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Hiding in the Ladies


It makes me wonder whether that individual ever had any connection to the armed forces - or if they did how tenuous it was.

“Civvy street” is what civilians use
That's because I am a civilian, and have been since 1992, which was when I left the air force, which was like, over thirty years ago, which was also when I stopped using military terms. No one is more deluded than people who leave the forces, but somehow still think its normal to walk, talk and act as though they've never left.
PS a quick search of egoat will find 10 pages of posts where people have used the forbidden term 'civvy street.' Are you saying we're all Walts?
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Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
That's because I am a civilian, and have been since 1992, which was when I left the air force, which was like, over thirty years ago, which was also when I stopped using military terms. No one is more deluded than people who leave the forces, but somehow still think it’s normal to walk, talk and act as though they've never
You see, even the way that was written screams of a lack of authenticity

What’s an ostensibly 50 year old (minimum) man doing using the work “like” - and if you have such a dislike for ex military persons using military terms, why are you here? There’s a lot of it about.

You do an awful lot of not walking like the duck you profess to be


You see, even the way that was written screams of a lack of authenticity

What’s an ostensibly 50 year old (minimum) man doing using the work “like” - and if you have such a dislike for ex military persons using military terms, why are you here? There’s a lot of it about.

You do an awful lot of not walking like the duck you profess to be
You clearly cannot seem to accept that some people speak differently to you, or that once they leave the forces, other forms of speech patterns evolve. Which is weird, because I bet you accepted the military vernacular without thinking. Accepting without thinking, now there's something that gets you a long way in the forces.
So I use the word 'like' and it's bothering you? It's good to know that you don't worry about the little things. If it gives you clarity, all I can say is that Bill, Ted and Wayne had a bigger and more lasting impact on me than the QR's.
Duck? You've got me there. No idea what you're talking about.
10 pages of people posting 'civvy street,' and I bet nary a comment from you to those guys. I guess you have a problem with me. I can live with that. I don't worry about the little things either.
Anyway, surely that's enough handbags at dawn for one day, but do feel free to take the last word if you feel you must.
I'll just swerve back to the thread and say that abuse in the military is major suckage, and anyone who does it should get an instant re-route to civvy street, via the glasshouse!


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
You clearly cannot seem to accept that some people speak differently to you, or that once they leave the forces, other forms of speech patterns evolve. Which is weird, because I bet you accepted the military vernacular without thinking. Accepting without thinking, now there's something that gets you a long way in the forces.
So I use the word 'like' and it's bothering you? It's good to know that you don't worry about the little things. If it gives you clarity, all I can say is that Bill, Ted and Wayne had a bigger and more lasting impact on me than the QR's.
Duck? You've got me there. No idea what you're talking about.
10 pages of people posting 'civvy street,' and I bet nary a comment from you to those guys. I guess you have a problem with me. I can live with that. I don't worry about the little things either.
Anyway, surely that's enough handbags at dawn for one day, but do feel free to take the last word if you feel you must.
I'll just swerve back to the thread and say that abuse in the military is major suckage, and anyone who does it should get an instant re-route to civvy street, via the glasshouse!
You don’t seem to have addressed the key issue.

I don’t believe for one minute you served


To be fair to him, I have used and heard used "Civvy Street", both when I was in the RAF and afterwards in civvy street.


Ex-Harrier Mafia Member
1000+ Posts
I've always used the term Civvy Street. Whilst serving and now out as a dirty Civil Serpent working in MOD. 🤷‍♂️

Talk Wrench

E-Goat addict
1000+ Posts
This is obviously a topic that people are taking seriously, so if people are taking it seriously on here, where a cross section of views, opinions, alignments and divisions are represented, then surely the question should be "Why is this still making the news?"

I'm going to suggest that abuse is taken seriously in the Armed Forces and in the rare cases where it does happen, it becomes a newsworthy article and web pages get the clicks they want.

Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
surely the question should be "Why is this still making the news?"
The glib answer is it's still making the news because it's still going on.

A deeper answer may well be that over the decades society has changed in many ways. It's changed in it's tolerance of what many years ago was merely described as banter. Contact counselling on a slippy oil store floor is frowned upon these days and so on. Plus with the advent of smart phones and the rise of social media it's become much more difficult for the system to keep a lid on things it would like to keep in house. The way to fix it is perhaps to come down hard on the miscreants and widely publicise the punishments meted out to the guilty.