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Marham or Lossie - You Decide!

Marham or Lossie - You Decide!

  • Total voters


There has been a bit of chat on the SDSR threads about which base everyone would prefer to close - Marham or Lossie.

Yes, I know they are both sh*holes, but if it came down to a straight decision between these two bases which would you be happier seeing close for good?

Harry B'Stard

Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
Close Lossie?.... dunno, never been there!

Close Lossie?.... dunno, never been there!

Not sure which I would close.

Although I've been to Marham a few times on courses and such like, yes it does seem to have a bad reputation but I'm not sure I'd close it.

I hope to retire to Norfolk one day (had such a great time at Colt... alas no chance to go there now::(:) and getting a last tour to Marham will help that!:pDT_Xtremez_30:

However, I've never been to Lossie and I've heard the same things said about both camps... like marmite you either love it or hate it!

I'll abstain from voting this time... in the hope that they find enough loose change down the back of the sofa to keep both open!:pDT_Xtremez_42:



This is my first post here although I've lurked for quite a while.

Never mind politics or commercial decisions....My mind is made up purely on emotion on this one.

I was 17 years old when I was posted to Lossie straight out of training....I am a Scotsman, born and raised in Edinburgh...so mayhap you would think I should support the Scottish bid?

My experience of RAF Lossiemouth (on 8 Squadron) was totally positive..Great base fabulous introduction into the RAF....but the local population absolutely hated us.

I can relate many tales of abuse levied at me and my friends from the most base unemployed youth of the town to drunken fishermen home on a Thursday night to the local police force...

I left Lossiemouth after 18 months and can honestly say that every other town near any base I was posted at was a joy to be part of.

Sod em, let them rot in their tiny little town with their tiny little minds.



obv this is purely a hypothetical poll, and I would rather see neither close, however it is likely that two major bases are going to have to close (in addition to Lyneham and Kinloss), and so much attention is on the Lossie/Marham thing at the moment.

fwiw i think the way it is going at the moment (political wrangling), both may survive in some way until the army returns from Germany


fwiw i think the way it is going at the moment (political wrangling), both may survive in some way until the army returns from Germany

I certainly hope you're right. I'd feel very sorry if either were to go, not least for the locals in both areas who depend so heavily on the RAF in otherwise economically barren areas. It makes me so frustrated that we've got money to pour into the ever-hungry maw of the unaccountable, unelected European Central Government and its gross, bloated gravy train, yet can't look after our Defence interests. Strategic Defence Review my hairy back eye... :pDT_Xtremez_32:


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
........and adheres to the clusure dictum - "if it's on the coast, it's gonna be toast".

Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Lossie has the Moray open , Hopeman, Buckpool deep pit bunkers and loads of other nice links at far cheaper rates than English courses , Marham is flat. Tough call


Lossie has the Moray open , Hopeman, Buckpool deep pit bunkers and loads of other nice links at far cheaper rates than English courses , Marham is flat. Tough call

................and silversands. More slappers than you can shake a stick at! :pDT_Xtremez_14:


Ive voted Lossie, as I will shed no tears when those English hating w@nkers up there suffer.


Having spent a huge part of my career north of the border I've voted for Marham to go - depite the problems some people seem to have had up north I've had nothing but good tours.

Warwick Hunt

Persona Non-Grata
1000+ Posts
Which one has the best bop?

Wasn't PS a stalwart of the Lossie Bop? As for the 'Best Bike' option...well Marham has some class scutters (or certainly did when I was there on my first tour there!)

In all seriousness though, I have voted Lossie to go, mainly based on the following factors:

1) I live in Norfolk and my wife is employed by BAE on better money than I am. If Marham were to go, then the value of my home would drop massively, my wife would lose her job and we would be forced to sell our home - at a loss - and move into SFA somewhere for my next posting as we wouldn't be able to buy another house. We have settled very nicely in Norfolk and the prospect of leaving there because of reasons out of my control is rather perturbing.

2) I used to live in Scotland when I was younger, not a million miles from Lossie/Kinloss/Elgin. The people up there are the most narrow-minded inbred bigots I have ever come across in my life...even more so than Gibraltarians. As far as I am concerned, the Wicker Man is a documentary about life in NE Scotland. And their atitudes aren't just based on their opinions on the English - they have just as much hatred of other Scottish people. And let's face it, a Conservative government will get no further political hold in that area by keeping it open than if they shut it. Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to see Lossie close along with Kinloss and make those people see what they really will miss.