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The New Top Gear


Warrant Officer
Anyone been watching the new version of Top Gear? I haven't as I dislike Chris Evans intensely, but I'm interested to hear if anyone else has been watching it and what their views are?

sid the squid

Watched it last night for the first time and to be honest i didn't think it was that bad.
Evans is a marmite person so i suppose it depends on your view on him.
Personally i think he is a bit of a clown and appears to be out of his depth on this show spending most of the time sh*tting himself when driving the fast cars.
As for the yank he was ok but looked like he was trying to hard.
the format is pretty much the same with a few changes.
Overall i give it 6 and a half out of ten

Past Engineering

Tried to watch the first and gave up, did not like Evans or the way the programme was put together (saying that the old version occasionally was not watchable), gave the second one a miss for now but watch it on BBC I player and see how it goes, though Chris Evans is not one of my favourite people I am afraid.


For me Evans is trying too hard. Think they needed to have an rethink of the format with the new presenters.


Rex Craymer Man of Danger
Staff member
Evans is trying too hard to make it into a TFI/Big Breakfast with cars his excitable/shouty approach is not suited to the current approach ie trying to keep the same sort of format as the original TG.

The loss of the Clarkson/Hammond/May attributes, is preventing them from carrying it off I don't think any of them has the mechanical skills of May and Hammond, even Clarkson for that matter so I think the days of buying £1500 bangers and driving them across Africa are gone.

The South Africa Challenge in the posh 4x4 wasn't too bad and I think the multiple guest approach could work as it made it quite interesting especially Eddie Jordan smashing up the Merc!

I also think that the new Rally cross version of SITRPC feature could work if they did a Sabine challenge/race or even nick some of the bits from the car game show Dermot O'Leary did in SA.

Evans is used to his own writers and it shows, so if they did a totally different car show it would probably be better and then there would be no competition when the Amazon Prime show starts later this year.

On a plus note I quite like Matt Le Blanc, he definitely is a petrol head, he's not a bad driver and he's actually trying to present rather than shout, however, there is an uncomfortable relationship with Evans which feels strained and I think this is reflected in the audience feedback which appears forced at times.


Same format, seems to be the same scriptwriter.

I just see Jeremy Clarkson et Al saying the same lines years ago... I think 'Joey' is the best presenter on so far.

Sharleen Spiteri would make a good presenter for the show, going by last nights performance though :)

I'm sticking with it for a bit longer to see if I can tune out Chris Evans' screeching !


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
I couldn't get through the whole first episode but gave it another go last night and it was better....The SUV feature I thought was quite good (I definitely want the Jag when I am rich and famous) and it was packed with other fillers that meant that Evans had less chance to shout and run around...

If Evans was able to read this I am sure he would be heartened by my kind words and would also back me in my appeal for the Celebrity Death pool points scam I am under...


Finally got round to watching the first episode, and bit of the second one last night. I doubt I’ll bother with a third.

Evans has got some bits right – but way to much wrong for the show to be a success.

When Clarkson bought the failing TG franchise 15’sh years ago – he scrapped the old format and made the kind of car program he wanted to make – it had a unique style and over time morphed from being a program about cars – to a program about 3 blokes that like cars.

Evans himself, like him or not, is a talented broadcaster – who when given free reign (eg Ginger productions) has been behind some really good TV and radio. However on this occasion he has got it wrong:

He is now on TV / Radio too much – TFI (recent), Breakfast Show and TG . I’m getting Gingered out, and I quite like the guy! He should have chosen the breakfast show, or TG, and done one really well – not both to an average level..

TG is still made by the same people – it shows!. It is not Chris Evans interpretation of TG – it is the TG teams continuation of TG with new guys at the helm – and that was never going to work!. It had to go in a new direction, and be unique

I suspect the overseas carriers of TG (where the money that makes the show is) will just not renew after this series, and it will quietly be canned.

Unfortunately Chris, this was a show that needed heart and soul putting into it, and you hedged your bet by keeping the breakfast show. So it was doomed from the start (no matter how well made it is!)..


I watched episode 1 of the new series last night and felt myself losing interest at various points during the show. I think the show is even worse without Chris Evans. Maybe they should knock it on the head after this series unless they can get more dynamic presenters.


Warrant Officer
I agree with Ted. The show didn't hold my attention (short as my attention span is) and the comedy interactions felt very contrived. Time to put this show down methinks.


Its growing on me.Not as much arrsing about as Clarkson and co!Last night pretty good especially when Sabine blasted the VW round the Nurburgring.Shes pretty damn good!:pDT_Xtremez_30:
Is anyone still watching The Grand Tour?

I've not seen any of it, so don't have an opinion. Just wondered if it was worth all the cash Amazon spunked on it?


Super Moderator
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Is anyone still watching The Grand Tour?

I've not seen any of it, so don't have an opinion. Just wondered if it was worth all the cash Amazon spunked on it?

Both are okay, GT is vey much like top gear with a bit more of the the guys playing up their characters than they used to. TG, not watched last nights yet, Florida me not as cringeworthy as the first of the new series but seems to be finding its feet.

I'd say that GT is probably the favourite with TG fans of old and The New TG is targeting the next generation.

Probably not worth paying for it on its own but if you can use the other elements of the Prime Package and fancy the other programmes it's not that expensive.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Warwick Hunt

Persona Non-Grata
1000+ Posts
Yes, it's a good line up. It's a shame Matt Le Blanc's going as he's a genuine petrolhead and a passionate and knowledgeable presenter and his on-screen relationship with Harris is real and funny. Sad to see Rory Reid being sidelined, but there you go - at least he's still being retained. Looking forward to Flintoff and McGuinness at the helm. They should bring a more "ladsy" feel back with an inject of humour and northern-boys' banter. To be honest, I don't miss C,M&H one bit and have never watched GT, so I'm missing even less.


Yes, it's a good line up. It's a shame Matt Le Blanc's going as he's a genuine petrolhead and a passionate and knowledgeable presenter and his on-screen relationship with Harris is real and funny. Sad to see Rory Reid being sidelined, but there you go - at least he's still being retained. Looking forward to Flintoff and McGuinness at the helm. They should bring a more "ladsy" feel back with an inject of humour and northern-boys' banter. To be honest, I don't miss C,M&H one bit and have never watched GT, so I'm missing even less.

I watched the first series of GT, you didn't miss anything, it was sh1t. I'm hoping TG moves away from some of the more idiotic features that charcterised CM&H's days at TG and were still going on occasionally when Matt Le Blanc was presenting.