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Prepare for War....


..and next week the media will be trying to whip the public up into a frenzy over the shortage of sanitary towels, tampons and carrots…
With world events creating concern across the globe, a NATO head shed says we must prepare for War...

Surely that's what we always should have been doing?
Y'know, the 'walk softly and carry a big stick' kind of thing, rather than the 'hug a hoody' approach that seems to have been taken.

Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Mystic TB says 2025 is when it all goes South.
Jan 2025 new/old US president takes over and with many troubles at home the US goes back to the 1920's and becomes much more insular. Reduced interest in the war and financial fatigue with Ukraine the west falters and Russia makes big gains, China enboldened by an inactive west takes back Tiawan, with minimum fuss, whilst the world has enough to contend with. The Iranian version of the muslim world continues to attack and harass anything and anyone connected to Israel or the US and its allies . Afghanistan heads back to the dark ages and no one notices. Meanwhile back in blighty Romeo Beckham reveals his recipe for hash browns and Tik Tok goes into frenzy. Finally an RAF focus group decides that although there will be a 15% force reduction free socks remain.


You ain`t seen me.
1000+ Posts
Mystic TB says 2025 is when it all goes South.
Jan 2025 new/old US president takes over and with many troubles at home the US goes back to the 1920's and becomes much more insular. Reduced interest in the war and financial fatigue with Ukraine the west falters and Russia makes big gains, China enboldened by an inactive west takes back Tiawan, with minimum fuss, whilst the world has enough to contend with. The Iranian version of the muslim world continues to attack and harass anything and anyone connected to Israel or the US and its allies . Afghanistan heads back to the dark ages and no one notices. Meanwhile back in blighty Romeo Beckham reveals his recipe for hash browns and Tik Tok goes into frenzy. Finally an RAF focus group decides that although there will be a 15% force reduction free socks remain.
Free socks, you say.


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Mystic TB says 2025 is when it all goes South.
Jan 2025 new/old US president takes over and with many troubles at home the US goes back to the 1920's and becomes much more insular. Reduced interest in the war and financial fatigue with Ukraine the west falters and Russia makes big gains, China enboldened by an inactive west takes back Tiawan, with minimum fuss, whilst the world has enough to contend with. The Iranian version of the muslim world continues to attack and harass anything and anyone connected to Israel or the US and its allies . Afghanistan heads back to the dark ages and no one notices. Meanwhile back in blighty Romeo Beckham reveals his recipe for hash browns and Tik Tok goes into frenzy. Finally an RAF focus group decides that although there will be a 15% force reduction free socks remain.
I think the 'heat' in the world right now is rising led by Putin who can fund his war until we all get fcuked off with piling moderate amounts of money into the Ukraine war chest. Unless we get involved in the Ukraine to end it and put in place a peacekeeping force, Putin will win through on sheer bloody mindedness and belligerence, with a side order of his people too scared to resist in any useful numbers...then lets see where else he goes as he goads his Iranian and Chinese pals to expand their involvement and stretch any resistance to their advances.

Not in my lifetime will conscription come in. If we can't put a single person on a jet to Rwanda due to legal interference, imagine the pushback from people to seeing their kid being forced into battle?

Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Not in my lifetime will conscription come in.
Agreed it's a whistful, rose tinted, pipe dream from a different age that just doesn't fit the generation inhabiting todays world. Putin and other dictators might be able to bully citizens into complying but in the west its non starter.


Grim Reaper 2016
1000+ Posts
Maybe a few dangled carrots may help.

A brand new top-of-range smartphone with unlimited text, calls and data for the duration of phase 1 and 2 training should have them queuing down the streets.

On completion of training, they take on the SIM contract but get a nice big tablet to keep.

Talk Wrench

E-Goat addict
1000+ Posts
Maybe a few dangled carrots may help.

A brand new top-of-range smartphone with unlimited text, calls and data for the duration of phase 1 and 2 training should have them queuing down the streets.

On completion of training, they take on the SIM contract but get a nice big tablet to keep.

A more rational idea would be to immediately conscript anyone between the ages of 18 and 30 who have successfully completed at least one Call of Duty mission. They're already trained and experienced in combat and if they've completed at least half of the Modern Warfare release, it's an instant promotion to Sergeant.


Grim Reaper 2016
1000+ Posts
Don't laugh, I've seen similar on a post from a USMC page that a mate sent me.

A youngster wanted to join as a sniper because he was qualified on CoD.

Truthfully he wasn't far wrong because for the whole of his lifetime the "experts" have been saying that the next war will be fought with computers.

GD on Wheels

You, could be onto something there. A work mate of mine was on holiday in the US and decided to have a go on one of those shooting ranges where you shoot at targets in a mock up town. He did all the moves. In and out over cover like a pro etc. The guy asked if he was ex-military? "Nah" he said. " I just picked it up from playing Call of Duty."


Retired Rock Star 5.5.14
1000+ Posts
Mystic TB says 2025 is when it all goes South.
Jan 2025 new/old US president takes over and with many troubles at home the US goes back to the 1920's and becomes much more insular. Reduced interest in the war and financial fatigue with Ukraine the west falters and Russia makes big gains, China enboldened by an inactive west takes back Tiawan, with minimum fuss, whilst the world has enough to contend with. The Iranian version of the muslim world continues to attack and harass anything and anyone connected to Israel or the US and its allies . Afghanistan heads back to the dark ages and no one notices. Meanwhile back in blighty Romeo Beckham reveals his recipe for hash browns and Tik Tok goes into frenzy. Finally an RAF focus group decides that although there will be a 15% force reduction free socks remain.
Is that the same RAF Focus group led by an Air Marshal , comprising 3 Air Commodores, 6 Group Captains and 18 Squadron Leaders?

They would have had a couple of AVMs and a dozen Wing Commanders too, but they wanted to "set an example of cutting the cloth accordingly"


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Perhaps all this talk about a potential future conflict is a good reason for NOT accommodating members of the Cross Channel Rubber Boat Club on airfields that would be needed to support operations? When the last Vulcan sqn disbanded at Scampton, AOC I Group said whatever the future for the station, the RAF must not give up its runway.


Is that the same RAF Focus group led by an Air Marshal , comprising 3 Air Commodores, 6 Group Captains and 18 Squadron Leaders?

They would have had a couple of AVMs and a dozen Wing Commanders too, but they wanted to "set an example of cutting the cloth accordingly"
Aren't there any gash retired MRAFs around? Just to add that vintage touch.


Perhaps all this talk about a potential future conflict is a good reason for NOT accommodating members of the Cross Channel Rubber Boat Club on airfields that would be needed to support operations? When the last Vulcan sqn disbanded at Scampton, AOC I Group said whatever the future for the station, the RAF must not give up its runway.
But we don't need runways, we have F35B. Or not 2B.


Super Moderator
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Quite surprised when someone on the BBC radio this morning, termed the phrase ‘resistance alliance’ for the Iranian proxies.

And it wasn’t the guest it was the BBC anchor.

Seems to be something broken with certain parts of our communities just now.


I dread the day, if we have to consider conscription and actually defend the beaches etc. There will be some who will do their duty and those who will just fade away under a dining room table and kiss there ass goodbye. As our Ruski friends wont give 2 hoots if you are a vegan eating, tree hugging person and all that.

Some peoples moral compass are so F&cked its scary!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!