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UBAS students.......TO$$ERS!

Big Jock

Probably not as this is the Boring Cosford infighting forum and FLT started off by refering to the UBAS students as in the University of Birmingham Air Squadron students.

Which is exactly why I asked the question prior to making my comment about the UWAS students mentioned by Scottishcop. Thank you for your use of bold print to highlight the relevant (or not) facts which I may have got wrong had I not read the post correctly in the first place.



No sorry that was a typo on my part. Meant to say UAS not UWAS!


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Where do these jumped up pr!cks get off. For starters they aren't even proper RAF types so what do they think gives them the right to shout at trainees who are real RAF property? Could it be the fact they had a families day so mummy and daddy what junior gets up to, and thought it would be a chance to show off?

All I can say is the chimp who partook in such act was very luck I wasn't there to witness it, otherwise he would have got some back. Thankfully our management took things in hand and had a word with their boss. He was actually most upset this had happened and made apologies.

Whangers the lot of them.

I don't recall if this particular bunch were there but the mater's and paters's of these types wouldn't have been impressed by little Tarquin and Cynthia if they'd have been a fly on the wall of the after RIAT party (I know it didn't happen but they still held a bash)...They go from snobs to slappers in a couple of cans of lager...


Warrant Officer
Way back yonder when I was a fresh faced (and slim) mech I was on guard over at OMQ's when a group of these to$$ers came in the gate, the fitter I was on with checked their 1250's when one of them piped up "Don't you pat compliments to officers", He said of course I do like any good airman would But since your not an officer you can fcuk right off before I smash you face in for being a gobby little cnut.

I was just stood there mouth wide open like some fish thinking he can't say that. But once they had gone he said we might get a phone call soon and sure enough we did the Guard commander called to say well done, the same bunch of pr1cks had given one lad on days a bo11ocking for not saluting, he had his back to them at the time.

I was on Guard at the gate between the Museum and the Hangar side of Cosford when on my Mechs course. A rather attractive young lady drove up to the barrier and presented her 1250, she was wearing headress (Other ranks badge with white backing), a flying suit with, IIRC, white tabs on her shoulders. I said to her "I don't know if i'm supposed to salute you or not", she replied "No, i'm only a University Air Cadet". I didn't salute one after that and was never pulled up for it.
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SNAFU master
I was on Guard at the gate between the Museum and the Hangar side of Cosford when on my Mechs course. A rather attractive young lady drove up to the barrier and presented her 1250, she was wearing headress (Other ranks badge with white backing), a flying suit with, IIRC, white tabs on her shoulders. I said to her "I don't know if i'm supposed to salute you or not", she replied "No, i'm only a University Air Cadet". I didn't saluted one after that and was never pulled up for it.

How refreshingly honest of her.

The Dog's

I was on Guard at the gate between the Museum and the Hangar side of Cosford when on my Mechs course. A rather attractive young lady drove up to the barrier and presented her 1250, she was wearing headress (Other ranks badge with white backing), a flying suit with, IIRC, white tabs on her shoulders. I said to her "I don't know if i'm supposed to salute you or not", she replied "No, i'm only a University Air Cadet". I didn't saluted one after that and was never pulled up for it.

You may not have had to salute her, but out of respect for the young lady, it would have been only fair for the 'old fella' to have risen for the occasion.:pDT_Xtremez_15:


Warrant Officer
You may not have had to salute her, but out of respect for the young lady, it would have been only fair for the 'old fella' to have risen for the occasion.:pDT_Xtremez_15:

Hee hee, the thought did cross my mind then, but I was a shy 17 year old.


When down at RIAT this year, me and my small work force of AC´s got treated like complete **** by the RIAT staff, but they couldn´t do enough for the UBAS. You´d think it was UBAS who were deploying every year defending the country rather then playing pilots at a weekend


mate is on A UAS ATM, with a bursary for pilot from the RAF, hes very proud of himself, the other day i reminded him, dude you're nobody yet, and you're having far less sex than me right now and I'm non-commissioned and non prick.

he took it well after chucking my bike in a river he slapped me! and then had the nerve to say i was right the tosser!


Treat all UAS cadets as retarded ginger step children and you can't go far wrong. You have to remember that they are kids with no life experience and no military experience. I've had to tell them to pick up their own beer cans and assorted crap which they dropped outside their own tent because they're just to thick and lazy to think for themselves. They are good targets for throwing split cylumes at though. If they complain just throw more. I really hope I have another run in with one, I'm just going to shallow grave them.

There are some decent lads and girls amongst them but i suspect they'll get weeded out at OASC.




I have had the mis fortune of coming across some of these UAS types bit like RAFVRT officers plastic! (an course that teaches officers how to wipe their own arse, and some of them still fail!! i ask you)

When i was an officer cadet with the army, i attended the air show at Cosford. Had the same problem, i said to the one lad who the F**k do you think you are! Asked him why he didnt have a an officer cap with the white band round it and for some reason he didnt wanna talk anymore!
We got treated like ****e until your commissioned. Most of these muppets havent got the Brains anyway, i just blanked the muppet that was trying to say stuff to me.

I find it hard to believe that you have this many problems with them, has no one fed them to the rockapes yet?? i'm sure that will sort them out



Flight Sergeant
FT course at Cosford in 89-90ish, friday night patrol at kicking out time in the Mess was THE best shift of the week. None of the curtains fitted properly in the wooden huts that they stayed in. Thanks for the stripshows girls - you were great !!
I agree they're generally all t0ssers.

Funny storey for you. A few years ago I took part in the Tall Ships Race, a sailing race where a certain proportion of the crew have to be younger than 25 (if my memory serves me right). We had 4 UAS cadets on board and they were a stuck up bunch that thought they knew best. Anyway, there was a mother watch on board and all the crew took turn, one from each of the two watches. I was a watch leader and was asked by the UAS lad for a suggestion for dinner. The guy that asked me was maybe 19 or 20, he was also getting sponsorship from the RAF whilst at Uni so he should have been pretty intelligent. I suggest he cooked spag bol as it was easy and everyone would appreciate it.

"Great" he said in his posh accent, "how do I do that"?

"Well, peel some onions, chop them, fry them, add some mince... Etc"

I left him for ten mins and then checked up to see how he was getting on.

"How you doing?" I asked

"Oh, just fine thanks!"

He thought he was doing fine, I wasn't so sure as I watched hacking away at the onions with a potato peeler! What a mess he made! I couldn't believe a guy at his age, who the RAF thought warranted sponsorship, didn't even know, and failed to suss out, how to peel an onion!

Captain Gatso

I also have deep hatred for these jumped up little t#ats. I was on my fitters course and I and five unfortunate others had to escort these little pricks around the airfield and other places in a Minibus during the Airshow day, because non of them had a proper driving licence. I had an exam the following day and was trying my best to study and was constantly getting pestered if I could escort Tarquin and his mates to the officers mess, for din dins and a Pims or two. They had no concept of the what the rest of the RAF did and I never even got a thank you from thier boss for having to wait around until one in the morning while they set fire to yet another piano while getting rat arsed in the mess with all the display pilots. Nice to see how the other half lived compared to us lesser mortals. Rant over me thinks.::/:

Reformed Scribbly


He thought he was doing fine, I wasn't so sure as I watched hacking away at the onions with a potato peeler! What a mess he made! I couldn't believe a guy at his age, who the RAF thought warranted sponsorship, didn't even know, and failed to suss out, how to peel an onion!

So what do you suggest, a cooking demo at OASC?


SNAFU master
So what do you suggest, a cooking demo at OASC?

Frankly, I think that sort of thing would be a very good idea. These unfortunates are pitched into a world where much is expected of them. Sadly, they've been given the impression that they are 'superior' and that implies things are done for them (this may happen at home for all we know), so they do not necessarily know how to do what we might regard as 'simple', such as cooking (I could not do a spag. bol., for example, but could sort out a meal).

So some lessons in self-awareness, survival, basic cooking & cleaning might be a good idea. Isn't an Officer supposed to know the 'how' of the things he asks of his men ?



I was in Liverpool UAS for a while and unfortunately for me the majority were all daddys little girls and mommys little boys that had come straigt to Uni from a boarding school in the middle of nowhere, where they were taught latin and such, and i know a few that would have made a worse attempt at peeling an onion! It was a disgrace to think i might be working with some of these people for real some day.

Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
DBRL's sig block says it far better than I could.

"..as officers... you will neither eat, nor drink, nor sleep, nor smoke, nor even sit down until you have personally seen that your men have done those things. If you will do this for them, they will follow you to the end of the world. And, if you do not, I will break you." - Field Marshal Slim"


jeeesus. I just read this whole thread and they sound a right bunch of pricks. The exact people I hate. The ones who think there is a hierarchy where they are naturally superior and all lesser people are in their positions because they just are - they have no regard or understanding of, well, being human. I was just the same...when I was 10.

When I apply, if I get to OASC, I hope I'm not with too many of these types of people. Hate em with a passion.

Hu Jardon

GEM is a cheeky young fek
jeeesus. I just read this whole thread and they sound a right bunch of pricks. The exact people I hate. The ones who think there is a hierarchy where they are naturally superior and all lesser people are in their positions because they just are - they have no regard or understanding of, well, being human. I was just the same...when I was 10.

When I apply, if I get to OASC, I hope I'm not with too many of these types of people. Hate em with a passion.
Cripes I hadn't noticed; but now you mention it they do sound like a right bunch of rotters. A proper bunch of over educated twerps but never mind I'm sure the fat fellow who works for Gimpsters down 238 Line will soon put them back in their place if they misbehave again:pDT_Xtremez_14: