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Why are you proud to be in the RAF?


Fablon biff chit

With all the doom and gloom lately, lets have a ray of sunshine - why are you proud to serve? Come on people!!!

The origional Pob

hmmm...now that is an extremely good question!. I personally am finding it harder and harder to find that little ray of light. I am still trying though. I have enjoyed most of the last 15years, however things are changing quickly...and sadly not for the best. Maybe one day soon they will start to improve when everything crashes!!.

It does take the mickey when the paperwork, logs, electronic fault logs, briefings, assessreps take longer to do than the task of actually fixing the fault!.:pDT_Xtremez_35:


proud to serve

proud to serve

After some 21 odd years I find that I still maintain a little pride in my Service, however not as much as when I did join up and we were the last bastion of freedom in Europe.

I do look at the kids joining up today and see little pride shown in their history, not their fault of course the namby pamby PC driven education system has done that to them, 'can't have pride in your own country Oh No! you'll become a racist'.

You may mock here, but I still have pride in the guys and gals of the 2WW and what they did to secure our future and I believe I have contributed and added to that legacy, don't know about you but thats my pride.:pDT_Xtremez_28:


I still puff my chest out and beam a great big smile when someone asks me what i do. 'I'm in the Royal Air Force,' i tell them. I just don't tell them I'm a Shiney. Don't want to ruin the illusion!!!!


England 2010 Campaign
1000+ Posts
What makes me proud is knowing I was part of the thin blue line that faced off the Soviets in central Europe. What does not make me proud is now I am a pawn in ' trust me' Tony Bliar and his madcap adventures that he is unwilling to fund correctly.


MyShineyAr$e said:
I still puff my chest out and beam a great big smile when someone asks me what i do. 'I'm in the Royal Air Force,' i tell them.

and presumably they all then ask: "oh really? what do you fly?"


Licensed Aircraft Engineer
1000+ Posts
Licensed A/C Eng
I knew a PTI who used to say he flew 1771's. Who would know?- and he got laid often (I think)
I did 24 yrs in and left feeling a bit bitter and twisted - but I did enjoy it or I wouldn't have stayed that distance.
And yes, I did feel proud to be in it then, as I am proud to tell people I have been in it now.


Decorated war hero
1000+ Posts
I'm proud to be in the RAF, on account of no one else would employ me.



Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Most people can be proud of their little corner of bedlam that is the Raf. Most of us put in a better than average effort or we'd be letting down ourselves and our buddies.

It's the upper echelon of management and our political leaders that reduce our ability to be proud of our efforts and service...........


I am proud to be part of an organisation that can get someone from the Gulf to my door within 15 hours of the initial phone call.

Thank you to EVERYONE involved.

I hope you never need the JCC at Innsworth but they are brilliant. I am so impressed.
Thanks again.


The new Dirk Diggler
I'm proud that the RAF has made me bitter and twisted, otherwise I would have floated through life thinking everythimg was just peachy!


"I can't really find anything positive to write in this box"

(quote from one lads assasination which he was proud to show everyone what he thought!)


Warrant Officer
insty66 said:
I hope you never need the JCC at Innsworth but they are brilliant. I am so impressed.
Thanks again.

I'll second that mate. Its not nice to have to use it, but its a flamin' marvel.
Does go to show what the RAF can do for its personnel when it reaaly tries.

I look like Bruce Willis

I Suck Like George Michael
sausage2 said:
I'm proud to be in the RAF, on account of no one else would employ me.


I am not suprised about that sausage2, I am suprised that the RAF will still employ you, as you know nothing about the important things in life like Air Power, QA, LEAN, The Core Values and Standards in the RAF. What I am suprised at is that the pathetic membership of this site refused to vote you off when I gave them the chance. Mind you I guess you some how fixed the vote.


I look like Bruce Willis said:
What I am suprised at is that the pathetic membership of this site refused to vote you off when I gave them the chance.

If you think the membership is pathetic why do you bore us with your continued submissions, which by the way, are repetitive, and quite frankly have lost the humerous edge that they once had. I supported you on the poll that was started against you, but now find myself wondering why.

Why do you continue to antagonise the other members on this site by hijacking their threads with all your Standards bull****, whilst not actually contributing anything useful or constructive to the debate/conversation. This thread was started to enable people to enlighten us as to what makes them proud to be part of this fighting force, instead you start (try to start) yet another slagging session.

Penguins Suck

Snap yous spine
1000+ Posts
Forward Assist

Forward Assist

What makes me proud is when I get to fail yet another fat techie who forgets to foward assist the L85A2 on the WHT. I mean is it not enough that I start each instruction period with '' RIGHT YOUS LOT LISTEN IN, ALL YOU SIMPLY DO IS FORWARD ASSIST AFTER EACH TIME YOU COCK THE RIFLE'. But no the thick fat techies always get it wrong. I hate ' guins.

RAF Reg all the way :pDT_Xtremez_32:
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I look like Bruce Willis

I Suck Like George Michael
MyShineyAr$e said:
If you think the membership is pathetic why do you bore us with your continued submissions, which by the way, are repetitive, and quite frankly have lost the humerous edge that they once had. I supported you on the poll that was started against you, but now find myself wondering why.

Why do you continue to antagonise the other members on this site by hijacking their threads with all your Standards bull****, whilst not actually contributing anything useful or constructive to the debate/conversation. This thread was started to enable people to enlighten us as to what makes them proud to be part of this fighting force, instead you start (try to start) yet another slagging session.

Right Mr Shineyarse, my submissions are not repetive and they are not meant to be humerous. They are meant to be informative and I think you will find that most people learn a lot from them. You are a shiney and do not understand QA. I think you will find that I have posted before what makes me proud. On the last post I was expressing a view about that disgrace to the RAF, sausage2.

I will not debate this with you at all, I am right, you are wrong. after all you are slagging me off, or is that ok just because I am downgraded?


I'm proud to serve becuase there can't be that many professions that, when you meet another member, or former member, no matter what particular discipline, you instantly meet a friend.

There is always that bit of pride lurking in all who serve, or used to serve - those that know what it is like to give without thinking of reward - to put your best into everything you do - to serve a purpose much more important than yourself.

It's not a tangible thing I can put my finger on here, but I am proud to serve, and I will be proud to have served when I leave - despite been very bitter about the circustances of my retirement.

Nonetheless, I am very proud of what I have achieved - OP FRESCO, preparations for TELIC, being a fully combat-ready JEngO on Ops, all that effort being a Flt Cdr and seeing a bad egg turn into a model airman.

I will recognise what I have done and feel proud - even if their Airships don't.