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Vulcan Stories

Captain Slog

Trekkie Nerd
Post your mighty Vulcan stories here, there must be a multitude of serving and ex-serving members of the V-Force fleet out there who can remember the good times about the world’s greatest bucket-of-sunshine carrier.

Here the 1st one: When I first arrived at Waddington in the late 60’s I saw a Vulcan do six roller landings instead of the 3 he was supposed to. Consequently, when he came in on finals, as he crossed the Sleaford road end of the runway, there was a “sudden sound of silence” as the engines shut down through lack of fuel. Fortunately, the Pilot was able to glide the aircraft to a safe landing and ground to a halt on the runway. When the fire crew got to the aircraft and opened the entrance door they found the Crew Chief was a gibbering wreck on his wooden 6th seat, suffice to say he never flew again!

All yours people!

Hu Jardon

GEM is a cheeky young fek
La Vabulcano

La Vabulcano

I reckon most of these will start with

Some years ago....

I found myself in the back of a Hercules with 22 others surrounded by as much Ground Equipment and spares as could be physically squeezed in, enroute to Montijo Air Force Base just across the river from Lisbon in Portugal.

This was the first exercise held with the Portugese following the collapse of their Communist Government and their entry into NATO. Anyway when the ramp came down we were faced with a sea of faces who instantly onloaded Albert and fcuked off with all our kit. At the time the Portugese Air Force was manned almost entirely by conscripts who worked one day on and 6 days back at the farm, but seeing as NATO were paying the wages they'd all come in to kop some overtime pay.

Shortly after we had figured out what was happening it was time to see in our 2 mighty V's. They landed, came to a halt on the Perry track and after some negotiation we managed to buy our towing arm back for 20 Rothmans and a Sqn Zap and pushed them back onto the newly laid Tarmac Pans.

Next morning at around 4:30 am Hu and his mates, each with hangovers that would kill a civilian, are doing BF's before an 0530 crew in when we heard a growling noise, looking round we saw the biggest most rapid Portugese Air Force Police Dog in the world - the rest of the BF was completed through the Landrover passenger window..................

At 0515 the crews arrived and began the crew in. With a rapid start they were ready to Roll and I walked out on to the Perry Track to start marshalling - big roar and an associated amount of smoke and the old girl stays firmly in place. A quick check ensures we had indeed taken the chocks out and the crewchief tells the Captain to give it some more. Loads of noise and smoke still she's going nowhere. By now the sun is rising and we can see that the fully fuelled MR2 with a Bomb Bay full of fuel has sunk into the tarmac overnight. Well its one last chance before we consider getting some Jacks sent out from the UK - the Captain gives it 99% throttle and the old lady pushes herself out of the hole.

Big sigh's of relief all round and as she gets onto the concrete perry track the captain gives it a bit more throttle to make the turn. At this point the Jet Exflux gets under the Tarmac and lifts it into the air sending the Whole Fcuking Pan flying into the Bondu.

We parked them on the Perry Track for the next few weeks and carried on with one of the best dets I have ever been on but that's many other stories.

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Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
I reckon most of these will start with

Some years ago....

So some years ago I found myself at Saints 80-85 in the structures bay a small part of the bay support for Vulcan majors. Rust, rivets, depleated uranium blocks for reacting rivets and engine doors full of car body filler cos the linies had kicked the sh!t out of them, AAPP panels, elevons full of loose rivets, Cat 3 rudders, radomes for kipping under during exercises, fin top canoes that ticked on the geiger counter after sniffing clouds. Oh and lots of tin to bash into shape to fix the damn things. Noisy ground runs, mad test pilots doing low passes just over 78 hangar after successful air test. 298 majors at saints don't know why the powers that be wouldn't let them do 300.

Off Topic I have worked Vulcan and Victor in my time but have never ever met anyone who worked Valiants. Is there anyone still left who did?Off Topic


Warrant Officer
Watching the BDF Vulcan do wet starts on the compass jobby outside the fire section at waddo.
A sight to behold...and a rumble that would clear phlegm at half a mile!

Scaley brat

Trekkie Nerd
1000+ Posts
So some years ago I found myself at Saints 80-85 in the structures bay a small part of the bay support for Vulcan majors.

Off Topic SRS or ACRS ? I was in the hyd bay 84-85. We had a FLt lt with a black labrador called William, the dog not the man and the boys made a model of him out of Bodge tape. After his leaving do the sqn ldr kicked the head of "bodge tape" William cos he hated C*****'* dog ! Off Topic

I look like Bruce Willis

I Suck Like George Michael
I was instrumental in trying to stop the Blackbuck Vulcan taking off to bomb Port Stanley as I raised a job card on the BF because the on board publications were at the wrong AL state; but did the crew chief thank me for my actions? No he simply punched me in the face and carried on regardless.


Flight Sergeant
One day young Vulcan heard his parents (Jupiter and Juno) arguing. He took his Mum's side which made his Dad so angry that he cast him down to Earth.

He fell for a whole day and broke both legs when he landed. They healed badly and he was rendered lame. He was a good with his hands but (understandably) p1ssed off with the rest of the gods because nobody stood up for him. He became a recluse, built himself a forge under Mt Etna and made a winged wheelchair to get around (as you do).

Eventually, he made up with his dad and had a fulfilling career as the blacksmith for the gods.

That's my Vulcan story.:pDT_Xtremez_19:

Oh, look, my coat. I'll be off then.:pDT_Xtremez_15:


watching XH558 doing displays when I was very young, and the various Vulcans over my house when l was but a toddler in Lincolnshire is probably the reason I love 'planes so much.

And I spent my pre-teens and teens in Newark and spent many happy sunday afternoons at the air museum where my Ex-Vulcan-Leckie Dad would tell me lots of tales of working on a 'proper aeroplane'.

Happy days.

Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
ref post #5

ref post #5

Off Topic Ref post #5 Scaley brat I was on West camp 7 sqn structures and balancing bay. I remember Flt Lt toss pot and his damn dog. Worst Flt Cmdr in 20 odd years. William the dog did not impress the head plumber at all especially when it curled one down in the bang seat bay. Nice. Afore mentioned boss had to "tidy up" behind his dog. Off Topic

Captain Slog

Trekkie Nerd
Here’s another one: Back in 1970 Vulcan XM610 was on a training sortie over Jocko land when one of the engines blew up resulting in a fire indication in the cockpit. The Pilot turned back to Waddo but while passing over Northumberland the Flares caught fire which resulted in the whole wing going up in flames. The Captain told the Co-Pilot and the rear crew to abandon the aircraft, which they successfully did, then he turned the aircraft towards the coast and when he thought it was safe, he ejected. However, as he floated to Earth under his parachute he saw that the aircraft had started to turn back inland (the fire has melted the control rods in the bomb bay). It was now a blazing mass of flames and it screamed over a village in Durham and buried itself into the ground just beyond the village.

Many years later at Scampton I related this story to a fellow Rigger and he said that he remembered it well as he was at Crash & Smash at the time and had to go and recover the aircraft – what was left of it. They had to dig down 50 feet to find the engines. He also told me that the day the aircraft crashed was OAP pension collection day and all the OAP’s were in the post office waiting to collect their pension when the screaming mass of molten metal blasted overhead. Apparently they all dived for cover as they thought World War III had started and the Doodlebugs had come back!


England 2010 Campaign
1000+ Posts
Never got to work on the Mighty Vulcan, but while I was at Marham in the late 80s I used to watch in awe every Monday as the display Vulcan was put throught its paces by the crew from 55 sqn.


Never got to work on the Mighty Vulcan, but while I was at Marham in the late 80s I used to watch in awe every Monday as the display Vulcan was put throught its paces by the crew from 55 sqn.

I never worked on them but we were all trained on the vulcan and victor kit on our mechs and fitters courses. big stuff for big bombers.

I had to laugh though in 1974 when the Turks invaded Cyprus the mighty Vs took off and scarpered to Malta to be replaced by our phabulous phantoms. after a couple of weeks it quietened down and all 24 came bck for 2 days when the Turks started shooting again. what did these mighty behemothsdo? Why cut and run to Malta again of course:pDT_Xtremez_31: :pDT_Xtremez_31:

I have to thank the jockey who did the display at Coninsby open day in 75 though, he did a low and fecking noisy pass over the beer tent just as my ma-in-law was leaving, almost frightened her to deathshe fell over a tent peg and broke an ankle. Ilaughed so much I nearly dropped me ale:pDT_Xtremez_14:

I Look Like Kevin Costner

Grand Prix fanatic..
I reckon most of these will start with

Some years ago....

So some years ago I found myself at Saints 80-85 in the structures bay a small part of the bay support for Vulcan majors. Rust, rivets, depleated uranium blocks for reacting rivets and engine doors full of car body filler cos the linies had kicked the sh!t out of them, AAPP panels, elevons full of loose rivets, Cat 3 rudders, radomes for kipping under during exercises, fin top canoes that ticked on the geiger counter after sniffing clouds. Oh and lots of tin to bash into shape to fix the damn things. Noisy ground runs, mad test pilots doing low passes just over 78 hangar after successful air test. 298 majors at saints don't know why the powers that be wouldn't let them do 300.

Off Topic I have worked Vulcan and Victor in my time but have never ever met anyone who worked Valiants. Is there anyone still left who did?Off Topic

As a basic recruit at Swinderbubble, I saw the last 4 ship doing its tour of RAF Lincolnshire in late March 1984. I thought that the last Vulcan Sqn (50?), disbanded at that time. I was however lucky to see the Display kite do our passing out parade in the May (with two Tombs). Got it on Video as well!! I do remember some of the people who just finished on them , like the oldest Cpl to boot, A Yorkshireman called Jeff, who used to stammer when he was very drunk "when I was on Vulcans!!!" as well as "Thank God for Billie Bremmer!!"
As for the Vailants, they (as u well know) were binned in 66 / 67. Therefore the youngest AC / LAC working on them would have been kicked out as a time ex Wobbly 2 to 3 years ago!!
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Hu Jardon

GEM is a cheeky young fek
but did the crew chief thank me for my actions? No he simply punched me in the face and carried on regardless.
Yes quite right too Bruce.

If I'd been on the line I'd have shat in your mouth while you were down. I've no doubt the Captain would have laid a log in there too.

You c0ck


Warrant Officer
As a basic recruit at Swinderbubble, I saw the last 4 ship doing its tour of RAF Lincolnshire in late March 1984. I thought that the last Vulcan Sqn (50?), disbanded at that time. I was however lucky to see the Display kite do our passing out parade in the May (with two Tombs). Got it on Video as well!! I do remember some of the people who just finished on them , like the oldest Cpl to boot, A Yorkshireman called Jeff, who used to stammer when he was very drunk "when I was on Vulcans!!!" as well as "Thank God for Billie Bremmer!!"
As for the Vailants, they (as u well know) were binned in 66 / 67. Therefore the youngest AC / LAC working on them would have been kicked out as a time ex Wobbly 2 to 3 years ago!!

The Valiant force was officially withdrawn from service on 27th Jan 1965 as the majority of the aircraft had fooked wing spars. I've had the chance to sit in the cockpits of all three V-Bombers, The first being WD181 the last Valiant which was a Gate Guard at Marham in 1981 and still in its cammo paint job (of course it ended up in an all white anti nuke flash finish and is now at Tossford after being in the Bomber Command Hall at Hendon for a few years (the aircraft main claim to fame being it being the aircraft that dropped the first British attempt at a Hydrogen bucket of instant sunshine, which worked ok'ish to a point. Got to look around an operational Victor K2 as well on the same day as well as getting to see a B-52 in the flesh for the first time (Spams had a det going at Marham at the time). Didn't get to get into a Vulcan until 2002, when I had a look around the one at Newark.

A couple of Vulcan stories/myths that I've heard from guys that worked on them and a system that I worked on that played against the Vulcan.

The first I heard from a Bombhead Cpl that I did a duty airman with back in 87. A Vulcan goes down to Cyprus sometime around 72-75. Aircraft lands and the guys in the back get out, all looking very shaken. Liney goes up to the Crew Chief and asks him what’s wrong. Crew Chief says Fooking Idiots in the front tried to do a Loop and the aircraft ended up falling 30,000 ft inverted before they managed to recover.

The second is a myth from the Bloodhound force, a missile section at North Coates was tracking a Vulcan heading in towards Lincolnshire from the North Sea at very low level. The Vulcan was so low that the section's Type 87 radar lost track of the aircraft as the Sea wall around the site got in the way. Next thing the Bloodhound guys see is the Vulcan suddenly pop up over the sea wall and when it got over the Missile Section's radar the pilot pulled back on the stick and went full power. Instant earthquake and very shaken and deafened scopies and Techies start poring out of the section's LCP and radar. Later during a test of the radar against a test target on a tower, the techies noted that the radar's ranging system was out. Apparently the cause of the fault was found to be that the jet blast from the Vulcan's engines had moved the whole 50 tonne radar a couple of feet from were it had been placed.
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Master of my destiny
vulcan stories

vulcan stories

Did 3 years post training on the mighty vulcan. Brilliant aircraft but sometimes a pig to work on. Remember the leckies occasionally :pDT_Xtremez_25: setting off the fire bottles during no volts checks...absolute ****s ' cos the V had 35 of the f@ckers!!

Hu Jardon

GEM is a cheeky young fek
Did 3 years post training on the mighty vulcan. Brilliant aircraft but sometimes a pig to work on. Remember the leckies occasionally :pDT_Xtremez_25: setting off the fire bottles during no volts checks...absolute ****s ' cos the V had 35 of the f@ckers!!

I was in the bomb bay one day sorting some wiring out. Some bright spark decided to show some space cadets round the same jet - and one of the little feckers fired the fire bottles - we weren't fit enough to catch the little tw@t after a few lungs full of that sh!te. It took us a couple of weeks to exact our revenge on the tw@t who was supposed be supervising them

I reckon the taste of a dog sh!t sandwich will probably have worn off by now though

I've hated Spacies ever since