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Halton to Close


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Anyone else picked up on chatter about Halton closing and recruit training moving to Cranwell?

Anyone at Cranwell see this mentioned in the station magazine in the OC's editorial over the past couple of months?

Late & Tired

Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Now, if I was a Lincoln Nightclub owner, I'd be very interested in that rumour.
Now, if I was a Lincoln Police officer, I'd be interested in that rumour.
And, if I was a regional Rental Estate Agent, I'd be rather excited in that rumour...


The Other Mods Made Me Do It
Anyone else picked up on chatter about Halton closing and recruit training moving to Cranwell?

Anyone at Cranwell see this mentioned in the station magazine in the OC's editorial over the past couple of months?

Has been banded around as a rumour for the last year. No money for infra for the existing residents, let alone any newbies....


Ex-Harrier Mafia Member
1000+ Posts
I heard similar rumours when I graced Cranditz with my presence a couple of years ago. It was being touted as something happening hand in hand with the Engo training moving to Cosford.


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
There should be lots of blocks and buildings, perhaps not in a great condition, that could swallow up Halton recruits and the training courses carried out there since Cranwell is running at a much reduced capacity compared to 20 years ago...same as Halton.

Got to be savings in the medium term with consolidating activities which could offset any outlay...


I thought if Halton ever closed the estate had to be given back to the Rothchilds in the way it was given to the air ministry? Or was that just a daft rumour...


I heard the same thing - could be a lot more costly to hand Haltom back in its original condition rather than to carry on utilising it as a training centre etc...


They could get around that by giving it to the army to use as a training camp. Off the RAF's budget then. Can't see it moving myself.


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Apparently that 'rule' originates from WW1 when they dug trenches around the grounds for training...according to an ex station historian it could be handed back as it is and further rumours indicate some housing to be built on part of it...the O' s mess is listed so would have to stay 'as-is'.


Flight Sergeant
Apparently that 'rule' originates from WW1 when they dug trenches around the grounds for training...according to an ex station historian it could be handed back as it is and further rumours indicate some housing to be built on part of it...the O' s mess is listed so would have to stay 'as-is'.

The O Mess will end up as yet another country house hotel with spa, you mark my words.


My understanding is that although originally Baron Rothchild gave he officers mess to the govenment as a gift, along with the lands which were to be returned to him or his family should the RAF no longer have a use for it, the government later bought the whole shebang so it's pretty much theirs to do with as they wish. It would be a shame to see it closed in my opinion but then again I carry a certain amount of prejudice towards it in my feelings. Three of the happiest years of my life and definitely the highlight of my time in the mob.


Halton to Close

Gord is right. We bought Halton and surprisingly for a bargain price. However those who have stayed in Halton House recently (I lived there for four months last year) will know that it is in much need of renovation which would need to be sustained. We haven't got the money for what needs doing and sadly IMO the place would benefit from someone like the national trust taking it over. I loved it there but I just don't see how we can maintain it. The sandstone is literally disappearing as it was never built to last in the first place. Just a party house on the edge of London. What a party house though! If those walls could talk...

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Why not use Halton as secure accommodation for our 'Honourable' Members of Parliament to reside in during the week? Short commute to the Capital from Wendover......Then they could booger off home at weekends......


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Why not use Halton as secure accommodation for our 'Honourable' Members of Parliament to reside in during the week? Short commute to the Capital from Wendover......Then they could booger off home at weekends......

Ever since the expenses scandal broke I have maintained that we should build or use an existing site to offer a mess like set-up for MP's...they can book them and they could be set up with a lounge and small office area with rooms close by for their harpees.

Easy to offer security and easier for them to hold meetings in a centralised facility.

Would save a fortune...


They did filming for Lucan while I was there. Pain in the arse tbh but a good earner obviously. That and weddings, just means that anyone who lives in is an unwelcome guest in their own home. Not always but for the most part.

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Warrant Officer
I've been to Halton a couple of times on courses at DCTS over the past couple of months, and it does strike me as being a bit of an anachronism in the context of the road down which today's services are being driven. Outside of the Recruit Training Squadron up in the Henderson area you have a sparsely populated yet quite sprawling estate with public rights of way preventing it being fully secure.
Kermode Hall, once a hive of activity with appos and fitters moving hither and thither between lessons on Mechanics, Maths and Materials and Structures is now comparatively deserted. Yes it houses DCTS, Home for Sport, ACS and probably others I never saw, but most of the classrooms and other facilities appear to be used irregularly and its starting to show its age.
I actually found it quite a pleasurable place to be in compared to the lunatic asylum I work in back at Cosford, but when you add in all the workshops and stuff on the other side of the road you do wonder if it couldn't all be housed somewhere more compact.

Warwick Hunt

Persona Non-Grata
1000+ Posts
It would be sad to Halton go TBH, it's a real slice of service history. As Foghorn Leghorn intimated about Halton House having loads of stories, the rest of the station could write tome after tome after tome if it could. I never had the pleasure of phase 1 and 2 training there - only a stint as permanent staff and several phase 3 courses and along with Cranwell, I've viewed it as almost the most aesthetically pleasing station we have. I know sentiment shouldn't over-ride practicality, but I for one would be disappointed to see a genuinely pretty place to live and work close.


When I went through my training there,3 Wing was where the three junior entries hung their hats and did their basic square bashing on Maitland Square. After the first year, the even numbered entries moved on to 1 Wing for the next two years whilst the odd numbered ones went to 2 Wing and both had that nice Henderson Hill to march up and down each day I was in the 94th so I went to 1 Wing, one of my school mates ended up in the 95th and therefore 2 Wing.

Strangely enough, though we shared the parade square, the NAAFI and the ASDA theatre, sick quarters and the f*ckin' barber shop we rarely fraternised with each other, all rather silly really since once out of Halton, the "Entry" thing diminished to virtually nothing unless it came up in friendly banter.

One of the best military hospitals in the country was also located at Halton, Princess Mary's I believe it was. My sister who was a nurse at Queen Alexandra's Hospital in Portsmouth would quite frequently fly up to PM in a helicopter accompanying patients, who often were young matelots who has suffered head or spinal injuries as a result of accidents involving motorcycles. Most of the surgeons that practiced at PM were Harley Street Specialists and knew their way around the human body.

I remember there was a rather rotund male nurse there, a sergeant who was of the bent variety and who would cruise the roads just outside the camp and attempt to pick up apprentices who were hitch hiking their way home in uniform on the weekends. Once inside his VW Beetle he would make sure that his hand slipped off the gear shift and tried to find a totally different type of knob.

Fortunately I never ran into this perv but a few of my mates did and one weekend having discovered that they had all shared this unwanted groping, they decided to get back at him so the following weekend several of them hid behind bushes and a few lay in a ditch whilst one of them stuck his thumb out as he saw the approaching VW. Once the ****** stopped, the bait lad opened the door as if to get in, grabbed the key and turned off the ignition, at which time the rest of the lads came out of hiding and rolled the VW sideways into the ditch and left it there upside down complete with perv driver inside it who was shouting his head off that they couldn't do what they had just done because he was a sergeant and would have them all on charges.

The lads just took off back to camp laughing.

Needless to say, nothing more was heard of the event and the tw@t didn't seem to patrol the roads looking for victims after that. At least not close to Halton.