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RAF lads doing army pt???


Super Moderator
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1000+ Posts
In this day and age

In this day and age

With the current get fit RAF I don't think you'll get any top cover on this at the moment.

Unless the PT is unreasonable then you'll just have to get on with it. I'd love to pass on a gem of a get out clause but I don't think there is one in this case, and I think you'll find you're not the only RAF personnel in this situation.


I'm utterly horrified to learn that the RAF have to do PT these days, wouldn't have happened in my day.

I did one cross country rum of about 3/4 of a mile in basic at Swinderby & I thought that was tough going. Running around all seems a bit too military to me.


Warrant Officer
I'm utterly horrified to learn that the RAF have to do PT these days, wouldn't have happened in my day.

I did one cross country rum of about 3/4 of a mile in basic at Swinderby & I thought that was tough going. Running around all seems a bit too military to me.

And some days I don't even have a member of staff available to carry me into work so I have to walk in. Honestly!
Listen lads, you're not the first & there will be MANY more after you.
Back in about '94 when we had the first loads of Army on HQSTC (HQAIR now) I was detached on an RAF base to CRE (Airfields) as an RAF guy on an RAF base in an Army run section all RAF staff were expected to do PT.

And we did it. No complaints about doing road runs or circuit training or anything else the Army PTI asked us to do. If you're fit (and you should be) then it should be a f**king breeze. If asked to do Army fitness tests merely remind them which branch of the Armed Forces you joined. QR1001 is your friend there.

If you have a genuine medical condition which is on your records then ask your parent unit to ensure they get your docs and request to have to not do CFT. You would still have to do stuff like the BFT yearly on a standard RAF unit so expect to have to follow the Army and at least do PT. Unlike the RAF they expect ppl to be fit and aren't impressed when you're not.
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E-goat Head *****
Bloody hell, I would dive at the chance of doing a section PT session 3 times a week in works time.

Just go along with it mate, it's the Army way!!!


Running in boots.

Running in boots.

I think all RAF personnel should carry out the Army BFT and CFT. At the end of the day a Serviceman should be as fit as possible.

An excellent way to prepare for these fitness tests is to drag a few old car tyres up a hill with a rope.



best way to get left alone is to be in the first lot to finish the boot run. The RSM will be soo annoyed that you have beaten his lot he will leave you alone and beast them. trust me when i say they hate the RAF beating them at anything.


best way to get left alone is to be in the first lot to finish the boot run. The RSM will be soo annoyed that you have beaten his lot he will leave you alone and beast them. trust me when i say they hate the RAF beating them at anything.

Slightly off topic but that reminds me of a US run base in a sandy location that organised a fun run (still can't see why they put those two words together), RAF 1st 2nd 3rd french 4th. The Yanks general nearly burst a blood vessel screaming at his troops, was quite some time before the next run with similiar results.

Norman the Storeman

QA Acolyte
best way to get left alone is to be in the first lot to finish the boot run. The RSM will be soo annoyed that you have beaten his lot he will leave you alone and beast them. trust me when i say they hate the RAF beating them at anything.

Too true. OC (Army) & SSM came to gloat at mass RAFFT last month but soon left when all their 'light blue' staff were passing the test no bother.

They don't like it up 'em Pike! :pDT_Xtremez_14:


When I worked at HQ Land and pitched up to do the morning run, the PTI told me and a Navy Lt to feck off. Apparently the month before I arrived an RAF Eng officer had appeared and run the Army lads into the ground. The GSM, being none too pleased, instructed that this was never to happen again and should the RAF or RN parade for PT the PTI was to beast, beast and re-beast them until the naturally physically superior soldier prevailed. The EngO kept turning up and kept beating them in the run. The troops kept getting extra fiz and the PTI was taken off a few Xmas card lists. So when we appeared the PTI, with encouragement from the troops and taking no chances, suggested men of our ample size would benefit more from a cooked breakfast than a BFT.
Who was I to argue?


hey ive got no problem doing stuff with the army its just the last time i did boot runs and spent lots of time in boots i ended up with lots of leg problems and ended up downgraded and having to have an op on my legs .

now my legs are working fine i dont really want to **** them up again only to get downgraded and ruin my chances of promotion!!

i didnt mean to sound like we are trying to get out of doing pt wit the army, im quite happy doing army circuits etc , it was just the more army orientated stuff like boot runs and bergen runs etc.

If you are on about compartment syndrome then you should go to your parent unit med centre and explain that u had Fasiotomies done on your legs previous and you feel that boot runs would be detrimental to your legs again.


If you are on about compartment syndrome then you should go to your parent unit med centre and explain that u had Fasiotomies done on your legs previous and you feel that boot runs would be detrimental to your legs again.

yep thats exactly what i had done on both legs!!


Flight Sergeant
Slightly off topic but that reminds me of a US run base in a sandy location that organised a fun run (still can't see why they put those two words together), RAF 1st 2nd 3rd french 4th. The Yanks general nearly burst a blood vessel screaming at his troops, was quite some time before the next run with similiar results.

Happened to us at Doha in 2004
We were informed we were no longer "invited" to do PT with the Yanks after some Jock infantry lads had ran them into the ground
the Jocks were running backwards shouting "keep up" at one point so the Staffy in charge told us


When I was <ahem> detatched to an Army unit in Colchester I had to do PT their way. That was loads of fun! :pDT_Xtremez_15:


i was on the wing many moons ago, we had yearly dets with 30 sigs, the rsm was a guy called wally lockwood, his nickname was ''the screaming skull'' and all the grunts, enlisted and commissioned were scared stiff of the bloke. he tried just one time to order the tcw lads around and got extremely short shrift from the flt sgt in charge. i guess the moral here is that your superiors should ''man up'' and tell him where to get off.