF. Was there when the British General in charge of UNPROFOR ordered in airstrikes to beat the Bosnian Serbs back and for the next few months sat back and watched history happen as the war was brought to a close. I was down for a 6 month tour, but was brought back after 4 as the war ended. Met some amazing people from all over the world and getting down and getting my hands dirty after only a couple of years in set me up for the rest of my career.

Worst: UKNSE Shaibah Logs Base 2005. A s hite det full of complete a rseholes who wanted something to happen and were very, very bored for their 6 months. It was such a toilet, even the people in Baghdad felt sorry for us! I was lucky in that I had a job that took me out on the road, so I was able to get out. I don't think I could have handled being stuck behind the wire there. Some army t wat got bevvied up, signed his weapon out at 0400 and let off 62 rounds into the bondhu. I knew exactly how he felt.


never had a really bad det even MPA was good

Best one has to be Longlook tho...........4 months in Oz and paid extra for it........what a swansong:pDT_Xtremez_30:


Warrant Officer
Valley....Det from Bruggen to the hole in the 4rse end of the world !

Yep Jan Smutts was sh!t hole of a block. Think yourself lucky though in the fact you didn't have to do a four year posting there.

Best Det/Course

7 SU Byron Heights (88/89) Best bunch of guys I've worked with on any det.

5 1/2 Month Bloodhound 'Q' Course at Newton (86).

BIT course at Halton (95) on the list thanks to the last night (pulled the best looking bird I ever have).


751 SU Mt Alice (99) biggest bunch of cowboys I've ever worked with, plus first 1/3rd of the tour, the place was full of wasters (improved half way through the tour).

Gulf 2002 - 2003. 5 month det, no R+R at the pub, me and my workmates got kicked out of our rooms at 2 hours notice for a coulpe of Flicker Sqn's that did Fcuk All for the war effort excpet burn fuel and fill up ramp space.
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Decorated war hero
1000+ Posts
Here's some necro posting for you. The worst det I've ever done is the one I'm currently on. The herc det at Beize. It's rubbish. Roll on Project future Lyneham


Clinically Insane
"Sir, put that pillow tank in that Bund and it will roll"
"No it wont Sgt, now put it in there"

"Right Lads, we're going to have to stop the Exercise, the pillow tanks rolled"

I had the exact same conversation in Bramshe near Osnabruck when I was on the Harriers in '87. except change the Sgt to SAC.

For me.

Best: Probably Gulf War 1, deployed into Iraq with TSW.
Worst: Saif Sarrea II. An Army Captain on the JHF HQ accused me of stealing a box of AA batteries from our C stores pack up. ******


Warrant Officer
Worst? - Falklands living on the 'prison ship' coastel in a room it would be inappropriate to put criminals in and stuck with a psychotic MT driver with the hygiene of a stoat.

Best? - Not really a det but the routine aeromed to Hong Kong. 8 days in a 5* hotel; 500HK dollars to spend and nothing to do but enjoy the sights and get the boss set up with a Thai ladyboy (we gave in at the very last moment and told him (I regret that because he's turned into the most enormous knobber since then).

An excellent det was Buckeburg in Germany. We were co-located with the USAF Field Hospital who were great fun. We stole all the light bulbs from their tents, they stole our cotbeds. We stole their generator (too close to our tent) they put our 12 x 12 on the roof of a hanger. Just to show what hard *******s the Brits are we slept in it and would have carried on doing so if a certain SAC (hi!) hadn't gone for a midnight ****; fallen off the fcuking roof and been found dangling 90 ft above the ground crying 'help me!' like a little girl.

I learnt two things that night. Clinging to a roof in the dark with your knob hanging out is quite scary and senior German officers have no sense of humour!


Best – Hands down, Ascension in ’86-’87 (It was still a det then, it became a posting later on) – sun, sand, cheap booze and top bunch of people there at the time – had a choice of parties most nights..

Worst – has to Machrihanish for 6 weeks in ’93!. Oddly, there was a really good bunch of people on the det, and we still had a load of laughs. Unfortunately, the snco i/c the transit block was a total and complete throbber who tried giving us up to 4 bull nights a week because he thought we weren’t taking him seriously (we weren’t – we was a power mad tw@t lording it over the det guys – so we treated him with the contempt he deserved and the relationship deteriorated rapidly on both sides).


Best Det has to be living in a 5* hotel, working in a tent in Bahrain for 4 weeks. Working day on day off. But long days 2 in the morning until 5 in the evening. Possibly being guarded by Tashy Man.

Worst Det was my first trip down the Falklands working with JCUFI, the signals hierarchy, what a bunch of throbbers. The only high point was I got to spend 4 days on South Georgia, to fix their IT issues. Which meant 10 days away from work :pDT_Xtremez_14:.
Does Leconfield count as a det? if so...the worst, a 1000 times over, Leconfield. Worst place ever. Treated like a small child, a personal favourite.

Best - probably Incirlik, but only in the early 90s before the fun police shut all the bars....


Worst - a week in the field on Ex Green Blade in a very wet Scotland.

Best - a det to Patrick AFB in Florida, staying in a hotel backing on to Cocoa beach and then watching the Beach Boys in concert on the beach. The only way we got to see them was we diverted to Key West when the jet cracked a windscreen, spent 2 nights down there on the lash before returning to Patrick to have it fixed. A planned 5 day det turned into 14 meaning we were still there for the concert! (Mind you, it was in the days before JPA!!)


Went to Wildenrath a part of a 4 man det to try out a Chirpsounder. I knew sweet FA about this but then as the duty Gen Tech GSE it didnt matter.
Got to stay in a B & B near the base, plenty of great beer and food. Also be exempt from the taceval on base, get to see a Phantom dogfight a Harrier over the base.. 1981 aah those were the days :)
End result great det and plenty of DF´s :)


Best Det
Somalian famine relief in the early 90's - 24 hr shifts, worked hard - hopefully helped to do some good when at work 'cos not only did we do the servicings we also flew with the aircraft and helped off load the supplies at the other end where it was needed::(:.
And played hard - saw alot of Kenya (deepsea fishing, safari's, drinks at the cricket ground, hotel accommadation on the beach front and managed to cop off with a few Brittania cabin crew (female) over the det:pDT_Xtremez_30:.

Also any Ascot recovery as it usually involved hotels and once the crews knew a recovery team was in the Ascot down route loop its amazing how many snags being carried suddenly worsened:pDT_Xtremez_15: at some of the nicest places around.

Worst Det.
Was lucky and never really had a bad one except living under canvas at Keevil fora night!.
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Best - probably Incirlik said:
i went there twice 99 and 2001 there were plenty of bars .. the best being the brit bar of course GAZEBO (gay zebra)was definately the best 4 monthers i've had6 weeks in Lithuania was amazing though - nice hotel - and our weekly allowancies dropped off every week by the niceadmin officer was equivalent to a months wages for the locals = living the popstar lifestyle