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RAF Paradise



Oh My Beloved Ones, did anyone attend the disbandment ceremonies at RAF Coltishall, paradise on earth for the virtuous? For though I am omniscient I was mildly distracted by an infidel eating a bacon sarnnie that weekend.
Grateful for news


Grand days!!

Grand days!!

apologies allah but missed it as well (primary duty sent me away as usual).

Have to say one of the best RAF stns I had the pleasure of working at - small, friendly, great work ethic and the least pretentious officers mess in the fast jet world.

It would have been nice to go back there with 41 RIC (or whatever it is called now) but alas that chance is now gone forever:pDT_Xtremez_37:

Ricit XIII

well that is the last of the primo's of 41 RIC, back to the real air force, rather than larging it up over in a little non descript part of Norfolk. Always the first to get the good OOA with rates then moan when they relised they had to do a full 4 months rather than 6 weeks.:pDT_Xtremez_31:




O Beloved Eater of Dung, truly your cup of bitterness doest overflow. Mightily, it is amusing to mine eye to see a 13 Squadron Dweller over Pictures label Coltishall a "little non descript part of Norfolk". Tell me O Infidel, how is Kings Lynn nowadays? And was not the sole purpose of TIW an underhand ploy to get whinging Marhamites and Sodomites into Incirlik? Verily, these accursed ones were foiled when Incirlik closed leaving smiles adorned on the faces of the Blessed Coltishall Faithful and leaving the Unbelievers at TIW wailing and gnashing their teeth still clutching travel orders marked "Kuwait" not "Turkey" - it was written by the prophets. TIW shall come to grief and shall be mourned by noone and there will be much rejoicing amongst the virtuous. It is written, so shall it come to pass.


Allah said:
O Beloved Eater of Dung, truly your cup of bitterness doest overflow. Mightily, it is amusing to mine eye to see a 13 Squadron Dweller over Pictures label Coltishall a "little non descript part of Norfolk". Tell me O Infidel, how is Kings Lynn nowadays? And was not the sole purpose of TIW an underhand ploy to get whinging Marhamites and Sodomites into Incirlik? Verily, these accursed ones were foiled when Incirlik closed leaving smiles adorned on the faces of the Blessed Coltishall Faithful and leaving the Unbelievers at TIW wailing and gnashing their teeth still clutching travel orders marked "Kuwait" not "Turkey" - it was written by the prophets. TIW shall come to grief and shall be mourned by noone and there will be much rejoicing amongst the virtuous. It is written, so shall it come to pass.

(Am I allowed to call you that, seeing as I'm not 'one of yours') Anyway, casting my mind back a few weeks didn't your lot get all excited about a couple of pictures that (alledgedly) were of you. Like I said I'm not one of your so never really understood what all the fuss was about. So, how do the same people take to you being a member of the goat then? Does your avatar count in the same vein as the foreign pics? And, don't you have more important, religious type things to do?
Not trying to offend you like, just curious



Allah are you truly a Muslim or is this just a wind up?

Ricit XIII

Oh Allah,

How wrong you are, for I am not of TIW fame, but a di-hard stabcat. As:pDT_Xtremez_14: you 41 primo's sat in kuwait with no job to do, some of us marched forth into Iraq and earned the queens schilling and was still there when you wannabie medal collectors packed up and when home to your non discript little hole in Norfolk.




dearest Infidel devourer of man-fat,
13 Sqn, TIW, tis the same thing and shame on you for claiming you did march into Iraq for truly did you hide behind the army looking at blurred pictures. Methinks slinked into Iraq is more accurate than marched ......
Truly, your spelling is appalling. Thine ignorance reveals much of your jealousy of the holiest of brethen from Coltishall O Unworthy one

Ricit XIII



Yet again Alah you are wrong, just like your fellow 'track spotters' of tv fame. I am no more fat and in my book a column of march is marching on.
I did not look at grainy pictures because I had none from the 41. Being dislexic does have it's problems, so don't pick on the us IT BIFS. That is what plotters are for, young pups with bags of degrees to look after us older generation PIs.
Well at least XIII still goes on, not anymore the 41, just like the photogs dumped and forgotton . But I expect to see the call for annual reunions of the sad muppets of 41.
Taccat. :pDT_Xtremez_40:


Ricit XIII said:
Yet again Alah you are wrong, just like your fellow 'track spotters' of tv fame. I am no more fat and in my book a column of march is marching on.
I did not look at grainy pictures because I had none from the 41. Being dislexic does have it's problems, so don't pick on the us IT BIFS. That is what plotters are for, young pups with bags of degrees to look after us older generation PIs.
Well at least XIII still goes on, not anymore the 41, just like the photogs dumped and forgotton . But I expect to see the call for annual reunions of the sad muppets of 41.
Taccat. :pDT_Xtremez_40:

Hey, I'm Dyslexic Also! And a Northern Monkey to boot...But even I can use the Spell checker that comes with this forum!!!:pDT_Xtremez_15:


Licensed Aircraft Engineer
1000+ Posts
Licensed A/C Eng
"...and earned the queens schilling... "

YA! Gott in Himmel. Und vot ver wir dar doink? Spellink mit der Qveens?
Hans - Noch eine Flasche!

Grruussen mit Danke

Der Riggar




O Majestic Marhamsodomite, your weasel words amuse me greatly for I have infinite patience, even for you of little intelligence. For it is written that even lowly earthworms such as yourself are honoured the same as those from 41(F) Sqn who have been raised by myself to exalted status as CDS and CJO. Truly, one day, O glorious day, you will be allowed to meet perchance to touch the great and the good whose destiny was to serve at Coltishall
O Beloved one, be not jealous, let not the jinns allow your misery and bitterness to overwhelm you. Be not afraid that you will never serve at Coltishall. All shall be revealed




(Am I allowed to call you that, seeing as I'm not 'one of yours') Anyway, casting my mind back a few weeks didn't your lot get all excited about a couple of pictures that (alledgedly) were of you. Like I said I'm not one of your so never really understood what all the fuss was about. So, how do the same people take to you being a member of the goat then? Does your avatar count in the same vein as the foreign pics? And, don't you have more important, religious type things to do?
Not trying to offend you like, just curious

O Worthy Seeker after knowledge, verily your eagerness shall be rewarded. It is written, erm by myself actually, that there shall be no image of me for the divine cannot be replicated and imagery leads to false gods. But my avatar is purely the written form which is Blessed. And what could be more important than to spread my wisdom amongst the crab infidels that swarm like fleas on the goat.
There is no God but me and Allah is my name
RickitXIII, get it right, muppet!

RickitXIII, get it right, muppet!

Now then, why is RickitXIII using a picture of 9x9's under a stereoscope? this is something that XIII hasn't done since 1982, probably before RickitXIII was an itch in his daddies y-fronts. That was when the stabbed cats flew the mighty Canberra.

Shouldn't the picture be of a limp di*k or a pair of coke bottle bottomed glasses.

Don't pretend to be somthing you can't be.

Just to rub it in, GOOOOOOOOOOOOO Jags, 41 Fighter squadron for ever!


TIW will get what it deserves, may I be the first to welcome you all to J!

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Cat of Shadows

Oh dear, oh dear, now if you lot don't start playing nicely I'll set The Croqueteer on you!!

As for the XIII vs 41 (F) Sqn cock fight that seems to have started can we just agree to disagree..........................clearly the mighty 'Cats' will always rule alone, unarmed and unafraid. If XIII have managed to survive against the endless onslaught of nepetism from the 'Shiney' end of the airfield, then I'm sure that ghost of 41 offers no challenge.

As for TIW vs the RIC..............you are all dinosaurs. For TAC Recce read new front end for the Big J......................its the only thing I agree with you on Janner.

Pse enjoy the following offering:

I’ve Been a Proud Stabbed Cat.
(Set to ‘Wild Rover’)

I've been a proud Stabbed Cat for many a year,
From far away countries to fine Norflok cheer.
With Marham as our home, we're one out of five,
But we will stay up, whilst the rest take a dive.

Chorus: And we’re always moaning…...Give us F-15E!!
But we’re proud to be Stabbed Cats
and Tornado’s our steed.

The Bats and the Goldstars have it all to prove,
Bleating and moaning since their bloody move.
You Alarm boys are worthless your good days are done,
So crawl back to Bruggen to live with the hun.

Chorus: And we’re always moaning…...Give us F-15E!!
But we’re proud to be Stabbed Cats
and Tornado’s our steed.

The 39 boys, we should give them a miss,
They’re old and decrepit and stink of old p***.
Just like their Canberra, they’re falling to bits,
And the stories they tell us just bore us to t**s.


Now those Shiney II wasters think they have it all,
Claiming second to none when they’re second to all.
The oldest you may be, it doesn’t mean best,
With your famous 8 minutes you’re worse than the rest.


So from TELIC to VORTEX and then on to FLAG
The other four Sqns, the Cats have to drag.
They’re all young pretenders, who bleat and protest,
But they know the truth, that’s XIII are the best!!

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Tooooo much time on your hands !!

Tooooo much time on your hands !!


well well a song on the stabbed cats.. I have not seen this song on XIII though it will be up on the wall tomorrow !! Where 'O' where did this come from, if it's from your head all I can say is well done for having the time to think it up....

It shall take place close to your badge....:pDT_Xtremez_31:

But really tell me you did not just make it up. Must be those Onion fumes getting to you......:pDT_Xtremez_35: