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Alright for some


Warrant Officer
Vote for your own pay rise! No wonder their pay and conditions are so bloated and out of kilter with the rest of us.
No wonder politicians are roundly despised.


They'd like £125 a day just for coming to work.
I work in the same building and it cost me £29.10 per day to get there.
If they get attendance allowance, so should I.


SAS Inspector
Not to worry,

The tories will be riding to victory at some point in the near future. After years of opposition they are now at the point to overturn the lunacy of the last 12 years and show their voting public how much they are in tune with our way of thinking.

MPs will only take rises equating to how public services are faring. If they want the honour of representing their constituents then they will ensure that they can afford to purchase and equip their parliamentary residence - indeed so impressed are they with SLA that all lower MPS will in future be housed in MP Barracks .

Anyway that is the white elephant trumpeting to tell me to get back to work in cloud cuckoo land !!!


GBP 15,000 x 647 MP's = GBP 9,705,000. That's a 10million a year payrise. Kinda makes the too little too late 'gift' of 24million of oldnew money from petty cash for a hospital used to treat seriously injured troops look a bit miserable doesn't it?

The Panther

Wouldn't it be nice if are MPs done there job for the pride and for the people of Britain ? The wages and exspences have gotten so high, i would say they have forgotten the real reason they are there.

Any political parties out there, who will work for a fair wage and not footballer wages ? Would gget my vote on that alone.
Glad to see they are sticking to the 2.5% rise for public sector NOT


Might just have something to do with their pensions being linked to final salary-must be a few thinking they are about to be "retired" in a couple of years & going off their outstanding sucesses :pDT_Xtremez_35: they could be resting for a while before next payday.
Strange as rest of country downsizes politician keep multiplying 647 MPs + MSP in Jockland & whatevers in Taffland maybe time as come for round of redundancies MP idol could fill a few Saturdays on ITV & keep Ant & Dec in a job:pDT_Xtremez_17:


Wouldn't it be nice if are MPs done there job for the pride and for the people of Britain ? The wages and exspences have gotten so high, i would say they have forgotten the real reason they are there.

Any political parties out there, who will work for a fair wage and not footballer wages ? Would gget my vote on that alone.

Okay, Mp's have a very long working day and are in charge of making a lot of important decisions. Their pay rise will take them to £75,000 a yea plus expenses (which includes London accomodation, if you live away from camp you get some help towards your travel), Footballers earn over that a week, it is less than company directors currently get and for both of these jobs the decisions made do not influence everyones everyday lives.

Whilst the % of the pay increase is huge, it is about time people stopped thinking that MP's get paid a fortune, for the responsibility they have, they get coppers.

Sorry, rant over

Scaley brat

Trekkie Nerd
1000+ Posts
it is about time people stopped thinking that MP's get paid a fortune, for the responsibility they have, they get coppers.

Sorry, rant over

Oh really ! Tell me Lights, how many service men and women living in London Weighting are getting financial help to the degree these greedy barstewards are ? A second home and the cash to furnish it. They should have an MP barrack block. They VOLUNTEER for that responsibility. To serve their country.
They get elected and stuff their snouts in the trough as deeply as they can until they are kicked out of the way by the next pig waiting to eat his fill.

How many service men and women have better accomodation at a bloody FOB than they do at their own MOB ?

A footballer, even Beckham, could be replaced tomorrow. These ****** s are there for four years.

Their allowances are obscene when you look at the state of our schools, our hospitals, your quarters and our aircraft. They should be bloody ashamed and if they were decent human beings, they would be !


1000+ Posts
Okay, Mp's have a very long working day and are in charge of making a lot of important decisions. Their pay rise will take them to £75,000 a yea plus expenses (which includes London accomodation, if you live away from camp you get some help towards your travel), Footballers earn over that a week, it is less than company directors currently get and for both of these jobs the decisions made do not influence everyones everyday lives.

Whilst the % of the pay increase is huge, it is about time people stopped thinking that MP's get paid a fortune, for the responsibility they have, they get coppers.

Sorry, rant over

Tell me you are having a laugh Lights and not a rant!! These leeches on the Westminster gravy train do not deserve half the pay and allowances they get whilst so many hard working families are forced to the wall by their endless and unsustainable series of tax hikes and broken promises.


Master of my destiny
Okay, Mp's have a very long working day and are in charge of making a lot of important decisions. Their pay rise will take them to £75,000 a yea plus expenses (which includes London accomodation, if you live away from camp you get some help towards your travel), Footballers earn over that a week, it is less than company directors currently get and for both of these jobs the decisions made do not influence everyones everyday lives.

Whilst the % of the pay increase is huge, it is about time people stopped thinking that MP's get paid a fortune, for the responsibility they have, they get coppers.

Sorry, rant over

Hang on a fecking moment! Take the whole package into consideration. Also, the vast majority of MPs (backbenchers) are not the equivalent of company directors etc. It grips my sh1t when you hear a MP say "my neighbour (GP)'s wages are well over 100k and I'm falling well behind" etc etc . The GP has trained for nigh on 10 years and actually contributes to society unlike yourself, you fecking leech. This is real snouts in the trough stuff given that they are after another 23k ish if they trade in part of their scandalous allowances. Furthermore, Brown said Public employee, 2.5 % ,end of! Yet furthermore, tell me what responsibility MPs have and when are they actually held accountable? Apart from the general elections which seem to follow the pattern of only changing government when we are really sick of them etc which, with the British public, takes well over a decade nowadays. CNUTS!!!!!!!!!!::/:


I'm not having a laugh, if you think you can do better, then why are you not trying?

It really winds me up when people complain about the state of the economy, fuel taxes, all taxes, that MP's are making bad decisions etc etc and then they do not try to do any thing about it.

How many of you have actually gone to their local MP to petition them about a subject important to you in order to go through the Houses of Parliment to become a bill? How many of yo hav gone along to your local Labour, Conservative, Lib Dem or whatever meetings to actually see what happens or to voice your opinions?

And yes you can do this as a service person, you just cannot stand for Parliament, being in the RAF, Army or Navy does not take away your right to freedom of speach and despite what you think you do not just have to tow the Governments line as a citizen of the EU you have a right to express your opinion, there you go something to be happy for the EU about.

Oh, and even to "just" be a back bench MP they will have been voted in and probablybeen a member of the party for nigh on 20 years, not to mention being a member of the public, how about that for training?
This is purely my opinion and I can understand how a lot of people think that they do not deserve the wage increse.

As for volunteering to do their job, no-one made you join the RAf for your enlistment period either did they?

Edited to add: I was a public servant, and I got no pay increase at all last year as the organisation below us got a raise of 7.5%.
Last edited:


SNAFU master
Okay, Mp's have a very long working day and are in charge of making a lot of important decisions. Their pay rise will take them to £75,000 a yea plus expenses (which includes London accomodation, if you live away from camp you get some help towards your travel), Footballers earn over that a week, it is less than company directors currently get and for both of these jobs the decisions made do not influence everyones everyday lives.

Whilst the % of the pay increase is huge, it is about time people stopped thinking that MP's get paid a fortune, for the responsibility they have, they get coppers.

Sorry, rant over

Good and valid point, though, nontheless.

MPs have a very strange salary/wage structure which can mean that some genuinely find it difficult to manage without the odd Directorship or Honorarium. What's needed, I think, is a straight-forward scale of salary and expenses, published and all above board (for example, the Hon Mem for Catford should not need the same as the Member for Lancaster East who has more expenses to travel to and live in the Capital)..

What gets up most peoples nose, I think, is that we hear a lot about their 'special' privelidges and perks, or even about the gravy train, but very little about the generality of working MPs.



Master of my destiny
I'm not having a laugh, if you think you can do better, then why are you not trying?

It really winds me up when people complain about the state of the economy, fuel taxes, all taxes, that MP's are making bad decisions etc etc and then they do not try to do any thing about it.

How many of you have actually gone to their local MP to petition them about a subject important to you in order to go through the Houses of Parliment to become a bill? How many of yo hav gone along to your local Labour, Conservative, Lib Dem or whatever meetings to actually see what happens or to voice your opinions?

And yes you can do this as a service person, you just cannot stand for Parliament, being in the RAF, Army or Navy does not take away your right to freedom of speach and despite what you think you do not just have to tow the Governments line as a citizen of the EU you have a right to express your opinion, there you go something to be happy for the EU about.

Oh, and even to "just" be a back bench MP they will have been voted in and probablybeen a member of the party for nigh on 20 years, not to mention being a member of the public, how about that for training?
This is purely my opinion and I can understand how a lot of people think that they do not deserve the wage increse.

As for volunteering to do their job, no-one made you join the RAf for your enlistment period either did they?

Edited to add: I was a public servant, and I got no pay increase at all last year as the organisation below us got a raise of 7.5%.

As a current member of HM Forces, I can't.

I personally have written several times to MPs and actually got a reasonable reply from a SNP MP no less.

Being a member of a party means as much as you or I being member of a working mens club etc, as far as being Joe Public constitutes training, chav & chavette,fantastic training!

Volunteering to be part of the gravy train? The difficult job (if the party don't give you a safe seat) is getting elected, the rest is a trip to millionaire status.:pDT_Xtremez_17:


Warrant Officer
Okay, Mp's have a very long working day and are in charge of making a lot of important decisions. Their pay rise will take them to £75,000 a yea plus expenses (which includes London accomodation, if you live away from camp you get some help towards your travel), Footballers earn over that a week, it is less than company directors currently get and for both of these jobs the decisions made do not influence everyones everyday lives.

Whilst the % of the pay increase is huge, it is about time people stopped thinking that MP's get paid a fortune, for the responsibility they have, they get coppers.

Sorry, rant over

No need to be sorry, but you are having a bloody laugh. There is a husband and wife, they are both MP's, they live in the wife's constituency which is 9 miles away from Westminster, yet they still have a second house in the City Of London and claim the full wack for it, how is that right?
MP's do sod all except line their own pockets.
I've written to my MP over several matters and received replies, unfortunately the replies while coherent, were of the politically correct line and couched in so much politician speak that they didn't end up addressing the issue over which I had contacted them in the first place.


As a current member of HM Forces, I can't.

Yes you can, the European Human Rights constitution does allow anyone from anywhere, anybackground and ANY JOB to have a say in how the country is run. European Law over-rides anything in the british constitution so yes you can if you really wanted to everyone is told the same in any of the forces that they can't, well yes you can, this country is a democracy that in itself says so, we have freedom of speach, that also says so.

If you really think that you can do better and you believe that they are on easy street to being millionaires and you really believe that by serving you can't do anything about it and it makes you this angry, then why not leave and stand for election?

As for the chav thing, do you really believe that of all young people? Looking generally at what the news reports say then this country is screwed, but most young people are not like that and the ones that are don't really care about politics or understand it so they don't even vote never mind anything else.

Its just my opinion but everyone has the freedom to have a say in this country about how it is run.

I'm not defending my stand anymore on this, I have expressed my opinion, my views and also the legal side to it all, Rant officially over!!!!!!!!!!!


1000+ Posts
Its just my opinion but everyone has the freedom to have a say in this country about how it is run.

I'm not defending my stand anymore on this, I have expressed my opinion, my views and also the legal side to it all, Rant officially over!!!!!!!!!!!

Unfortunately Lights, some of our undesirables seem to get away with having a 'freedom of speech' that tends to upset the rest of the general populace whilst enjoying the lavish benefits bestowed on them by the UK taxpayer whilst the Government appears powerless to stop them through the ridiculous Human Rights Act that Bliar and the rest of his cronies signed up to. No Government will listen to the voice of the masses until an election looms, highlighting their self preservation instinct to preserve their over-inflated pay packets. You initially came across as informed, but all I can see now is someone looking through red glasses thinking everything is fine and you will continue to play your fiddle, along with the rest of your ilk, while London burns..

The Panther

I'm not having a laugh, if you think you can do better, then why are you not trying?

It really winds me up when people complain about the state of the economy, fuel taxes, all taxes, that MP's are making bad decisions etc etc and then they do not try to do any thing about it.

How many of you have actually gone to their local MP to petition them about a subject important to you in order to go through the Houses of Parliment to become a bill? How many of yo hav gone along to your local Labour, Conservative, Lib Dem or whatever meetings to actually see what happens or to voice your opinions?

And yes you can do this as a service person, you just cannot stand for Parliament, being in the RAF, Army or Navy does not take away your right to freedom of speach and despite what you think you do not just have to tow the Governments line as a citizen of the EU you have a right to express your opinion, there you go something to be happy for the EU about.

Oh, and even to "just" be a back bench MP they will have been voted in and probablybeen a member of the party for nigh on 20 years, not to mention being a member of the public, how about that for training?
This is purely my opinion and I can understand how a lot of people think that they do not deserve the wage increse.

As for volunteering to do their job, no-one made you join the RAf for your enlistment period either did they?

Edited to add: I was a public servant, and I got no pay increase at all last year as the organisation below us got a raise of 7.5%.

Come on Mr Brown the games up, you have been rumbled !:pDT_Xtremez_31: