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RAF rising above or falling apart



As Realist78 ( a few good quality posts there mate!) said the Air Force is falling apart. I have lost confidence in our upper management to sort this as they have created it. Having now PVR'd, its not that Iam running but looking after No 1 ......ME! Iam not prepared to take the bull**** any longer for dithering idiots to get promoted. Its a shame on my part as after 22yrs I still enjoy my job, but the idiots making these decisions have slowly pushed us into a corner making our jobs more and more difficult to do. Reading through all posts and threads Iam glad in a way that it is not just the techie trades that are affected (me a rigger), but it is all trades which makes me feel my decision to get out now is the correct one, for me anyway!!

Realist 78, my feelings exactly and PVR is my next move when I get back to work.
I am sorry to say it but having done my 22yrs, I am now looking after No1 & family. I shall go where I might be appreciated instead of being pushed from pillar to post by every man and his dog. I still have the dedication but the constant frustration caused by the ever-changing RAF due by LEAN, manpower cuts etc etc are taking their toll.

FFS - I can't ever find anywhere in the Stn phone book cos I don't know what the sections are called any more/this week...eg: C4I ??? eh??? Give me peace


Did you stop to think that maybe he did have his priorities right and the lockers issue was bottom of his list??

Just a thought....................:pDT_Xtremez_41:

(Though he could have summoned the SWO's working party to do it...do we still have them?!!!:pDT_Xtremez_08: )

Its not a case of priorities. Nif naf and trivia jobs are and always have been way of service life, I know in 22yrs Ive done plenty. The problem is its that its all give give give due to the fact there is no man power. You cant expect to do all the trivia we used to do and fix jets at the same time. The question I would ask is where is the Leadership from the Jengo. Instead of being a yes man ( as most if not all are!!) stick up for his guys and say enough is enough. Or where are the Snecs, dont they have any balls to go and say no!! If the lockers were not moved for the next day, tough s&*t !!


Its not a case of priorities. Nif naf and trivia jobs are and always have been way of service life, I know in 22yrs Ive done plenty. The problem is its that its all give give give due to the fact there is no man power. You cant expect to do all the trivia we used to do and fix jets at the same time. The question I would ask is where is the Leadership from the Jengo. Instead of being a yes man ( as most if not all are!!) stick up for his guys and say enough is enough. Or where are the Snecs, dont they have any balls to go and say no!! If the lockers were not moved for the next day, tough s&*t !!

Good point and yes I have also known plenty of gash jobs in my time in, but the locker thing seems to have been a job which would benefit everyone on the Sqn in the end...a new gym...and these don't get given away free every day do they?!
So instead of bleating about it, the job could have probably been done in half an hour or so!!
Alternatively I suppose, just say no, job not done, no gym and even more moaning about not having facilities at the section!!:pDT_Xtremez_42:


Master of my destiny
Good point and yes I have also known plenty of gash jobs in my time in, but the locker thing seems to have been a job which would benefit everyone on the Sqn in the end...a new gym...and these don't get given away free every day do they?!
So instead of bleating about it, the job could have probably been done in half an hour or so!!
Alternatively I suppose, just say no, job not done, no gym and even more moaning about not having facilities at the section!!:pDT_Xtremez_42:

Still maintain that it would have been better to let the guys know at shift start and before trades had gone down to trade cover etc. The new gym thing came about and was surveyed, thought about for feasibility etc within a few hours, hence rush job and it will be a bonus because the main gym can no way cope with the new edict. That aside, p1ssing people about at 2am+ is not a wise move!:raf:


Good point and yes I have also known plenty of gash jobs in my time in, but the locker thing seems to have been a job which would benefit everyone on the Sqn in the end...a new gym...and these don't get given away free every day do they?!
So instead of bleating about it, the job could have probably been done in half an hour or so!!
Alternatively I suppose, just say no, job not done, no gym and even more moaning about not having facilities at the section!!:pDT_Xtremez_42:
I can see were you're coming from Edzar, but how would you have felt at 2 in the morning after a hard(?) night shift if you were then told you had to do gash jobs? Not too chuffed I'd bet. Gash jobs have traditionally been done on days, one of the reasons for this is so as not to give the night shift anymore sh1te than is necessary, lets face it noone likes being jerked around on nights.


Tashied Goatee
I can see were you're coming from Edzar, but how would you have felt at 2 in the morning after a hard(?) night shift if you were then told you had to do gash jobs?

I know for a fact that the last time Ed had a Hard night shift was a LONG LONG time ago !! Any gash jobs given would have been quickly passed onto the lads as it's too cold to come out of the cabin.....gotta look after those old bones :pDT_Xtremez_14:

Crack on........:pDT_Xtremez_09:

airframe doctor



Still maintain that it would have been better to let the guys know at shift start and before trades had gone down to trade cover etc. The new gym thing came about and was surveyed, thought about for feasibility etc within a few hours, hence rush job and it will be a bonus because the main gym can no way cope with the new edict. That aside, p1ssing people about at 2am+ is not a wise move!:raf:

Exactly my point, my original post wasn't the fact the lockers had to be moved but the timing of it. I was trying to use this as an example of the type of **** decisions we are presented with on a daily basis. When the Rect's board bears a resemblance to Joseph's Technicolor Dreamcoat and manpower already severely stretched it seemed like all priorities had gone straight out of the window. I admit the transformation from old locker room to gym is a good idea and will/should benefit all Sqn personnel, but having sat empty for the past 2 days with no work being carried out, what was the importance of emptying it at 02:00 that night, surely it could have waited????:pDT_Xtremez_35:

Captain Gatso

We all agree here folks that we are all living at the moment, in an Air Force which looks like a poor relation to what was once a very proud and capable organisation. I have noticed an overlooked fact. Since all the great unwashed,( pardon the pun.) have been bending over backwards to adopt Lean, live with less and put up with more and more ****. What have our illustrious leaders been doing? For an example. I was on guard the other week, and our station was hosting a party in the officers mess for an event, which I think was completly pointless. Considering how strapped we all are financially, how about our bosses, lead from the top and show that they too can slum it with the rest of us. I can't be the only one to notice. Another theme, is that all the bosses seem now to be trained more as managers and not Officers. Last time I looked we are still, what could be described as the Military. Not a Fcukin PLC. This is the downfall of the RAF. It's been tried to be run as a civvy company nowadays, with bits of militay ethos thrown in for good measure. If the RAF was from today, under the same rules as a normal company. I garentee it would be calling in the receivers within six months. How can you run something one way while not keeping to the rules. If this is whats happening the RAF is finished.:pDT_Xtremez_09:


Just to tag onto the RAF is Rubbish at the moment theme. A few lads are trying to put claims in for courses at the moment and the usual incidental expenses(which is about a fiver a day max.). In order to get this you have to provide receipts for your paper or bottle of coke or your 3 minute phone call, this is just a further example of the petty penny pinching the RAF is up to nowadays. How do you get a receipt from a coke machine!!!!!!!

True Blue Jack

Warrant Officer
Just to tag onto the RAF is Rubbish at the moment theme. A few lads are trying to put claims in for courses at the moment and the usual incidental expenses(which is about a fiver a day max.). In order to get this you have to provide receipts for your paper or bottle of coke or your 3 minute phone call, this is just a further example of the petty penny pinching the RAF is up to nowadays. How do you get a receipt from a coke machine!!!!!!!

Or a coin-operated launderette. And I'm damned if I'm going to keep a receipt for 20p for the Currant Bun. My mobile is PAYG as well. What I do is attach a written record of my expenditure to the claim. If they want to court-martial because I can't prove conclusively that I've spent £3.50 they can.

P.S. IIRC there is no mention of soft drinks as an incidental expense in the JSP, even though it was included in the old flat-rate.


Or a coin-operated launderette. And I'm damned if I'm going to keep a receipt for 20p for the Currant Bun. My mobile is PAYG as well. What I do is attach a written record of my expenditure to the claim. If they want to court-martial because I can't prove conclusively that I've spent £3.50 they can.

P.S. IIRC there is no mention of soft drinks as an incidental expense in the JSP, even though it was included in the old flat-rate.

If you can not provide reciepts ie PAYG mobile, you just have to put in a signed statement to that effect


Warrant Officer
The common and conclusive theme here? New Labour have well and truely fecked up the public services and the armed forces in the name of "modernisation":pDT_Xtremez_25:


When President Bliar goes later this year am I alone in thinking that Gordon Browne has no god given right to move next door. Surely in a democracy he has to be elected to pwer by the populace not his mates in the LAbour drinking club.

Not sure who I want to succeed Bliar, all promise everything give little and take more!!!!:pDT_Xtremez_34:

Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
When President Bliar goes later this year am I alone in thinking that Gordon Browne has no god given right to move next door. Surely in a democracy he has to be elected to pwer by the populace not his mates in the LAbour drinking club.

Because it's not a US style presidential election the British populace sadly elected a labour government not an individual i.e. Tony Blair. So the labour party can chose a new party leader without going to the electorate for approval. The electorate was not consulted in the selection of Min Campbell as Lib-dem leader or David Cameron for that matter. It just happens that the currently the labour party leader is also the PM. So if Gord Helpus gets picked as the new labour leader he will be default also become the new PM.

I Look Like Kevin Costner

Grand Prix fanatic..
Because it's not a US style presidential election the British populace sadly elected a labour government not an individual i.e. Tony Blair. So the labour party can chose a new party leader without going to the electorate for approval. The electorate was not consulted in the selection of Min Campbell as Lib-dem leader or David Cameron for that matter. It just happens that the currently the labour party leader is also the PM. So if Gord Helpus gets picked as the new labour leader he will be default also become the new PM.

Lets hope that somebody in the labour party can be bothered to fight him then!