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Never Trust a Tory

O Rly!

I am not, unfortunately, too young to remember the 80's and agree with your sentiment in part. However your thread would have been better entitled "Never Trust A Politician", after all where's our referendum we were promised on the EU Treaty? I do agree though that it is more than disappointing to see Boris backsliding, and that Sir Keith is still "looking for a home" so to speak.


Personally I'd rather see him outside St Clement Dane or at Duxford and leave Trafalgar Square to the fisheads.
am I missing something here? He said he wanted a permanent statue elswhere, whats the problem?

Met Boris a few times on his bicycle when he went riding around his constituency. Loved stopping a chatting to guys in uniform seemingly. I always found him a charming guy

pie sandwich

Before we slag him off, The plinth in Trafalgar Sq is only for temporary statues.

And as TNS said he want a perm statue, which would be much better.


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Boris said:
"His brave and distinguished service should be recognised and honoured with a permanent statue in the heart of central London," he said.

Nothing wrong with that. Personally, I can't wait for the return of the Tories!


O Rly, I have tried top edit the title of the thread as you are, of course, correct. I am merely pointing out that anyone who thinks the New Labour party are alone in being 'economic with the actualite' is just a tad misguided. I agree with Billy Connolly when it comes to all of these bottom feeders 'Don't vote it only encourages them'.

Back on Topic: Pie Sandwich the plinth in Traf Sq has only recently been used for temporary 'art installations' of dubious quality. The square currently has one 'fish-head' (Nelson), one king (George IV) and two generals (Havelock & Napier). It is about time that one of the Airman (Dowding or Park) who ensured Britain was not invaded in 1940 was justly recognised, and I can think of no better place than in Trafalgar Square.

It is of note that Park should be on the 4th Plinth in 2010: http://www.sirkeithpark.com/media/SKP03062008.pdf and that Boris Johnson has said he will find another prestigious and permanent site for the great man, I just think that site is the 4th plinth, and Mr Johnson should fulfil a promise he made to get elected Mayor.


gemarriott are you p***ed?? This would be sacrilage.

Personally I'd rather see him outside St Clement Dane or at Duxford and leave Trafalgar Square to the fisheads.

Put a statue of the great man outside a 12 Group Station, one vital to Trafford Leigh-Mallory's Big Wing! Get yourself along to the Education Centre for an Air Power lesson.
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Dr Midget Midgetson
I'm failing to see how Boris has snubbed or done a U-turn on this.

"The Fourth Plinth would be a wonderful spot, but it now appears that complex planning issues would make it difficult to secure this location on an ongoing basis. There are also outstanding commitments to exhibit contemporary sculpture on the Fourth Plinth."

From how I understand it, he is giving his full support but would much rather a permanent fixture than a temporary one. Surely that's better than short term.


gemarriott are you p***ed?? This would be sacrilage.

Put a statue of the great man outside a 12 Group Station, one vital to Trafford Leigh-Mallory's Big Wing! Get yourself along to the Education Centre for an Air Power lesson.

I actually rather thought he would enjoy the irony of being at the home of the legless one's big wing::p:

I hadn't actually thought that buit through if I'm honest, I was just thinking, big famous base lots of visitors. Tangmere or the BoB Memorial in Kent are 2 other good options


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Why not put Sir Keith Park's statue at the entrance of the Houses of Parlaiment. That way, the current incumbent incompetants can be reminded that if it wasn't for Park and his pilots, we would probably be speaking German!!
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SNAFU master
gemarriott are you p***ed?? This would be sacrilage.

Put a statue of the great man outside a 12 Group Station, one vital to Trafford Leigh-Mallory's Big Wing! Get yourself along to the Education Centre for an Air Power lesson.

Forgive my ignorance, but where was 12 group's HQ station ?

To my mind, Park could be put at almost any of his old stations.
God Bless 'im.



As long as they take care of the military, nhs, et etc, they can stick statues wherever they want for me. The guy will be remembered anyway, statue or no statue.


Warrant Officer
Never trust a tory....or politician.

Never trust a tory....or politician.


Yesterday (26 June), a meeting took place of the newly-constituted London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority (LFEPA) – the first since the local council elections in May.

As a senior Fire Brigades Union official, I received a special invitation to attend the meeting alongside a number of other interested parties and members of the public. I had hoped that, with recent improvements in the relationship between the union and brigade, a new, fresh authority might give further impetus to better industrial relations.

What I witnessed, however, was a spectacle that brought shame on all those involved. The meeting, having been opened by the new authority chair, Councillor Brian Coleman, rapidly descended into chaos and anarchy. Firstly, the chair omitted to follow the custom of welcoming newly-elected authority members onto the authority.

Then, following a collective prayer (a new departure in itself) led by a brigade chaplain, a major bout of squabbling began over vapid and bureaucratic points of procedure, with one party – the Tories – attempting a naked power grab, much to the consternation of everyone else.

What ensued was like something out of a kindergarten: raised voices, name-calling, accusation and counter-accusation, pointing fingers, shouting, and the complete bypassing of the protocols of debate. Fire service issues – which, after all, are what these authority members were there to discuss – were forced to take a back seat. It was narrow party politics at its very worst, as Tory and Labour members went hammer and tongs at each other in the full glare of the public. The only group on the authority to emerge with any credit were the Liberal Democrats, whose members seemed completely exasperated. Looking around the public gallery, it was apparent that most other observers were also aghast at what was taking place before them.

This behaviour continued for a considerable length of time, to the point where I and the FBU's London regional secretary, Joe MacVeigh, felt we had no option but to show our dismay at the proceedings by leaving the meeting.

Some time after, in the hope that things had settled down, we returned to the meeting. Amongst other things, we heard a statement from the authority's deposed chair, Valerie Shawcross, to the effect that the authority should congratulate itself for the improvements brought about in the area of training and development of firefighters. It's a pity Ms Shawcross did not speak to any firefighters at stations before making such a statement, most of whom would have confirmed that there has been a worrying slippage on the focus placed on the core skills of firefighters due to disproportionate resources being directed towards other initiatives. Instead of patting themselves on the back, authority members would do well to take a long hard look at the level of demoralisation throughout the London Fire Brigade, which is currently at an all time low, and which is being compounded by backward decisions such as those recently made in respect of protected pay and accommodation changes.

As a long-standing trade union activist, I recognise fully the need for open and democratic discussion and debate on committees. Disagreement is often healthy; after all, we don’t want a “nodding dog” fire authority, whose members agree with each other on everything. But there can be no justification for the kind of public mudfight to which we were all subjected yesterday. That these authority members are charged with the responsibility of running the third largest fire brigade on the planet, and making key decisions that affect FBU members, troubles me greatly. I do, however, take some comfort from the fact that those senior uniformed officers present, including the commissioner, seemed genuinely embarrassed by the whole charade.

It is ironic that these authority members are often happy to refer to the FBU as “mindless militants”, yet here they were fighting like ferrets in a sack in front of the public over arcane and trivial points of procedure. If the FBU’s London regional committee were to conduct itself in such a fashion, I would be thoroughly ashamed.

I shall be writing to the chair of the authority, Brian Coleman, and the commissioner, Ron Dobson, to express the union’s anger and frustration at yesterday’s events, and I will inform members of any response.


Ian *******

Executive Council Member for London

Fire Brigades Union


Wasters, the lot of them. anyone who thinks the tories are going to be a brave new dawn after this shower are in for a rude awakening.
They don't serve the country, they help themselves.
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I totally agree. Labour has been absolutely magnificent over the last 11 years!:pDT_Xtremez_34:
Really they have been like a teenager with a credit card spend spend spend not thinking how to pay the bill thats now due except teenagers are better at organising their finances.
Look at PFI buying schools & hospitals on the never-never leaving future generations to foot the bill tied in to set contractors to change a light bulb & charge a small fortune.
Preying on the motorist with excessive taxes, fuel duty speed cameras & traffic enforcement w@nkers.
Frankly they have been more bent than previous tory goverment not so much cash in brown envelopes but by the bin liner full Cash for honours F1 donation & the like. Then MPs allowances pigs in trough comes to mind Madame Guilotine is to good for this bunch of t@ssers.
Only hope I live to see the day Blair is brought to trial for is crimes of sending our forces into wars under funded under equipped & under the U.S.A. Rant over:pDT_Xtremez_17:


4mastacker a version of this should be put up at the entrance to the H of P. It was entitled "Here you are! Don't lose it again.", it should give all the incumbents a reminder of who guarantees our democracy.


Ex-Bay/gemarriot Wikipedia is your friend: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Britain#Groups

11 Gp HQ - Uxbridge
12 Gp HQ - Watnall (?)

Looking at all the stations in both groups only a tiny proportion are still in use (sad:S).

DrunkenMonki: You are quite correct 'We will remember him/them'. The trouble is a large percentage of the population tends to need reminding, I would like to see Park in Trafalger Square to do just that.


Master of my destiny
Originally Posted by Realist78
I totally agree. Labour has been absolutely magnificent over the last 11 years!:pDT_Xtremez_34:

Really they have been like a teenager with a credit card spend spend spend not thinking how to pay the bill thats now due except teenagers are better at organising their finances.
Look at PFI buying schools & hospitals on the never-never leaving future generations to foot the bill tied in to set contractors to change a light bulb & charge a small fortune.
Preying on the motorist with excessive taxes, fuel duty speed cameras & traffic enforcement w@nkers.
Frankly they have been more bent than previous tory goverment not so much cash in brown envelopes but by the bin liner full Cash for honours F1 donation & the like. Then MPs allowances pigs in trough comes to mind Madame Guilotine is to good for this bunch of t@ssers.
Only hope I live to see the day Blair is brought to trial for is crimes of sending our forces into wars under funded under equipped & under the U.S.A. Rant over:pDT_Xtremez_17:

You obviously failed to see my extremely lightly veiled sarcasm, wakey wakey:pDT_Xtremez_28:


Warrant Officer
Wasters, the lot of them. anyone who thinks the tories are going to be a brave new dawn after this shower are in for a rude awakening.
They don't serve the country, they help themselves.

And Labour, or any other political party are any different are they? Don't think so.