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Higher Pay Band Shiney
Think how many times you've looked fearfully over your shoulder in the past 3 months. I'm sure the prospect of doing that for the rest of your life is unpleasant, to put it mildly.

He wouldn't necessarily have to be nervous for the rest of his life - An absentee certainly used to be able to apply for amnesty if they have been absent for over 5 years.


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
(sigh) I remember a day when you simply had to return and reveal a degree of latent "sexual confusion" in the company of your colleagues; you would be off their hands faster than you could say "Extra safe condoms", but even bowling over the wicket is nothing out of the ordinary now.

You might wanna get access to a reasonable legal channel even before you prostrate yourself in sackcloth and ashes at the guardroom......as I recall, the Stn Cdr has only enough powers for 14 days in the pokey (could be wrong there). It sounds like it might get higher than that.


Generally you can expect a day for each day AWOL, therefore you're looking at around a 3 months sentence. As they have an incentive system in the glasshouse you will get a 3rd off your time if you play the game whilst in there. That leaves you with around 2 months to do.

When I (cough) visited the glasshouse most AWOL were soldiering on, but then again most of them were pongo's. Its relatively rare in the RAF but I guess you had your reasons.

If you hand yourself in rather than getting caught will go in your favour, and the RAF will have suspended your pay so you wont be a financial burdon whilst in hiding.
If you have binned your ID card you can expect a bigger sentence of desertion so I hope you still have it as the sentencing for that is much more serious.

It wont go away and you will eventually get caught so I would hand yourself in while the time you will be inside is relatively short. You can use the time in there to get yourself back into shape!!! PT is sh1t hot in there, and lots of fun!!!:pDT_Xtremez_30:

Hope this helps!


Out and Out!!

Out and Out!!

Just to let you all know i handed myself in and got 49 days and had to serve 33 days. during my time at MCTC the RAF put in for my discharge and was AD'd from Colchester. I was on D Coy at MCTC and there was no mandatory PT, just 3 meals a day and lock down from 18:00-19:00 and 20:00-07:00. Not a great place to be but not a bad one either!

Thanks for all the advice,

There is too much pink and fluffy consideration going on here!.
You have broken the law.Fact!
Regardless of the circumstances you went AWOL and made a concious decision to do so.
Lets stop and think about this from your work mates point of view. Its possible you left your section short handed. You had no consideration for your colleagues or chain of command, you only thought about yourself. Not to mention the awkward comprimising situation you left your family in. Then there is the Police wasting rescources and money on tracking you down and bringing you back.

Also you have taken up a valuable slot which somebody more deserving could have filled and possibly gone on to enjoy a rewarding career.

If you went AWOL besause of what you thought were compassionate reasons then you made the wrong choice. There are people who would bend over backwards to offer support should you have asked for it.

We all go through rough times but we dont run off at the slightest hint of trouble.

The bottom line is you are a lazy self centred good for nothing lay about, who deserves nothing more than a good kicking round the back of the hanger for wasting everybodies time.

Dont hand yourself in because at the moment you cant claim benefit or dole money as you are officially listed as absent, which means the honest law abiding taxpayer is not footing your bill. As for your wages I sincerely hope they were stopped as soon as you were listed as absent or at the very least they are being recovered.

On a professional note if you ever did come back and I knew you, I would make sure you never worked for me as you are completely untrustworthy and unreliable.

PS Glad Im not compiling your SJAR!


Hung Like a Baboon.
Staff member
1000+ Posts
There is too much pink and fluffy consideration going on here!.
You have broken the law.Fact!
Regardless of the circumstances you went AWOL and made a concious decision to do so.
Lets stop and think about this from your work mates point of view. Its possible you left your section short handed. You had no consideration for your colleagues or chain of command, you only thought about yourself. Not to mention the awkward comprimising situation you left your family in. Then there is the Police wasting rescources and money on tracking you down and bringing you back.

Also you have taken up a valuable slot which somebody more deserving could have filled and possibly gone on to enjoy a rewarding career.

If you went AWOL besause of what you thought were compassionate reasons then you made the wrong choice. There are people who would bend over backwards to offer support should you have asked for it.

We all go through rough times but we dont run off at the slightest hint of trouble.

The bottom line is you are a lazy self centred good for nothing lay about, who deserves nothing more than a good kicking round the back of the hanger for wasting everybodies time.

Dont hand yourself in because at the moment you cant claim benefit or dole money as you are officially listed as absent, which means the honest law abiding taxpayer is not footing your bill. As for your wages I sincerely hope they were stopped as soon as you were listed as absent or at the very least they are being recovered.

On a professional note if you ever did come back and I knew you, I would make sure you never worked for me as you are completely untrustworthy and unreliable.

PS Glad Im not compiling your SJAR!

Wipe the spittle from your mouth man! I think you'll find he has handed himself in and has done the time and as he's been AD'd won't be coming back either....


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
Just to let you all know i handed myself in and got 49 days and had to serve 33 days. during my time at MCTC the RAF put in for my discharge and was AD'd from Colchester. I was on D Coy at MCTC and there was no mandatory PT, just 3 meals a day and lock down from 18:00-19:00 and 20:00-07:00. Not a great place to be but not a bad one either!

Thanks for all the advice,


Youve done the time, now put it all behind you and look to the future. Everybody deserves a second chance don't mess yours up whatever you decide to do with your life from now on. Learn from your mistakes and your time in the RAF and I'm sure you'll be a better person for it.

All the best for the future.


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
skeedaddle said:
On a professional note if you ever did come back and I knew you, I would make sure you never worked for me as you are completely untrustworthy and unreliable.

PS Glad Im not compiling your SJAR!
and with an attitude like that I'm sure people are knocking at your door asking you got help.

Ps I'm glad I dont work for you.


Retired Rock Star 5.5.14
1000+ Posts
There is too much pink and fluffy consideration going on here!.
You have broken the law.Fact!
Regardless of the circumstances you went AWOL and made a concious decision to do so.
Lets stop and think about this from your work mates point of view. Its possible you left your section short handed. You had no consideration for your colleagues or chain of command, you only thought about yourself. Not to mention the awkward comprimising situation you left your family in. Then there is the Police wasting rescources and money on tracking you down and bringing you back.

Also you have taken up a valuable slot which somebody more deserving could have filled and possibly gone on to enjoy a rewarding career.

If you went AWOL besause of what you thought were compassionate reasons then you made the wrong choice. There are people who would bend over backwards to offer support should you have asked for it.

We all go through rough times but we dont run off at the slightest hint of trouble.

The bottom line is you are a lazy self centred good for nothing lay about, who deserves nothing more than a good kicking round the back of the hanger for wasting everybodies time.

Dont hand yourself in because at the moment you cant claim benefit or dole money as you are officially listed as absent, which means the honest law abiding taxpayer is not footing your bill. As for your wages I sincerely hope they were stopped as soon as you were listed as absent or at the very least they are being recovered.

On a professional note if you ever did come back and I knew you, I would make sure you never worked for me as you are completely untrustworthy and unreliable.

PS Glad Im not compiling your SJAR!

Did you read any of the thread FFS?

Thank goodness people like you with their finger not even close to the pulse are leaving soon.

Ex-Splitter and Proud

Flight Sergeant

All the best for the future in whatever you decide is best for your circumstances.

It's alright you being nicey nicey now, scuffer!:pDT_Xtremez_42: If your lot had been more pink and fluffy when the poor sod was in, then he might not have done a runner in the first place.


The Other Mods Made Me Do It
Personally, I think the lad had more minerals than most of the goat put together for coming on here and asking advice. Fair play to him for coming back after time at MCTC and telling us what actually happened.

Good luck in the future paddy.

Skeedledee, you are a first class ******.


Good luck Paddy. You've got the rest of your life ahead of you now, and no looking over your shoulder. :pDT_Xtremez_14:


Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
Good Luck Paddy.

You didn't miss much - it was a crappy summer anyway.

PS. If you ever feel the need to come back in, just tell em' you are you can get to 8.2 on the shuttle runs. Seems to be threshold criteria.


Geek Scuffer
It's alright you being nicey nicey now, scuffer!:pDT_Xtremez_42: If your lot had been more pink and fluffy when the poor sod was in, then he might not have done a runner in the first place.

Pfffft we dont do pink and fluffy we are all.......................Well cant say it here :)


There is too much pink and fluffy consideration going on here!.
You have broken the law.Fact!
Regardless of the circumstances you went AWOL and made a concious decision to do so.
Lets stop and think about this from your work mates point of view. Its possible you left your section short handed. You had no consideration for your colleagues or chain of command, you only thought about yourself. Not to mention the awkward comprimising situation you left your family in. Then there is the Police wasting rescources and money on tracking you down and bringing you back.

Also you have taken up a valuable slot which somebody more deserving could have filled and possibly gone on to enjoy a rewarding career.

If you went AWOL besause of what you thought were compassionate reasons then you made the wrong choice. There are people who would bend over backwards to offer support should you have asked for it.

We all go through rough times but we dont run off at the slightest hint of trouble.

The bottom line is you are a lazy self centred good for nothing lay about, who deserves nothing more than a good kicking round the back of the hanger for wasting everybodies time.

Dont hand yourself in because at the moment you cant claim benefit or dole money as you are officially listed as absent, which means the honest law abiding taxpayer is not footing your bill. As for your wages I sincerely hope they were stopped as soon as you were listed as absent or at the very least they are being recovered.

On a professional note if you ever did come back and I knew you, I would make sure you never worked for me as you are completely untrustworthy and unreliable.

PS Glad Im not compiling your SJAR!

Good luck Paddy, as for Skeedledee pull your head out of your ass and give the guy some credit, at least he admitted he was wrong and he turned himself in and did the time!

Give the guy break!


Master of my destiny
Paddy, for what it's worth, you'll be a better geezer for the experience you've had. Learn from it and enjoy whatever track you've chosen in life, good luck.:pDT_Xtremez_19: