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Email your MP - Social Housing for Ex Servicemen


Support our young and older service personnel who need social housing when they leave the service. The current legislation discriminates against service personnel and puts them at a distinct disadvantage when competing with civilians. An early day motion is currently being signed by MPs which if carried, will help change this legislation, but we need more of them to sign it if we are to get the government to take notice. We now need your support to get this through. Go to http://www.parliament.uk/directories/hciolists/alms.cfm to find your MP and then Email your MP asking for support for this EDM. Come on give us some support!.:pDT_Xtremez_42:

Thank you

If you wish, you could always take this simple letter and copy and paste it to your MP via the link. Don't forget to place their name and yours in the pasted letter.

Dear *******

The following EDM 288 has been tabled in the House of Commons. I believe our armed forces should be given all the support they require for their civilian transition, and housing is a fundamental requirement. I hope you will show your support by signing EDM 288.

Yours sincerely

Copy and send to your MP. Show your support by acting now

EDM 288: Housing Provision For Former Members Of The United Kingdom’s Armed Forces.

That this House notes the important contribution made by Her Majesty’s Armed Forces in defending the United Kingdom’s national interests; recognises their commitment and professionalism in the service of our country both at home and abroad; recognises that following the end of their careers in the armed forces many of our servicemen and women and their families face considerable difficulties in securing housing appropriate to their needs as civilians; believes housing associations and the government should review housing allocation policy in respect of establishing ‘local connections’ to ensure that former members of the armed forces are not discriminated against when applying for housing.
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The Other Mods Made Me Do It
Great idea hitback, but who are you?

Come over for a visit from ARRSE, or RR?

Give us a clue on the intro thread who you are before blasting all this gen to us please.


Sorry for that, Intro done. Thank you mad_moriarty for placing the thread from the Arrse web-site on here. Mrs Nadine Dorries MP for Mid Beds talks about issue that are affecting all service families, she talks about RAF Henlow in her web-site http://www.dorries.org.uk/Story.aspx?ID=322

My location is Tri Service and I've asked military personnel here about their future housing outside the forces. Those not on the property market are scared of what their future housing will be. If this Legislation is not changed, then more service personnel and families will suffer..



Flight Sergeant
Well not being funny, but don't we all know when this date is luming and should take all the necessary things to make sure that either they or their families are not moving onto the street i.e. finding a job in the area, finding a property to rent/buy. I'm sorry but alot of the people who find themselves in a bad situation are there simply because they are too lazy to get off their arse and sort their own life's out.


Well not being funny, but don't we all know when this date is luming and should take all the necessary things to make sure that either they or their families are not moving onto the street i.e. finding a job in the area, finding a property to rent/buy. I'm sorry but alot of the people who find themselves in a bad situation are there simply because they are too lazy to get off their arse and sort their own life's out.

There was a time when you came out the mob you got a council house straight away. I know I was that airman, thanks to goddess Maggie that was my route into the housing market.

you had to either have a job where you applied for the house, be from that area when you joined the mob or living in that area when you left.


Girlie Brosette Mod - I owe you nothing...oooh ah!
There is still alot of help on getting housing when you leave the RAF. I was pointed in the direction of www.rafcom.co.uk/housing/jshao.cfm they gave me quite a few housing associations to contact including spaces and many civilian associations so I do know there is advice to be had.


I think when you decide to leave the forces, you decide to stand on your own two feet. Mortgage time folks.


I think when you decide to leave the forces, you decide to stand on your own two feet. Mortgage time folks.

Does that include an SAC, on the lower payband, whose been demobbed after 9 yrs and gets no pay off for his time spent in, or one of the SACs who have been made redundant and got next to ferk all as a pay off, bearing in mind the cost of the housing market today.


Damn Good Idea .. and Done.

When I left in 2001 my local council told me that I was a lower priority than a released prisoner.

Bout time methinks.


The Other Mods Made Me Do It
Done, as I said - great idea.

I've got my own place now, but I know a lot of people who could be in the clag soon.

rugby then work

Cider Drinker
Done and sent, I've also got a house (and mortgage) but there’s a lot of servicemen out there that haven’t. As wgaf said earlier it’s not always a case of being to lazy to do anything about it either, a low payband SAC is going to find it hard to get a mortgage for anything these days.


A little support may help

A little support may help

Come on folks - it's just a matter of emailing your MP, not to much hardship. There are many guys and gals out there who will not be able to afford to get on the housing market when they finish and deserve just a little help. Do not forget that our bloody MP's get their housing payed for by us tax payers. BTW the shadow cabinet have refused to sign - so much for Conservative Support.


Grrr - civvy boss with chip on her shoulder has just gone off on one regarding military wages and married quarters. According to her, it's not fair that we get paid so much and make a fuss about the standards of living accommodation. Allegedly we are all in a position to buy houses - rent them out when posted away and use this money to pay commercial rates for quarters/SLA! She reckons civil servants have it far harder!!!

Temptation was to tell her to **** off but she's got my annual report (just call me spineless).


Warrant Officer
A - You're spineless :pDT_Xtremez_28:

B - If she's a civil Serpant, she should fookin know better.

c - If she's not connected to the armed forces as many of these 'experts' are, you should point her in the direction of us and well fookin TELL her in no uncertain terms.


Warrant Officer
On a different note, if any of these guys are your MP's make an effort to send it to them, they are the Defence select committee after all....

Rt Hon James Arbuthnot (Chairman) North East Hampshire Conservative
Mr David S. Borrow South Ribble Labour
Mr David Crausby Bolton North East Labour
Linda Gilroy Plymouth, Sutton Labour/Co-op
Mr David Hamilton Midlothian Labour
Mr Mike Hancock CBE Portsmouth South Liberal Democrat
Mr Dai Havard Merthyr Tydfil & Rhymney Labour
Mr Adam Holloway Gravesham Conservative
Mr Bernard Jenkin North Essex Conservative
Mr Brian Jenkins Tamworth Labour
Mr Kevan Jones North Durham Labour
Robert Key Salisbury Conservative
Willie Rennie Dunfermline & West Fife Liberal Democrat
John Smith Vale of Glamorgan Labour

Scaley brat

Trekkie Nerd
1000+ Posts
John Smith Vale of Glamorgan Labour should be sympathetic, he's been trying to stop the run down of Saints for years


E-goat Head *****
It totally amazes me that some people commented on the predicament that some people that are leaving the forces now find themselves in. Its easy for some people who bought their houses 10-20 years ago to say "Satnd on your own two feet blah blah blah" but remember that house prices today are over 70% more than they were 10 years ago. Have wages gone up by 70%? Ermmmmmmm NO!!!

Its harder for the everyday servicemen to get a morgage today. I agree that people should prepare for the future but more and more people today have been caught out by the governments blatant disregard to cap house prices so that the stupid prices your expected to pay today didn't put a fair majority of service leavers and low earners out of the bidding.

I bet that a fair majority of the people with the "Tuff" attitude on this thread are over 60 - 100% paid up on their mortgage they got for 80 grand in the 80's. Try it nowadays and I think your 190 - 200 grand mortgage that you have to get for a 3 bedroom house might be a tad out of your league as a Sgt and below.

Having myself purchased and fully paid up from my 80's purchase I don'y envy anyone exiting the services nowadays and taking on a mortgage at 40+.

Anyway, done!!!

Send a message to Mr James Gray

Please note that MPs will generally only deal with cases concerning their own constituents. It is therefore important that you include your full address and postcode in this form. This system does not permit users to send emails from @parliament.uk addresses. Correspondence by email is forwarded once a day to MPs. If you wish to contact your MP urgently, you should telephone the House of Commons Switchboard on 020 7219 3000 and ask for your MP's office.

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England 2010 Campaign
1000+ Posts
Done, let hope they take notice.

If not, perhaps the best way to get a house would be on discharge to go to some 3rd World country, change your nationality to whichever third world country you have chosen and then come to the UK and claim asylum.