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Muslim man sues tesco.......


Warrant Officer
You don't need to preach to me about the flaws of religion by the way, I'm a devout atheist. I am however also a devout believer in democracy and the right to free thought without threat or ridicule. Argument and debate is fine but I've learnt that arguing against faith is however completely pointless, it needs no defence or evidence to sustain its belief.

I'm not 'preaching' I'm trying to debate as maybe some of us haven't yet learned that lesson and wish to continue discussing the issue.
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Warrant Officer
So he started in Sept and complained in Feb, hmmmmm, why didn't he raise objections earlier????? The Xmas stock up for supermarkets starts around Sept/Oct and he had ample time to raise any objections and yet he complained in Feb, something stinks!!!!!!!!


Preach? Preach? This is a discussion forum in which people other than yourself are allowed to put forward their points of view. You don't have to agree with me but don't YOU, with your track record of self-important, 'I've done this I've done that', pompous, conceited outpourings in this forum, ever acuse ME of preaching. Got that?

Inferiority complex? Don't be such a f*cking child.

Talk Wrench

E-Goat addict
1000+ Posts
I'm just getting fed up of the lawyers exploiting people like mr Ahmed tbh. It's them who will have built the case and as far as I can see, if Mr Ahmed is too simple to understand what the job at tesco entailed, then he is too simple to realise that he is being used as a cash cow for the Blame Claim Lawyers

The lawyers are the real culprits in this compo culture society.



I'm just getting fed up of the lawyers exploiting people like mr Ahmed tbh. It's them who will have built the case and as far as I can see, if Mr Ahmed is too simple to understand what the job at tesco entailed, then he is too simple to realise that he is being used as a cash cow for the Blame Claim Lawyers

The lawyers are the real culprits in this compo culture society.


Undoubtedly, I'm not sure how much the lawyers would be involved in this though, I think this is going to be an industrial tribunal and suspect it got this far with the support of a union rep?

The days when people simply resigned because they were unsuitable for or didn't like their jobs are long gone.


Tesco will settle out of court.
Far too much bad publicity for them.
We can't be upsetting the Muslims can we?


SNAFU master
Tesco will settle out of court.
Far too much bad publicity for them.
We can't be upsetting the Muslims can we?

Miss Smith, please add another question to the general Application Form:
"Do you have any objection to handling cases of alcoholic beverages"?

Bloody Sad state we're in. . . .

Scaley brat

Trekkie Nerd
1000+ Posts
Tesco's should've had the nouse to give a full job description in the original ad and it should certainly have been explained at interview

No, no, absolutely bloody NO. Whatever happened to people actually LEARNING about the company THEY want to work for. Tesco aren't some tiny fcukiing backstreet garage FFS, they are huge. If he didn't know what they sell why didi he go for a job there. He could have ended up making pork pies.....

What's next ? "I wanted to work for the Air Force cos the planes is pretty, but I had to leave when I found out they drop bombs and stuff...."

The guy needs to fcuking grow up. There is no claim here, if he didn't like his job he should vote with his feet just like anyone else would under these circumstances, but then again. Money for nothing.....

An example of classic afterthought......
A mate of mine went for an interview with Aeroquip.
"Why do you want to work for Aeroquip ?"
"Because I like Aeroplanes and I see your company as a way to gain an understanding in how they work"
"er, we don't make hydraulic hoses for aircraft here....... thank you for your interst. NEXT !!!"
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Warrant Officer
No, no, absolutely bloody NO. Whatever happened to people actually LEARNING about the company THEY want to work for. Tesco aren't some tiny fcukiing backstreet garage FFS, they are huge. If he didn't know what they sell why didi he go for a job there. He could have ended up making pork pies.....

What's next ? "I wanted to work for the Air Force cos the planes is pretty, but I had to leave when I found out they drop bombs and stuff...."

The guy needs to fcuking grow up. There is no claim here, if he didn't like his job he should vote with his feet just like anyone else would under these circumstances, but then again. Money for nothing.....

I TOTALLY agree with this statement - in applying for a job in a supermarket warehouse the guy in question must have been aware that he would be in the same environment as alcohol - its just a sensationalist attempt to grab free money.


Was he treated any differently or asked to do anything because of his religion?

No. He was required to do the same job as everyone else around him. As he wasn't singled out for any reason it isn't discrimination.

This is a direct quote from the direct.gov.uk website advising on Religious Discrimination.

Some religions don't allow you to eat certain foods. If you don't want to handle such food (for example, if you work in a supermarket and don't want to handle pork), speak to your employer. They might be able to manage your request, provided it doesnt affect the business."

Note the use of the word might rather than must.


i'm a muslim and in the raf.i got agro when i joined up for allegedly betraying my brothers.when i passed out from halton and went to cosford i got agro there from some of the students there. Being a muslim is hard in this day and age.you would think people would education themselves. Its easy for people to mock and point the finger at a muslim in todays society. I'm sure there are people out there who tried to sue someone for a ****ed up reason. It just ****es me off to hear muslim this and muslim that. Rant over!


Flight Sergeant
i'm a muslim and in the raf.i got agro when i joined up for allegedly betraying my brothers.when i passed out from halton and went to cosford i got agro there from some of the students there. Being a muslim is hard in this day and age.you would think people would education themselves. Its easy for people to mock and point the finger at a muslim in todays society. I'm sure there are people out there who tried to sue someone for a ****ed up reason. It just ****es me off to hear muslim this and muslim that. Rant over!

The problem is if it just read man sues for having to do his job it wouldn't sell. What annoys people is that people pervert religion to justify what ever screwed up viewpoint they have.

Talk Wrench

E-Goat addict
1000+ Posts
i'm a muslim and in the raf.i got agro when i joined up for allegedly betraying my brothers.when i passed out from halton and went to cosford i got agro there from some of the students there. Being a muslim is hard in this day and age.you would think people would education themselves. Its easy for people to mock and point the finger at a muslim in todays society. I'm sure there are people out there who tried to sue someone for a ****ed up reason. It just ****es me off to hear muslim this and muslim that. Rant over!

I suppose it's easy to feel caught up in something that isn't your own personal doing. I don't think anybody is mocking anyone for being a muslim or for what it matters, any other religion follower. What this thread highlights is that common sense has gone out of the window accross the board for the sake of "Human Rights" and the Human Rights Act,which unfortunately has reinforced negativity and intolerance within Europe.


Flight Sergeant
i'm a muslim and in the raf.i got agro when i joined up for allegedly betraying my brothers.when i passed out from halton and went to cosford i got agro there from some of the students there. Being a muslim is hard in this day and age.you would think people would education themselves. Its easy for people to mock and point the finger at a muslim in todays society. I'm sure there are people out there who tried to sue someone for a ****ed up reason. It just ****es me off to hear muslim this and muslim that. Rant over!


The problem you have is your are a Brit born Muslim who, by the sound of things didn't come from one of the many Immigrant Ghettos that are springing up around the country. My daughter teaches in a Multi racial school and she can tell the kids whos parents were born here as they tend to accept what other cultures and religions do, they fit in with all various religious holidays and get on with people. Dundee has had a massive Pakistani population for 40 years and there was no hassle until recently, as most of them lived amongst the general population, worked in the mills and ran their shops. Since the influx of Muslims who refuse to integrate at all, there has been trouble in the town centre. I am not advocating "send 'em all back" just those who refuse to acept our laws and ways.


i know what your saying. But not everyone thinks like you. It really grips my **** when i see people claiming benefits when they're not entitled to it,but everyone has a problem if the claimant is muslim.they were alot more bums out there falsely claiming not getting the attention like todays society before 9 ****ing 11. Society today makes it very hard for a muslim to lead a normal life without society thinking he might ****ing blow up!thats just one point.has this agenda affected my raf career? Yes! .it has really disheartened me and i'm glad i'm out next year for my nine.am i going to sign on? Am i bollocks! My time in the raf has been memorable but for the all wrong reasons.i've got a son who's 2.in 14 years if he wants to join up i will do my best and talk him out of it.


SNAFU master

Don't dissuade him from joining. There will be a great many changes in the next 10-15 years. I find it such a shame that the majority get criticised for the minority's actions.
We had no trouble with Race, Colour or Creed when I was in.

Good luck mate.


Warrant Officer
i know what your saying. But not everyone thinks like you. It really grips my **** when i see people claiming benefits when they're not entitled to it,but everyone has a problem if the claimant is muslim.they were alot more bums out there falsely claiming not getting the attention like todays society before 9 ****ing 11. Society today makes it very hard for a muslim to lead a normal life without society thinking he might ****ing blow up!thats just one point.has this agenda affected my raf career? Yes! .it has really disheartened me and i'm glad i'm out next year for my nine.am i going to sign on? Am i bollocks! My time in the raf has been memorable but for the all wrong reasons.i've got a son who's 2.in 14 years if he wants to join up i will do my best and talk him out of it.

And there in lies the problem, you'll do your best to talk him out of it, why?
The media has to take some of the blame for the cr@p you've taken, BUT, so have your muslim brothers and sisters, take a look at the news stories the past few years, the unfortunately successful bombings in London, the fortunately unsuccessful bombings in London, Abu Hamza, the girl who wanted to wear a certain peice of clothing to school, muslims burning Union Flags outside Finsbury Park Mosque in London and British Police standing Idly by and doing nothing and there are other countless stories.
Unfortunately we're never going to hear about the good things that muslims are doing, if we did then maybe things would change, it's a 2 way street Shaq, muslims have to start playing their part, integrate more, stop thinking of yourselves as muslim first, british second. Other races, creeds and cultures manage to integrate very well, almost to the point that you never hear about them in the news, Sikhs, Jews etc.


And there in lies the problem, you'll do your best to talk him out of it, why?
The media has to take some of the blame for the cr@p you've taken, BUT, so have your muslim brothers and sisters, take a look at the news stories the past few years, the unfortunately successful bombings in London, the fortunately unsuccessful bombings in London, Abu Hamza, the girl who wanted to wear a certain peice of clothing to school, muslims burning Union Flags outside Finsbury Park Mosque in London and British Police standing Idly by and doing nothing and there are other countless stories.
Unfortunately we're never going to hear about the good things that muslims are doing, if we did then maybe things would change, it's a 2 way street Shaq, muslims have to start playing their part, integrate more, stop thinking of yourselves as muslim first, british second. Other races, creeds and cultures manage to integrate very well, almost to the point that you never hear about them in the news, Sikhs, Jews etc.
I have always thought of myself as a brit.thats why i signed my life away 8 years ago.