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Nowhere for us to live


Warrant Officer
This is my one big concern about comming out the RAF in 2009.
I seriously hope this issue is given some very serious consideration.


SNAFU master
What about a petition at No 10 website?

What about a petition at No 10 website?

You know the sort of thing:

We petition HMG to ensure that there is prompt, suitable and available housing for ex-servicemen and women, particularly those discharged medically.

I don't know the right words to use but I assume (hope?) that some goat knows how its done right.



SNAFU master
As sent to my local MP

As sent to my local MP

Dear Mr MP,

The plight of ex-servicement & women, particularly those medically discharged is causing some serious grief among the affected. Apropos of this:

1 Can you please raise the point with some minister or other at an early date and get the answer?

2 Would you please advise me how to put this point as a petition to No 10.


xx xx


I was one of them, Medically discharged in 2003 and then homeless for months before being offered 2 places in Very Rough areas (I was a mental case and needed a quiet location at the time) before being offered a flat in an Old peoples complex of flats above what turned out to be a problem case and also another problem case next door.

Since this i have been homeless again and noone really gives a toss.

Have sorted myself now but even looking back it makes me feel sick that someone can give however many years of thier life to the service of thier country and then get shafted like this.


SNAFU master
MP Auto Reply

MP Auto Reply

Further to my idea, I got the following reply from the Auto Thingy at my MPs office:-

Parliament has a strict rule that a Member of Parliament should not take up the individual cases of the constituents of other MPs.

As to idea 2, (petition), I think I'll have to wait.

Meanwhile, Keep the Faith, guys & gals.


pie sandwich

Back in september I was told I was being medically discharged and this was at very short notice, I was told on the friday out on the tuesday.

I did'nt have a clue where I was going to live I only had 2 grand in the bank, not enough for a lot so I phoned up the council to ask for a flat in the wiltshire area and told I do not qualify and the only way I could be housed was to turn up on their doorstep on the 16th feb the day after my last paid day in the RAF with all my bags under my arm.


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Back in september I was told I was being medically discharged and this was at very short notice, I was told on the friday out on the tuesday.

I did'nt have a clue where I was going to live I only had 2 grand in the bank, not enough for a lot so I phoned up the council to ask for a flat in the wiltshire area and told I do not qualify and the only way I could be housed was to turn up on their doorstep on the 16th feb the day after my last paid day in the RAF with all my bags under my arm.

And even then I wonder what kind of delightful hostel you will end up in?


Warrant Officer
Back in september I was told I was being medically discharged and this was at very short notice, I was told on the friday out on the tuesday.

I did'nt have a clue where I was going to live I only had 2 grand in the bank, not enough for a lot so I phoned up the council to ask for a flat in the wiltshire area and told I do not qualify and the only way I could be housed was to turn up on their doorstep on the 16th feb the day after my last paid day in the RAF with all my bags under my arm.

If you had used that 2 grand to buy a Polish passport on the black market you would have been sorted out no problem. It's nice to know that we are valued so highly by our government.


Dr Midget Midgetson
Get yourselves thrown in jail, even for a minor crime, then you'll have more rights and more people fighting for your rights, housing, job etc.

Criminals have more fecking rights and more benefits than those who serve the country :pDT_Xtremez_32:

Talk Wrench

E-Goat addict
1000+ Posts
You know the sort of thing:

We petition HMG to ensure that there is prompt, suitable and available housing for ex-servicemen and women, particularly those discharged medically.

I don't know the right words to use but I assume (hope?) that some goat knows how its done right.


Discharged in 2001 on Medical grounds. Nothing more than a big fat " See Ya, would't wanna be Ya".Let alone housing considerations.

Pie Sandwich. Lyneham have a very poor record when it comes to their treatment of medical dischargees. They treat you as if you made the choice to leave.

Good luck. Need any info and good gen, PM me and I will try to help.




Further to my idea, I got the following reply from the Auto Thingy at my MPs office:-

Parliament has a strict rule that a Member of Parliament should not take up the individual cases of the constituents of other MPs.

I would write back and politely ask to whom (which MP) an ex seviceman may write in such a situation as they are homeless, therefore not on any county electoral role, so who does represent them

Did you know - absolute shocker, 10 to 20% of the homeless guys on the streets of London are ex military. Remember that next time you are down there. You would be amazed what you hear over a chat, a hot cup of tea and a sandwich.

The whole thing is a scandal, but there is no voice to make the issue heard. It is what the Armed Forces federation whatever it is should be doing.
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Warrant Officer
Yes I did know that Tigs, thats why I chucked a few quid at a bloke in Regents Street the other day (sitting next to a battered Bergen wearing some of his old kit)


It guts me to the core that we have let this happen. When I came out I got a council house no worries, the local authority bent over backwards to help knowing I was a good bet to actually pay my rent.


This is a subject close to my heart at the moment as some of you know, being a scaley brat then marrying into the forces, anywhere i have lived my whole life has been in a quarter.Hence i do not qualify anywhere i have lived for housing untill i am evicted then i will be slammed into a hostel for a few months whilst the councils fight over who has to house me.I am being treated as if i am an ex service personnel.I was informed just before christmas that an application will be made to the court for eviction in the next few weeks.The last thing my 6 yr old daughter who has ASD needs, is to be passed from pillar to post.....but, there is a shortage of houses for people like me as so many people have a higher priority than me, like those who have lost their homes and work in the area or have lived here, criminals, ethnic, even though i live in this area, because i am in a quarter, it does not count.


Tashied Goatee
"Violent Profits"

"Violent Profits"

Well we are due to be out of our quarter by 1st Feb......it aint gonna happen though as we have nowhere (can't get mortgage) and can't rent anywhere that will accept pets !!) so we will be staying in the quarter for the foreseeable future paying "Violent profits" (thats what they call it up here in scotland)....works out at a very reasonable £470 (ish) per month inc council tax.


Super Moderator
Staff member
1000+ Posts


My usual response to this is that people should plan ahead, buy a place themselves or save up for a deposit on their discharge. But then there are people who cannot do this, there are those for whom life just has thrown a fast ball, divorce/separation or medical discharge.

Social housing should be there for people in need, a lot of social housing is occupied by people for life, doleys, chavs, the massed ranks of the long term 'sick' and other people who cannot be bothered to get of the ar5e5 and move their lives forward.

Because of these people the people in real need find themselves on the streets, in hostels or in violent neighbourhoods, if the social housing stock was properly managed (they should stop selling it off for a start) then people who need (not want) a house should be able to get one.

Good luck for all those trying to get housed at the moment, hope the new year brings you some better times.


You know the sort of thing:

We petition HMG to ensure that there is prompt, suitable and available housing for ex-servicemen and women, particularly those discharged medically.

I don't know the right words to use but I assume (hope?) that some goat knows how its done right.


We all know how much the government takes notice of the people.
You would be better off emailing your MP and maybe the MP for the constituency you want to live in as to the availability of housing.
