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I've been diagnosed with Terminal Cancer...

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Thanks for being one of us mate. I know we have never met but your courage has been a tower of strength for both my Mrs and I as we help her mother with this horrible disease.

I consider it a privilege to have read your postings.

RAF Bird

Stacker *********
I would like to echo Gems post but I cant. I simply cant even read your whole post as it is breaking my heart to read it. You are a man of immense courage and strength and I wish your 'end' to be as painless as possible. My thoughts are with you and yours this evening my friend.


I would like to thank you all for your kindness and compassion shown in this thread over the last 9 months, our service truly needs people like you.

And I would like to thank YOU for your courage and strength throughout your ordeal. The RAF could use more people like you!

On the plus side, I won’t have to sit through the thousands of hours of Olympics programmes you poor people will.

And more thanks...Thanks for reminding me and thanks for the brilliant sense of humour! And I am switching off the Olympics!


Warrant Officer
You've got a pair of gonads the size of melons.

Hats off to you mate for taking things as they came and playing the hand you were dealt. Your strength has been an inspiration to us all and your posts will continue to offer strength to those in the future who find themselves in the same situation.

Say hi to Trex and Isambard kingdom Brunell for me... And stay away from Michael Jackson. :pDT_Xtremez_15:


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
I have not replied to you before, because I don't really have the amazing spirit you posess. That said, you have cured me of one thing; if ever I am walking down a dark lonely street and I hear the sound of two steel balls banging together, I won't have to look around to know where it comes from.


Warrant Officer
Whatever problems I thought I had have once again diminished to status 'insignificant' on reading your gutsy post Spec. Nothing else I can say will mean anything compared to what you have written here these past few months, cheers for the smiles.


Geek Scuffer
You and your family are in my thoughts mate you have shown a lot of bravery and highlighted something to all users that they need to be aware of.


I didn't ever want to see your last post..................I simply don't know of a way to put my heartfelt feelings for your courage into the appropriate words.


Ex-Harrier Mafia Member
1000+ Posts
There is not much which can stir up the softer side in me and the only reason I've left it till now to post up is because of the reminder it gives me of my Mum.

Cancer is an absolute ****house for the pain it brings.

You Sir, are one very brave individual and that can be said of your family as well.

God bless you.

Studley dangerfcuk

Flight Sergeant
After yesterdays oncologist appt, myself & Claire have decided it's not worth carrying on with chemo. It's not working so it's better not to put myself through it. No big dramas, came to terms with the news quite easily actually.
A lot of fluid has gathered in my legs as my liver can process less stuff which they control by mild pressure bandaging, this pushes the fluids back up to my liver. I've not really got pain but I am more distended & pressurised feeling. My right lung has a bit of fluid on it but this is being managed.
My mother in law Carol got me a loan of a wheelchair from the Red Cross so I can be shoved around town by Claire for a bit of a change of scene, however I have no muscle mass that would let me do this alone. I now have a massive posse of Community nurses who pop in and change my leg dressings everyday and a Raf GP who is only 20 mins away to give me any ultra strong morphine type injections (huge box of doses, needles etc) day, night or weekends as I need them, she is brilliant.
This will be my last entry and someone will update something or check out the Odiham RIP's when the time happens.
I would like to thank you all for your kindness and compassion shown in this thread over the last 9 months, our service truly needs people like you.
On the plus side, I won’t have to sit through the thousands of hours of Olympics programmes you poor people will.

It's been a very long time since anyone has brought a tear to my eye's, God speed SPECIALIZED. You are one brave Mo Fo.

Bleedin' eck. I've been following your progress since the start and, like many others, have not personally commented but sat on the side admiring your frank and open story. You've said that this is your final post but I'm hoping that you are made aware of this high level of very public support that the fellow e-goaters have for you. Respect and admiration to you.


This was the post that, I guess, all expected to be coming, but now that it is here, I for one want to turn back the clock and deny it ever needed to be written.

My heartfelt respect and, yes I'll say it!, love, go out to you and your nearest and dearest at this supremely difficult time.

Your strength and pragmatism is an example to us all


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Back when, I made a point of never walking out of the door for a flight with an unresolved arguement...just in case...

I deliberated what to say to you, and hopefully you'll check in to see how many people have come to care for you without ever meeting you or actually knowing who you are...But what I reckon is important is now squaring things away...making your absolute peace with you wife, kids, extended family and all else who matter to you...It's something I gave a bit of thought to and found that this to me mattered most of all over satifying lists of things to do and such like.

Be strong, make your peace and don't be afraid.


On the plus side, I won’t have to sit through the thousands of hours of Olympics programmes you poor people will.

If I could face the relatively insignficant events in my life with same level of honesty, courage and humour that you have, I'd still be half the man you are.

Teh Wal

Flight Sergeant
...A lot of fluid has gathered in my legs as my liver can process less stuff which they control by mild pressure bandaging, this pushes the fluids back up to my liver...
You need a G-suit mate! Surely with all our combined efforts we can find an old one somewhere! :pDT_Xtremez_26:

I've not posted before but I have followed this thread quite closely and like the rest have been saddened by your struggle but also inspired. I've lost relatives thanks to cancer but in all honesty I can say that your experience has touched and changed me the most; I no longer get wound up over the trivia that life throws up and I find myself paying more attention to the concerns, needs, etc, etc, of my family. Thank you.
Your forum tag was certainly well thought out as you do indeed come across as someone who is indeed very special. I wish you all the best over the next few days or weeks, or months (am I too hopeful?), and hope that this horrible illness does not rob you of the dignity that you deserve. Your family can be truly proud of the person that you are.


Have never felt I needed to add my comments on any thread before. However, I today feel the need to let you know that I think you are an incredibly brave individual. You have demonstrated immense strength in you posts on this thread which are truly humbling indeed.


Like many others I have been following this thread since the start and I feel like I'm losing a friend, I think you are a very brave man having the courage to open up the way you have. I hope you can enjoy the rest of you're time with your family and when it comes for you that it is painless for you, when the time comes for me I only hope to have the courage to stand and face it as you have done. I fear as you've posted your last post you may never read this one, and as you pointed out you won't have to watch (or work at) these bloody Olympics.
Desperately sad to read your final words but, as many have said, extremely humbled by your posts and the way you have faced this monster with dignity and fortitude. My thoughts go out to you and your family and I hope that your lasts days are spent with them as comfortably as possible.
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