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Israel thing


It seems like Israel have not been pulling any punches in their response to Hamas' attacks. Sadly, this has been fact checked by Snopes. This is apparently the area where the Hamas leaders had their luxury homes.



Ex-Harrier Mafia Member
1000+ Posts
Cry me a river. They reap what they have sown.

The same rhetoric many Westernized Governments are voicing though it shouldn't be overlooked that all from the United Nations, the US, the UK, Israel and Iran should carry some blame into what Hamas is today.

Israel even indirectly created the Hamas problem and some sources suggest it was Mossad, with the aim here to put someone in a place of power that is so easy to hate, that international concern would be sympathetic to Israel i.e., look the other way when the slaughtering starts.

I'm not picking a side here, both have committed atrocious acts and I doubt the way to resolve it can be through negotiations and mediation. Either side won't be happy until the other has become a glass carpark.


Retired Rock Star 5.5.14
1000+ Posts
I get the feeling that Israel will try to turn Gaza into the worlds' biggest parking lot and force those Palestinians still alive into the West Bank.


I get the feeling that Israel will try to turn Gaza into the worlds' biggest parking lot and force those Palestinians still alive into the West Bank.

I suspect you are right and are waiting till they are ready and will unleash hell. Not sure how far they will go but it will not be good for that part of the world if anyone else fancies their chances.


Super Moderator
Staff member
1000+ Posts
After the initial outrage all the action is now going on in Gaza so que nasty Isreal headlines until this is over.

Unfortunately, it is the innocents and powerless on both sides that suffer most.

Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Unfortunately, it is the innocents and powerless on both sides that suffer most.
twas ever the case in conflicts. Hard to see an easy way out of this current mess though. Iranian backed HAMAS avowed aim is the utter destruction of the state of Israel, which it doesn't recognise, and the Israel wants HAMAS to stop killing its citizens. As long as HAMAS are chucking rockets over the border Israel will keep chucking bombs over the border, and repeat whilst continually blaming the other side for what ever goes wrong. What a mess

"Requests" like this don't help much


Ex-Harrier Mafia Member
1000+ Posts
Shite daytime telly though. 🤷‍♂️


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Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
It's all going to be Okay Mr "finger on the pulse, Johnny on the Ball, not senile at all" Joe Biden is heading for a visit to Israel. What could possibly go wrong

"Biden in Israel: US President Joe Biden has confirmed he will visit Israel tomorrow, before going on to Jordan where he'll meet officials including Palestine's Mahmoud Abbas. The BBC's James Landale described it as a "significant" intervention."


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
I agree the whole thing is a mess; the Palestinians undoubtedly have some legitimate grievances dating back to the foundation of Israel but I don't see that ever being undone. Israel clearly now needs to protect its own citizens and is entitled to feel very aggrieved about the most recent Hamas attacks. But Israel has the same problem that we had in Belfast & Londonderry back in the 70's & 80's - I doubt that everyone in Gaza is a member of Hamas and you cannot win against a terrorist community hiding in the civilian population by attacking large numbers of the population, killing people and destroying homes. Every Palestinian child witnessing what Israel does today is a potential terrorist in 5, 10, 15 years time as they seek revenge for today's pain on top of the pain of 1948/9 etc.

Iran, of course, are fomenting the trouble because of their clear and explicit hatred of Israel and a racist attitude to Jews. It is noticeable that the other Arab nations, such as Egypt and Jordan, are not falling over themselves to support the Palestinians - they know that accepting Israel's existence is, in the long term, necessary for middle eastern peace and being able to cohabit with the west.

I think that, somehow, Israel must be made to row back on the revenge aspects of the current operations and focus on more targeted efforts against specific individuals - the bullet is better than the bomb in that regard - and try (again, I know) to make some sort of accord with the more amenable and peaceable Palestinians, who themselves probably have no love for Hamas. Iran needs to butt out (difficult, I know) and the moderate Arab states must play their part even if it means appearing to side with Israel and risking their own internal tensions.

There are no easy answers and too many people with their own arses to cover and axes to grind, regardless of what they may do to the wider peace of the middle east and beyond.


Retired Rock Star 5.5.14
1000+ Posts
Perhaps the Gaza strip should be re-drawn by 90 degrees to run parallel along the Egyptian Border.

Also worth noting that the first Jewish temple was built in Jerusalem almost 3000 years ago and 1500 years before the Muslim prophet Muhammed died.

Talk Wrench

E-Goat addict
1000+ Posts
The nutjob in charge of Hezbollah has decided to ratchet things up more than a little.

Things could get very nasty, very quickly out there in the sandpit.

Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
"There is no solution for the Palestinian problem except byJihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are but a waste of time, an exercise in futility.' " (Article 13 of the Hamas covenant). Hard to negotiate a peace settlement with your enemies whilst sticking to that stance

Hamas, Hezbollah, Shia Houthis rebel groups in Yemen, the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad, all puppets on the many strings pulled by Iran. Iran a government who describes the USA as "The great Satan", who supports Hamas in its aim to eradicate the state of Israel.