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President Trump Instigates "Extreme Vetting" Measures


Warrant Officer
Passengers have been barred from flights into the US and visa holders refused entry after Donald Trump imposed strict new controls on travellers from seven Muslim-majority nations.

The US President, who had promised the measures - called "extreme vetting" - during last year's election campaign, said he was making America safe from "radical Islamic terrorists" as he signed the executive order on Friday.
The decree means no visas will be issued for 90 days to migrants or visitors from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.

Wow, just wow! There has already been pushback from some states who have publicly said they will open up their borders to any travellers with a valid visa. There have been scores of valid green card holders denied entry at borders and even stopped from travelling on flights. I saw a story earlier about a journalist for Al Jazeera who was travelling to the US for work, has been travelling to the US for various job activities for over 20 years but has been denied a work visa. This has very large potential to explode in everyones faces!

Then I see stories like this:

A Massachusetts man stood charged Thursday with attacking a Muslim airline employee at the Delta Sky Lounge at John F. Kennedy International Airport.
The Queens District Attorney’s office said Robin A. Rhodes, of Worcester, Massachusetts, was charged with assault, unlawful imprisonment, menacing and harassment as hate crimes, among other counts, in the incident Wednesday night.

I get the feeling that there will be more of these reports before too long. Has it already started to spiral out of control? Will the US Government take control of the situation before it passes the point of no return? Theresa May has already said that she will not publicly condemn the policy, probably doesn't want to hurt the current political standing.


Just heard on Radio Canada, an Iraqi interpreter that worked with the US military denied return to the US after a visit abroad ( he was a green card holder). Looks like "the chump" has scored an own goal in the press again!


Licensed Aircraft Engineer
1000+ Posts
Licensed A/C Eng
Long live the Trump...for now.

I fear some states will draw on the national guard for whatever reason, perhaps to quell some 'disturbance', quite soon.

I think he's being pretty smart here (or the people pulling the strings are).

He's smashing out all the stuff he mentioned in his campaign in the first few weeks, knowing one of two things will happen;
1. Someone will stop them.
2. No-one will stop them.

If it's 1. he can say "Look, I tried, but this country's corrupt politics is stopping the will of the people!".
If it's 2. he can say "Look, I'm amazing, this is the will of the people, bigly!".

Either way, he's a winner.

Still don't think he'll last 4 years. Can't decide if he'll be impeached, assassinated, or just quit.


Warrant Officer
There may be a little bit more to this which is why I'm waiting to see the exact wording of the Executive Order (not yet added to the Whitehouse.Gov website). It would seem from other commentators that the 7 countries Trump listed were already on a list prepared for Mr Obama by the Dept of Homeland Security last year so perhaps he's just 'stealing' an idea from the previous administration. Funnily enough, if you look at some of Bill Clinton's rhetoric when he was President, he speaks about building a wall between the USA and Mexico, Hell, his wife even voted for it! Don't take my word for it, do some checking yourselves.

Secondly, reference the comments about the racist behaviours becoming worse after Trump's election. How many of you really trust the media's narrative these days? Too many instances of racism and hate crime turns out not to be true or the story is completely twisted. Happy to give examples to those who need them.


Warrant Officer
There may be a little bit more to this which is why I'm waiting to see the exact wording of the Executive Order (not yet added to the Whitehouse.Gov website). It would seem from other commentators that the 7 countries Trump listed were already on a list prepared for Mr Obama by the Dept of Homeland Security last year so perhaps he's just 'stealing' an idea from the previous administration. Funnily enough, if you look at some of Bill Clinton's rhetoric when he was President, he speaks about building a wall between the USA and Mexico, Hell, his wife even voted for it! Don't take my word for it, do some checking yourselves.

Secondly, reference the comments about the racist behaviours becoming worse after Trump's election. How many of you really trust the media's narrative these days? Too many instances of racism and hate crime turns out not to be true or the story is completely twisted. Happy to give examples to those who need them.

Alt-facts..... ;)
Secondly, reference the comments about the racist behaviours becoming worse after Trump's election. How many of you really trust the media's narrative these days? Too many instances of racism and hate crime turns out not to be true or the story is completely twisted. Happy to give examples to those who need them.

If you can't trust 'the media' then where are the stories/facts/stats coming from?


1000+ Posts
I like the fact that he is doing something. Whether right or wrong remains to be seen. Barring Green Card holders (sponsored foreigners allowed to work in the US) authorised for years in some cases, is ridiculous though.


Warrant Officer
As I said; there is always a little bit more to each story unreported by the mainstream media.

Let me take you back in time to February 2016, the Dept of Homeland Security announced it was continuing its implementation of the Visa Waiver Program Improvement and Terrorist Travel Prevention Act of 2015 with the addition of Libya, Somalia and Yemen as three countries of concern (the others being Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and Syria).

It was US policy under Obama to restrict and target people who had been present in those countries at any time on or after Mar 1st 2011 (with limited government/ military exceptions). Civil liberties groups complained about this at the time and again when Obama signed it into law on December 18, 2015 as part of the Omnibus Appropriations Act of FY 2016. So, there was a terrorist prevention plan two years before Trump overseen by the Obama administration. Wonder where the protest were then. In my opinion Trump's merely extended Obama's own policies.

I'm still waiting to see the actual Executive Order and no doubt that will amplify the above. One thing though, Here's a message for Mo Farah. Dry your eyes you feckin' drama queen, you and your family aren't in danger. Prick.


Warrant Officer
Well I think it's safe to sat the USA is now almost immeasurably safer

View attachment 14065

What worries me is that no one is addressing the elephant in the room – the threat posed to the US (and indeed the rest of the world) by hordes of armed toddlers….

This is a serious issue and we need to take action. Now.


Warrant Officer
Armed toddlers? I'm far more concerned about bed safety. What's the safest height to ensure you aren't killed? There must be scientific evidence somewhere! I blame global warming.........


Warrant Officer
Armed toddlers? I'm far more concerned about bed safety. What's the safest height to ensure you aren't killed? There must be scientific evidence somewhere! I blame global warming.........

737 Americans killed by falling out of bed….. now how in the name of all things holy did they get to be the most powerful nation on the planet??


Warrant Officer
No statistics on how many people die from falling out of bed in the UK but there are allegedly 20,000 falls from a bed each year. Perhaps it could be introduced as some type of extreme sporting event.


Warrant Officer
Oh dear. I have just seen that overblown bint Shami Chakrabarti screaming about how Trump is 'literally Hitler' and he's denying people's Human Rights. Immediately I have to say.........


I feckin' hate that woman.


Spot on

Spot on

I think he's being pretty smart here (or the people pulling the strings are).

He's smashing out all the stuff he mentioned in his campaign in the first few weeks, knowing one of two things will happen;
1. Someone will stop them.
2. No-one will stop them.

If it's 1. he can say "Look, I tried, but this country's corrupt politics is stopping the will of the people!".
If it's 2. he can say "Look, I'm amazing, this is the will of the people, bigly!".

Either way, he's a winner.

Still don't think he'll last 4 years. Can't decide if he'll be impeached, assassinated, or just quit.

Your summation is spot on you should be in politics. But there again, thinking like that is far above an MP’s pay grade.