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Just got my new driving licence and passport


As the title says. They had both run out.
Blue passport and driving licence, no mention of the eu and no flags of the eu and lots of union jacks on there. result.
Doubt anyone can copy it as the security stuff on it is really good. At last.....

I Look Like Kevin Costner

Grand Prix fanatic..
As the title says. They had both run out.
Blue passport and driving licence, no mention of the eu and no flags of the eu and lots of union jacks on there. result.
Doubt anyone can copy it as the security stuff on it is really good. At last.....
The loss of rights to work in lots of coutries.. Say that to the pilots and engineers that has effected.


Super Moderator
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1000+ Posts
The people wanted Brexit and they now have Brexit, people need to move on now, they need to start focusing on making it work for them.

I can’t see us rejoining in our working lifetimes so start looking at what you can do and not what you can no longer do.

For me all I care about is my license allows me to drive and my passport allows me to travel, couldn’t care less what colour they are or what flags they have on them.

Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Got my driving licence renewal paperwork this morning all done on line and £14 later a new one is on its way. Easy stuff even for an IT biff like me.


Exactly... it’s extremely damaging right across the aviation sector (other massively damaged industry sectors are also available) But at least FoxOneFive has a union flag to wrap round his cock.

Yep.. All being a rather small one. And I've temporarily just removed it as I'm off for a shower. I was just highlighting that the new passport and driving licence has changed and the enhanced security measures they both have. And you all jumped back on the Brexit bandwagon yet again, ffs, get over it....its happened move on


Retired Rock Star 5.5.14
1000+ Posts
As the title says. They had both run out.
Blue passport and driving licence, no mention of the eu and no flags of the eu and lots of union jacks on there. result.
Doubt anyone can copy it as the security stuff on it is really good. At last.....

Automation is not as a result of Brexit.

Feel free to send a cheque for £1,000 to No 11 Downing St every year until the country's GDP returns to its pre-Brexit level, and once it does, the Chancellor should give you your annual Brexit Dividend as we reap the rewards of leaving the EU.

I wonder how many £thousands you and the other 17.2m would have to submit before they started to see a return?


"Feel free to send a cheque for £1,000 to No 11 Downing St every year until the country's GDP returns to its pre-Brexit level"

How has your life changed since then? because mine hasn't and the majority hasn't . obviously others have as you state?


Super Moderator
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I tried to buy some bits for my wife’s Dutch bike the other day from Holland, no longer shipping to the UK, but do ship to other non EU countries, what gives.

Found-something similar on Amazon much less and probably coming from China, came within the week and did the job.


I tried to buy some bits for my wife’s Dutch bike the other day from Holland, no longer shipping to the UK, but do ship to other non EU countries, what gives.

Found-something similar on Amazon much less and probably coming from China, came within the week and did the job.
And that is the other side of the story. All we see is woe and how it affects us and very little from the EU's issues. Give it a few months and we will find our way out of the red tape. A local factory were sending products to North Africa but due to red tape they decided to sail direct through the Gib straight rather than docking in France and going overland. In the end saved money.


Hung Like a Baboon.
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1000+ Posts
The critics want it to fail, the fans want it to work unrealistically quickly and the EU, having given more than they would have liked, need it to look such an unattractive option that no others follow. That is a toxic mix. It is going to work because it has to...there is no going back and we as a nation are fantastic at adapting. Not giving a £1 into the pot to get approximately 38p back in grants is a bonus that will eventually reap benefit (if it wasn't for this pesky pandemic requiring cash in buckets). The trade deals already struck and those in the pipeline are and will be beneficial once the world opens up again.

I feel that the EU and UK relationship has a lot further to sink until everyone has got their metaphorical pound of flesh and is prepared to play nicely. Neither can do without each other so we just need to learn how to play nicely in the new sandpit.


Staff member
1000+ Posts
Yep.. All being a rather small one. And I've temporarily just removed it as I'm off for a shower. I was just highlighting that the new passport and driving licence has changed and the enhanced security measures they both have. And you all jumped back on the Brexit bandwagon yet again, ffs, get over it....its happened move on

It's just my 2p, but I think in saying this....

" Blue passport and driving licence, no mention of the eu and no flags of the eu and lots of union jacks on there. result."

You pretty much made it about brexit.


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
On the other hand, we are a country with a greater proportion of the population jabbed for Covid than any country in the EU..... It's not all bad!

Vim's post at 0904 today sums it up for me. The pro's and antis on both sides of the Channel/North Sea have their own reasons for holding their positions at the moment but over time things will settle and processes will adjust.

Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
Got my new driving licence through the post today and it’s not much different to the previous one. The old one had the EU flag top left corner and said simply driving licence across the top. The new one has a union jack near the centre right edge and says UK driving licence across the top. It’s the same size, has the same colour scheme, seems to be made from the same flimsy plastic stuff, probably in the same factory and by the same folk who made the old one. Storm and tea cup springs to mind.


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
There are no ‘new’ deals.. just all roll overs from existing deals as part of the EU and the Japan deal is so one sided in Japans favour it’s unbelievable...

we are a country with a begging bowl looking for trade scraps.

economic realignment with EU rules will start within 18 months (albeit slowly) and accelerate as soon as Johnson and his clown car cabinet of chaos government is history.
Because we are now a new trading entity they are all new deals. You'll never accept Brexit but it's here to stay. Either adapt or allow it to eat you up from the inside out. We are going to do alright because we always do.

I've had some issues getting NDA's in place with EU based suppliers...I had it in my risk register with the mitigation being 'start earlier on this than we have had to before' and low and behold if that didn't work. Its not that its impossible, just different. We adjusted, succeeded and moved on.


Lets get away from bloody brexit. My original comment was passports and driving licences. I was just trying to point out to all what they look like at the moment. Adding to that, as there are many old duffers on here, and everything at the moment "covid" is a mare to do.
So I thought getting above would be tricky?

My passport and driving licence expired recently, and as we know, renewable every 10 years. Ok you can do it online and a bit cheaper, but if you are a retard like me, just take your old one's to the PO and they will take a digi pick of you and I got them both back within a week.


Retired Rock Star 5.5.14
1000+ Posts
no mention of the eu and no flags of the eu and lots of union jacks on there. result.

You might wonder why this turned into another Brexit debate. I've given you a rough idea why. Unintentional or not, when you read it in that context, you can see why it was read in a different way.


RESULT.. good point. My world has not changed so I actually do not give a toss. I know others have. I feel for all the jobs that are totally, for want of a better word "buggered" can I say that now? Anyway.....it will all sort itself out because human beings are greedy and want to make money, and that will happen

I Look Like Kevin Costner

Grand Prix fanatic..
The people wanted Brexit and they now have Brexit, people need to move on now, they need to start focusing on making it work for them.

I can’t see us rejoining in our working lifetimes so start looking at what you can do and not what you can no longer do.

For me all I care about is my license allows me to drive and my passport allows me to travel, couldn’t care less what colour they are or what flags they have on them.
Lose your job.. You deserve it. You wanted this shite and you have helped make it. Bet you will not pay for it. I will tell you facts. For example Last year, Textron Aviation killed their two corporate MROs in this country. Covid was the excuse. What they did was sell their G rights to another corporate MRO and the rest of their european work was passed over to? Europe. Many skilled jobs gone. Actually, quite a few of them voted Brexit. Tough luck, they voted themselves out of jobs. The people that wanted Brexit do not work (OAPs) or are nationalists/ white van men or ex servicemen and not many produce export or support balance of payments. We will just have to get on with it unfortunately.


Super Moderator
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I think we all understood that that there would be changes and brexiteers wanted it for a number of reasons, not just the ones you feel comfortable focussing on, because it enables you to demonise the process. Project Fear really has stuck with you, but you've got to let it go.

However, if you continue in a negative mind frame no good will come of it, there are opportunities out there to replace your previous ones, you just need to realign, other wise you'll be like the ex-miners back in my, and Barch's, home town, there are still bitter and twisted ex-miners more than 30 years after the pits closed.

If you cannot get your head into a positive mindset then you will have an issue getting a job because the negativity will seep out when you have interviews, I see it all the time when people are bouncing back from redundancy.

Back on topic, noticed my licence that came through middle of last year still has the EU brand/symbol, couldn't give a dam.