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What was the place...


Chaps and Chappesses, I notice that on many posts there are routinely up to 100 views (if not more) yet only around 6 - 10 people actually post a comment. Get involved you mingers! Write something even if it is a crazy conspiracy theory or utterly opposed to the posters comments (everyone loves a conspiracy theory!).

Just a thought.....

On the subject of conspiracy theories; I have heard that Fomz is actually the illegitimate son of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. It would explain soooooo much!

What was the name of that $hitty camp we went too at the end of Swindybobs in the early 80's? Was there in feb/march 81, and never been so cold! Not to mention shaving in water after breaking the ice!


Warrant Officer
What was the name of that $hitty camp we went too at the end of Swindybobs in the early 80's? Was there in feb/march 81, and never been so cold! Not to mention shaving in water after breaking the ice!

Sounds like the delightful Morton-On-Lug (think that was the place). All the charm of a Mogadishu cesspit and amenities to match!


What was the name of that $hitty camp we went too at the end of Swindybobs in the early 80's? Was there in feb/march 81, and never been so cold! Not to mention shaving in water after breaking the ice!

Sounds like the delightful Morton-On-Lug (think that was the place). All the charm of a Mogadishu cesspit and amenities to match!

More likely North Luffenham, Moreton-on Lugg was the place of pain for early GST 1


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
I remember Moreton on Lugg for GST 1 well. Wading thigh deep up a ditch (with the associated splashing) in winter weather and finding a dead sheep drifting gently towards me. Hyperthermia was a real (as opposed to exercise inject) possibility. I was glad to get back to Hereford!


Super Moderator
Staff member
1000+ Posts
When I was in in ‘naam, North Luffenaaam, was the cheesy phrase mentioned to the newbies in Swinditz, once you’d managed to pass and started your last couple of weeks of parade practice prior to Phase 2. Of course for those that were reflighted to repeat the experience there was the 100 yard stare.

Apart from the nasty nasty gas mask run and the middle of the night fire watch, it was all about teamwork, mental fortitude and mucking in, which with hindsight and a failing memory doesn’t seem so bad these days.

Queue the Top Gun sound track.....

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Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Moreton-on Lugg was the place of pain for early GST 1

I remember Moreton on Lugg for GST 1 well. Wading thigh deep up a ditch (with the associated splashing) in winter weather and finding a dead sheep drifting gently towards me. Hyperthermia was a real (as opposed to exercise inject) possibility. I was glad to get back to Hereford!

Moreton on Lugg GST 1 early 80's in February bitterly cold, thick morning fog, dank and miserable most of the days we were there. I was spared the drifting sheep we just crunched through the ice in the stream/ditch to reach the knee deep water underneath all to reach the exercise extraction point or in plain English a 3 Tonner. A barrack block with the heating on never looked so inviting.


A couple of years ago did AMLC, the chap started off the conversation with 'well you have all completed JMLC and IMLC so you know the format'... My response was errr no, completed GST1... so he interrupted 'yeah I know a couple of you will have done that, but you will all have done IMLC '....... err no also did GST2...... When I mentioned Hereford he went very quiet 😂


Licensed Aircraft Engineer
1000+ Posts
Licensed A/C Eng
Ahh, Moreton-on-Lugg.
What a wonderful summer that was! Strolling knee-deep through fresh water and flies, meandering through the straw like grasses and having to carry loads of water...
The only downside was that Saddam went on hollibobs in Kuwait!


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Never even heard of the place...! Was in from mid 70's to late 80's and was promoted to CPL during that time. There was some talk about a "Hereford CPL's training place" but was promoted before then so did I miss anything worth missing?


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
Never even heard of the place...! Was in from mid 70's to late 80's and was promoted to CPL during that time. There was some talk about a "Hereford CPL's training place" but was promoted before then so did I miss anything worth missing?

Not really, although the course I was on was only the 2nd or 3rd to run so there was still a degree of staff trying to work things out themselves.
Lots of leadership exercises involving everything from Lego bricks to pine poles, brushing up on service writing etc and then a field exercise at Moreton On Lugg where field tactics and command and control on operations were taught. We were there in the depths of winter with sleet and rain and sub-zero temperatures so hyperthermia was a very real possibility. These were the days, remember, before everybody had been issued with their own full sets of DPM uniforms.
Luffenham was a complete blur to me an the end of Swinderby time - I did go but it's somehow been erased from my mind. I do recall Morton on Lugg for GST 1 though, but now I'm wracking my brains on what happened on GST 2 at Hereford. I remember being outside but not sure where it was - maybe somewhere at Hereford?

Late & Tired

Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
I remember my GST2 in Feb 86 near Hereford, and the name Duffy's Dyke springs to mind.
Scabby February, breaking ice, bitterly cold, team running and tactics.
All very useful for my next post in a warm office at Wyton...

Teh Wal

Flight Sergeant
Coincidentally Moreton-On-Lugg (Banana Junction!) is now a massive gravel pit much like the way Swinderby is heading.
I was there in 84 I think it was, November, perishing, raining, miserable... Along with 'Dutch' Holland I got Hyperthermia from standing in a trench that slowly filled with water. We were put in a hut and ordered to make tea using those ration pack solid fuel stoves.. After a while we felt a bit weird, one of the staff entered and ordered us out. Apparently they are not to be used in a confined space... Later on I took over as commander, got shot and killed five minutes later; at the end of course debrief I was recorded as being 'cool and calm under fire' - when I mentioned I I was dead for all but five minutes of my time in charge he replied, "How more cool and calm could you have got?"


More likely North Luffenham, Moreton-on Lugg was the place of pain for early GST 1
North Luffenham, you are correct, funny how you forget. And as for Moreton-on Lugg: agree what a shite hole, was foggy and cold all the time I was there. Seem to remember sleeping in a massive tent next to a railway line and getting attacked all night by sas types, come the morning with no sleep had to walk miles thro cow shite and bogs to meet with our "transport home" 4 tonner, only to driven back to where we started from! Comedians'

Billy Whizz

Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
A couple of years ago did AMLC, the chap started off the conversation with 'well you have all completed JMLC and IMLC so you know the format'... My response was errr no, completed GST1... so he interrupted 'yeah I know a couple of you will have done that, but you will all have done IMLC '....... err no also did GST2...... When I mentioned Hereford he went very quiet 😂
Same here - did like the "You are no longer Sgts" line too......nope, haven't been for years!!!! There's a rank called Chf Tech for some of us don't forget!


Licensed Aircraft Engineer
1000+ Posts
Licensed A/C Eng
Morton on Lugg was all “Hot August Nights” for me. The stream/dyke was a nice cool bathe and rather too short. The “forced march” was through straw-dry thigh-high grass lugging an SLR and the GPMG and was probably the most tiring thing.
I can’t remember why we had to build our tents INSIDE those Nissen Huts but probably because the wind would have ripped the spit-through thin rags. Cooking on Hexi-burners was done in the huts - but not in the tents.


Station Cashier
I remember my GST2 in Feb 86 near Hereford, and the name Duffy's Dyke springs to mind.
Scabby February, breaking ice, bitterly cold, team running and tactics.
All very useful for my next post in a warm office at Wyton...
GST2 in July 84, coincided with AOCs, therefore we did not have to endure Duffy Dyke so as not to have muddy boots dragged through the Mess. All training done on base. Weather was very kind thankfully.