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Mediocre SAC F6000


Tashied Goatee
If all JNCOs had this attitude, on promotion to SNCO they would feel in deep water when the time came around. Accept it as a bit of valuable experience. The so called training (on this subject) is far too little and as far as being paid for it, I believe 'Blue Mountain' has about the right aroma, try smelling it.:pDT_Xtremez_31:

I have done 6000's in the past but to be frank was getting ****ed off with doing the SNCO's work for them. I feel very competent at completing 6000's and giving my views on peoples capabilities....what i object to is being used.....if i am capable of these things then i should be a SNCO.....I (as the RAF) gives nothing away for free these days !!!

Crack on.................:pDT_Xtremez_09:


Master of my destiny
sac 6000

sac 6000

I have done 6000's in the past but to be frank was getting ****ed off with doing the SNCO's work for them. I feel very competent at completing 6000's and giving my views on peoples capabilities....what i object to is being used.....if i am capable of these things then i should be a SNCO.....I (as the RAF) gives nothing away for free these days !!!

Crack on.................:pDT_Xtremez_09:

Firstly, were you given the 6000(s) to draft as you knew the guy(s) better and it was experience for you? Secondly, is the capability to write a 6000 the only pre-requisite for promotion? Thirdly, whilst I agree that the whole game appears to be toilet bound, is it all about giving/cost? Lastly, if the answers to the first is yes, second is no and third is no, why are you not a SNCO????


Tashied Goatee
Firstly, were you given the 6000(s) to draft as you knew the guy(s) better and it was experience for you? Secondly, is the capability to write a 6000 the only pre-requisite for promotion? Thirdly, whilst I agree that the whole game appears to be toilet bound, is it all about giving/cost? Lastly, if the answers to the first is yes, second is no and third is no, why are you not a SNCO????

Well to answer in order.....

1. Yes, i knew the guys and lass....no experience just a ball ache
2. Doubt it but i believe it gets taught on IMLC (so it should be SNCO that carries it out)
3. giving/cost has cock all to do with it.

I am not a SNCO for several reasons...

1. I speak my mind to anyone and everyone
2. My face dont fit ...nor my body for that matter
3. I didnt try hard enough when a JT to get in the C/T's good books...

Cpl for 13 years.....oh well it was a good life till a few years ago.........

Crack on...........:pDT_Xtremez_09:


Master of my destiny
sac 6000

sac 6000

Well to answer in order.....

1. Yes, i knew the guys and lass....no experience just a ball ache
2. Doubt it but i believe it gets taught on IMLC (so it should be SNCO that carries it out)
3. giving/cost has cock all to do with it.

I am not a SNCO for several reasons...

1. I speak my mind to anyone and everyone
2. My face dont fit ...nor my body for that matter
3. I didnt try hard enough when a JT to get in the C/T's good books...

Cpl for 13 years.....oh well it was a good life till a few years ago.........

Crack on...........:pDT_Xtremez_09:

In reply

1. Ball ache? Welcome to the world of 6000s. However, wouldn’t you have liked your 1st RO to have felt a little less aggrieved at writing your 6000 (often in HOME time)?

2.You ‘believe’ it gets taught at IMLC and is therefore the SNCOs job etc. Find out what is taught and then maybe think ‘would that be enough for me to write creditable 6000s?’

3. If all forces personnel thought the same, would we operate at all?

SNCO bound?

1. Not a problem ( I should fecking know), as long as it’s appropriate, almost everyone accepts it, they rarely dismiss you for telling the blatant truth on a day to day basis. Admittedly, telling CAS he’s a fecking w@nker with no factual evidence will win you no favours.

2. Irrelevant (again, I should fecking know!).

3. Unless you’ve had the same 1st RO (who doesn’t exactly hit it off with you and has back up from the 2nd etc), then that’s pretty much irrelevant also. :pDT_Xtremez_28: :pDT_Xtremez_28: :pDT_Xtremez_28:


The problem is that you will have to justify any major negatives (1's or 2's) with the actions you have taken rectify the person's poor performance (mid terms, counselling, etc). As for the RAF doing it, don't bet on it.

You don't have to justify a 2 or a 3.

if a person is really bad and you've not told them you cannot write any thing negative as they'll be able to use the "suicide box" for reply.

If they are a turn up, keep out of way, do no more than is necessary type, phrases such as "carries out all detailed tasks well" "is always prompt" " are good methods of gettng a point across subtly (sp?).

either that or a VAST over assesment can be a killer (this works best on some one who is posted though!):raf:

Damning by feint praise is a good one too, " usually efficient" "generally smart" that kind of thing.

Or if you've mauled them in the six monthly and there's been no improvement.... mention it.

Also avoid definatives such as "always" "constantly" as these emphasise the quality/skill/trait you are highlighting!

Hope this is helpful:pDT_Xtremez_17:

Hu Jardon

GEM is a cheeky young fek
You could not be more wrong fella, thanks for the constructive input though.
To achieve your aim it sounds like you'd better copy one of Tashymans 6000's - as it seems his supervisors have got not getting people promoted down to a fine art

Penguins Suck

Snap yous spine
1000+ Posts
I am not a SNCO for several reasons...

1. I speak my mind to anyone and everyone
2. My face dont fit ...nor my body for that matter
3. I didnt try hard enough when a JT to get in the C/T's good books...

Cpl for 13 years.....oh well it was a good life till a few years ago.........

Crack on...........:pDT_Xtremez_09:

Right listen in you taffy man yous forgot to mention theses

4. Yous is a kn0b
6. Yous are crap at y0us job


As someone pointed out earlier ILLBW, your signature is flawed.

Pride in self, Pride in Service.I never make mistakes. Well, I did make one once. That was when I thought I had made a mistake, but hadn't"

Should read:

Pride in self, Pride in Service. I never make mistakes. Well, I did make one once. That was when I thought I had made a mistake, but hadn't.

Note the correct use of spacing and punctuation. You can use my fixed version if you wish to save you wasting valuable QA and LEAN time.


fat lazy techie

Flight Sergeant
If you want to go for maximum cheese you can finish of the narative with this little beauty. "SAC ********* is a fine exponent of the RISE initiative and is an asset to todays modern expeditionary Air Force" If nothing else it may give someone a giggle.

My last 6000 as a JT worked a treat as my 2nd RO put "JT ***** would be siutable for instructor duties as he has the ability to talk the hind legs off a donkey", worked for me.:pDT_Xtremez_28:

Albert Park

To be honest, in the first instance I would seek advice from SNCOs who you know will have had to write an appraisal of this type.

Did this person receive a mid-term/6-monthly appraisal? Is so, find out who wrote it and if there were any negatives that weren't improved on - then you have a bit of ammo to justify your assessment of mediocrity. If there were positives, and you've observed a decline - again, you have ammo.

If you (or someone else) has not counselled the appraisee then it becomes a little bit harder to 'rubbish' them. Not impossible, but a little bit trickier.

Personally, when handing the F6000 folder to the appraisee, I give them a ball-park idea of what they will be getting - so, there will be no big shocks at 'story time'. I also get them to give me examples that match the fields in the F6000 together with any other snippets worthy of reporting. This, to a degree, bats it back to the appraisee to come up with the goods. After all, it is in THEIR interest to provide YOU with enough flesh for the bones. Again by doing this it invariably uncovers many things that the person has done that you would otherwise be in the dark about.

As you will discover there is no 'right way'. Just remember though, it's YOUR perspective of the person and you should stick to your guns if someone wants it changing. Tell it like it is without being personal.


Appendix 27 of QRs gives you CPLs responsibilities. Compare what is required to what your SAC provides and work out what he's got and what he needs to improve. Then write it down on the F6000.

Bob's your Uncle

QRs are handy for some things. Not just propping up the wobbly Uckers table


Ask the individual for a precis of his year. Get him to write down all of his achievements and what he has been up to. Ask him to provide any laudatory letters or letters of appreciation from his secondary duty OICs. I have not long returned from sitting on a board and the best written appraisals are plain English, no fancy words and no cliches. Use specific examples in each of the boxes and be honest.

PM me if you want any further help.


One Woman Mafiosa
Completely agree with the two posts above, in general the person writing the assessment (in your case Downsizer too as a Cpl) is normally at a rank that the subject aspires to reach. The subject must have an input, personally I have enough trouble remembering what I did myself in the last year so any additional input from the subject can only be to their benefit.


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Ask the individual for a precis of his year. Get him to write down all of his achievements and what he has been up to. Ask him to provide any laudatory letters or letters of appreciation from his secondary duty OICs. I have not long returned from sitting on a board and the best written appraisals are plain English, no fancy words and no cliches. Use specific examples in each of the boxes and be honest.

PM me if you want any further help.

We had these on the Sqn's at ISK...called them 'boast sheets' and bloody useful they were to...It's painfully obvious to the person filling one out that when it appears thin on facts he/she probably has to pull his/her socks/stockings up...


We had these on the Sqn's at ISK...called them 'boast sheets' and bloody useful they were to...It's painfully obvious to the person filling one out that when it appears thin on facts he/she probably has to pull his/her socks/stockings up...

I always thought it was obvious to Norah Batty that she needed to pull her stockings up

I Look Like Kevin Costner

Grand Prix fanatic..
I have had to write my first ever F6000 as a SNEC on a guy who is not in my trade, is downgraded and has PVRed. My boss said write an easy get out appraisal.

I did not. I made sure I got a resumal of what he had done that year and his mid term to guide me. I also took my time to produce it. Writing an honest assessment for the mid range is the hardest one to write. The guy had worked harder for me that some Cpls, however I had to take in his potential for advancement and that could he make the next step up (regardless of his situation!)

Past Engineering

I had a shock once under the old assesment system, in my fifth year as Snec expecting to get the assesment I had earnt to get to Chief, at the chat this 5 minute wonder preceded to tell me how wonderful I was and then said that he had given me 766 and a likely to become fit. I asked him on what points I had to improve to gain the required level was told that I didn't need to do anything, asked why he gave me such a poor rating his answer " I just don't like you".

I have had four Cpls winge about giving them the assesments they had earnt, as they all said they where to good and they did not want to be promoted, three of them it was on the new F6000 and that is what they wrote on there bit, WO went ballistic.

It is nice to see here that people do take this part of their rank seriously, it is a shame that many didn't/don't.

New Zealand Rigger


I know how much trouble F6000s can be. If you PM me with an e-mail address I'll send you all my old stuff that I'd kept on disk. It will help you out no end even if its just to give you a few ideas.