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Degradation of the rank of Sergeant


Somewhere else now!
With regard to the promotion in post comments and Sgts/Cpls being mates....
I dont think that this is the real problem. If you are promoted you should be strong enough in character to step up to the responsibility and learn from your seniors on how to get on and do your job. People do things differently, always have. Some shout and bark whilst others ask. Failure to comply is also a different. Some will "blackmark" you and others wont back you up.
People are promoted in post alot these days. They stay on the same shift or sqn because experience on type is valued, too much in my opinion. How can an individual get a rounded career if they in the same place? I believe on of the factors in promotion should be whether the individual has had differing tours.
They also get fudged into posts to keep them where they are. LUE is juggled and cry babies get both a promotion and no posting. I think thats wrong. If you're promoted you either take it and and the accompanying posting or let the next person on the list have the option.
If we carry on this way we might as well have promotion boards at unit level to fill station slots as and when they come up? No more RAF wide boards, whats the point if you're staying where you are. See what I mean?

But anyway, thats kind of drifting off topic.
I think the degradation of the rank of Sgt is down to the upper management chain. Too many people in the upper chain inferring their opinions and thoughts on everything where SNCO's should be telling them what the score is and they should listen to the SNCO's.
SNCO's have a voice and experience but just dont seem to be heard or given the opportunity anymore.
That and the fact that some SNCO's just cant handle the job.

As a JNCO I have just gone from one extreme to the other.
I was hard working (honest) hands on in my last post to an "inspector" in mines neu job!
But as a JNCO you would expect that, as a SNCO? You shouldnt be out working on your own. Thats just wrong. (You could easily pop a hip out and no one would know until shift change!:pDT_Xtremez_31:)
Seriously though, SNCO is a managerial role, check it out in the eng order book/JAP or whatever it is we are working to today!

Its no wonder SNCO's are leaving at 22 years. You have the insulting 2% payrise for all the extra responsibilities, you thought would be being able to offer your opinion and be taken seriously by upper management, becoming a senior manager which actually turns out to be what Wobbly has experienced......

The RAF seriously needs to undergo some essential maintenance before its too late.


E-goat Head *****
Wobbly, I might be a grey-haired old cnut who hasn’t been at the coal face for a good few years and I do sympathise with you over your situation of being more a producer than a supervisor. Also I concede that you are probably working a lot harder than I did as a sgt due to lack of juniors, but as I’ve already alluded to, adaptability is an just as important a quality for a SNCO today as it was 20 or 30 years ago. The only difference I see today is that SNCO’s are being forced to get their overalls on and grab their tool bags whereas in my day they had a choice. I personally don’t think it degrades status as a SNCO to be in overalls with toolbag at the ready and, in my experience, garners more respect from juniors than sitting indoors most of the day remotely supervising and doing paperwork. However I can understand how you might PERCEIVE yourself as having lost status with fewer juniors. If you’re that p1ssed off, I would consider getting out perhaps cos, with the economic climate as it is and the looming scarcity of young’uns, I can’t see it getting any better.

Indeed you are correct my old mukka and I thank you for a very reasoned debate on the matter :pDT_Xtremez_30:

Like Realist says I'm already drawing up my CV and am looking to do a load of courses over the next year to get a few more qualifications under my belt before I hit my 22 (24 in reality as I did 2 for the queen) next October.

My own gripe isn't whats happened to me but a drop in standards and respect for the rank. I have no problems commanding or leading my lads and lasses but I feel there are too many lilly livered SNCO's around today that make me cringe in how inept they are at doing there jobs. This coupled with the way the total disregard that some modern day WO/Officers show for the rank has personally made me consider my options. Like you say, if you don't like it then leave, which is what I fully intend to do, along with a couple of thousand other SNCO's that will be in front and behind me.

I love the RAF and will be sad to go but I can't stand here and watch the service i've longed to be part of ALL my life be torn apart by terrible decisions and doing thing the Army or Navy way. I thought we were the Aircraft operators in this whole story and if anybody should change the way they operate aircraft it should be the other two and not us. However, sad as it may seem I feel the RAF will be non existant within the next 10 years, but thats another thread/story.
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Rank Degredation

Rank Degredation

Unortunately all non-commissioned ranks withtin the RAF have been degraded. I left as a FS and felt the change from SGT to FS made little difference, still had to do the same task that I did as a SGT, guarding the gate etc. I left after bing a FS for 6 months as I could only see things going down hill, with JPA on the horizon and increasing OOA commitments there was nothing to stay for.