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Are you a Humanist?



looks like you are swapping one load of bollox for a different load of bollox to me I'm afraid.


Am I a Humanist?

Nope, an atheist. I don't have the insecurity that would require me to join an organisation in order to feel that my views are shared or preach to others that their faith is wrong. I thought that was the idea of rejecting religion, I'm an individual, humanists have always seemed a bit hypocritical to me.
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Am I a Humanist?

Nope, an atheist. I don't have the insecurity that would require me to join an organisation in order to feel that my views are shared or preach to others that their faith is wrong. I thought that was the idea of rejecting religion, I'm an individual, humanists have always seemed a bit hypocritical to me.

But you do define your belief in terms of what you don't believe?

I don't believe in mermaids, but don't call myself amermaidian! For the same reason, I don't call myself atheist.

Humanism is not about rejecting everything about religion. Religion has some good points... pastoral care, charitable work, sense of belonging. It's just the religious teachings that are 'doubtful'. Working with others who share a philosophical world view can be very rewarding.

Talk Wrench

E-Goat addict
1000+ Posts

It just sounds like tree hugging hippy Sh1te to me.

Load of böllöcks



But you do define your belief in terms of what you don't believe?

I don't believe in mermaids, but don't call myself amermaidian! For the same reason, I don't call myself atheist.

Humanism is not about rejecting everything about religion. Religion has some good points... pastoral care, charitable work, sense of belonging. It's just the religious teachings that are 'doubtful'. Working with others who share a philosophical world view can be very rewarding.

We'll have to agree to disagree then, the Humanist movement is in my view more about discrediting other religions for their faith, formed by a group of atheists; who if they shared a faith would be described as fanatical or extremist. If you want to be a part of something with a positive and influential effect on society there are many non religious alternatives whose charitable work is beyond reproach that don't feel the need to waste £11k advertising their belief on London buses.


Turns out according to that bit Quiz i'm a Humanist. However, if I tell people that I am they'll think i'm a bummer who likes cuddles and thinks Criminals deserve human rights. That was the first thing I thought of when I saw Humanist.

Chiefy got it spot on, I like being an Athiest. Time to start threatning people who say "Bless you" when I sneeze before I have the chance to say "Excuse Me" that I will sue them for blatently offending my Anti-Religion views. I reckon I got a case there, I've heard of far more stupid things getting to the courts. Sorry got a bit Off Topic there.


Turns out according to that bit Quiz i'm a Humanist. However, if I tell people that I am they'll think i'm a bummer who likes cuddles and thinks Criminals deserve human rights. That was the first thing I thought of when I saw Humanist.

Chiefy got it spot on, I like being an Athiest. Time to start threatning people who say "Bless you" when I sneeze before I have the chance to say "Excuse Me" that I will sue them for blatently offending my Anti-Religion views. I reckon I got a case there, I've heard of far more stupid things getting to the courts. Sorry got a bit Off Topic there.

Ah bless you for trying to stay on topic though:pDT_Xtremez_14:

Martin Blank

I'm not a religious man but fek me I'd rather be in one than any of that Humanist b0ll0x.
Mind you I like the use of the Fig. 11 (charging argie) targets at the top of the UK Armed Forces Humanist site....very humanist that is.
Yeah I'm not an ist anything and I'd rather not be grouped in with some tw@ts with funny non religion beliefs. Look at them scientologist loonies a religion based on the writings of a cr@p sci fi novellist.
I hope non of my hard earned tax payers money has been used to set up this pille of steaming dog muck and if the MOD has chipped in I want my share of the money back in Decembers pay.

fcking cnuts


I had a quick read and I still do not understand what a 'Humanist' is. Non-religious, OK, but what?
You might as well be a registered Pagan and teach yourself Wicca (Rule 1; Harm no-one).

Mate, if I had to choose a religion Wicca would be the one, not least because it's probably the one that gave us most and took the least before we became the mongrels of Europe and adopted Christianity as the basis of our cultural identity. Humanism seems to me to be more of a political statement than any other group or belief, it's certainly more political than it is charitable.


Flight Sergeant
Pagan/Wiccan/Gaia the earth mother! If someone put a gun to my head I'd choose one of them. However I like military Padres as they don't try to ram their faith down your throat (ooer that sounds rude!) and the pastarol care is second to none.


If I had to choose a religion it would be old testament god botherer, that David dude was a mean fcuker and Joshua played a mean horn!

pie sandwich

And you still get punished for your sins, one involves a load of hail marys and one involves a stinking hangover.

Talk Wrench

E-Goat addict
1000+ Posts
And you still get punished for your sins, one involves a load of hail marys and one involves a stinking hangover.

At least alcohol doesn't give judgement on people. And when things go t1ts up and good ol' god isn't around, alcohol is always there ready to solve the problems of the world.

Do humanists drink beer?


pie sandwich

At least alcohol doesn't give judgement on people. And when things go t1ts up and good ol' god isn't around, alcohol is always there ready to solve the problems of the world.

Do humanists drink beer?


Thats the thing though, when you have more than you can handle you still talk to god on the big white telephone :pDT_Xtremez_02:

Which if I play my cards right will be me in a few hours :pDT_Xtremez_14: