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Just been on the end of a very long e-mail chain and asked for my views on what we should be called. My reply was my personal opinions based on 16 yrs in the mob. Questions were:

HR/PSF? I answered PSF as we are still looking after our folks on the ground and we aint gone civvy yet!

WO PMS/PSF or Chf Clk. Hedged my bets on this one as it should really be WO X, but the rest of the RAF will say Chf Clk so why not go with the flow?

SNCO PSF. Now this got interesting as I wanted to say that this will always be SNCO PDs, but I know the names for the folks on the coal-face will change so this should reflect the primary duties of the coal-face folks.

SAC PD X. This will change according to whatever guidance we receive from up-top. But, I reckon that Personal Advisor would not be far off the mark.

Whatever changes are made, I think that the most important change that we make is to ensure that our customers realise that we are there for them and not just to gain qualifications at their expense so feck management speak.

FLWO, I know that you will read this and hiya No matter what rank we are, we always have TG17 interests at heart. :pDT_Xtremez_28:
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Trade Title

Trade Title


Seen the same e-mail thread. Smae problems as usual. Nice to be asked but it is not going to be our decision. If all TG17 reply saying we want to be called GD(P) because they get paid more money would we be allowed? NO!!

Does it really matter what we are called? What's in a name except if we are seeking professional qualifications? Personally, I would rather have a worthwhile job where we contributed fully to the business and where we were valued for that contribution, both in terms of qualifications and remuneration.

Totally agree that we should be customer focussed but we need the resources to do so. Too many people, of all branches and trades, are only out for what they can get.


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Whats in a name

Whats in a name

Agree with the above, names don't mean a thing (I still just put PSF on the envelopes I send and they still get there).

In the old days camps used to have a standard set up, you could quite easily look at another camps phone book and quickly find the number you want. Now that we have fewer camps we seem to have more names for places, took me half an hour to find the Accom Cell at Cosford today in their online phone book. Most camps tried to have similar numbers for similar places, try ringing 6252 and you'll probably get the MGR or the police, don't forget we used to have three digit phone numbers so 252 was appropriate.

Seems daft to still have a PD (Personnel Documentation) Point when there is very little documentation but as most people don't know what PD stood for anyway whats the problem, Chf Clk we've all been Administrators since 1990/91.

Lets wait until JPA is fully bedded down and best practice has permeated throughout, then we can all choose a name that best reflects what we do or lets people know what we do or can do for them.


Can a techie interject here?

I say be called PSF, have PD points and Chief Clks as long as we can, we are the RAF. We do have some traditions and the names reflect these.

Anyway from a Techie pov you can tell me to s*d off I'll not mind but I do prefer the 'old' names.
As Almost_done says it's the old names that people know so why change them.

Can I point out that the post of Chf Clk does not necessarily have to be a WO at smaller units this is often a FS or even a Sgt.


Being currently det to the a*se end of nowhere I haven't seen any such mail and am curious to learn who generated it? Surely such a request would be accompanied by an explanation, if so, what was it? The RN has recently been through a similar exercise and their Clerks (historically known as Writers) are now called Logistician (Personnel). Apparently the logic behind the change was to make the trade more appealing to civilians who did not recognise the archaic term of Writer - ho hum thats only 500 years of history binned!

IMHO PSF, WO PMS, Chf Clk, SNCO PSF. Nice and easy and reflects the fact that we are here, as TG 17, to serve personnel.