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Speed Cameras


Warrant Officer
Tigger said:
For those with the somach for it, have a look at www.ogrish.com. I'me sure Firestorm will agree with me that it's a pretty accurate reflection of what happens to a body hit by a solid object.

I don't do ogrish, I see enough of that sh1t at work, so I don't invite it into my living room, it's my safe haven. But you're spot on mate. Clothes have a nice habit of holding bodies together sometimes!
TheHogwartsBEngO said:
And as for big, brutal 4x4s, with or without bull-bars, driven by inattentive morons - they are a menace to other road users. end of. I visited my sister in Marlow recently, roads were full of them, and every single one, without exception, was driven with a 'get out of my way peasant' attitude. My blood boiled. Any Strike Cmd residents care to comment on Wycombe/Marlow driving standards?

Aylesbury/Wendover getting just as bad with 4x4's, women on the school run, but still the biggest pain in the ar$e are the London commuters who seem to have the idea that just because they've got a Porsche Boxter the don't have to give way at roundabouts and can't grasp the consept that if they use their indicators no-one will shout at them.


SirSaltyHelmet said:
It is the whole of Berkshire/Oxfordshire, they are a right royal pain in the arse. They seem to be beoming more popular on base too. Why the fcuk would anyone want a 4x4 for a school run is beyond me. Having a kid in a car that big is like looking after your smarties in bank safe. What makes it worse is that the fcuking women that drive them can't drive or park them. I watched a woman in B and Q the other day take 5 mins to get one in a parking slot. Put £2000 a year car tax on the ba$tard things and make the trouts who drive them sit a parking test

I have yet to see a BMW X5 without alloy wheel rims that look like they have been in a war zone.

It's just the attitude of the drivers that got me. I was tootling through town centre in traffic and at least 4 'SUVs' pulled out of side roads right in front of me, even though they looked directly at me, and bullied their way into the traffic flow. I had my parents in my car with me so I had to behave but I was furious.

We got upgraded to a huge american uber-SUV on our trip to canada recently and after driving this leviathon around for a week I can see the appeal. On the long journeys we made it was supremely comfortable and had an awesone sound system. We also felt very safe. I must admit to also using its' size to my advantage in montreal rush-hour traffic.

But I felt very familiar with the fuel pumps. Were I to live in north america, I probably would gravitate towards an SUV :pDT_Xtremez_42:

but I don't and neither do the chelsea tractor brigade. so yes 2K tax on 4x4s gets my vote. (except for those who have a genuine need for a 4x4 who can have normal tax on real off-roaders - ie a Landrover Defender but not the luxury models that get stuck in a puddle)


Flight Sergeant
I've always thought, compulsory motorcycle training, and no car until you've ridden an underpowered 'ped on the roads for 2 years would soon sort the men from the boys!:pDT_Xtremez_14:
Improved observational skills, understanding of road surfaces and speed/ handling issues AND gets rid of all those nervous wnkaz. Also by the time anyone has ENDURED 2 years on a moped, they should have a improved respect for motoring and no fecking mistake!


Warrant Officer
r0jaws said:
I've always thought, compulsory motorcycle training, and no car until you've ridden an underpowered 'ped on the roads for 2 years would soon sort the men from the boys!:pDT_Xtremez_14:
Improved observational skills, understanding of road surfaces and speed/ handling issues AND gets rid of all those nervous wnkaz. Also by the time anyone has ENDURED 2 years on a moped, they should have a improved respect for motoring and no fecking mistake!

....if they live that long!


Flight Sergeant
firestorm said:
....if they live that long!

The level of attrition would lower the amount of drivers on the road, thus lowering wear and tear on the road system, increase use of public transport, & it weeds out the inattentive and easily distracted!:pDT_Xtremez_30:
On the plus side too, if they do have an accident on the 'ped, the only person they're likely to hurt is themselves!
Job Done.

Dirk Thrust

Yes but then the downside would be less cars on the road, so less money collected from Tax therefore it would have to go up again, again and again


Flight Sergeant
firestorm said:
I getcha, a kind of natural selection for the road?

Yep, absolutely the point I was trying to get at.
Be good to get away from the idea that the roads are a playground.


Flight Sergeant
Dirk Thrust said:
Yes but then the downside would be less cars on the road, so less money collected from Tax therefore it would have to go up again, again and again

However vastly increased use of public transport would easily take care of that.
Also to be honest, motoring should cost quite a bit. People take more care of stuff they have invested a lot of money in.
Those that don't pay, custodial sentence.
You're driving half a ton of mobile death machine, not a fecking go-cart sonny jim!
Maybe they'll now put a speed camera outside a certain Naval Base in Southern England after today - to catch the Speeding Cop Cars !!!

Dunno if this one will make the evening news or not ......but the BMW estate (Feds) that had just ploughed into the the back of the old but recently rejuvenated green Mini (Civvie) .......were just being winched onto the recovery wagon at 13:30.


So if it was speeding, how do you know he/she wasn't enroute to a job ? And before you say it, we don't need to have our blues and two's on to exceed the speed limit.
If they have done summat wrong then it'll come out in the POLAC investigation and they'll be stuck on.
Tigger said:
So if it was speeding, how do you know he/she wasn't enroute to a job ? And before you say it, we don't need to have our blues and two's on to exceed the speed limit.
If they have done summat wrong then it'll come out in the POLAC investigation and they'll be stuck on.

I fully expect that they were on the way to a job cos the Blue's'n'two's were on !!

- even for quite a while after the 'bang'

as you seem interested - other features were:

Two lane dead straight highway for over half a mile
High brick walls either side of road for most of the route
Nowhere for traffic (ie Mini's) to 'get out of the way'.
Accident occurred whilst passing the gateway(s) to 02 very busy entrances/exits that are immediately adjacent to the road.
(Its more than likely the mini pulled out of one of them)

Put it this way, I would'nt want to be in his shoes explaining his actions to the Chief Super !

Early Stack



What really grips my excrement is when drivers slow down to say 50 to go through a 60 speed camera!



So whats your problem with him speeding ?

It could be he's done nothing wrong and matey in the other car panicked and did summat stupid. It happens. I had someone stop in front of me on a dual carriageway the other day when they saw my blues. That gets you're attention at 120 mph. Regularly get folks pulling out of junctions and trying to get round the roundabouts before you arrive.
I doubt very much if they'll go in front of the Chief Constable. If the mini did pull out in front of him, then the mini driver will find themselves aquainted with section 3 of the road traffic act 1988.

Unfortunately people get into their little metal bubbles and mentally go to sleep.
Tigger said:
So whats your problem with him speeding ?

It could be he's done nothing wrong and matey in the other car panicked and did summat stupid. It happens. I had someone stop in front of me on a dual carriageway the other day when they saw my blues. That gets you're attention at 120 mph. Regularly get folks pulling out of junctions and trying to get round the roundabouts before you arrive.
I doubt very much if they'll go in front of the Chief Constable. If the mini did pull out in front of him, then the mini driver will find themselves aquainted with section 3 of the road traffic act 1988.

Unfortunately people get into their little metal bubbles and mentally go to sleep.

Hmmnn, I wonder if we'd be having the same 'cosy chat' if it was me that had ended up playing conkers with the Mini ?

(No fatalities so far, woman driver, back end was shoved square into the front, knocked it/her a good 50 yds down the road)

I estimate the BMW must have been doing well over 80, they usually do down there, the half mile dead straight 'tunnel' allows them to get up a good shift on - when empty !

You're right of course, dependant on conditions, no problem with him speeding, if he's on a shout, crack on, somebody might be in distress.

In fact, all the emergency services use this route, its the only way through really

The fact that there is this road crossing/road junction/camp entry/exits right in the middle of this straight, which see's cars, buses etc continually emerging or trying to get in/out/ through the barriers on both sides as others waiting stick out into the road.

As it is, the only ranks allowed to cross the road between camps are Chf's/CPO's and above since a WO(?) got taken out crossing some years ago now - all other ranks have to cross using the footbridges provided

However...then theres the civvys, contractors and all'n'sundry who park in the laybye/use the bus stop immediately adjacent the accident

....oh and did I mention all the school kids who travel up/down the straight to the huge secondary school at the end of the road.

...its not the first time theres been an prang there and I doubt it will be the last. This time it was a straight shunt, consider if he had have kerbed it, he would have played bagatelle with all of the above

.....unfortunately I only see one common denominator here for unneccesary accidents/potential injuries and deaths - that would be

Speeding Cop Cars !!! ...and other emergency vehicles Blue/Twos or not

Maybe he would have got away with 50/60 ......over 80 ??? simply irresponsible


....oh and did I mention all the school kids who travel up/down the straight to the huge secondary school at the end of the road.

No you didn't.


Tigger said:
So whats your problem with him speeding ?

It could be he's done nothing wrong and matey in the other car panicked and did summat stupid. It happens. I had someone stop in front of me on a dual carriageway the other day when they saw my blues. That gets you're attention at 120 mph. Regularly get folks pulling out of junctions and trying to get round the roundabouts before you arrive.
I doubt very much if they'll go in front of the Chief Constable. If the mini did pull out in front of him, then the mini driver will find themselves aquainted with section 3 of the road traffic act 1988.

Unfortunately people get into their little metal bubbles and mentally go to sleep.
Tigger, you seem a decent enough bloke, and I my might be after some advice if my number comes up in the redundancies, but this reply is the sort of thing that p***es people off no end about the coppers, it smacks of, "we know everything and we never do anything wrong it's always the civilians who are to blame" mate you are public servants and as such need to treat the public with respect, you never know you might even get some in return.


Flight Sergeant
I have a simple, yet expensive solution.

Lets build straight five lane motorways between all RAF station and major cities, only for use by RAF personnel

That way everyone will be able to drive as fast as they like. I know it will make my job easier, ever tried driving from awacs land to DARA's south wales HQ?!?!?!?!


"we know everything and we never do anything wrong it's always the civilians who are to blame"

I think you need to go back and reread the thread. I am putting forward another possible scenario for the events that occured out side the naval base. I can do that, because I get to see things from the view of a police driver.

mate you are public servants and as such need to treat the public with respect, you never know you might even get some in return.

Have you seen me at work, have you had the benefit of one of my roadside chats ? The thankyou card I have for catching and arresting the guy who sexually assaulted the daughter of a local resident suggest maybe I am actually reasonably competant at my job, and present an appropriate public image.

The majority of people I stop for driving offences go away with nothing more than a few words of advice, generally thank me and appreciate they have made a mistake. The ones I don't feel are pinning their ears back and taking note get a fixed penalty notice or reported for summons.