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Why the SNP will win Independence for Scotland..

Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
I must be a bit dense or reading it wrong. Seemingly the RAF by using drones instead of aircraft with aircrew onboard will somehow help the SNP win in 2014.

For my simplistic twopence worth. These things are mere machines if the bad guys take one down we need a new machine. If the bad guys take down an aircraft people get hurt or even die. The RAF recruit from all over Britain so some aircrew are Scots. So drone goes down, no aircrew get hurt, aircraft goes down totally different outcome for all aircrew regardless of their origins. As for the flying in UK angle. I have nothing to fear from coppers flying drones over Tin basher towers, they can take as many photos as they like, monitor anything they like, but I have nothing to hide so I'm not bothered. But if their use will speed up Scottish independance then lets buy as many as we can afford.

John Lloyd

Warrant Officer
They may have more problems than benefits if they win independence.

Ruth Davidson, the Scottish Conservative leader, said: "We now have the European commission reaffirming what everyone knows – that a separate Scotland cannot simply waltz into the EU unchallenged. Application to the EU means Scotland would have to take the euro, could have huge implications about corporation tax – leaving the country at a disadvantage to the rest of the UK – and could affect border and passport arrangements."


But I don't see drones anywhere


That is pretty much the intellectual level of Nationalists. As pointed out above a drone is an aircraft without an onboard crew but to them it is a symbol that speaks directly to their visceral anti-American, anti-English mindset. They would be fine with the Typhoon bombing (because it lives in Leuchars) but a drone that is currently being controlled from the US and soon to be controlled from the territory of the hated English is every single one of their boxes ticked.

The more you deal with them the more childish they reveal themselves to be.


turkeys d'ont vote for xmas,alas fat alex will have bravehreat on tv the night before and free buckie for snp voters,if he can get the neds to the polls after the kyle show and before the pubs open he may have a chance.

The Masked Geek

The only problem with Scottish independance is the number of porrige gobbling immigrants that England will have to put up with once they plunge back to the stoneage. :pDT_Xtremez_14:


Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Great. We can claim "Asylum" and get a large house all paid for by the Council in Chelsea or Nottinghill. All paid for by the English taxpayer :pDT_Xtremez_30:!

And the benefits........................


Meanwhile, back to the thread. I fail to see in what manner the drones can be seen as a vote winner for the SNP come the Independance vote. Vote winner for the current government as it means no lives are being risked in Afghanistan, then yes. Vote winner for SNP who have been vocal in their distancing from MoD policy then....er that'll be a no then.

If someone can come up with a sensible reason as to why Reaper and its' friends will win votes for Salmond et al then I will happily listen.


If someone can come up with a sensible reason as to why Reaper and its' friends will win votes for Salmond et al then I will happily listen.

That's the problem. They don't do "sensible". In their xenophobic mindset they simply see reapers/drones as an extension of "imperialist running dog" British policy and is automatically to be despised. It is enough for them that "the English" do it, therefore it will be a "vote winner". As I said before, actual manned Typhoons fly from Scotland and therefore are "good". Drones are piloted from the US and soon to be England and therefore can be evil.

Right now they are convincing themselves that because Salmond is the First Minister and is in their eyes "the most honest man in British politics" the lies he has been caught telling are a vote winner for them. Mainly because Salmond cannot possibly lie so the accusation of lies is simply the manifestation of "westminster" politics in Holyrood that is debasing Scottish political life. There really is no reasoning with people that one-eyed!