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FP in afghan

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Flight Sergeant
This is way many TA guys feel so neglected, Imagine going out and slotting into an Infantry unit with your 26 days of annual training?

Absolutely shocking.

Slightly off topic
As some one who did a tour with the TA can I just refute this myth

When you join the TA you effectively join the army
You join a branch of the Army - Para,Recce,Inf etc
You train (albiet over a longer period) the same as a regular soldier
The same vehicles and weapons
My unit used to train wtih the HCR and 9/12 Lancers both regular units
Regular soldiers (Senior NCO's) are attached to TA units
TA do there two weekends a month plus a weekday night training and two weeks camp per year

Once TA are mobilised they do the same training as there regular counterparts often with the units they deploy with
In my case we did
2 Weeks at Grantham - Parachute Regiment instructing - weapon training - shoots - CFT,BFT - comms, mines,ROE's etc
Joined HCR at Windsor
6 Weeks including Salisbury plain and Hyde and Lythe - live fireing exercises over and over everything plus Castle Martin for vehicle shoots
Then we were placed into our troops
Once we deployed to Iraq we did training and a range package including top cover shoots
The cooks and clerk did exactly the same training as anyone (inc females)
I know of at least two contacts down town where women put rounds down range

If you are deploying out of trade then so be it theres probably nothing you can do
If I could offer some advise to you it would be this

Be positive so what it's out of trade enjoy it - you'll be able to hold your head high in the future and you'll get your ally pictures for the grankids

Fitness - get as fit as poss - the heat will take it out of you - even just doing top cover and if you do get a contact you will work fukcing hard

Be positive

Ask, ask and ask again even if you think you are sure ask - better to be regarded as the fukctard (no offence) who asked 'daft' questions (you can bet someone else wanted to ask it but daren't) than the fukctard who put a bullet in his mates head because he didn't pay attention in weapon handling

Be positive

Train hard even if you need to do remedials training (in fact if it's available then I would take it) and accept every offer of help and every extra course going

Be Positive

Stay calm - try not to get worked up before you go, some people get through 6 months without firing a shot some people are at it all day long - take a deep breath and don't panic ( I remember being chuffed to fukc because I changed mags after 24 rounds had been fired - round 25 still in the chamber no need to make ready)

It will be hard it's outside what you know so therefore outside your comfort zone and everything will seem strange.
A month into it it will feel like you have been doing it all your life and wil pretty much seem normal (when you get back you'll still be looking round and checking roofs and cars etc)

Man up take it on the chin and give it 100% (cliche I know)even if you sit in sangers bored for 4 months guarding camp, better to enjoy it and try than sit round crying all day it won't help you'll still be there

Also remember if what a Rock or whoever is in charge tells you to do, do it, if it sounds daft ask them to clarify but sometimes what sounds a bit funny to you makes perfect sense to them because they do it for a living some thing in your trade might sound daft to them but you would want them to do it your way

Ask about kit wise - do you want to take you issue webbing or can you throw £25 quid at a chest rig etc

Did I mention stay positive??

Above all enjoy it take care and have a good time - report back let us know how you get on
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Higher Pay Band Shiney
So where is all this madness coming from? How long are the rock sqns getting between tours? Surely with the loss of Rapier, field sqns were brought up to full strength and some Rapier sqns converted? Or is manning that bad?
Manning is shocking in the RAF Regt - hence the introduction of FRIs.


Hi there,

Not sure if any one else has posted this, if i'm sorry.
My mate is a cpl rigger out in afghan at the moment on FP. from the info he gathered it could be any thing from convoy guard, gunner in a heli to escourting the jingles on building sites.


26/15 Sqns RAF Regt (rapier) were converted last year, formed one field Sqn (15 sqn, the 26 bit was dropped) and returned from a tour of OP HERRICK a few months ago. 27 Sqn RAF Regt is cuirrently undergoing conversion from CBRN (it was part of the joint CBRN regt) back to a field Sqn.

Currently, most Field Sqns (the exeption being QCS who still have their gun juggling role to fulfill) are conductiong 6 month tours with 10 months inbetween, alternating between TELIC and HERRICK. Its a beasting and PVRs are high but recruitment has gone through the roof and the basic gunners cse is having to open a few belt holes to take them all on. Also, many RAF Auxillary Sqns are augmenting their local Regt Sqns in a big way which brings us up to the required manning level for each individual op.

You'll find that most GDT slots are being headed up by Flt Sgt/WOs as officers are being dragged in to fill Sqn and Wing posts and lots of other posts are being gapped as the Regt throws everything its got at ops

If other trades are being sent OOA for FP duties I can only think it would be stagging on, radio manning, convoy top cover, hesco bastion filling type stuff i.e being the local ground defence commanders body of troops. EIRT only equips you up to a certain level and theres no question of techies backfilling regt sections. No offence but we're not that desperate! We take techhies out on patrol occasionally but only for specific things i.e EOD, ditched aircraft and other technical stuff but not as a 50 cal gunner or anything!

rest have risen above me

Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
If other trades are being sent OOA for FP duties I can only think it would be stagging on, radio manning, convoy top cover, hesco bastion filling type stuff i.e being the local ground defence commanders body of troops. EIRT only equips you up to a certain level and theres no question of techies backfilling regt sections. No offence but we're not that desperate! We take techhies out on patrol occasionally but only for specific things i.e EOD, ditched aircraft and other technical stuff but not as a 50 cal gunner or anything!

I'm glad about that!! 50 cal sounds a bit diet like for a techie I expect at least a 1000 calories before I'd be a gunner....lol:pDT_Xtremez_30:


If other trades are being sent OOA for FP duties I can only think it would be stagging on, radio manning, convoy top cover, hesco bastion filling type stuff i.e being the local ground defence commanders body of troops. EIRT only equips you up to a certain level and theres no question of techies backfilling regt sections. No offence but we're not that desperate! We take techhies out on patrol occasionally but only for specific things i.e EOD, ditched aircraft and other technical stuff but not as a 50 cal gunner or anything!

Fair enuff - I'd feel the same way in your shoes. Its the convoy top cover and convoy commander thing that concerns me. If you've only shot 25m prone in clear daylight, what chance have you got of hitting the target standing, in low light or a dust storm from a moving vehicle. Or maybe switch to auto and spray some rounds in the enemy's general direction will suffice to keep their heads down.


Flight Sergeant
there is a range package at honington where we learned to shoot out to several hundred metres. Although i agree for convoy cmd the training wasn't enough but then you do learn in theatre how to do it. I don't think you should have to it should be taught before you go, don't know if there would be enough people to do a specific convoy training package there were people doing all sorts of jobs lumped in together some off some on camp. Now though i believe there is an extra week at another unit.


Thier is a 6 or 7 weeks package for convoy driving that at least one stacker at Lyneham has done, he learnt how to shoot properly from the top of a land rover etc and some ambush skills but is it realy enough for out of trade work (better than 10 days granted) and why isnt it used more often, probably because we cant afford to lose people for that long before they go. Good tips by rodney but you signed up as a part time pongo we didnt. If I wanted to do that type of work I would have joined the army, if I wanted to sail the world I would have joined P&O. The RAF used to be the best air force in the world which is why I wanted to be in this service, can we really say this now


I don't think you should have to it should be taught before you go
Well I think there should be enough opportunity to shoot during the year that every member of the RAF should be able to pass a shooting test of a reasonable standard. Maybe hit a target at 200m from a range of firing positions, or achieve a certain score on one of the current Matches. Furthermore I think by failing to recognise shooting as a fundamental military skill, the warfighter first nonsense, is precisely that - hollow words.

Seeing as little Glen is president of the RAFSAA he should be well aware of this and take steps to make it so, or hang his head in shame.


1000+ Posts
Well I think there should be enough opportunity to shoot during the year that every member of the RAF should be able to pass a shooting test of a reasonable standard. Maybe hit a target at 200m from a range of firing positions, or achieve a certain score on one of the current Matches. Furthermore I think by failing to recognise shooting as a fundamental military skill, the warfighter first nonsense, is precisely that - hollow words.

Seeing as little Glen is president of the RAFSAA he should be well aware of this and take steps to make it so, or hang his head in shame.

Off Topic I echo your sentiments 3WT however, to take part in RAFSAA events you require a SUSAT. Unless you are part of a 'shooting team', stations will not allow you to have one due to shortages caused by ops. The cold war days had 1 rifle per serviceman IIRC, however in the days of pennypinching...... If everyone had a personal weapon, with SUSAT, maybe this fundamental skill of all military personnel could be advanced as I feel it should be. The development of inexperienced shooters can be achieved through competition shooting at RAFSAA events, but this years effort of 34 rifle firers at the only event they can participate in (CSAM) leaves a lot to be desired. Off Topic


JC you have mail....

JC you have mail....

Hi people, not sure if I am putting this thread in the right section. I am about to start a 3 month det to Kabul as Force protection. You may be reading this and saying, well these things are bound to happen in the current climate of manpower shortages. I am a Rigger :pDT_Xtremez_35: and have been drafted out as FP. HAHA well i did my multi skilling last year rigger sootie and it now looks like i need more multi skilling into RAF Reg, has this happened to any other techies?

n/m .....


Squadron Cock
1000+ Posts
Off Topic I echo your sentiments 3WT however, to take part in RAFSAA events you require a SUSAT. Unless you are part of a 'shooting team', stations will not allow you to have one due to shortages caused by ops. The cold war days had 1 rifle per serviceman IIRC, however in the days of pennypinching...... If everyone had a personal weapon, with SUSAT, maybe this fundamental skill of all military personnel could be advanced as I feel it should be. The development of inexperienced shooters can be achieved through competition shooting at RAFSAA events, but this years effort of 34 rifle firers at the only event they can participate in (CSAM) leaves a lot to be desired. Off Topic

Exactly, although the severe lack of participation allowed me to win my first ever shooting medal! :pDT_Xtremez_28::pDT_Xtremez_28:


1000+ Posts
Exactly, although the severe lack of participation allowed me to win my first ever shooting medal! :pDT_Xtremez_28::pDT_Xtremez_28:
And no doubt your last, however with the best coach in the world.............. :pDT_Xtremez_28:


Squadron Cock
1000+ Posts
And no doubt your last, however with the best coach in the world.............. :pDT_Xtremez_28:

::p: Boo sucks to you, can't make RAFSAM though tragically, someone else will have to do the butts!.

Back On Topic though, I think there should be a lot more opportunity to fire service weapons if we are going to do the whole warfighter first malarkey.


I think we're drifting a bit Off Topic now chaps...........


I echo your sentiments 3WT however, to take part in RAFSAA events you require a SUSAT. Unless you are part of a 'shooting team', stations will not allow you to have one due to shortages caused by ops. The cold war days had 1 rifle per serviceman IIRC, however in the days of pennypinching...... If everyone had a personal weapon, with SUSAT, maybe this fundamental skill of all military personnel could be advanced as I feel it should be. The development of inexperienced shooters can be achieved through competition shooting at RAFSAA events, but this years effort of 34 rifle firers at the only event they can participate in (CSAM) leaves a lot to be desired.
Mate I should know having been once or twice. However technically you are incorrect, you may compete with iron sights and your scores will be adjusted to suit, however I'd concede you probably be putting yourself at a massive disadvantage.


1000+ Posts
::p: Boo sucks to you, can't make RAFSAM though tragically, someone else will have to do the butts!.

Back On Topic though, I think there should be a lot more opportunity to fire service weapons if we are going to do the whole warfighter first malarkey.

Off Topic Aww come on mate, I know it was your first for a while. One can only improve. Won't make it either, have some flags to parade over that period :S Off Topic


Wow guys!!!! a lot of responses even if some of them did go off on a tangent. I am off to Honington tomorrow for my 10 day package, then have about 2 weeks to fly out. I will document my movments whilst out in Afghan and will make a thread with info and maybe some pictures etc of my time over there. Just incase there are any more people who don't have a clue about what there doing.


England 2010 Campaign
1000+ Posts
Wow guys!!!! a lot of responses even if some of them did go off on a tangent. I am off to Honington tomorrow for my 10 day package, then have about 2 weeks to fly out. I will document my movments whilst out in Afghan and will make a thread with info and maybe some pictures etc of my time over there. Just incase there are any more people who don't have a clue about what there doing.
Please make sure to watch Op Sec when you tells us about your daring deeds.


Naturally there will be no sensitive material in my Helpful info thread :) . They will keep me like a mushroom anyway, in the dark and fed on ****.
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