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Mr C Hinecap

Management of the Joint Deployed Inventory actually.

Political name, as the 1st idea was to manage the deployed & static stores on 2 x systems - but common sense got that one squished. It is currently at Proof of Concept, which is they have developed USAS II further to prove the business concepts work. For example, there is now a direct link to SS3, so you actually place proper DMNDS on the Army - which means you can do electronic hastening rather than manual. A step in the right direction.

As for The Helpful Stacker's comment - your DHL system basically runs R&D - cos DHL aren't in the business of storing stuff - apples and oranges there.

DNN or DNR? Ahhh - transaction codes from yesterday.

As for The Helpful Stacker's comment - your DHL system basically runs R&D - cos DHL aren't in the business of storing stuff - apples and oranges there.

That may be so if I worked for DHL Freight or Parcel Delivery but I work for DHL Exel. We provide full logistical support to many companies across the UK (including M&S, Tescos and a number of other large high street retailers. This includes receipt from suppliers, short and long term storage, picking, preperation, dispatch and something that falls outside the remit of the current USAS system, vehicle/trailer movement control.

Within the contract I work in we have one computer system that connects 3 NDC's, 7 RDC's, 12 sortation centres and ultimately every single store that we deliver to. My RDC alone currently has a weekly volume of about 2.1m items received, stored, picked and dispatched a week, rising to an average peak time volume of about 3.4m singles a week. This doesn't include the large amount of cross-dock operations that we carry out either.

The RAF and division of DHL I currently work for are with a few exceptions perfectly good for comparisons on how to run a logistics IT system.
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Mr C Hinecap

Thanks for a fuller reply you miserable get - you need to ride your bike more.

Fair enough on the businesses Excel are into - similar in many ways but different in so many others. A lot of that business is actually being pushed forward by DSDA who are doing some excellent stuff with merging systems, including fleet and consignement tracking with depot information (non-MJDI).

With the Armed Forces, the pty is to converge the 3 Services, then to really improve systems - and trying to bring the Army into the 19th Century is way harder than it should be!


Norman, Norman where have you been you must remember the smell of Avtur is not the whole world of Supply and now you've left the Tactical Refuelling Wing you have to be a Supplier again- sit down in a dark corner take a deep breath and accept it:pDT_Xtremez_34: !

As for a PSA course only consider it if your Unit rewards (exempt gate guard/DSO etc) otherwise you will be messed around for days and nights doing pointless Oracle Reports for yet another management task or trying to fix a printer that is filthy and jammed with last weeks Ginster pasty and must be fixed at some un-godly hour. When you mention it to your management for inclusion in the F6000/SJAR they just presume that you hide in the USAS room to avoid them and it fixes its self or Stanbridge do it all now!

As for the comments on transaction codes its very true that they dont teach it at Halton but once the little darlings get into the big bad world they have to learn them all to be able to work in Secondary Accounts and the Auditable Documents in addition to 'Quizzing' USAS - it is still listed by TXN code. Progress yes but little steps we just need Halton to teach what they are going to need at the sharp end with an engineer baying for blood and his spare at 2 in the morning! :pDT_Xtremez_06:

So you get off duties as a PSA.....why then am I currently on Dep Gd Commander nights and am a qualified PSA, I wanna be at your Unit. Also used most systems as an old Scrote and MJDI seems like Jordan without Peter Andre....just a little bit better.
SC Course

SC Course

Did my SC Course years ago did DLT and whilst I was away my unit changed to USAS, top planning. Just remember being leathered for 4 weeks in 91 flirting with Alexis Yates ha ha happy days. :pDT_Xtremez_28:


If you can remember me on that course you have a far better man than me, it seems ages ago now - I remember going back to my Unit being told I needed more practical experience - and became the deputy Prime USM - oh joy!

If anything PSA is easier but you really need to watch a back up to see how complicated it can be!!! If you PM me I will pass on some other top tips! :pDT_Xtremez_28:

It's worse than that Robby... I might even remember you too... did some penance in SCAF at Honington in 85 (after a stint in TWCU stores) before escaping to Bishops Court.

Joined in 83, when it was 'turn the key and hit the keyboard with hammers'... came back in the nineties for a few years in the 'Oggies' when USAS II was in... now I'm just old !! :pDT_Xtremez_35:




Hey up all, I was blessed with a PSA course in 2006, I was a Wing mong for years previous to that, so I had no idea what the hell the course was about, I have little knowledge of USAS II or MJDI, I was taught all the good codes, then promptly forgot them in my time away, Now I get even more confused cause I get told to GSA RIS Blah Blah Blah, and I don't know which bloody tab to bring down?? I can fix a printer good though. I also get stiffed for Guard duty etc, RUBBISH.

P.S, Currently in a hot and sandy place, and I have just been asked what ORQ stands for??? If anyone has any idea's, They would be much appreciated.

Yes I have seen them all, 1010 was still in use at Marham when I joined in 1975. Still in for now. Those in the know will recognise my log in name and what system it belonged to.

Might be showing my age here, but is it the 4/72?

Joined in 1980 so missed 10/10 but heard all the stories during tea breaks with all the last tourers in Leeming Tech Stores.


Clinically Insane
Started my life on 4/72 (Tab, ETX, Send). Converted to USAS back in the day, then had to remember how to use DLT at MPA in '94. As a Supp II we weren't allowed to use the terminals, until the magic of the Supp I course with SC tagged on. I was actually in the middle of a lesson when me and Swede Hindle got an offer of a flight in an RN Lynx, cool!

You old bugger! I bet you still had the Leo Sayer hairstyle?


Might be showing my age here, but is it the 4/72?

Joined in 1980 so missed 10/10 but heard all the stories during tea breaks with all the last tourers in Leeming Tech Stores.

Joined in 83 and did my first tour at Leeming... I never knew one person could drink so much beer in such a short space time... Ah the memories... sleepy hollow !! :pDT_Xtremez_30:

Wobbly Orange

501 related to external issues. Code F if memory serves me right refer to Inv codes. Those were the days. Poor old George Bissell could never move on from the demise of F1640s. Still banging on about them during fallback lesson on my TMT 2 course.

1. My first Post - having just found this Site - and, though it's very sad, I hope you won't mind being corrected Gillo:

2. ABC-501(DNR in today's speak) was to S.O.C shelf-stock (Internal Issue Recurring Consumption). Other Unit ABCs included 504(GDD), 503(GSA), 701(DNR nil unit stock)

3. For External Issues, 'twas fings like ABC-525(GEO-management-issue), 524(GRA-R4), 526(GRA-Serviceable), 527(GRP-R4)

....could go on and on and on, but much too sad

"George Bissell" - now there's a name to conjour with. Bless him, he was the Supervisor during my tour on the School
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1. My first Post - having just found this Site - and, though it's very sad, I hope you won't mind being corrected Gillo:

Are you quite sure???? me-thinks internal issues were under 3 series ie 301 etc etc. 5 Series relate to external and 7 Series demands. If you ever worked on a 'Kam machine' putting in the wrong code at stop button sent the whole thing crazy.

But hey who cares I could be wrong. I retire soon and my memory bank is full. The great days of proper supply accounting is well behind the trade today when all the maths was done without aid of a calculator. Appos were not even allowed to use add list machines in training.

Its all far too easy now. Do you remember the days of embedded auditors. The only thing you could just get away with was 'Mickey Mouse' for a signature now and again.
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Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
I think Gillo's memory cells are in better condition than he alludes to. Talking of 'cams', who's idea was it to fit that extra attachment so you could post DR's? Used to save the DRs for posting until Friday afternoon so they could all be done in one fell swoop, otherwise it was a PITA to post them as and when they were passed from V&C. As for the auditors, my first WO out of Hereford told me a good SCAFite always carried an auditors blue pencil. :pDT_Xtremez_30:

Wobbly Orange

If you ever worked on a 'Cam machine' putting in the wrong code at stop button sent the whole thing crazy.

The dreaded 'KAM' ? Oh Yes, remember it well. Back in the days of the 'flying mammary gland'was put in the Machine Room at Benson - "just for a fortnight" said the FS......he let me out 12 months later!!

p.s. ...and, would you believe it - X491 (Qualified KAM-31 Operator) was still live on me docs when I left in '99!!


The last USAS unit will be converted to MJDI next week so adding another system to the archive of:

1640 1010 4/72 DLT USAS and USASII I dought if there is anyone still serving that has used them all but I could be wrong !!!
well almost, never had the delight of using the 1010


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
The AEI 1010 system had been withdrawn in 1975 before I joined up. I have seen some of the original tender documents for its creation and the MOD 540 for RAF SCCS is held in The National Archives at Kew.