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9 period teaching days

fat lazy techie

Flight Sergeant
Well it would seem that after a lengthy consultation period with all of his educational gurus harry stash, or camp common Dan you decide, has decided the 9 teaching period day is soon to be upon us. I say 9 teaching period as there is a tenth bolted on at the end for self study.
Now with certain people in the sausage factory seemingly incapable of coping with 8 teaching periods just how is this going to effect morale and sanity amongst the educating masses, both serving and civil serpent? Only time will tell but I have to say bravo sir for getting your days mixed up, April 1st is not yet upon us for some time.

I now shall wait patiently before I get hauled up to explain myself, or just generally abused by the e masses.


Grim Reaper 2016
1000+ Posts
Is that fitting existing lessons into a shorter lesson period or is the learning day being extended?

fat lazy techie

Flight Sergeant
Lesson periods are to stay the same length, period 9 is going to be shoehorned into the existing day length by reducing break times and moving lunch to the right (that's going to upset the fitness freaks) with period 10, the self study period, being bolted on at the end. As yet no clear direction has been given as to what this self study period is. Is it to be done in the block or place of study. Who's going to police it? Are the civil serpents go in to revolt as it's outside their contracted hours?

With the extensive consultation that's gone on with, and feedback given to, all the instructional staff as you can probably guess we're in the same shape as mushrooms. It would seem that this is the big man's dream so it's going to happen regardless and he's not going to let common sense get in his way.


Warrant Officer
Is that fitting existing lessons into a shorter lesson period or is the learning day being extended?

It is taking the existing 8 period timetable where each period is 50 minutes long and compressing each one down to 40 minutes whilst nicking some time from the lunch period we currently have - don't have a problem with the latter at all to be honest. You can then have 10 periods in one day, one of which is used for self study as FLT says. The end result is for someone, despite their protestations, to make a name for themselves while attracting all the usual benefits that go with that, as the person who transformed training, cutting the overall length of courses getting trainees through more rapidly.
It makes some quite astoundingly illiterate assumptions about how training is conducted and what the instructor has to do to plan a training day. It assumes each segment of time holds equal value as training time, whether its period 1 on Monday morning or 9 on Friday afternoon. It assumes that you can simply take the existing 8 period program and compress it down into the new 9 period timetable, a process which will create illogical breaks in the training sequence compounding a problem already implemented with the training 'pulse' idea whereby each segment of every day has a pre-determined activity occurring regardless of how the instructor actually wants to run his/her own course.
Overall it demonstrates quite perfectly that those empowered with making critical decisions about how training is conducted are dangerously clueless about what they are meddling with.


Ex-Harrier Mafia Member
1000+ Posts
What is this meant to be the cure for?

Is it because we are getting some thoroughbred idiots through onto the shop floor still?

A case in point, I've just finished a 'Q' Course were one lad (Literally just out of Cosford with his Cat's ********) has been refused the annotation. He passed the exams by the skin of his teeth but his general attitude throughout the course wasn't the best. What sealed his fate though would be not knowing how to test for an open circuit.......


Warrant Officer
What is this meant to be the cure for?

Getting the trainees through Cosford in a shorter period of time. Because those at the top don't actually understand the mechanics of the core business they are overseeing

Is it because we are getting some thoroughbred idiots through onto the shop floor still?

A case in point, I've just finished a 'Q' Course were one lad (Literally just out of Cosford with his Cat's ********) has been refused the annotation. He passed the exams by the skin of his teeth but his general attitude throughout the course wasn't the best. What sealed his fate though would be not knowing how to test for an open circuit.......

You are getting thoroughbred idiots because Cosford operates a 'they shall not fail' policy whereby exam failure becomes an inconvenience to be overcome by giving ownership of a trainee's failure to any available instructor throwing more ETT (extra tuition) at them regardless of their attitude and how much effort they themselves have put it. I have even heard the phrase 'how can we get this person through this exam' used, which reveals the underpinning psychology - trainee failure has to be fixed by us the instructors not they the trainee.
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Grim Reaper 2016
1000+ Posts
Looking at PSBs figures currently 8 x 50 = 400 minutes will be changed to 9 x 40 = 360 minutes + self study of 40 minutes.

Instructor 'face to face' time is reduced by 40 minutes per day. Has a new TNA been commissioned and who is going to be responsible for jigging the lessons and moving EOs & TOs around?

For the Service Instructors I doubt there is anything they can do apart from let the changes take effect and let those changes highlight the stupidity of it.

For the Civil Servants I would start working to the book regarding breaks and working hours and overtime requirements.

PS. If Stu Bettney is still there give him my regards. Robbie


Warrant Officer
Looking at PSBs figures currently 8 x 50 = 400 minutes will be changed to 9 x 40 = 360 minutes + self study of 40 minutes.

Instructor 'face to face' time is reduced by 40 minutes per day. Has a new TNA been commissioned and who is going to be responsible for jigging the lessons and moving EOs & TOs around?

For the Service Instructors I doubt there is anything they can do apart from let the changes take effect and let those changes highlight the stupidity of it.

For the Civil Servants I would start working to the book regarding breaks and working hours and overtime requirements.

PS. If Stu Bettney is still there give him my regards. Robbie

My bad, the new periods will be 45 mins long, training starts at 08:30 in the morning and after 5 periods with a 15 min break plus a laughable 5 min break at 11ish, finishes at 12:40. Afternoon starts at 1.40 and, after 4 periods and another 15 min break finishes at 4.55pm.
It is playing a simple numbers game with the finely tuned watch that is a training program.

The EOs and TOs won't, as I understand it, be moved around, a new profile will be issued fitting the whole thing into the new training day. So if under the existing system when I wrote the module I'm SME for, I set a certain number of periods for lessons with sessions of practical or simulator time inserted at logical places starting first thing in the morning, under the new system everything will be squeezed up leaving simulator sessions or practical spanning illogical breaks, e.g. we'll have to freeze the session in the Jag sim at 4:55 and recommence the following morning losing all the flow and logic.
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Warrant Officer
1000+ Posts
All this talk of not failing trainees, is there an attrition rate built into the number of trainees the raf wants and actually arriving at a station.


Grim Reaper 2016
1000+ Posts
They are going to gain 5 minutes 'face to face' instructor time per day = 1 lesson each 9 days.

How many days will it shorten the Airframe / Engines Technician course by?


Warrant Officer
They are going to gain 5 minutes 'face to face' instructor time per day = 1 lesson each 9 days.

How many days will it shorten the Airframe / Engines Technician course by?

Its not the number of minutes thats important in this instance, its the re-distribution of training periods. When I wrote the module I am SME for I set 8 periods (1 day) as being a reasonable amount of time in which to cover a particular topic. That is based on experience gained from knowing that instructor and trainee fatigue means that learning slows down in the afternoon and that the last period or so is dead time that is used for recap or doing workbooks or quizzes. Under this latest harebrained idea I now have 9 periods so must start period 1 of the next lesson at 1/4 past 4 or whatever - utterly ridiculous.
So over a period of 5 days I'd use 40 periods, they can now be squeezed into just under 4 1/2 days, a saving of 1 day every 10ish. As stated before its an idea based on specious reasoning, anyone who has ever sat in a classroom, anywhere, ever knows that towards the end of the day the instructor and the trainees begin to fatigue and what appears to be training time is actually dead time in which nothing useful is actually happening.
This is just one of a number of recent edicts that have been aimed at the instructors telling us how to do our job - even though the majority of those issuing the edicts don't themselves have any idea about what our role entails and those that do have blissful memories from over a decade ago and an opinion tainted by self-interest.
There is a drive from above to transform training and make it more akin to the classroom you see in schools where children are doing self-directed learning (Evidence Based Teaching) and using computers (VLE). I have nothing against either of those concepts but the increasing haranguing tone being adopted, warning of dire consequences if we don't comply, smacks of desperation to force change rather than allow it to happen by natural osmosis. Indeed, as is often the case with the forces, as one trendy idea becomes passe with the powers that be, the mainstream world is going 180 degrees the other way; trendy teaching ideas such as discovery learning have recently been condemned by Prof Coe of the Sutton education Trust. These are excerpts from the report and they are all things we, the instructors, have been saying but to no avail. because being right ina military environment is not a question of experience or qualification, it is of course a matter of how many and the thickness of, the bars on your shoulder.

It warns that many ‘common practices’, such as allowing youngsters to discover key ideas by themselves, are either ‘ineffective or inefficient’.

It says another popular technique, ‘discovery learning’, where pupils find key ideas by themselves, is also ineffective. The study says: ‘If teachers want them to learn new ideas, knowledge or methods they need to teach them directly.’

Professor Coe said: ‘Great teaching cannot be achieved by following a recipe, but there are some clear pointers in the research to approaches that are most likely to be effective, and to others, sometimes quite popular, that are not.

‘Teachers need to understand why, when and how a particular approach is likely to enhance students’ learning.’


Grim Reaper 2016
1000+ Posts
You are preaching to the converted here mate but reading between the lines the changes have been brought in to reduce the course length.

As an Instructional Designer I always incorporated a little bit of slack into each lesson to cover unseen eventualities but the Army proved that nothing could forsee the ability of their students.

It warns that many ‘common practices’, such as allowing youngsters to discover key ideas by themselves, are either ‘ineffective or inefficient’.
Students will always learn by curing a given problem by using previous experiences, knowledge and inventivness.

I wonder if they will remove all the 'pine pole' activities from the Cranditz courses?

Did you ever experience the Tornado ECS (CAI) lesson? (the one that starts with two engines, a bit of pipework and a cockpith with growbags).

Are the boffins making the changes educators or other specialities?


Warrant Officer
Are the boffins making the changes educators or other specialities?

Sorry, didn't mean to get all preachy - was doing so to a wider choir. Yes this is purely a course compression exercise being made in the name of bean counting and nobody is going to convince anyone here otherwise. As far as I'm aware the changes are being driven from the top, by one individual who I don't believe is an educator himself.
The feeling I am getting is as follows. This individual wants to see training transformed from the way its currently done and has been sold the EBT idea by a snake oil salesman who is bound to tell him what he wants to hear, and seen a VLE in action at Aston university, been wowed by it but kind of ignored the amount of time it takes to put these things together. He is becoming impatient by the inertia in the system that is preventing the changes from happening as fast as he thinks they should be but he wants to burn the candle from both ends. He wants his instructors in front of classes for the maximum contracted period of time but he also wants them to develop new stuff - staff at Aston university will be contracted to 22 hours contact time per week, plenty of non-contact time to work on new projects. We are contracted to a mind boggling 37.5 hours a week, unsustainable in the long term and certainly leaving no time for development, that's why it isn't happening.
So, with no obvious changes happening the ante is being upped - if the course is compressed and the time allocated reduced then instructors will be forced to change their modus-operandi, in other words its becoming vindictive and the language used ever more bullying and intense - if we don't change dire things will happen, etc etc.

[Edit]If I come over as pushy and even disrespectful of our current management here at Cosford then its because I believe they are wrong on many, many counts. Teaching is my job, I know how to do it and do it well. I have proven this over the years and gained professional qualifications in it. I don't need haranguing nor pushing into changing things under the threat of potential extinction if I don't comply; least not by people I consider less qualified than myself to be making such changes. Training is a finely tuned watch, if it needs fixing you do so with fine instruments not a sledgehammer.
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Flight Sergeant
1000+ Posts
PSB...Sorry to hear about your issues!

Fortunately in my last post I could build extra time into my courses meaning the courses would finish early. It was a small unit as well so had good communication links with line managers who were normally supportive. You are in the machination of Cosford unfortunately.

Personally I think the training day should be between 0900 and 1600. Obviously this would mean longer courses. But we would rather focus on 'Quality' of training rather than 'Quantity'. The mantra "But we are in the military" will be banded abound by those with the blue bars who obviously do not have a clue what is involved in teaching. They think you just turn up on the day. Also the teachers and the darlings being taught all need a break and there is only so much the brain can take no matter how intelligent you are.

As for ETT. Why?? A covering on a large scale. If extra time was built into the courses then differentiation in learning can be accounted for and dealt with without a lot of bureaucracy.

They don't take account of lesson prep, differentiation in learning, resources etc. And if they go VLE..that is a lot of hours to set up!!

Hope you get your issues dealt with as it doesn't sound pretty. Good luck.
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fat lazy techie

Flight Sergeant
Ah the management, or in the case of psbm's place the mother of all oxymorons. I'm just glad we don't share the same line manager otherwise I may well be looking for another job or a good defence solicitor.

Sad to say but the sausage factory image that Cosford has isn't going to get better any time soon, instead of producing goods for harrods it's more like asda smart price sausages that are being churned out. Why so much focus is placed on pass out on time rates than pass out because you have a brain, common sense and a bit of technical savvy is beyond me. Sadly it isn't going to be getting any better any time soon and the senior management are blind to the situation or just don't want to speak up as it may upset their SJAR/OJAR.

Rant on hold for the time being.....


Warrant Officer
PSB...Sorry to hear about your issues!

Thanks mate. Personally I'm desperate to find a way out and will look at any post away from the classroom even if it means taking a drop in allowances and/or salary. And I'm not the only one, some very experienced instructors who helped write the courses as they currently exist are planning a way out even if it means existing on a smaller pension. There has been a noticeable change in the disposition of many members of staff but at the end of the day we are just tools in a box to be used and then thrown back again.

As for ETT. Why?? A covering on a large scale. If extra time was built into the courses then differentiation in learning can be accounted for and dealt with without a lot of bureaucracy.

Because the plot has been well and truly lost, the management have genuinely lost sight of why we are here and what it is we are supposed to be doing and that includes the checks and balances that are put in place to make sure the trainees leave training as prepared as we can make them for what lies ahead. When a trainee fails an exam the question that should be asked is why? What don't they understand? Is this part of an underlying problem with their comprehension of the subject(s) etc etc. Instead the management look to instantly 'recover' that failure; if they scored between 50-60% they'll probably get to read their books and get a resit at the next opportunity. Less than 50% and a sliding scale of ETT is proposed; rarely if ever will this involve a complete reteach of the subject. Of course, to deliver the ETT they need to burn up more instructor time - the days when it was done on Saturday mornings are long in the past. It has to be shoehorned into and around the training program which will continue relentlessly, lunchtimes, admin periods and even at the same time as they are doing other tasks such as practical. The desperation to get the trainee to hit their graduation date is tangible; we've even given ETT to recover a failure after the individual has sat the final exam!
Oh and don't get me started on the practice of withholding exam results from trainees! In one instance the results were known on a Thursday but the failures were not informed until the following Monday. With the intervening Friday being a squadron force development day the trainees lost three whole days where they could have been studying their manuals free from learning new stuff. Its just mind boggling stupidity.


Totally agree with the last poster. After 18 years as civvy at Cosford following RAF service, I decided to retire early. RAF pension and teachers pension very nice.I was going to continue for a couple of years to age 65.
9 period day VLE EBT and other assorted garbage couipled with general dumbing down of the courses did it for me!
Thats without the additional joy of IDT students.
I genuinely enjoyed my time but thanks and goodbye.:pDT_Xtremez_28:
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Tin basher

Knackered Old ****
Staff member
1000+ Posts
The plot has been well and truly lost, the management have genuinely lost sight of why we are here and what it is we are supposed to be doing......... Its just mind boggling stupidity.

Agreed PSBM the whole idea is utterly ludicrous. Abandon and discard dear reader all notions of improvement, all notions of quality, all notions of what’s best for the trainee, think only of quicker, think only of cheaper, think only of chasing the next rung on the ladder, in fact think cheaper again. The training machine currently operates on an 8 period day so simplistically 80 periods of gen takes 10 working days to deliver. Now assume you are adept at counting beans, you could introduce without consultation a 9+1 =10 period teaching day and hey presto what once took 10 days should now only take 8 think of the ££’s saved, think of the kudos gained from afar, ignore the views of those at the coal face and disregard the pitiful whines of the union. You see Harry staish must show he is achieving something his predecessor did not but his target range is small. The pass rate is almost 100% so not much to be done there, the pass on time rate is pretty high to so not much wriggle room there either and the ETT bill just keeps climbing if you push staff to hard. The course has been compressed, leaned, reviewed and cut so many times it’s anorexic so it’s hard to find any more useable content to bin. The apparent solution is to force staff to do 10 things in a day where once they only did 8, however the length of the working day remains unaltered and an hour still includes all 60 of the usual minutes. The inclusion of a 5 minute tea break scheduled to occur between 11.50 to 11.55 is pure genius. Ludicrous in the extreme.

fat lazy techie

Flight Sergeant
Now here in lies the question, will ISS change the messing times to suit harry staish's whim and will the mirror monkeys change the directed PT times also to accommodate???? Watch the RAFFT pass rate stats change when people can't get to the gym and eat during lunchtimes. It's alright for all the other non instructional areas like PSF, Med Centre et al who this act of sheer idiocy is not going to effect in any way shape or form.

It doesn't help the likes of TB and PSBM when their line manager is an absolute delusional toss pot and out of touch with all that is reality it the current training environment and, so it would seem, more inclined to believe that student failure is down to the instructors and not the students inability to comprehend what it is they have just been taught despite the ability of the intructor.

Yes there is a place for evolution in the training environmet but surely only after a proper and conclusive consultation period involving all stakeholders involved in the process not just on the "Oh that seems likea good idea, I think I'll make it so. Wg Cdr Nudger do you agree? Oh yes sir absolutley, oh by the way how are you getting on with my OJAR?"