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Gem the Shrinking Armourer


1000+ Posts
Hit my final AIP point today so feeling a bit flush.............not!! I'll donate my poor (but better than sod all) months pay rise at a rate of £0.75 per lb. MingMong, where do I send the blats? Oh, and good luck Gem. :pDT_Xtremez_19:


I will sponsor you 50p per pound lost. I need to lose some weight as well, maybe i will use you as a guide Gem. For every pound you lose i will match it :pDT_Xtremez_28:

RAF Bird

Stacker *********
Celery celery celery

Celery celery celery

Good luck Gem. Stick me down for 25p a Lb and I'll pay as and when you like.


Many thanks folks.

I intend giving weekly weigh ins but won't be asking for the dosh for at least a month or until the first 20lbs is off.


Stick me down for 50p a lb Gem & will cough up at regular intervals, as long as the weight drops off!! :pDT_Xtremez_30:


Tashied Goatee
Many thanks folks.

I intend giving weekly weigh ins but won't be asking for the dosh for at least a month or until the first 20lbs is off.

So Gem, hows it going ? Last post on this thread was 4 weeks ago so your neglecting your duties !!! then again i suppose you are a Mod !!

Just interested to know how you finding it and is it paying off yet ?

Crack on................:pDT_Xtremez_09:


If you wait till tomorrow I will give you all the official figure for the first full month, hopefully it will be 4+ kilos or over half a stoner for my fellow dinosaurs and thanks everyone for the money it is a help driving me on.


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
If you wait till tomorrow I will give you all the official figure for the first full month, hopefully it will be 4+ kilos or over half a stoner for my fellow dinosaurs and thanks everyone for the money it is a help driving me on.

Just crunch down a bowl of those bran 'twigs' (the ones you're supposed to sprinkle over your normal cereal) tonight and one first thing in the morning and the result of that should be worth an extra couple of kilo's later in the day...

good luck tomorrow!

Captain Slog

Trekkie Nerd
Well done Gem, keep up the good work and I will be pledging to your charity as well. Remember, it's not a diet - it is a change of life style and therefore it's for life.

Hu Jardon

GEM is a cheeky young fek
Good Luck

Good Luck

Good luck with the weight loss mate

I noticed Yorkshire Television got a picture of you on the way to the weigh In:pDT_Xtremez_28:


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Well as promised here is the first update. I am going to the hospital once a month and get weighed on their scales which are reputedly accurate so that is how i'm judging my progress. So check ins will officially be monthly.

Right at todays weigh in I had lost 3.9kg, that is about 8.5lb over half a stone in the first 4 weeks:pDT_Xtremez_17:

Of course those who know me the lack of beer is a struggle but I'm beginning to like turbo shandy's, (half pint wine, 2 shots smirnoff and topped up with fizzy water in a pint pot) I have had very little red meat either but I have developed a liking for fish so no worries there. I even had a kebab (chicken) on Saturday so no worries food wise. I must give our own Captain Slog a plug as he sent me a bundle of gen which has helped massively, cheers mate:pDT_Xtremez_30:

I checked my Gym record and although I'm still well unfit my performances have improved on each of the 19, yes 19 visits I have made this month. It isn't hard to spend time in a gym full of lycra clad lovely ladies followed by sharing a sauna and a jacuzzi with them:pDT_Xtremez_15:

All in all the first month has gone well, I would have liked to have lost more but the medics assure me I am bang on target for losing the weight and more importantly keeping it off. Thanks for the encouragement folks and keep the pledges rolling in.:pDT_Xtremez_30:


Tashied Goatee
Way to go Gem...... half a stone a month is nothing to be sniffed at.....especially if it stays off at the end !

Keep up the good work.....apparently sex is good for losing weight as well...perhaps a few of those sexy lycra clad ladies could help out ?

Crack on..................:pDT_Xtremez_09:

Scaley brat

Trekkie Nerd
1000+ Posts
Well as promised here is the first update.

Right at todays weigh in I had lost 3.9kg, that is about 8.5lb over half a stone in the first 4 weeks:pDT_Xtremez_17:

Best of luck to you old man, you are doing a great job. I have heard that you could reach your target weight within a week. Apparently all you have to do is go and see doctor Nick Riviera and donate your legs to charity. No more need for a diet and if you go to the gym you get shed loads of sympathy off said lycra clad burds ! :pDT_Xtremez_28:

I haven''t pledged the £20 your going to get yet, but that's cos I am still waiting for a certain vertically challenged skydiver to do her jump. If she doesn't make it you can have her money too :pDT_Xtremez_15:

I can assume now that LQ will hunt me down and bite my shins...... if she stands on a box first ! :pDT_Xtremez_31:

Bugger, Vim beat me too it !
Gem have you considered amputation? It would certainly spped things up and it's such a lot less effort than starving yourself for months...it could be over in an hour or so...:pDT_Xtremez_42:
Last edited:


You are doing well Gem!! Better to loose it slowly than quickly, more chance of it staying off!! :pDT_Xtremez_30:


SNAFU master
Well as promised here is the first update. I am going to the hospital once a month and get weighed on their scales which are reputedly accurate so that is how i'm judging my progress. So check ins will officially be monthly.

All in all the first month has gone well, I would have liked to have lost more but the medics assure me I am bang on target for losing the weight and more importantly keeping it off. Thanks for the encouragement folks and keep the pledges rolling in.:pDT_Xtremez_30:

If I recall my wife's friendson the subject of weight loss, you need to do it fairly slowly. It seems that if you do the "starvation" or similar, you loose weight but put it on again quite quickly.

Good Luck!

pie sandwich

I tell you what Gem, you loose the 60lbs and I will give the first payment I get for my medical pension which should start in march/april time, I dont know how much it will be, could be £20 or it could be £200.

Well Gem like I said last month I would donate my first payment from my med pension, I dunno when I will get it, but I now know it will be £470.

So that should help things along.


I ve been on slim fast for the past month and loosing a few pounds a week, well five pounds actually, thats how much it costs for a weeks worth:pDT_Xtremez_30:


Well Gem like I said last month I would donate my first payment from my med pension, I dunno when I will get it, but I now know it will be £470.

So that should help things along.


I ve been on slim fast for the past month and loosing a few pounds a week, well five pounds actually, thats how much it costs for a weeks worth:pDT_Xtremez_30:

That is fantastic mate, thanks a lot. I'm off to the gym in half an hour, it is Russian prostitutes training this evening and I'd hate to miss it. My next weigh in is in 2 weeks.


That is fantastic mate, thanks a lot. I'm off to the gym in half an hour, it is Russian prostitutes training this evening and I'd hate to miss it. My next weigh in is in 2 weeks.

I joined weight watchers 2 weeks ago. Lost 3 and a half pound in my first week. Weekly weigh ins on a thursday so hopefully i have lost more this week! You're my inspiration teddy bear!