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Police defend drowning death case

Fearless Leader


Now, I was never a fan of PCSOs and now I think they need disbanding for sure!!!

What a shameful excuse for humanity hiding in a 'police' uniform.

It's bad enough they lurch down the streets of Britain, full of their own importance and soaking up the Home Office budget that could be better spent on proper police officers. I've even seem them on duty at airports, where's the 'community' at Heathrow?

And now this, they should sack the pair of useless layabouts...


I am disgusted that 2 adults could stand by and watch a 10 year old die without helping.

Has to be said where was mum and dad or responsible adult whilst 2 kids played by the water? I have every sympathy for the boy who died trying to save his sister but their parents should be in jail.

Just like watching Brazil


Now, I was never a fan of PCSOs and now I think they need disbanding for sure!!!

What a shameful excuse for humanity hiding in a 'police' uniform.

It's bad enough they lurch down the streets of Britain, full of their own importance and soaking up the Home Office budget that could be better spent on proper police officers. I've even seem them on duty at airports, where's the 'community' at Heathrow?

And now this, they should sack the pair of useless layabouts...

I think the worst part is how the DS (or whoever) kept a straight face when uttering the words "it would be inappropriate" when referring to why one of them didnt jump in and try and save him

Since when has saving lives depended on the appropriateness of the situation. Think this will end up on 'what grips my sh*t'



Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
They PCSO's involved are a pair of oxygen thieves and the DCI who supported them is no better. They didn't try to save the kid because the "weren't trained"... FFS, this attitude is typical of the barmy H&S dominated PC Britain of today. Where's their sense of duty and responsibility - would they have stood by if it was one of their own kids who was in trouble?. If all PCSO's are allowed to do is to ring in to call a proper plod, then let's disband the f*****s and spend the tax-payers money on something more useful. Oh, and where were the parents when this tragedy happened?


Tashied Goatee
I am disgusted that 2 adults could stand by and watch a 10 year old die without helping.

Has to be said where was mum and dad or responsible adult whilst 2 kids played by the water? I have every sympathy for the boy who died trying to save his sister but their parents should be in jail.

Agree with everything Gem has said.......The PCSO's right or wrong should have helped save the lad and they will have this on their conscience for life.

Main culprits however are the parents. Now i know we can't follow our kids around every minute of the day but in my opinion if they had been brought up right they would have known to stay away. What angered me more was the mum "Tracey" on TV saying they should have jumped in to help (who knows maybe the PCSO's couldn't swim ?)......it's always blame someone else, it couldn't possibly be our fault and failing our kids at being really bad parents !!

Crack on..............:PDT_Xtremez_09:


Should be sacked, hung drawn & named. Health & Safety gone feckin mad. How much are these cnuts on a year? Good to see the Police closing ranks again, tossers. Being trained has nothing to do with it at all. Two adults in a postion of responsibility should always try to save a child in danger.

Parents have got alot to answer to.

Sh1te like this really, really gets my goat.


The UK has for so long encouraged people not to operate on their own initiative and not to exercise common sense. As a result, we're now seeing children die because able bodied adults in a position to help don't think they should intervene because it would be inappropriate? How fcuked up is that?

Whatever happend to 'doing the right thing and to hell with the consequences'?


The UK has for so long encouraged people not to operate on their own initiative and not to exercise common sense. As a result, we're now seeing children die because able bodied adults in a position to help don't think they should intervene because it would be inappropriate? How fcuked up is that?

Whatever happend to 'doing the right thing and to hell with the consequences'?

It's gone and I can't see it's return in future. People in the public sector/services will not attempt anything that is not in their "job description" and they justify it by waffling on about training, health & safety blah blah blah.

These little waste of rations would of already justified their actions or lack of them to themselves and have had others spout crap on their behalf.

Sometimes you have to stand up and be counted.


Flight Sergeant
I'm totally appalled by this not only that they say they "weren't trained" to help child but where the hell was their compassion? Anyone with half a heart would have tried to save him trained or not!!!


Cynic & Conspiracy Theorist
This is a damning indictment of the state of our country and the society we live in. Everything about this terrible event is wrong, parents letting their children play unsupervised near water WRONG, PCSO's thinking and reacting (or not reacting) the way they did WRONG, is there anyone on the Goat who would even have taken time to think, before they found themselves chest deep, I hope to think not. And the police chief defending the actions WRONG, these individuals should have their services dispensed with immediately, and face punishment. The mother who let this happen and then blames everyone else WRONG.

When did personal responsibility become illegal in this country? it is very rare for someone to accept the consequences of their deeds anymore, lets face it B-liar started that "no one is to blame if I am at fault, but if I'm not someone will get screwed" culture and now it's out of control!!

Room for any more where you are bluntend?


As Quoted on a Police Forum by a Manchester copper:

We really need publicity like this, don't we?

The question is not why these people in uniform did nothing to help. ANYBODY would have done something - trained or not! The question is, who gave them a bloody uniform in the first place?

And yes, it speaks volumes of the state we are in when people employed by the police (even if not police officers) can stand by and watch someone die and still get backed-up by their force because they were acting according to policy. I did life-saving training 13 years ago when I first joined the job and nothing whatsoever since. I don't doubt any qualification I ever had has long since lapsed. Would I expect to be backed-up by the very same force if I'd done (or rather not done!) the same thing? I very much doubt it.


Dr Midget Midgetson
Were the anglers who jumped in trained to do so, most likely not, yet their instinct when seeing children in danger was what made them act. I'm sure the majority of people when seeing children in danger would have their instinct take priority over a training matter. If it had been a case whereby the children had been swept to sea by rough waves or a rescue attempt could have caused a huge problem for rescue services, endangered more lives I could understand. However even in situations as drastic as those, people still attempt a resuce because of the instinct to protect the kids.

How can two people, who obviously have taken on this position to help the public and serve, be able to overcome what is normally a natural instinct and an overowering one at that, because of "not being trained"


You ain`t seen me.
1000+ Posts

Go back and read the report again. The PCSOs (or whatever the hell they are) arrived at the scene and "there was no sign of the boy". You can`t expect them to jump willy-nilly into the water when the lad could literally be anywhere.

Now read what Paul Kelly said. That is where your scorn and fury should be poured, on the system, not the sad *******s trying to work within it. As ever with this country, we`ve gone to vast expense to do it on the cheap.
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Go back and read the report again. The PCSOs (or whatever the hell they are) arrived at the scene and "there was no sign of the boy". You can`t expect them to jump willy-nilly into the water when the lad could literally be anywhere.

Now read what Paul Kelly said. That is where your scorn and fury should be poured, on the system, not the sad *******s trying to work within it. As ever with this country, we`ve gone to vast expense to do it on the cheap.

No, that's not right. Most people would have gone in. Even a frantic search in the general area might have done something. I don't think I would of been able to stand at the side of the pond and wait for plod. Surely to fookin god you would have jumped in!Any chance to save a kid, no matter how small should be attempted.

You can expect that from any human being.


Dr Midget Midgetson
The First post's hyperlink certainly differs with this new updated one.


That is a very different report from the one earlier.

Now if the one earlier had stated that the boy hadn't been seen for sometime, his location in the lake was unknown, emergency services had been sent to wrong location as there are several lakes in the area, one went to direct the emergency services to the correct scene while one stayed.

It is also seeming more clear that this isn't just some pond the size of a village green pond, but an actual lake, so yes I can understand the idea of what can be done, he's submerged for some time, assumed to be most likely dead.

The first report made it appear that the PCSO's arrived on the scene whilst the drama was unfolding, not that they arrived some time after the fact

Don't you just love the press


The fishermen with the aid of a proper copper managed to get the little boy out of the water. If that would of happened a few minutes earlier, well who knows.