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"I was in Hitler's suicide bunker "


Warrant Officer
Found a small but quite interesting account of one of the last people to see Hitler alive in the final days of WWII


I didn't know that the wife of Goebbels killed her six children down there. (If only Adolf had called it quits and kept France and not gone to Russia alot of people would have lived though it, (And we'd all be alot happier)).

Talk Wrench

E-Goat addict
1000+ Posts

You should watch Downfall.

A very strong film showing the weaknesses of Hitler becoming more apparent during his final days and the killing of the Goebels children and murder-suicides of the Goebels themselves.


GD on Wheels


You should watch Downfall.

A very strong film showing the weaknesses of Hitler becoming more apparent during his final days and the killing of the Goebels children and murder-suicides of the Goebels themselves.

When I saw the film I knew what was coming and for what it is worth it was the most distressing part. After all it was not the childrens fault who their parents were. Such a cruel death.


Licensed Aircraft Engineer
1000+ Posts
Licensed A/C Eng
...or read the book "On Hitlers Mountain" Cant remember the Author.

The story of a girl growing up in Berchtesgarten from 1936-ish to 1960-ish - watching Kehlsteinhaus being built and the owners moving in (and out!) She also played with the nice Goebels girls and a few of the other "villagers".

I found it interesting because it explains a lot of my family's history - that is no longer documented - anywhere!


Warrant Officer
...or read the book "On Hitlers Mountain" Cant remember the Author.

The story of a girl growing up in Berchtesgarten from 1936-ish to 1960-ish - watching Kehlsteinhaus being built and the owners moving in (and out!) She also played with the nice Goebels girls and a few of the other "villagers".

I found it interesting because it explains a lot of my family's history - that is no longer documented - anywhere!

Sounds interesting, can you tell us more?


Not really interesting...but

Not really interesting...but

Not interesting but still bizzare when you think about it.

My current Project Manager comes from the same village as Adolf H.

And it is true...........Austrians are feckin slow.....in the head.
Not interesting but still bizzare when you think about it.

My current Project Manager comes from the same village as Adolf H.

And it is true...........Austrians are feckin slow.....in the head.

I have visited Braunau am Inn, there is a small memorial outside the house where AH born in memory of the victims of facism.
Also been to the where the site of his house was in Berchtesgarden,just an overgrown driveway and some odd bricks, you would never really know what was there.
Pub in Munich where he gave his early speeches the "Sterneckerbrau" is now an Apple shop!


Licensed Aircraft Engineer
1000+ Posts
Licensed A/C Eng
Sounds interesting, can you tell us more?

My Mom was a former member of the Hitler Youth (she was actually kicked out - but not for bad behaviour!)

My Grandad (Opa) was a Schreiner (Carpenter) between the Wars and this book explained why so many menfolk ended up as Schreiners - to do with the need for cheap furniture and lots of wood about. But this was the only industry left to turn to, after a severe depression in Germany which lead to the 1933 elections, I think, where AH got his first bite at the top. (1936 Olympics and then 1939...)

Incidently, Mom was later in the German Land Army as an Ack-Ack searchlight operator based near Soest - and Dad was a Para once flown across Soest towards Wismar - so she could have been firing at him then!

I still have Aunts, Uncles and Cousins in the Fatherland.

At one time, the NSDAP had everyone check their
family Bloodline/backgrounds to confirm their "Arian" heritage. Contray to beliefs many families found their backgrounds so mixed that most of the "Passports" were forged to cover up bloodlines - During the WW2 most of the RatHausen were destroyed containing many of the population records So many of the German population dont have family records going beyond WW2 - apart from family mementoes such as Photos, etc.

I have family Photos going back to my Oma's 18th birthday and of my Opa sitting at a cafe in Belgium in 1915 - with his Oberst!

I also have photos of Mom in her Ack-Ack uniform and Dad and his colleagues holding a captured Nazi Flag, Sten-guns slung over shoulders, etc.

You should have heard the reactions when I said I was Joining Up just 30 years later!
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Talk Wrench

E-Goat addict
1000+ Posts
Cool story Rigga,

It will also partly explain the German obsession with Massivholz furniture.

For those that don't know, it's apparently the done thing to stuff your house with furniture constructed from the chopped down wood of at least three forests.

And they still burn it like its going out of fashion.

Back on thread, the film Downfall is described on Wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Downfall_(film)

Interesting stuff!!



Warrant Officer
Very interesting post Rigga...

My mum was born in Dortmund in 1936 and lived through the war as a child, she lost some of her brothers to the war and one was strafed by a spitfire whilst on a train!

I remember going to her family house that still had machine gun holes in the side in the early 70's, (The house was sold in the late 90's and the new owner was chopping down a tree when his chainsaw was buggered by a bullet lodged in the trunk).

Towards the end they were given a, "Panzerfaust", (Anti tank weapon in todays' talk), to shoot at any advancing tanks coming up the road....

Needless to say they didn't use it knowing that the house would get flattened in return.

It used to still upset her over 50 years later and I'm sure the lads in our Forces today will never forget things they have been through.


Licensed Aircraft Engineer
1000+ Posts
Licensed A/C Eng
On Hitler's Mountain (my Nazi Childhood)
by Irmgard Hunt

ISBN 1 84354 459 8

Sleeve price of £15.99

Amazon & E-bay is probably a lot cheaper.

Like I said - it explained a lot of their recent history and attitudes to me, and, as we now know, there's nothing too different about Germans!

...Now... Ask me about my Dad's past in the Irish Republic - that is REALLY interesting....but for another thread.
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Talk Wrench

E-Goat addict
1000+ Posts
My Mom was a former member of the Hitler Youth (she was actually kicked out - but not for bad behaviour!)

My Grandad (Opa) was a Schreiner (Carpenter) between the Wars and this book explained why so many menfolk ended up as Schreiners - to do with the need for cheap furniture and lots of wood about. But this was the only industry left to turn to, after a severe depression in Germany which lead to the 1933 elections, I think, where AH got his first bite at the top. (1936 Olympics and then 1939...)

Incidently, Mom was later in the German Land Army as an Ack-Ack searchlight operator based near Soest - and Dad was a Para once flown across Soest towards Wismar - so she could have been firing at him then!

I still have Aunts, Uncles and Cousins in the Fatherland.

At one time, the NSDAP had everyone check their
family Bloodline/backgrounds to confirm their "Arian" heritage. Contray to beliefs many families found their backgrounds so mixed that most of the "Passports" were forged to cover up bloodlines - During the WW2 most of the RatHausen were destroyed containing many of the population records So many of the German population dont have family records going beyond WW2 - apart from family mementoes such as Photos, etc.

I have family Photos going back to my Oma's 18th birthday and of my Opa sitting at a cafe in Belgium in 1915 - with his Oberst!

I also have photos of Mom in her Ack-Ack uniform and Dad and his colleagues holding a captured Nazi Flag, Sten-guns slung over shoulders, etc.

You should have heard the reactions when I said I was Joining Up just 30 years later!

On Hitler's Mountain (my Nazi Childhood)
by Irmgard Hunt

ISBN 1 84354 459 8

Sleeve price of £15.99

Amazon & E-bay is probably a lot cheaper.

Like I said - it explained a lot of their recent history and attitudes to me, and, as we now know, there's nothing too different about Germans!

...Now... Ask me about my Dad's past in the Irish Republic - that is REALLY interesting....but for another thread.

Blo0dy hell.

Now I know why you work in the quality department :0


GD on Wheels

I did a job down south for a couple of days in the late eighties and being a blondie I got some strange but knowing looks off the locals.

Then a couple of years ago I visited the Eagles Nest and on getting off the bus a middle aged lady let me get off before her, a bit more grey this time but still fair ish in colour, and again gave the nod! So the old arian bit still exists. But then again there is some German blood in me.


Warrant Officer
I did a job down south for a couple of days in the late eighties and being a blondie I got some strange but knowing looks off the locals.

Then a couple of years ago I visited the Eagles Nest and on getting off the bus a middle aged lady let me get off before her, a bit more grey this time but still fair ish in colour, and again gave the nod! So the old arian bit still exists. But then again there is some German blood in me.

Well just as the UK has the NF / BNP, the Germans still have fans of Adolf and the Nazis.

And as has been discussed before... when recession and unemployment comes to town... The locals need someone to vent their anger on. :pDT_Xtremez_42:


Licensed Aircraft Engineer
1000+ Posts
Licensed A/C Eng
I did a job down south for a couple of days in the late eighties and being a blondie I got some strange but knowing looks off the locals.

Then a couple of years ago I visited the Eagles Nest and on getting off the bus a middle aged lady let me get off before her, a bit more grey this time but still fair ish in colour, and again gave the nod! So the old arian bit still exists. But then again there is some German blood in me.

You should visit the area around Goch, but especially Kleve (Anne "of Cleeves") and note all the families with Ginger hair - since the Jocks went through (no pun intended) in WW2.