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Smug or absolutely bang on the nail?


I enjoyed it, especially the Industrial Revolution bit with Brunnel

Oh, liked the Queen and Bond, proves she has a sense of humour, hmm, is she now classed as a Bond Girl :pDT_Xtremez_19:

I would just loved to have heard the initial request to get the ball rolling on that one :pDT_Xtremez_14:

Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Was it just me tho.... When the German team walked in, was their representative in the stands giving a Nazi salute ?

Saw that but he used his left arm/hand but it was darn close to a don't mention the war moment. Despite the previous Bah humbug I thought the show was great if a tad longer than I hoped, forging Olympic rings very Tolkienesque, one ring to bind them all, brilliant. Watched the show with the mini TB's, tiredness got them before the end so I was briefed to see who lit the cauldron and report back at brekkie. Miss TB (10) thought David Beckham was a shoe in for the job, Master TB thought it would be some famous person who was quite good at sport but not a racing driver. None of us expected a group of teenagers whose names we didn't know, clever stuff. With the bar set that high the closing ceremony has a tough act to follow.


I was watching it on a screen outside the stadium and the atmosphere was amazing. I only live 15 minutes away & was just going to watch it at home but I'm glad I made the effort.
It was noisy anyway but the level must've doubled when Team GB entered. It was good to see Chris Hoy was so moved that he had tears in his eyes too.
I've been slagging it off beforehand, but I must admit I had a lump in the throat & a tear in the eyes during that. Along with thousands of others there it seems. To top it all off I even got given a free can of beer by an Aussie too. :)

I Look Like Kevin Costner

Grand Prix fanatic..
Apart from the RAF snec who was rear left of the flag carrying party getting ever so slightly out of step...:pDT_Xtremez_42:

Marching over uneven ground in RAF DMS shoes is not easy and Rav (His name was mentioned in the broadcast, so persec isn't an issue) did OK.

BTW he was also out on 903 when Baz Barwood was killed, remember him consoling Heather when we got back to Trenchard after that shift..

As for the rest of the Show, bar the Artic Monkies (not my style) and McCarthy (worse than Blur), it was jaw dropping.. Well done Danny.


I think we can be deservedly smug over the opening, Danny Boyle played a blinder!

From Sir Simon Rattle and the LSO playing along with the Bean joke to the lighting of the flame (who saw that coming?) the night was a triumph. Even the athletes coming in, although long, was great - seeing the pride in people's faces was priceless, especially Chris Hoy's watery eye (bit of dust in the stadium?) as he led the team in at the end.

Surprises all around, Boyle kept his promises and entertained the world. Even the sport seems to be quite good too!:pDT_Xtremez_28:


Thoroughly Nice Chap
Musically the Mike Oldfield bit was fantastic, and the haunting "Caliban's Dream" music that was used in the lead up to the cauldron lighting was superb.

There are a lot of nay sayers out there who thought it all should be about sport, bollox, its about GREAT Britain and NI and the heritage we have.

Did the country proud Mr Boyle.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2


No miming please....we're brits !

No miming please....we're brits !

That's age and gingers covered too.

I think it's great that all could be involved, I especially liked the way people in wheel chairs were on the main set in the general mele rather than in a special group.

At least the brit brats did actually sing, not mime, as the real singers were adjudged to be too fugly to do so !


Flight Sergeant
Apart from the RAF snec who was rear left of the flag carrying party getting ever so slightly out of step...:pDT_Xtremez_42:

Just so. And where were the OC's brown gloves? Good show, young Boyle! He does have a good pedigree with feature film SFX, a safe pair of hands you might say. As I'm ex-service and ex-NHS (and my brother and sister-in-law worked at Great Ormond Street) I was pleased by the respect shown to both.



Flight Sergeant
Yeah I thought that too....:0

And here is yet another reason to despise that nasty-minded, spiteful Daily Mail. No, the NHS is not perfect, but does it really deserve this kind of emotive vitriol....?


It caters for those who would like to strut around making Nazi salutes and sending 'unproductive elements' to the gas chamber. The example given is highly distressing, very wrong and has been addressed. In a 'Daily Wail' regime the jackboots would be in turning off all the life support machines as a waste of taxpayers' money.



Flight Sergeant
And here is yet another reason to despise that nasty-minded, spiteful Daily Mail. No, the NHS is not perfect, but does it really deserve this kind of emotive vitriol....?


I did read it, and I also commented on it, comparing his journalistic ability to a p1ss stained tramp on methamphetamine and White Lightning ranting on a street corner, obviously that will never see the light of day as it went off for 'moderation' to ensure it was not offensive. I think only Daily Mail 'Journalists' are allowed to be offensive on the DM website?

Co-incidentally (I would love to think not but don't have that high an opinion of myself) about 3 minutes after I posted, the story seems to have disappeared. Hopefully the DM have realised from the existing comments that they are small minded bigots and they cannot sell enough papers to the rest of the small minded bigots in the country to stay financially viable.


Flight Sergeant
Biggest load of Lefty PC tosh I've seen in years. Music was awful - are the Arctic Monkeys the best we could rustle up?? McCartney - the more I see of him the more I realise how good John Lennon was.
The NHS ?? - did I really see that ?? Some sort of Socialist agenda against alleged cutbacks from Lefty Boyle. Why not go the whole hog and have Billy Bragg lighting a burning effigy of Mrs Thatcher. I didn't get the Industrial revolution bit at all?? Why not celebrate our glorious military history? Should've put a couple of torpedoes on Beckham's boat and re-created the sinking of the Belgrano on the Thames.

I thought the whole thing was dire.


Biggest load of Lefty PC tosh I've seen in years. Music was awful - are the Arctic Monkeys the best we could rustle up?? McCartney - the more I see of him the more I realise how good John Lennon was.
The NHS ?? - did I really see that ?? Some sort of Socialist agenda against alleged cutbacks from Lefty Boyle. Why not go the whole hog and have Billy Bragg lighting a burning effigy of Mrs Thatcher. I didn't get the Industrial revolution bit at all?? Why not celebrate our glorious military history? Should've put a couple of torpedoes on Beckham's boat and re-created the sinking of the Belgrano on the Thames.

I thought the whole thing was dire.

I agree with you on the music, I too thought the Artic Monkeys and McCartney were bad choices, but then McCartney always turns up for these little soiree's.


Warrant Officer
Why not celebrate our glorious military history? Should've put a couple of torpedoes on Beckham's boat and re-created the sinking of the Belgrano on the Thames.

I thought the whole thing was dire.

Agree about some of the music, but Bolye did include aspects of the histroy of our military in an excellant fasion which I didn't expect. This event is not the place to display military overtones. I hope Danny Bolye does a Directors cut DVD with multi angles as I bet there was a lot that the BBC coverage missed. Also agree about Beckham as well, I'm getting a bit fed up with him as well.


The military is one facet of life in Great Britain, which in my opinion was covered appropriately - the NHS was celebrated in the fashion it was- in my opinion so as to inspire other nations to provide free healthcare for everyone, and as perhaps an insurance policy to warn this and future governments not to dismantle this very british,unique and necessary institution... I think the whole thing was dealt with brilliantly, of course there are problems but i am really enjoying these games. As an aside i love that Caliban's Dream tune .

I Look Like Kevin Costner

Grand Prix fanatic..
Biggest load of Lefty PC tosh I've seen in years. Music was awful - are the Arctic Monkeys the best we could rustle up?? McCartney - the more I see of him the more I realise how good John Lennon was.
The NHS ?? - did I really see that ?? Some sort of Socialist agenda against alleged cutbacks from Lefty Boyle. Why not go the whole hog and have Billy Bragg lighting a burning effigy of Mrs Thatcher. I didn't get the Industrial revolution bit at all?? Why not celebrate our glorious military history? Should've put a couple of torpedoes on Beckham's boat and re-created the sinking of the Belgrano on the Thames.

I thought the whole thing was dire.

Left wing PC tosh?? Danny Boyle might be left of centre in his politics and the Artic Monkeys/McCarthy wasn't the best choices, but I loved the Industrial Revolution opening, it showed everthing that made Great Britain the first industrialised nation with all the benefits/pitfalls/social revolution and the reactions that have developed the country to what it is now..Then again the whole scene was based out of the hymm Jerusalam with the Olympic rings being forged as an addition??? Most of us do not slag off the NHS, I would rather have that than the ****e systems other counties have like the USA, were the treatment you get will depend if you have the insurance.. A lot in the USA don't. GOSH was about the treatment of children by Great Ormond Street and the hospitals links to JM Barries Peter Pan and association with other British childrens literature. But the idea Glorious military history? Read your history books mate, we have more than our fair share of military disaters and right royal clusters.. For every Waterloo, there is a Isandlwana.. Boyle covered the wars with the Poppies and the Chelsea pensioners.. and the Military raised the Union and the Olympic flags. As for Beckham, he was one of the major figures used in the original bid and deserved a small part that he got. I'm glad Bellamy and Giggs got into the footie mind! I thought the opening ceremony was very good, showing the British humanity.. And to inspire youth..