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Make this policy and I'll vote for you !


SAS Inspector
Following on from venting in the "Immigrants Out" thread, realised that whatever party promised to cut benefits (and I mean actually do what they say) I for one would be putting my tick in their box.

So in a nutshell, what does the goat (as a pretty good demographic of hard working britons - MOSTLY!) want from their ruling party. What is going to be done to sort out the cesspit that Britain has become.

Over to you


Geek Scuffer
Sort the immigration policy to come into line with other countries in Europe and farther afield then we wont have so many illegal immigrants passing through all those nice safe countries to get to ours and bleeding us dry. Obviosuly I dont tend to state that opinion very much as it tars me as a racist :pDT_Xtremez_42:



Tough on immigration and illegal immigrants or

Tougher on benefits cheats & reworking of the system so it is not more financially beneficial to be out of work or

Bringing back capital punishment (not necessarily the death penalty)

Any party that had at least one of these as a workable policy would get my vote.


Nothing to do with the fact that the country is no longer the place to be, is it? :pDT_Xtremez_14:


Super Moderator
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Return them to point of entry

Return them to point of entry

There needs to an EU wide resolution to this as once they are in the EU they have freedom to travel.

Individuals should be forced to register in the country they first arrive in, this doesn't mean that they should stay in that country just that if they are genuine asylum seekers that is what they should do. Immigrants have no legal right to be in the EU at that point so Bio Medical data should be captured.

There should be a standard set of EU wide benefits given to all immigrants until their cases are finalised, this will remove a financial incentive for them to move around the EU. This should be paid out through a central pot, that all countries contribute too in a fair manner, this will spread the financial burden on certain countries.

If the immigrant loses their claim then all benefits should be stopped and they should be deported, Bio medical data has been taken so if the same person comes back the system will know straight away. Immigrants who come from dangerous areas should be returned to areas that have a similar culture to their homeland, these areas may need financial assistance from the EU, but this would be a lot cheaper than if they were living in the EU. Once again a repatriated immigrant will be on record and any further attempts to enter the EU as an asylum seeker would be bounced back a lot sooner.

Oh yes and if any immigrant, legal or otherwise commits a serious crime then they should lose all rights to live within the EU instantly.


Warrant Officer
Following on from venting in the "Immigrants Out" thread, realised that whatever party promised to cut benefits (and I mean actually do what they say) I for one would be putting my tick in their box.

So in a nutshell, what does the goat (as a pretty good demographic of hard working britons - MOSTLY!) want from their ruling party. What is going to be done to sort out the cesspit that Britain has become.

Over to you

Fat chance of this ever happening, but I want my next Prime Minister to:

1. Appreciate the fact that the country is at war and fund the Armed Forces properly.

2. Carry out a full and independent review of the welfare system and cut off payments to those who could work, but choose not to.

3. Redefine the "Human Rights Act" to prevent flagrant breaches of justice.

4. Re-establish the rule of Law - give the police sweeping powers to arrest and detain anyone causing anti-social behaviour or criminal damage. And make prisons exactly that - a deterrent which puts you off doing future crime, not a respite complete with TV, DVD players and games consoles.

5. Offer 16 year olds a university place at 18, provided they do 2 years in the Armed Forces. Those that refuse Armed Forces service can still be offered a place provided they do two years of some form of public service.

6. Set up a state run schooling system for bright and /or gifted kids so that they can learn at their place and not suffer because of class sizes or slower students..this will include sporting centres so that we can produce a broader range of world class sportsman.

7. Ban the "goCompare" advert - and have the tenor performing the song executed.

May be a little extreme, but there we go!
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Ex-Splitter and Proud

Flight Sergeant

Tough on immigration and illegal immigrants or

Tougher on benefits cheats & reworking of the system so it is not more financially beneficial to be out of work or

Bringing back capital punishment (not necessarily the death penalty)

Any party that had at least one of these as a workable policy would get my vote.

Personally, I'd go along with your first two options, but change the 'or' to 'and'!

I don't understand your 3rd point... Capital punishment = the death penalty, so I can't see the point in the second part of the sentence (in brackets).


SNAFU master

Tough on immigration and illegal immigrants or

Tougher on benefits cheats & reworking of the system so it is not more financially beneficial to be out of work or

Bringing back capital punishment (not necessarily the death penalty)

Any party that had at least one of these as a workable policy would get my vote.

from Wiki:
Capital punishment, or the death penalty, is the execution of a person by judicial process as a punishment for an offense. Crimes that can result in a death penalty are known as capital crimes or capital offences. The term capital originates from Latin capitalis, literally "regarding the head" (Latin caput). Hence, a capital crime was originally one punished by the severing of the head.

[ sorry ]

I think that Deportation should mean exactly that, and a right quick departure to foreign shores.


Super Moderator
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Corporal Punishment

Corporal Punishment

from Wiki:
Capital punishment, or the death penalty, is the execution of a person by judicial process as a punishment for an offense. Crimes that can result in a death penalty are known as capital crimes or capital offences. The term capital originates from Latin capitalis, literally "regarding the head" (Latin caput). Hence, a capital crime was originally one punished by the severing of the head.

[ sorry ]

I think that Deportation should mean exactly that, and a right quick departure to foreign shores.

He probably meant Corporal Punishment, linky


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
I would settle simply for someone to explain to me what possible value we as a nation extract from paying £6.4 Billion a year into the EU, only for 60% of it to disappear into the other 26 countries and never to reappear again.

I'll give you some perspective on that: For the laws we didn't ask for or need, and for subsidising super-highways across european fincancial wastelands, for allowing Spanish fishermen to rape our cod grounds unchallenged and for Blair selling our rebate away - we get taxed £260 per household per year.

"Go on, give labour another look" (if you need an emetic).


i give up work end of march/had enough/too knakered to carry on.started work at 17 straight into the mob as a brat afitt/p did my time,worked all over the world payed all my taxes +nis payments.so im going for every benefit i can.i am now going to work the system for all i can.


Master of my destiny
i give up work end of march/had enough/too knakered to carry on.started work at 17 straight into the mob as a brat afitt/p did my time,worked all over the world payed all my taxes +nis payments.so im going for every benefit i can.i am now going to work the system for all i can.

It'll be interesting to see how you get on as it seems to be that the people who play the game honestly throughout their life get treated worse than the fcuking scum that milk the system from cradle to grave.


The Government estimates that fraud accounts for £2.6 billion of the SS budget, whilst another £1.1 billion goes unpaid, so if all this was sorted a net saving of £1.5 billion. If we tackled tax evasion the savings would be a whole lot greated I have seen £2.4 billion quoted as a start. Don't get me wrong we should tackle the lazy and feckless, but bigger gains can be made chasing the rich who fail to pay tax in this country. Both should be targetted.

My policy suggestions BTW:

Defence Budget locked at 4% of GDP in peacetime.
MPs get performance related pay (pay rise linked to nations economic performance).
I don't mind the dope smoking chavvy scrote who lives across the road from me with his burberry and bling getting the dole, because give him his due he is trying. He asked me for help with his CV and tells me every week how many he has sent and it is a healthy amount. He is genuinely unemployed.

He does p!ss his dole against the wall, but when it snowed he froze his nuts off shovelling every pensioners path on the estate without being asked and is always willing to help out. This lad has his issues but I believe him when he says he would love to have a job.

What I object to are the bullsh!tters who sit in the pub all day spouting the same old 'Im a grafter me you know' and 'Im not scared of hard work' 'Give me a job and I will do it' and all the other tripe. Say to them there is a job going and the list of excuses appears.

Make the dole an attendance allowance. For your dole money you will rock up at the attendance centre at 0800 every weekday morning. If you are late we dock your dole accordingly. No show? Lose a days dole.
Make the dole less than the minimum wage and pay it hourly. That will get a lot out working who otherwise idle the day away.



Warrant Officer
It'll be interesting to see how you get on as it seems to be that the people who play the game honestly throughout their life get treated worse than the fcuking scum that milk the system from cradle to grave.

Hear, hear!!

I have to say I am looking forward to the election canvassing beginning - I reckon one of the reasons why Broon is delaying is because he knows anyone seeking election is going to get the verbal equivalent of a cruise missile in the mush...


It'll be interesting to see how you get on as it seems to be that the people who play the game honestly throughout their life get treated worse than the fcuking scum that milk the system from cradle to grave.
im not daft ,more than likey as a tax payer with savings and a house i will be told to fcuk of as there are more deserving people from other an country
who need my tax money more than i do.