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Oh Lordy. Spare the rod?


SNAFU master
Take a look at this [linky]

Well, good for "Michelle". She should be congratulated not castigated.
The child's Mum should have concentrated more and maybe be sent the bill for the clean-up, etc..

I reckon it's about time good conduct and bad was taught to children.


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
Take a look at this [linky]

Well, good for "Michelle". She should be congratulated not castigated.
The child's Mum should have concentrated more and maybe be sent the bill for the clean-up, etc..

I reckon it's about time good conduct and bad was taught to children.



Warrant Officer
In 21st century Britain you just can't do things like that. We can argue until we are blue in the face that the child may have deserved it and that the mother should have been more observant of her child, but attitudes towards smacking are not as they were in the 1950s.
For a company like Boots they will simply write off the cost of the smashed bottle because its more bother to try and recoup the cost and also alienate other customers who will view the behaviour of the child as normal and something that just has to be accepted regardless of the strength of any arguments that suggest we are bringing up a generation of spoiled princes and princesses who seldom get to experience the repercussions of their actions.

mild mannered janitor

Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Take a look at this [linky]

Well, good for "Michelle". She should be congratulated not castigated.
The child's Mum should have concentrated more and maybe be sent the bill for the clean-up, etc..

I reckon it's about time good conduct and bad was taught to children.

really because even if my four year old was being bad it's up to me to discipline him, rest assured if ANYONE hit's my child they had better be prepared for my wrath at best (if not a smack in the mouth).


MMJ I completely agree. You might not always catch your kids to chastise them but god help anyone who thinks they can dish there own form of punishment if I miss something. My kids do get a smack depending on the level of naughtyness, usually only when it borders on the dangerous but I wouldn't dream of doing that to my godchildren or relatives kids never mind a strangers.


Flight Sergeant
Blame the mother?....Yep I agree.

We live in a namby pamby state that’s going to the dogs and while I don't condone the smack/tap or whatever it falls on the parent to chastise the sproglet in ways they feel fit and not the shop assistant.

The kid was bored and having a paddy because they are not getting their own way.....FFS that’s what kids do and the parent should nip it in the bud now before it escalates to mass murder when their phone battery goes flat.



Flight Sergeant
really because even if my four year old was being bad it's up to me to discipline him, rest assured if ANYONE hit's my child they had better be prepared for my wrath at best (if not a smack in the mouth).

If my Daughter hit(tapped?) your child for being naughty and you smacked her in the mouth, then would it be okay for me to stab you?

I guess then you could get someone to Kill me, and then I could..........SEE HOW THINGS ESCALATE!
If the child was being bad and the discipline worked leave it at that!

She got out of paying for the breakage so she is the winner in this story!


You have to ask if hitting a child does any good. I was smacked as a child, not in any abusive way, but did it do any good? I don't think so. Did it do any harm? It probably made me resent my parents for doing it. I think hitting Chilren is so Victorian nowadays. If you look at all the yobs we have around now I don't think its because they weren't smacked as children I think it's because they have sh!t parents.

Little Tronk

You have to ask if hitting a child does any good. I was smacked as a child, not in any abusive way, but did it do any good? I don't think so. Did it do any harm? It probably made me resent my parents for doing it. I think hitting Chilren is so Victorian nowadays. If you look at all the yobs we have around now I don't think its because they weren't smacked as children I think it's because they have sh!t parents.

Did it do you any harm? - Are you a yob that 'hangs around'?
How many yobs 'hung around' in Victorian times?

The approriate level of chastisement is essential and if that means a smack then so be it. I am sick of seeing sprogs running around unchecked and all the parents can do is say 'Aaaaahh, look at the little darlings playing!'

Bring back Victorian discipline I say!

mild mannered janitor

Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
If my Daughter hit(tapped?) your child for being naughty and you smacked her in the mouth, then would it be okay for me to stab you?

I guess then you could get someone to Kill me, and then I could..........SEE HOW THINGS ESCALATE!
If the child was being bad and the discipline worked leave it at that!

She got out of paying for the breakage so she is the winner in this story!

Feck me there is a play on words if ever I saw it. Kids will hit each other its called growing up but if another ADULT (thought I'd clear that one up) smacks my child then yes they can expect a belt round the chops. Now please tell me you wouldn't feel the same?

Little Tronk

Feck me there is a play on words if ever I saw it. Kids will hit each other its called growing up but if another ADULT (thought I'd clear that one up) smacks my child then yes they can expect a belt round the chops. Now please tell me you wouldn't feel the same?

Not a play on words at all but a direct response to what somebody typed. This is why the country is so fecked up!

You will strike a person chastising a kid BEFORE trying to work out why they may have done it! What are you doing (or not as appears to be the case) to cause said individual to feel the need to chastise an unruly child.

Your kids
Your job
YOU sort it BEFORE someone else feels the need to do it for you!

EDIT: Woops just re read and realised you didn't quote me! Point still valid mind.


I don't condone anyone else smacking the child, but I do think the mother is a publicity whore. Did she really need to contact the daily mail?


Flight Sergeant
Feck me there is a play on words if ever I saw it. Kids will hit each other its called growing up but if another ADULT (thought I'd clear that one up) smacks my child then yes they can expect a belt round the chops. Now please tell me you wouldn't feel the same?

My daughter is 20 years old. Can she expect a belt round the chops?
What about the 50(?) year old shop assistant would you punch her?

I agree I wouldn't like anyone laying a hand on my kids(she isn't really 20) and I don't like them being told off by others, but I hate all these poorly written stories. And this whole DiCanio story is winding me up too! Does no one realise what is going on in Korea?

Ex-Splitter and Proud

Flight Sergeant
My daughter is 20 years old. Can she expect a belt round the chops?
What about the 50(?) year old shop assistant would you punch her?

Of course not.....

....but they could both get a good spanking across my knee, if they'd like....:pDT_Xtremez_07:

Sorry..... I couldn't resist...:pDT_Xtremez_15:
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Ex-Harrier Mafia Member
1000+ Posts

Did it do you any harm? - Are you a yob that 'hangs around'?
How many yobs 'hung around' in Victorian times?

The approriate level of chastisement is essential and if that means a smack then so be it. I am sick of seeing sprogs running around unchecked and all the parents can do is say 'Aaaaahh, look at the little darlings playing!'

Bring back Victorian discipline I say!

My tuppence? (My initial Talisker fueled rant opens with a full salvo but then I had a think! :D)

Yes, chastise your children, I do and as a last resort it involves a smacked bum/leg. He then fears that as it is not used all the time, before that - his priveledges etc are removed temporarily / permanently.

At the same time, where appropriate, he is shown love and care. He is involved in even the most mundane of household chores, and finally, he is shown interest in what he is doing / learning.

His questions on absolutely everying are answered honestly and at a level appropriate to his age, and not fobbed off because 'Mummy & 'New' Daddy (An example - not a reflection of our family unit) want to get wobbly on Vodka in the Kitchen'.

That is what a lot of children today are missing out on, the care and attention, the interest, honesty and fair treatment, the appropriate level of punishment, learning from risk / reward.

Not because they had their arse tanned by their Dad's belt for speaking out of turn, with absolutely no explanation into where they went wrong.

Finally, appropriate physical punishment should be left to the individuals in charge. The Parents. If in extreme circumstances, this punishment has been 'gifted' by someone other than the Parent? Then they better be damn sure that they are 100% correct.

As for this whole 'hanging around' element? Nothing new, not now, not then, not in the next hundred years and not hundreds of years before. Even back then individuals not gainfully employed / educated would 'find an excuse' just to hang around, and if their / the social situation permitted, they would do what the general public found innapropriate.


Warrant Officer
My daughter is 20 years old. Can she expect a belt round the chops?What about the 50(?) year old shop assistant would you punch her?I agree I wouldn't like anyone laying a hand on my kids(she isn't really 20) and I don't like them being told off by others, but I hate all these poorly written stories. And this whole DiCanio story is winding me up too! Does no one realise what is going on in Korea?
My mum still clips me round the ear if I do something wrong at home, but then again my family is mostly devout Catholic.


I only think you can reasonably comment on this if you have kids, if my daughter had a paddy in a shop (which has happened) i would discipline her / remove her from the shop, if anyone decided to lay a finger on her in anyway - id give them a slap. Its the parents job to discipline the child not a shop assistant. End of.


Its the parents job to discipline the child not a shop assistant. End of.

As you say, it's primarily the parents job to discipline a child, but if the parents don't bother trying to control an unruly child in a public then do we put our collective heads in the sand and ignore it? There are times that a parent may not see their child being naughty, does it then not need someone else to step in and take some form of control?


Warrant Officer
I only think you can reasonably comment on this if you have kids, if my daughter had a paddy in a shop (which has happened) i would discipline her / remove her from the shop, if anyone decided to lay a finger on her in anyway - id give them a slap. Its the parents job to discipline the child not a shop assistant. End of.
I couldn't agree more.
Also it's not "primarily" the parents job to discipline the child, it's "entirely". Had some stroppy, menopausal woman had hit my child she would have got it back. Violence breeds violence.
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