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12th of June coming soon

Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
So are you expectant, hopeful or worried? For perhaps differing reasons it will be a sad and unexpected day for some, yet a joyus and happy one for others, I just hope you get what you want from the process, not everyone will, I fear.


Flight Sergeant
So are you expectant, hopeful or worried? For perhaps differing reasons it will be a sad and unexpected day for some, yet a joyus and happy one for others, I just hope you get what you want from the process, not everyone will, I fear.

Was worried, but now have an unexpected invitation to join an all expenses paid package tour returning to a country north of Pakistan, so now I'm inelligble (cloud-silver-lining etc).

Hope others get what they wish for and avoid what they don't wish for.

Billy Whizz

Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Can't believe its the last one - with a few "ageing" fleets being kept on and new ac types not needing as much manpower, there seems to be glut building but no means (other than natural wastage and PVR) to reduce numbers to those required.


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
I'm rather nervous and have been for 5 months. My Trade was a pinchpoint Trade a couple of years ago and as such I was dragged from an out of trade post I loved, in an area I wanted to be, back to a MOB in the middle of nowhere. Now I'm up for redundancy and if I do get made redundant I wont get my pension as I'll be around 9 months short of my official 18 year point. It's been a really stressful year so far that has completely coloured my view of the RAF. This nonsense that takes those on Herrick out of the loop hasn't helped. We all go where we're sent and to get made redundant above someone who's name came to the top of a list before mine would really gall me. Especially as I asked to go to Herrick before the fields were announced only to be told no, I was going to MPA.
Quite worried, but if I'm picked out of the tombola I'll just have to move on to pastures new.

I'm in a fairly specialised post, but intend on doing sweet fa for 12 months if picked. If they don't want me, they don't need my input.

I will be looking after myself, as no one else will.

Hope you all get what you want out of it!:S
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This nonsense that takes those on Herrick out of the loop hasn't helped. We all go where we're sent and to get made redundant above someone who's name came to the top of a list before mine would really gall me. Especially as I asked to go to Herrick before the fields were announced only to be told no, I was going to MPA.

Joe I quite agree with this one. Being on Ops should not have discounted you. I have seen and heard of numerous instances where individuals have clamoured to go on ops just to get out of redundancy, even worse when they have avoided said detachments like the plague in the past. Politics getting in the way of sensible decisions!


I intend on doing sweet fa for 12 months if picked. If they don't want me, they don't need my input.

I will be looking after myself, as no one else will.

Hope you all get what you want out of it!:S

Now that's a sentiment I can agree with, Don't want it but at least if I do I qualify for an IP so not all bad.

Warwick Hunt

Persona Non-Grata
1000+ Posts
Joe I quite agree with this one. Being on Ops should not have discounted you. I have seen and heard of numerous instances where individuals have clamoured to go on ops just to get out of redundancy, even worse when they have avoided said detachments like the plague in the past. Politics getting in the way of sensible decisions!

The problem is, in this supposed time of pro-HMF attitudes, if the government made those on ops, or preparing to go on ops, redundant, the uproar would have probably rocked them beyond redemption.


Disagree Warwick. There are so many other public sectors areas under similar cuts that after a slight uproar it would quickly become yesterday's news. Not denigrating the great work that our boys and girls are doing on Ops, but generally speaking it isn't that hard to replace someone on Ops (there will be some exceptions but a minority). The powers that be should have placed all personnel (in the various branches/trades that were selected) in the redundancy field, irrespective of job or location that way we then truly get rid of those that are of less value to the Service.


Flight Sergeant
Disagree Warwick. There are so many other public sectors areas under similar cuts that after a slight uproar it would quickly become yesterday's news. Not denigrating the great work that our boys and girls are doing on Ops, but generally speaking it isn't that hard to replace someone on Ops (there will be some exceptions but a minority). The powers that be should have placed all personnel (in the various branches/trades that were selected) in the redundancy field, irrespective of job or location that way we then truly get rid of those that are of less value to the Service.

At the end of the day it wasn't the RAF's or indeed the MOD policy; but a statement from the PM that excluded those on Ops. The MOD managed to mitigate that statement by applying it to those on OA earning ops; but, if our political masters say that's what we do, then we do it (until the politicians change their mind).


At the end of the day it wasn't the RAF's or indeed the MOD policy; but a statement from the PM that excluded those on Ops. The MOD managed to mitigate that statement by applying it to those on OA earning ops; but, if our political masters say that's what we do, then we do it (until the politicians change their mind).

Fully understand that is why i wrote powers that be. Never under the illusion that CAS or MOD had much say in the decision, they rarely in such circumstances!
would be funny if it wasn't true..............................................................................................................


Harry B'Stard

Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
I really am hopeful that I don't get it.

Although the RAF has had me over the proverbial barrel and made some frustrating decisions regarding my career and postings (or lack of!) this last 12 months, I would rather complete my last 5 years.

I'm worried that I will get it as in my current post I've been unable to get my X-500 and all my Q's have run out.

However, if made redundant I will get my Immediate Pension as I qualify... BY 1 DAY! :pDT_Xtremez_28:



I cannot wait!! Fingers crossed I get it. If not, PVR paperwork will be put in on the same day. :pDT_Xtremez_30:
Having reached the end of my natural tolerance for many of the decisions made on high......it is probably best I go. That or the continuing threat that I may loose all tolerance and say something a lot of others may regret.

Bring it on:pDT_Xtremez_30:
I wasn't in the bracket as was ringfenced which thoroughly annoyed me as the Q ran out in August so after a chat with manning and a really shi@@y next assignment offered, PVR went in last week out in August had a pretty pointless ressettlement brief yesterday telling me what i should have done at my 18 month and 6 month to go points: great!! and saw terminations clerk who told me I started my leave 2 weeks ago whooohooooo!!!!!!!
So sorry to the 25 fairy snecs who wanted promotion to civvy street with a nice lump sum only 24 spaces left now.
On the plus side guys and seriously sort your CV out and get it out there NETWORK thats the key use your contacts wisely there are (for engineering types) loads and loads of opportunities out there I in the last week have been offered 3 good Jobs on the back of my CV with just a phone interview be positive, be brave and don't fret about leaving your little umbrella of institutionalisation!!

Good luck

The Masked Geek

12th of June? Awesome day for me. I fly back to the UK to empty my bags.

On the plus side for some of you leaving, I may have a nice sunny job coming up for the right man with Phoon knowledge.