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Offensive Anti Immigration Truck

Martin Blank

FFS the latest non story.
Its Racist etc blah blah blah
All it says is ILLEGAL Immigrants go home or face arrest.
Hint hint it says ILLEGAL not all immigrants
libral limp wristed whiners shut the f#ck up


Warrant Officer
I'm sure this latest project from "Daves crazy ideas machine" had the illegals queueing up at Heathrow departures.
At least it pleased the ukip/daily wail/swivel eyed right.
It is supposedly aimed at illegals - people who are likely to have poor literacy/reading skills. And even if they can read chances are their command of English is not good enough to understand the message anyway.

It is really aimed at Daily Hate Mail customers who read the things they want to believe and are so blinkered to not read the *small print which quantifies the amount of 'arrests last week' as essentially made up cobblers.

New low for the Tories pandering to their electorate and using race and immigration issues some might say, in the same way as a certain German bloke did in the 1930s

I am mostly disgruntled with our political class, today I am mostly ashamed of them.

What is the solution though? Arresting them and sending them home is all well and good, but they will be back on the next available coach for their next 90 day free visa. We round 'em up this time at shall we say the 180 days point and send them home. They spend a couple of days in the slums of Romania lording it up with the money they have earned begging and use the last before it runs out for a bus ticket and another 90 day visa. Then 180 days on blah blah blah.

All we are doing is allowing them in to beg for six months and then sending them on an all expenses paid family visit. Fair play to them they are working the system in the same manner tax avoidance manifested by big business works that system.

We need to alter the balance in our favour by ignoring stupid ass rules set in Brussels by overpaid bell ends - stop them coming in, find the illegals and deport. And because they have a criminal arrest against them keep them out the same way as many other non-EU countries do.

The first thing though is get a true figure of the scale of the problem and then resource detection properly.


Little Tronk

New low for the Tories pandering to their electorate and using race and immigration issues some might say, in the same way as a certain German bloke did in the 1930s


What a complete load of b0ll0cks!

That is all I can say as I am astounded that you can compare this issue to the NAZI regime.


Master of my destiny
I'm sure this latest project from "Daves crazy ideas machine" had the illegals queueing up at Heathrow departures.
At least it pleased the ukip/daily wail/swivel eyed right.
I thought Nigel Farage criticised the move. This would appear to be the Tories trying to get back the support that they have lost to UKIP, who, IMO, appear to be the only party who are willing to get us out of the EU debacle. Otherwise, it's more of the same from the LibLabCon triumvirate.


Super Moderator
Staff member
1000+ Posts
It was a trial done in a few places where immigrants tend to live, a lot who have good English skills, and cost 10k which is less than it costs to remove 1 immigrant forcibly.

I think we should do what the Aussies have done, send them all to a little island (Barry Island is probably a good place for this) to be assessed then if they are genuine refugees let them reside there until it's safe to go home.


Grim Reaper 2016
1000+ Posts
What is wrong with letting them reside on Garvie Island?


Warrant Officer
It was discussed on the radio earlier, totally stupid idea. I mean, if someone is here illegally they are hardly going to think 'uh oh, best get myself home then' when they see a lorry with a sign on it telling them to go home or face arrest.

But, having said that, the gist of the radio conversation was that its offensive, rude, not very nice etc

Christ on a bike, I'm sick and tired of all this hand-wringing and angst about having to be nice to everyone. Life isn't necessarily nice, people aren't always nice, there's lots of rude, offensive and nasty things that go on. Whats wrong with giving it straight down the line to wrong doers? This country isn't a better, safer and more comfortable place to live in just because we are nice to people who break the law regardless of what the hand-wringers say, quite the opposite in fact.
What a complete load of b0ll0cks!

That is all I can say as I am astounded that you can compare this issue to the NAZI regime.

So there is absolutely no correlation between politicians who seek to marginalise a section of society and systematically blame them for every single ill in the country in order to inflame the majority who are then blinded to the real cause of the problems?

The NHS is failing because of immigrants, crime is up because of immigrants, unemployment is rising because immigrants are taking our jobs. This is the perception being encouraged by the swivel eyed loons, now I don't for one minute think that we are about to see a Kristallnacht any time soon, but if you replace the word immigrant with Jew there are some parallels (albeit very tenuous ones I will admit).

I am dead against people entering my country and fleecing us for every penny. I can see why they do it and I should very much like it to stop right now, but a wagon with a placard? Useless and utterly meaningless to any foreign national desirous of living the good life on or off benefits living illegally here.

We need a three phase plan to sort this mess out. Stop anyone entering the country who cannot prove they have the means to support themselves and force them to buy medical insurance at point of entry. Deploy sufficient resource to discover the location of every non-UK national in the country and decide if they should stay or not. Yes the decision to deport can be appealed but not whilst resident in the UK, appeal from the nation of repatriation. Deport without delay and refuse re-entry for at least a year unless a successful appeal is made and approved by a UK Judge.

This is of course only possible if we invoke Article 50 of the Lisbon agreement and align our relationship with the EU in the same mould as Norway fr'instance as our legal hands are tied by the planks in Brussels.

Alternatively maintain the current stance and give successive governments a smoke screen on which to blame their failings upon.



Station Cashier
It was discussed on the radio earlier, totally stupid idea. I mean, if someone is here illegally they are hardly going to think 'uh oh, best get myself home then' when they see a lorry with a sign on it telling them to go home or face arrest.

But, having said that, the gist of the radio conversation was that its offensive, rude, not very nice etc

Christ on a bike, I'm sick and tired of all this hand-wringing and angst about having to be nice to everyone. Life isn't necessarily nice, people aren't always nice, there's lots of rude, offensive and nasty things that go on. Whats wrong with giving it straight down the line to wrong doers? This country isn't a better, safer and more comfortable place to live in just because we are nice to people who break the law regardless of what the hand-wringers say, quite the opposite in fact.

Strict border controls and some form of compulsory identity card is the way forward. Illegals have no rights to any services. I paid thousands to bring over my Thai wife through channels,obtained her a NI number, found her employment and later she was granted full UK citizenship and a UK passport, not an easy task, and now I pay the Thai government for the opportunity to live here, all above board, and I must report physically every 90 days to Immigration, as does every other "alien" in Thailand, a country not well known for administrative efficiency. The UK can do this also.


"Life's a bitch, then you marry one, then you have one, then you die!"

The above is a quote from my daughter when I was complaining 'in jest' about being surrounded by bloody women and having to wait in line to use the toilet.

It's about time people realised that pollies don't give a rat's arse about what you or I want or think unless it's close to an election and then the exude all sorts of lies and promises that are promptly reneged on once their noses are firmly back in the trough.

Illegal immigrants are just that, ILLEGAL, that means they should not be allowed into the country or should they sneak in they should be rounded up and shipped back to where they came from. The Geneva convention on refugees states that they should be allowed safe haven in the nearest safe country, not trek thousands of miles across those countries in order to scam from a country where perhaps the financial benefits are better than any of those they have traveled through.

F*ck the EU, we don't have an obligation to accept those who were perfectly safe elsewhere.

I came to Canada in 1965 and had to go through the proper procedure in order to do so, it wasn't that difficult although perhaps a little time consuming. If I can do it so can everyone else and the same should apply to people wanting to emigrate to the UK.


"Life's a bitch, then you marry one, then you have one, then you die!"

Illegal immigrants are just that, ILLEGAL, that means they should not be allowed into the country or should they sneak in they should be rounded up and shipped back to where they came from. The Geneva convention on refugees states that they should be allowed safe haven in the nearest safe country, not trek thousands of miles across those countries in order to scam from a country where perhaps the financial benefits are better than any of those they have traveled through.

F*ck the EU, we don't have an obligation to accept those who were perfectly safe elsewhere.

I think you mean UNHCR.

Without doubt we have a huge number extracting the urine. Really desperate people do not cross multiple borders, paying organised criminal gangs for the pivilege.

John Lloyd

Warrant Officer
The lorry is ok, start worrying when it is a van with blacked out windows and a hose pipe on the exhaust feeding into the back. That's what real Nazi's would have done.

It's a Lizard ploy to divert your attention away from the uncontrolled legal European immigration that we have no say, nor control over.

Illegals make up a tiny number of the overall.


I think you mean UNHCR.

Without doubt we have a huge number extracting the urine. Really desperate people do not cross multiple borders, paying organised criminal gangs for the pivilege.

You are probably right about it being UNHCR, excuse my ignorance. I was taking my statement from the following.

"Canada is a signatory of the United Nations' 1951 Geneva Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol. The Convention refugee definition, as presented in the Geneva Convention, is incorporated into Canada's Immigration Act. Refugees and persons needing protection are people in or outside Canada who fear returning to their country of nationality or habitual residence. In keeping with its humanitarian tradition and international obligations, Canada provides protection to thousands of people every year."
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Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
(Barry Island is probably a good place for this).

I was going to suggest St Kilda but (from my dim and distant memory of them at the St Athan bop) the Barry Island commandos would probably be a good test of their bona fides...

mild mannered janitor

Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts

heard this on the way to work today about some of the recent raids to takle illegal immigrants, this quote from the article is intresting.

"But concerns have been raised about recent anti-immigration operations in London, and Barry Gardiner, the Labour MP for Brent North, has written to Home Secretary Theresa May following reports of spot checks.The Independent reported that he demanded an investigation into the checks which he said violated "fundamental freedoms".
Sky reporter James Banks said: "It is not just those who have been stopped who think these tactics are out of order, with some witnesses arguing the checks were prompted by race, not intelligence."
Phil O'Shea, who witnessed one of the operations earlier this week in north London, told the Kilburn Times: "They appeared to be stopping and questioning every non-white person, many of whom were clearly ordinary Kensal Green residents going to work."
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