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SNCO For Sale!!!

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Fat Is Good

Here at the great Decay Tossford, we have a once in a lifetime offer. An apprentice Sgt has recently opened the correct packet of Cornflakes and "earned" his promotion. Unfortunately for him (and us), he's having great difficulty in finding a job. He can't get one here, because all the sections want actual instructors, instead of those just filling an instructors slot (oo er). Also, he can't get one elsewhere within HMRAF, because everybody's heard of him. So, does anyone want an Appo chief? We're offering good rates to let you take him off our hands. So far we've had an offer of a Twix wrapper and a used condom. We turned this offer down initially, due to our inability to tell the difference between the Appo and the offer, and the ludicrously high level of the offer. Although we may have to take it just to get shot of him. Can anyone give us a more realistic offer?
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Rex Craymer Man of Danger
Staff member
The mess no longer provide batting staff is he capable of carry luggage as it has become a chore when I am on my travels, therefore no glass back biff chitters::p:


Have got the perfect job for him here at RAF Catterick South. Can do as much wrecking coz that's what the job is all about! Recked To Perfection prides itself on turning a shiny fine weather persuit tube into 3 Tonnes of scrap metal that isn't worth taking away (unless we sweeten the deal with a large chunk of Titanium wing box). We even have a huge scrap skip so he has somewhere to put all that sh!te in his heed. As for payment will you take a tosspot wanabee soon FS in exchange?

Get Tae

Flight Sergeant
How about I give all you instructor wankers there a dose of sarin each, that way you can all crawl into a corner and die you useless bunch of moaning whining f*cks:pDT_Xtremez_34:

Fat Is Good

Have you tried ebay?

The Twix wrapper and condom offer were from ebay. However, the amount of false advertising we had to do to get even that offer contraveaned all trade description acts and some arms treaties. Although, the bit about him being very useful in any given situation, 'cos he's THE complete tool was, strictly speaking, accurate. Are you a serious bidder for the merchandise?

How about I give all you instructor wankers there a dose of sarin each, that way you can all crawl into a corner and die you useless bunch of moaning whining f*cks:pDT_Xtremez_34:

Ah. The touchy Appo is back. Nice to hear from you again. I do notice that your re-appearance coincides with the exit of TurboAngryman. Come out of hiding, have you? Or was it the closet? Or is it the fact that you've now got plenty of time to e-goat in prison with Barrymore? Glad to see the wit is as razor sharp as ever, and also the inferiority complex is as gargantuan as it has ever been. If you're going to get into a battle of wits, better make sure you're tooled up.

The mess no longer provide batting staff is he capable of carry luggage as it has become a chore when I am on my travels, therefore no glass back biff chitters::p:

I'm sure, with some gestapo style encouragement, he could be trained up fulfill the requirements of this post. However, it will take saint-like patience. Feel free to put a bid in. Any offer will be seriously considered.

HOT PRESS..... The offer now stands at a 12 year old baked bean. We thought we had rid of him to the Nimrod G.E. cadre. But, apparently, they've got all the useless Appo's they need, or can handle. We're now thinking of putting him into some kind of care in the RAF community programme, so get bidding before this offer is gone forever!!!

In todays modern thinking Air Force nobody wants an Appo (never an ex appo), but then thinking, in yesterdays Air Force nobody wanted an Appo either. So I guess, unless Noel Edmonds resurects Swap Shop you will be stuck with the "Appo"

"Mechs" was always the way forward!!!!!
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Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
So, does anyone want an Appo chief?
Can anyone give us a more realistic offer?

With due deference to the hard working and intelligent members of the commisioned ranks who frequent the goat what about sending him for commisioning. If he is successful then -

This will negate him having day to day contact with everybody he works with because of the vast piles of paperwork to be completed and attending the requisite meetings etc. This should also attract a posting out of your life. :pDT_Xtremez_28:
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Captain Slog

Trekkie Nerd
With due deference to the hard working and intelligent members of the commisioned ranks who frequent the goat what about sending him for commisioning. If he is successful then -

This will negate him having day to day contact with everybody he works with because of the vast piles of paperwork to be completed and attending the requisite meetings etc. This should also attract a posting out of your life. :pDT_Xtremez_28:

I find it extraordinary that in todays so called modern Air Force that if you get promoted you have to look for a new job yourself. Irrespective of what you belief about the person, surely it should be down to PMC to find a position for the guy to fill and not leave it up to him to search round himself. Has the RAF got so out of touch with it’s workforce that it has left its prime responsibility to be downgraded to squadron level.
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Warrant Officer
I find it extraordinary that in todays so called modern Air Force that if you get promoted you have to look for a new job yourself. Irrespective of what you belief about the person, surely it should be down to PMC to find a position for the guy to fill and not leave it up to him to search round himself. Has the RAF got so out of touch with it’s workforce that it has left its prime responsibility to be downgraded to squadron level.

Well, I think there's some merit in letting folks find their own posts Capn. The days are long gone when it was "here's your third banana, off to <insert somewhere nobody wanted to go here> you go. What you don't want to, give us that banana back and we'll send you anyway as a Cpl".
I reckon there should be a better, more formalised way of doing it though.

Liney Hasbeen

WTF??? They aren't even called PMA any more.

Shut up bell*nd you knew what he meant ...................... or did you just feel the need to be involved ?

I have ther perfect job for this loser, but I'm not to sure if an Asda meet and greeter is an official post yet...... ?

Come and get your black bin bags .....

I Look Like Kevin Costner

Grand Prix fanatic..
Tell me then, why has this man been promoted and seems to be hated by everybody??? His superiors must have seen his promotion potential in a different light to everybody else.

Have you crossed swords with him, cos it sounds very much like you have.

The sucessor to PMA does not promote people into non posts or move them into overborne slots now. I know this from where I work at the mo.

If you want to insult him, do it to his face.......
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Get Tae

Flight Sergeant
I do notice that your re-appearance coincides with the exit of TurboAngryman. Come out of hiding, have you? Or was it the closet? Or is it the fact that you've now got plenty of time to e-goat in prison with Barrymore?

I hate to point out that you have been missing for a long time and not me you chomper.
If you could actually read then you would see I have been here all along, I wasnt the one who went away crying like a little girly who couldnt hack it, what you going to do now your bum chum isnt here to back you up?

I have very little time on my hands as I am currently out in the desert doing front line stuff you wouldnt even know where to begin with so keep your 5th line, smally teaching, couldnt hack it at first line so volunteered to be an instructor comments to your self old bean.

Your old pal 'Get Tae'::p:

fat lazy techie

Flight Sergeant
How about test subject at good old Porton Down. Sounds like the perfect posting for the stroker if you ask me. All you need is his JPA log in details and Bob's your auntie.

Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Tell me then, why has this man been promoted and seems to be hated by everybody??? His superiors must have seen his promotion potential in a different light to everybody else. The sucessor to PMA does not promote people into non posts or move them into overborne slots now. I know this from where I work at the mo.

ILLKC try looking here.


or here


Never had any dealings with the guy personally so have no opinions either way on his talents or otherwise. However it seems others do have a view in the above links.
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