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Permanent staff


Stand By Your Beds

Is it me or are the permanant staff, in particular the livers in, starting to get a rum deal at Cosford?

What with the Jax closing, yes I know the beer is S..t, however its the only place you could go on camp and chill without trainees being there. Even families has trainees there.

The accomadation saga is still ongoing. NCO's being moved to accomodate trainees in super blocks. Blocks that have just been painted. Whilst the NCO move into another room to move again at a later date. This is apparently because we have accomadation shortage here. Well give the NCO's instructor's SSSA and improve moral and stop messing them around.

Civilians ordering pepole around, last time I checked I took order's from someone with rank not a pay grade.

Someone also forgot to tell the bosses about mission command, stop treating us like mushrooms please.

Sorry about ranting guys :pDT_Xtremez_09:


I doubt it makes you feel any better....

When I was there on my FT course I had my pay screwed three months in a row. When I say screwed - I was paid £0 each pay day for three months in a row. Each month I went in to see the PD point clerk (Students) who assured me it was sorted and that I would be paid. By the third month I asked twice, explaining that I'd been told it was fine the last two times and got paid nothing. The SAC clerks reply?

"Don't you dare take that tone with me, I don't care what your problem is, you're only a trainee"

To be honest I hope he gets moved room once a month for the whole of his tour. That's Karma :)


"Don't you dare take that tone with me, I don't care what your problem is, you're only a trainee"
He would have cared if he lost a few teeth in a freak collision between the counter and his head.

You'd probably be in a smidge more problems than having no money though :pDT_Xtremez_14:


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Perhaps you wanna get off your arse and do something about it then, like write to the CO and ask him for permission to open a Cpls Club.


Flight Sergeant
"Don't you dare take that tone with me, I don't care what your problem is, you're only a trainee"

An LAC scribbly took that approach with about 15 of us when i was on my FT course was told get your fukcing cpl now! Said cpl who was a good bloke dragged said lac away before she was ripped apart.

I can understand why you guys are shat upon as you are the easy targets.

Stand By Your Beds

The letter is being compiled now, just waiting for some info to come. Enough is enough!:pDT_Xtremez_44:


SNAFU master
A long time ago, the routine went something like:-
" Sir,
I have the honour to request that. . . . . . "

I wonder if it still is ?


An LAC scribbly took that approach with about 15 of us when i was on my FT course was told get your fukcing cpl now! QUOTE]

This lad was an LAC the first time I walked in - which is why I took great offence at being talked down to.

You may remember the counter at PSF was quite high - I learned why as I was only half way over when the chief clerk dragged me back and into the office to cool down and discuss things...


Perhaps you wanna get off your arse and do something about it then, like write to the CO and ask him for permission to open a Cpls Club.

Went to HMS Collingwood to do PET course and their Killicks (Cpl's) club was alive and kicking and pretty busy evey night, RAF wide Cpls clubs died a death but at Cosford where you've got such a high amount of transient NCO's with hardly anywhere else close to drink/go out as well as a few Permanent staff to organise run it it should and could be a success. I'd certainly be up to help run it. PM me if you want any assistance.:pDT_Xtremez_30:
How would you stand with PAYD coming soon? Knowing what little Hitlers they are about rival outlets to theirs? Any other Cpl's clubs still going at PAYD units?


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Went to HMS Collingwood to do PET course and their Killicks (Cpl's) club was alive and kicking and pretty busy evey night, RAF wide Cpls clubs died a death but at Cosford where you've got such a high amount of transient NCO's with hardly anywhere else close to drink/go out as well as a few Permanent staff to organise run it it should and could be a success. I'd certainly be up to help run it. PM me if you want any assistance.:pDT_Xtremez_30:
How would you stand with PAYD coming soon? Knowing what little Hitlers they are about rival outlets to theirs? Any other Cpl's clubs still going at PAYD units?

I don't know if they are many left, High Wycome had one a few years ago, not sure if its still up and running. At Cosford it would be ideal to have somewhere between the Props club and the SNCO Mess. Providing you could get somewhere to run it the Station Commander would have to support it in-line with recent AMP directives.

fat lazy techie

Flight Sergeant
It's not just in the blocks where things are $hite. One of our senoirs is looking at being kicked out of his quarter as he's divorced and has shared custody of his kids, best part of 6 months of the year. Seems DE don't recognise this, or at least the female Hitler/Ghengis Kahn clone at DHE Telford doesn't. Apparently it's due to there not being enough accomodation for when training ramps up.

One way to help with the accomodation problem is to stop training the fecking Arabs, but we know that'll never happen as it's a nice little earner for the MoD and BAe. Or possibly turn parts of Fulton Block back into accomodation, just a thought.


Or possibly turn parts of Fulton Block back into accomodation.

Surely that would be a step backwards not forwards and would cause great envy between those in Fulton towards those in the Superblocks? Agree with putting our training first ahead of other countries though.


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Or bring the trainee movement to Saints forward and bus them up everyday :pDT_Xtremez_14:


Somewhere else now!
Whaddya mean? Jax is shut?
Where will the techies on various courses go for their beers now? Jax is like a reunion club! You cant walk in there and not know at least 5 people from ages ago!


Tashied Goatee
Surely that would be a step backwards not forwards and would cause great envy between those in Fulton towards those in the Superblocks? Agree with putting our training first ahead of other countries though.

Why a step backwads ? 18 men rooms is what should be in all training environments....never did us any harm. So called "Superblocks" do not help in a training environment at all in my opinion (except for permies obviously)

Crack on..............:pDT_Xtremez_09:


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Whaddya mean? Jax is shut?
Where will the techies on various courses go for their beers now? Jax is like a reunion club! You cant walk in there and not know at least 5 people from ages ago!

Not any more, the last few times I have been in there the numbers struggled to meet 5 including the bar staff!

Stand By Your Beds

My Bag! In my frustration and dismay at what is going on I tarred all civies with the same brush, my humble apollogies to anyone I have offended. However if the cap fits wear it. :pDT_Xtremez_27:

Stand By Your Beds

Just cought up with some off your replies guys, thanks for the interest.

Jax is not closed yet (except at weekends), however as they have been takenover by Aramark they have increased thier prices for the same S..T beer, you still get the runs the following morning, they also have got rid of sky etc. Theory being that they want to force every one to use one bar, i.e. Props, however this means that NCO's etc would be drinking with trainees, the same trainees you have failed or bollocked. The less pepole that drink in Jax the more justification thay have to close it.

Families is making a roaring trade as that is where everyone goes however I am lead to belive this is on a stikcy wicket as thier constitution does not permitt singlies in, I may be wrong on this so if any one knows.

By the way the station execs know about the problem, however as we are mushrooms they dont tell us anything or keep us in the loop.

NCO's club would be good idea however we have to look after the SAC and below that are perminant staff, any ideas?

As for the accomdation, what the they have not consdered is the aminities inside them, if they put 96 trainees in a block designed for 48. They will have problems with drainage etc. My shower floods if my nieghbour uses his at the same time. The Tv aerials have not worked for the last six months. There is only 3 washing machine in the block and they wont last long either.

Rant over. I love the RAF though.:pDT_Xtremez_26:


Flight Sergeant
Civilians ordering pepole around, last time I checked I took order's from someone with rank not a pay grade.

I bit harsh on most civvies! Most are not cnuts who get kicks out of chuckin their weight about (clothing stores excepted?)

Most of the civvies I know try to do a good job, and are FULLY aware of the $hit you guys are taking, and you do get our support.

So please, try and cut us a bit of slack.

I spent 6 years instructing at Tossford and each time went into clothing stores (or in fact any department with civvies in) I had no problem getting what I wanted.

As you know retired real lecky it's called attitude. Have the right attitude towards them and they will tend to help in anyway they can. A bit of the good old PLEASE and THANK YOU goes a long way.
